
Sentinel on the Trail


Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
01-10-2021, 12:36 AM (This post was last modified: 01-11-2021, 10:15 PM by Cairo II.)

He’d paused on his way home, sitting at the southern end of the Fjord and chewing a strip of bison jerky by the waterside. It was tough and took a lot of work to get down, but he didn’t mind the effort at all. He used the time it took to map out the trail ahead, picking the best route up the Fjord that he could see.

He’d come down through the Fjord on his way to Auster, but going up was another deal. Some trails were better for going down than they were for going up. When he was decided on a pathway, he rose, and Chrystal flew ahead, gliding through the dusky evening light.

Shaking out his chocolate coat, armor and cloak rattling, he started forward with a sigh, tail swaying at hip height behind him as he started up the trail Chrystal had picked out. He was careful, taking his time and leaning close to the wall. He still remembered vividly the feeling of the ground dropping from under his paws, and the feeling of falling, crashing and striking stones on a very bumpy crash course down a mountain side. He didn’t want more broken legs and ribs, or to drown in the fjord.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



3 Years
01-10-2021, 11:04 PM

Asuka Omori

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop

The terrain was difficult to navigate, and being a stranger to this land was not making it any easier on the woman. The sun was drifting toward the horizon, casting a warm light that was soothing to her. Soon night would fall, and she would feel much more at ease with the cloak of darkness around her. Her travels so far had not been pleasant, but she was determined to complete her quest... eventually. Huddled within the comforting closeness of the trees and brush, Asuka had planned to wait out these last moments of light before creeping from her foxhole and moving steadily north.

A distant sound caught her attention, heart immediately beating faster as her anxiety gripped her chest. Someone was near - but not too near, judging by the sound itself. She attempted to slow her breathing, gritting her teeth as she ran through a handful of scenarios in her mind. In the end, she decided a small peek wouldn't be harmful; with the sound seemingly a distance away, she could quickly check and scuttle back to the brush. Carefully and every so quietly, the dark woman rose from the ground and took a half step forward, just enough to stretch out her neck from the brittle vegetation and peer over the ledge. Dual-colored gaze looked up and down the wall before movement caught her attention. Her body froze as she watched the other creature from her perch above, eventually coming to the conclusion that it was another wolf with accessories.

The other's fur caused her throat to constrict, her breath catching as she stared. The pattern... Asuka blinked a few times, bringing the man into focus as she pushed her hopes away; no, this was a stranger - not one of her brethren. A icy bath of reality washed over her neck and down her spine, freezing her in place as the stranger moved steadily closer. It wasn't until the shape of the rocky wall began to cut him off from her view that she realized she was still staring - and needed to move back fast. She shifted her weight and duck back into the brush and an unmistakable crack sounded ever so clearly. Eyes dropped to her front paw, a stick broken in two beneath it. No no no no no... Panic rose, the back of her throat stinging with bile. I was careful. I've been so careful. This mantra looped in her mind as she shuffled back to the safety of the brush, making even more noise in her fear-stricken state. Please don't notice, please don't notice... Asuka flattened herself to the ground and clamped her eyes shut, attempting to make herself as small as possible.

Talk talk talk is all you do
Thinking is too much work

Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
01-10-2021, 11:29 PM

It was Chrystal who spotted the monochromatic-splotched woman ahead, well before she’d spotted Cairo. The owl coasted silently back down the trail, dropping lightly with a click of her beak and a soft warning of someone ahead. Cairo glanced ahead, ears perking in mild surprise at the resounding crack of a branch.

He barely caught a glimpse of the smaller wolf before she ducked out of sight with a thrash of undergrowth. Another woman alarmed by his appearance. He frowned slightly, but there was only one way to go to get home, and this path was it; so, he continued on, picking his way carefully.

He came upon her, flattened out like a fawn in its hiding spot, eyes clamped shut. If she hadn’t had a look of deadly terror in the lines of her features, and hadn’t stunk of the emotion, he’d have wondered if she was playing hide and seek.

One ear flicked back, head cocking as he asked slowly, “Arrrre you alright, miss?”

His accent was educated (posh English to you or I), and tone thoroughly baffled, but not unfriendly, as he lowered himself to his belly, hind legs bracing against the grade of the hill, fore-paws draping ahead, purposefully making himself less… large.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



3 Years
01-11-2021, 09:09 PM

Asuka Omori

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop

The sound of the stranger approaching was unmistakable, but so frozen in terror Asuka could not will her muscles to move. Instead she focused on attempting to become invisible, somehow, in the brush. A voice, masculine and quite questioning, poked at her meager defenses, and she flinched when that first, drawn out syllable hit her. The woman was so anxious that the nature of his words took a few moments to sink in, even though absolute silence followed. A blue eye opened in a slit, easily finding the larger male opposite her and laying on the ground. Her other eye opened quickly after that, mostly in shock. What is he doing?

