
Where We Start Again


Nox Nightingale


4 Years

12-27-2020, 04:16 PM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2020, 01:04 PM by Nox Nightingale.)

Question me? All of your doubt feeds my desire.

There is one critical lesson that everyone must learn at some point… Nothing lasts forever. Families crumble, children move on with their lives, and lovers come and go. Civilizations and landscapes wane and wax in the natural cycle that is time. At one point, Nox thought she had the ability to defy the natural order. That she alone could escape the inescapable that was change. In the face of it, she had bare her teeth and stamped her feet like a child throwing a tantrum. That’s when denial kicked in and continuously funneled useless falsities so that she might avoid the truth. In a blink of an eye, she had nearly lost everything. Nox’s mate had abandoned her in her time of need. Diaval, her son, had chosen to stay behind, despite her desperate pleas and her daughters? Well, they were nowhere to be found. There was no more agonizing sensation than a mother’s grief. The trauma of their loss etched deep into her fibers, leaving scars that would never heal but hopefully would leave calluses instead.

As she listened to waves lap upon the pale shore, she swore she could hear their voices. The laughter of her children once brought her joy but now the effect was conflicting. Did they blame her for what happened and that was why their losses haunted her so? Nox likely would never know, but it was not the time to grieve. New lands meant opportunity, new faces to bow and smile to with the hopes she might draw something useful out of them. Honestly, she didn’t much feel like socializing, but there was no time to waste. The progress that she’d made in Candenta had been wiped clean. She had a clean slate, whether that be good or bad was up to debate.

Ebony strands lay conflicted against the sandy shore. Blue waves washed up, barely kissing her paws as she lay and stare out across the mirrored surface. She had never seen such a vast expanse of water. It made the shores of Candenta seem trivial. Nox dug her claws into the sand, finding the sensation of individual grains between her toes rather nostalgic. She remained there for some time with the hope that a stranger might find her interesting enough to come investigate or that someone familiar might come strike-up a conversation. Either way, she was content to stare out over the horizon and let her thoughts blank.

I'm gonna make my own empire.



3 Years
12-27-2020, 04:40 PM

Get up off your knees girl

Lupa laid on the rock as he has so many times over the last few weeks. It was hard watching Nox go through the hardships. Lupa had to force her to eat and drink the first week. The silence was killing him, and he so missed the talks he was so accustomed to. Lupa was also hurting as he missed the children. Most of all, he missed his friend. Lupa breathed in the salty sea air. It tickled his snout like a playful imp dancing on his tongue. He had never seen the sea before with the great expanse that laid before him. The sun was getting high in the sky when Lupa noticed a shift in his friend as she rose up from the spot that she had been sulking on for weeks.

Lupa hoped off the bolder and feet the sand squish between his toes. If he wasn’t so worried, he would be giddy. This place is better than the swamp. Lupa thought to himself. Someday I want to live where I can see this every day. He thought as he worked his way down the sand dune to the beach. Lupa approached his friend and brushed her shoulder lightly. “How are you today Nox. Are you hungry?” Lupa studied the food he left for her the night before and was pleased to see she had eaten some of it. “I miss them too, you know,” Lupa said as he comforted his friend. He could tell by now what she was thinking of, the hardened expression on her face said as much, but the pained look in her eyes said even more. But new lands mean new opportunities, new people, and second chances.

And stand face to face with your God.



6 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
12-29-2020, 01:40 PM
It seemed a small gathering of two had decided to converge on the shimmering shore. It wasnt a party until Keetie arrived, the assured pad of her paws beating on the shifting surface of the shore line. It was good to stretch her legs, but the allure of new conversation was greater then exercise and training. She slowed her pace, and angled her path to collide with the two strangers. The beach was pale in the sunlight, a far cry to the life if had shown the night before. With the shimmering tones like starlight that had danced on ocean and sand alike. That just meant that Keetie was the greatest view around, she could work with that. The vain, Starlit figure deserved her reputation.

The scarred wolves looked like fighters, chewed up in a war machine and spat back out again. Too tough and sinewy for the jaws of death. Camping on the shore alone as they were gave her the vibe of castaways, but she showed no caution as she approached. Stopped a polite length from them and giving a slight flick of her tail in greetings. Her smile was self assured and cocky, a pleased twist of her mouth. "Good day to the both of you"

Nox Nightingale


4 Years

12-29-2020, 02:47 PM
Question me? All of your doubt feeds my desire.

