
Every Queen Needs A Castle

Nox Nightingale


4 Years

01-04-2021, 10:55 AM
Question me? All of your doubt feeds my desire.

After some time out in the wilds, her paws began to ache, and she tired of adventure. She returned to the place where it all started, a sun-bleached shore where the shore kissed the sea or vise versa. Though as soon as she returned, she felt the urge to leave again. Bad memories and sensations resided there, and she took great care in avoiding them. Not only that but winter was among them, so the time was nigh to search for a new place to call home. While her companion would have been content to join her, she thought it best to split-up as to cover more land… Or at least that is what she told him. Really, she sought some alone-time to work through her emotions in peace without simultaneously causing him concern. After agreeing to meet back up at a certain time, she headed off in a specific direction to scope out the place she had in mind since they arrived.

Loosely packed sand dunes turned into hardened frost-covered earth. In the distance loomed a sort of hazy mist that surrounded the place. Bits of stone protruded through the coverage and as she got closer, she could make out the overgrown remains of a castle. The marshes back home had such ruins hidden within them, but few weren’t swallowed by the swamp or weathered into dust. She used to live in a similar ruin and found endless entertainment exploring every hallway and secret passage. That was why she felt inclined to explore the inside of those stone walls. Well... that and to escape the cold.

Nox entered through a gap in the courtyard door. Wooden splinters and cracked bits of steel hanging loosely had caused the large door to split from its stone mold. She stepped inside embracing immediate relief as the structure shielded her from the wind. A stale scent seeped into the air. Beneath her paws was a tattered carpet that extended further inside. She could tell it was once red, but sunlight and time had bleached it a pale-tangerine. Each step stirred the dust into the air until flecks of it floated all about. Streams of muddled sunlight lit a dim path further into the ruin where dusty trinkets of all shapes and sizes remained: some disturbed and some set in time, exactly how they were left. Her eyes lit up, eyes catching on a particularly interesting object. It was a sort of husk of metal pushed against the wall. There were a few of them, come to think of it, but that set was one of the few that remained intact. Light reflected off the dust-coated steel in mesmerizing ways. She reached out simply to touch it before moving further down the corridor. When Nox turned a corner there was a red-door slightly ajar. It beckoned her into a room where she found not more suits of metal, but a room filled with books. Tattered remnants of knowledge were strewn about the floor as well sitting untouched on various shelves. She slipped past the door with ease and began sifting through dusty piles until she found a leather-bound book with an interesting cover.

Now, what secrets might your pages hold, I wonder?

I'm gonna make my own empire.

Thanks to Bird for the table help!
Lupa is Nox's bodyguard and second-in-command. While she clearly does her own thing, he's usually not far behind unless instructed otherwise.

[Image: g1hkYWI.png]

Laying down my past I scream.

This is not the end of me.

Time to bury it or me.

I can't take back who I've been but this is where I'll start again.



2 Years
Extra large
01-09-2021, 02:19 PM (This post was last modified: 01-09-2021, 02:20 PM by Adrianus.)

He couldn't recall when was the last time he ever visited this castle, this structure one only a king deserved to own, an emperor. He indeed could remember the day he came here and a bitch almost attacked him for it, like crazy shit. His eyes rolled upon the memory of such stupidity. Anyways he was well and that wouldn't make him scared, that was just something not worth fighting for. But here he was once more, minding his legs traveling through the fallen walls, through the stone made soil that felt firm under his large paws.

As always he walked with an air of superiority, of being greater than what he currently was. The son of a kind, heir to Heridanus throne, and yet he was here, far from home. With still the aspiration of someday bringing a piece of Heridanus here in Boreas. Or perhaps down here. Either way he wanted to grow as big it not bigger than his father's domain.

But he had yet a lot to learn, a lot to know. He walked unknown to the female who was lingering nearby. "Ill be the fucking best." He muttered as if that was the big shit, well for him it was.


This character is rated M due to language and actions.

Nox Nightingale


4 Years

01-10-2021, 12:08 AM
Question me? All of your doubt feeds my desire.

A pale-glow poured in through a partially cracked window. Whoever had left it open certainly did not expect it to remain that way. Nature battled its way in through the opening, withered vines clung to the cracked wooden surface with determination. Beneath the window-sill nature had poured in and caused the floor to pale and rot. A row of dusty shelves lay on the floor, some partially knocked over like a stack of dominos. Some books remained crushed underneath the shelves and others lay in piles beneath them as though deliberately placed.

Nox picked through the pile of disintegrating texts until she found one book kept intact. She carefully slid it from the pile and onto the floor. Unlike the other books, it was entirely bound in reddish leather which made it appear older than the others. On the inside, the pages looked roughly cut and fragile, as though simply flipping through them may cause them to crumble. Another difference between that book and the others was two metal-clasps, which she assumed used to hold some straps or binds that appeared to be missing. She tapped the metal-pieces with a claw and gently slid her paw down its spine.

With mild effort, she then flipped the tome over. In faded golden letters surrounded by a dimpled border read: An Adventurers Guide to Well… Adventuring. Nox snorted and gave the cover a loving pat. It seemed the author had a sense of humor. She tenderly flipped the cover open to the first page. Despite the initial assumption that the pages were frail, they appeared intact and quite thick. There was clear damage around the corners, likely due to some pest with a hunger for knowledge. However, it was to be expected of a book so old. Cautious not to scuff the leather, she slid it across the ground onto a dank rug nestled in a corner that was shielded by a wooden shelf. Buzzing with anticipation she flipped past the colophon and onto the prologue.

To my dearest Amara… who left after I refused to give up my lust for adventure.

Throughout this book, I reference my own adventures and share the knowledge I have acquired on my journeys. The contents of this text are for those with a wild and restless heart. Those with the insatiable hunger for discovery quite like mine. Or perhaps those looking for a window into another world without even having to leave their beds. Whatever the case, welcome and know… Adventure is out there, you must only have the courage to seek it.


It was strange to view the writing of a creature not-only of a different species but of a time far before her own. Her eyes darted across the page, anticipation building as she turned to the first chapter. About that time, she heard groans of protest as something heavy moved across the floor. Nox’s ears twitched but she did not look up from her book. She would not have been surprised if the fortress was haunted, or the more likely answer, occupied by other creatures. Unfortunately, that mystery had no time to build suspense before the entity spoke.

The words were clear enough that she surmised whoever or whatever, was on the other side of the shelf. Their tone suggested they were agitated and despite this, she felt inclined to respond. “Bold claim, an admirable spark of ambition, but actions speak louder than words, dear.” She remarked continuing to skim through the book. Nox wondered if there were multiple guests or just one having a one-sided conversation with himself. Nox couldn't judge if it were the latter, she was missing a few marbles herself. Either way, she was open to sharing the space or making a swift exit with her prize if need-be.

I'm gonna make my own empire.

Thanks to Bird for the table help!
Lupa is Nox's bodyguard and second-in-command. While she clearly does her own thing, he's usually not far behind unless instructed otherwise.

[Image: g1hkYWI.png]

Laying down my past I scream.

This is not the end of me.

Time to bury it or me.

I can't take back who I've been but this is where I'll start again.