The sensation of another’s touch jolted her back to reality. She slowly craned her head back to look at the familiar face of her friend. His wide head blocked the sun as he loomed over her for a second. She scooted over slightly to allow him to sit as if there weren’t miles upon miles of beach for him to sit on already. He asked her a question and she shrugged. A faint sigh slipped past her cracked charcoal lips and she glanced over at him. “No… but I willed myself to take in some sustenance.” Grief often took precedence over bodily desires. In the first few weeks, she did not crave sleep, nor food or water. It was like a state of limbo or a brief glimpse into the afterlife. “My stomach would devour itself if I did not satiate it.” Hunger could at-times be as ravenous as the fires of ambition. Though she would have preferred the latter.

She stared out across the waves with a dull expression. When he spoke again, a twinge of pain settled in them momentarily before dissipating. “I know.” Nox inhaled shakily and forced the air out in a continuous stream. She had been selfish these past few weeks. So, swallowed by her own grief that she did not acknowledge his. He marched on without complaint, caring for her in those trying times. There was no-more faithful of a friend and she would be sure to thank him for it later in life when she could speak without choking. “They were as much yours, as they were mine...” Hell, he was more a father to her children than their biological father was. Damn the bastard. Nox just hoped that she would be able to see her girls again.

Dampened footsteps made the ears upon her crown twitch and swivel toward the sound. She needn’t strain too hard though for a confident voice came pouring forth like the waves themselves. Nox turned her head, stopping abruptly as her eyes settled on something as magnificent as it was strange. An assortment of peculiar colors glistened in the afternoon sun though their backdrop was more attuned to a midnight sky. How the colors lay across her canvas was quite like the aurora borealis. And to top it all off, an eye of ember and moonlit blue. She had only seen one case of heterochromia before and he had not adorned such a lovely coat. If the character behind it wasn’t so intriguing, she might have thought her coat would look rather nice on a mantle somewhere.

Nox tilted her head slightly, a momentary look of awe taking upon her features. It was not often she found herself surprised. “My, what an extraordinary thing you are.”Though something about that strut said that the beautiful creature knew that already. Something about the way she stood, reminded Nox of a younger self. Perhaps that head was a bit too big for those shoulders, but where was the harm in a compliment or two? “To who might we owe the pleasure? Oh, and after introductions do tell me where you got your colors. Is it paint?” Nox was genuinely curious. She had never seen such a creation before.

I'm gonna make my own empire.

Thanks to Bird for the table help!
Lupa is Nox's bodyguard and second-in-command. While she clearly does her own thing, he's usually not far behind unless instructed otherwise.

[Image: g1hkYWI.png]

Laying down my past I scream.

This is not the end of me.

Time to bury it or me.

I can't take back who I've been but this is where I'll start again.



3 Years
12-30-2020, 11:31 AM

Get up off your knees girl

Nox’s words melted his heart and he felt a wave of emotions, sadness, love, joy, and remorse… Different paths could have been taken, he thought. Before he could get sucked too deep into his thoughts, the sound of footsteps on the damp sand brought him to reality. Realizing they weren’t alone, Lupa jumped to attention and moved to a defensive posture slightly between Nox and the stranger. He internally beat himself up for letting his guard down, but what was done is done. Now on his paws, Lupa shook the sand from his coat. It was an interesting looking stranger with a pelt that reminded him of a stormy sea.

From beside him Nox called to the stranger. This also interested Lupa, as it was a unique coloring. Get gazed into the stranger’s eyes and a wave of sadness washed over him. Her eyes were just like his little sisters’ eyes. Guilt reared its evil head for a moment before being swatted back into its pit. “Hello.” Lupa added to the conversation sounding a bit uncertain. “Wonderful day don’t you think?” The beach was a remote place and Lupa wondered what brought this stranger way out here.

And stand face to face with your God.



6 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
01-07-2021, 11:37 PM

The strangers knew how to flatter. She took the look of awe in the expression of the black ghost as her due, but the words were a nice touch. Preening like the bird she was named for, she curled her tail about her paws and sat with natural grace and patience, long, elegant neck curved upwards, head tilted ever so subtly upwards. Pride could be this woman's middle name.

“Lorikeet Flame Aracari. But Keetie, please.”
She rolled her eyes up and down Nox slowly, carefully, taking the woman in. The motion seductive and appraising
“You're something to look at yourself.”
Keetie said, and meant it. Her coat wasn’t as vivid and outstanding as her own. But it was dark, sleek, and elegant. Her eyes were like little orange flames, bright and intense, and flattering. She chuckled softly at the question, and stood up, turning her shoulder inwards, closer to Nox.
“All real and flesh, feel for yourself”
she invited.

She glanced to the side, where the stranger's compion sat. A more muted presence , but gentle on the eyes with a ruffle of black and white fur. The eyes were similar to that of his friend - flaming, intense, orange.
“Hello back at you”
she said, her velvet voice almost a purr.
“You should see this place when the sun sets, if you think it's lovely now, it comes alive after dark.”


Nox Nightingale


4 Years

01-08-2021, 06:35 PM
Question me? All of your doubt feeds my desire.

Nox kept a watchful gaze over the stranger, not because she appeared dangerous, but because she simply couldn’t look away. However, she did notice the sudden movements her companion made. It was not often he found himself taken off-guard, which likely contributed to his shock. Nox would not blame him, he was simply looking out for her. Regardless, the monarch extended a leg and gave him a soft kick to encourage him to settle. There was no need to create tension. While the beauty was quite larger than either of them, Nox didn’t see a killer in those duel-shaded irises. Speaking of which, it seemed they took as much an interest in her as she did them. It only heightened her curiosity as to who the lovely flower was. Thankfully, there was a name to follow, although it was a mouthful.  Lorikeet Flame Aracari… Quite the exotic title. It would have passed as a stage-name.  Nox had half the mind to ask if she performed: Would that have been rude?

Either way, she was more than happy to stick with a nickname, formalities often made conversing uncomfortable.  “A pleasure, lovely Keetie.” Nox felt those eyes slither across her skin. She was not new to the attention, but it had been some time. It was a relief to know she still looked the part after everything that happened. “Nox Nightingale and this…” Nox elegantly gestured to her companion. “Is my dear friend, though I am sure he will want to introduce himself.” He seemed to be staring just as hard as she was, but perhaps for different reasons because his eyes had a soft almost pained sheen to them. Nox thought to ask him if he were alright, but not in front of the newcomer.

Compliments were often the easiest way to a narcissist's heart, but Keetie did not appear to be as selfish. Nox felt a twinge of warmth as she was granted a compliment. Whatever the case, she never hesitated to give praise when it was due. Nox knew something rare when she laid her eyes on it and she would certainly let it know. “Perhaps, but I take no shame in admitting you are the real show-stopper, darling.” Like a lazuli glistening in the moonlight, she presented herself for the world to see. Some might have found that behavior irritating but she found it delightful. Arrogance never looked very good on men, especially if their personality lacked flavor, but she could admire a confident woman.

An invitation was given to touch, and she wasn’t about to decline. Nox extended an arm, gently running her claws over the luminescent strands. The texture was attuned to silk, but a closer look revealed the density was thicker than that. Up-close the fur shimmered in mesmerizing ways when the light hit it. “You’ve a believer out of me.” Nox remarked, admiring the texture and color a bit longer before retracting her paw. “I certainly would love to know what galaxy you emerged from.” Were these lands home to any more bizarre and beautiful creatures? Or had she simply fallen from the skies like some sort of sentient shooting-star? The idea was romantic but unlikely to be a possibility. “Come alive? I admit I am very curious as to what you mean by that.” They had not noticed anything out of the ordinary so far, but perhaps that was because she’d been too depressed to notice. “So, what brings you to the sea-side? Did the ocean-view entice you or perhaps the promise of something shiny hiding in the sand?” Nox leaned back, crossed her paws, and fashioned a coy smile. Amber eyes darted to the patch of sand before them, not-so-subtly inviting their enticing guest for a conversation. Had Nox not wanted a conversation before? Well… she would make an exception.

I'm gonna make my own empire.

Thanks to Bird for the table help!
Lupa is Nox's bodyguard and second-in-command. While she clearly does her own thing, he's usually not far behind unless instructed otherwise.

[Image: g1hkYWI.png]

Laying down my past I scream.

This is not the end of me.

Time to bury it or me.

I can't take back who I've been but this is where I'll start again.