Chin still resting on her paws, her eyes scanned his features as his words circled back to her, finally registering what he had said. There wasn't the slightest hint of aggression on him, aside from being dressed to the teeth for war... or traveling? Slowly, a gray-splattered head rose, though the rest of her remained still. She regarded him for a moment more, taking note of the placement of his limbs. "I'm fine," she said meekly, her quiet voice hoarse from unuse. Her own accent was hard to discern in just two crackling words, but she soon spoke again in the same hushed tone, bright eyes jumping about his features. "Who are you?" Her words flowed with less gravel this time, her cadence allowing each word to be fully pronounced without clipping another. Her question was not one of accusation, but she desperately needed to know who this was on the ground with her.

Talk talk talk is all you do
Thinking is too much work

Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
01-11-2021, 10:12 PM

She flinched at his voice, but he held steady, head cocked slightly, as slowly, her eyes opened; first one, then the other quickly followed, both eyes registering… shock? Probably, she’d expected to be attacked.

She looked him over, and slowly, she seemed to regain some confidence, as her head lifted slowly. He noted her study of his posture, and lazily, he let his hips list to the side, hind legs sprawling to one side, tail flopping to trail down the middle of the trail.

He didn’t quite believe her claim to being fine, but he gave no sign of it, head tilting a little further as she asked after his identity.

“Cairo Adravendi, Sentinel – or one of the Betas – of Valhalla, a pack in the west of Boreas.”

He tossed his head in a gesture to the northwest, though Aerie’s border was much closer than Valhallan lands. Chrystal dropped to perch on his back, and he tilted his head back at the owl, adding, “And this is Chrystal, my friend and companion.”

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



3 Years
01-11-2021, 10:30 PM

Asuka Omori

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop

As if to ease her fear further, the stranger relaxed fully, and Asuka found herself almost following suit - almost. Her muscles twitched as she caught herself beginning to unwind, her body remaining upright and rigid. He answered her question promptly, and easily - which surprised her. Her expression was still tense and painted with fear, but her gaze was sharp as she watched him. He gave his title along with his name, and even pointed out where where he belonged. Her eyes instinctually followed the direction he indicated before snapping back. So there was at least one pack here, and perhaps nearby, depending on how big this Boreas was. The woman let out a small sigh as she tucked away the information he provided, making a mental note to avoid the northwest. Asuka couldn't help but to jump yet again when a bird dropped to the man's back, her wings so silent that she hadn't the chance to even glance at her before she was settled. Curiosity began to chip through her frozen fear, moving slightly from her spot on the ground to try and get a better view of his supposed friend.

The brush beneath her was finally starting to let itself be known, and she couldn't help but shift her weight to try and find a more comfortable cowering spot. She met the man's eyes again, a sense of self winning against her constant mood; it would be impolite to not introduce herself after he offered so much freely. "Asuka Omori." The tip of her muzzle dipped ever so minutely, her true native language shining through as she spoke her name. "Where was the battle?" Eyes dropped to the armor upon his back for a moment, before sense reminded her that she was not here to make friends with a stranger. Her gaze was suddenly averted, shifting uneasily again.

Talk talk talk is all you do
Thinking is too much work

Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
01-11-2021, 10:58 PM

He was observant. She was spooked, cautious, and had jumped visibly at Chrystal’s arrival. But she did introduce herself, and he nodded easily, good-natured smile warming his features. At her query, he gave a brief puzzled hum, before he realized she meant his armor.

“Oh! No battle. I just don’t tend to go without it often unless I’m off duty at home. When travelling it’s best to be prepared. We wolves aren’t the largest predators out there, and my armor’s saved me from a few nasty wounds, though not this set.”

He stretched his forelegs, toes wiggling to show the sharpened bear claws attached to the toe-covers of his bracers. “I also use these for skinning deer and other hunting kills, as well as having an edge in a fight. Makes the more delicate parts of the chore easier, so I don’t damage the hide. If I space my toes right the claws make good slices of meat for drying and making jerky.”

He was cheerful, aware of the good quality of what he’d made, though he added, “They’re my first bracers I ever made, so I could probably use to make them better now that I’m more experienced in the craft.”

She was still cautious, so he didn’t press for any information from her. She seemed… almost at war with herself. One breath she seemed almost wanting to relax, the next she’d tense as though suddenly reminded that he was a possible threat. He could understand that. He was larger than she, and she was a lone female for all intents and purposes.

Not knowing her actual past, he could still guess it was possibly similar to Malalia’s. But her accent was wrong for having been anywhere around Lia’s past. They shared no similarities that he could pin down.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



3 Years
01-12-2021, 08:13 PM

Asuka Omori

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop

He was confused at first, before her question clicked and the proverbial lightbulb flickered. He explained there was no battle and why he was wearing his gear, and she could relate all too much. The fur along her back twitched, still feeling quite naked without her own armor to hide in. The feel of the worn leather was an unfortunately distant memory. Asuka focused back to Cairo just in time to see him stretch out to show off his gauntlets, her eyes widening. They were beautiful. She forgot her fear and anxiety as he explained how he used them, thinking the hunting application was quite clever. She was more interested in how they would fair in battle. As she was admiring them, he mentioned that he had made the bracers himself, and her eyes lifted to see his face aglow; he must really enjoy his craft. He had also mentioned the back armor was not his first set. Her curiosity was most certainly engaged now, her anxieties dropping to the wayside like a discarded shawl... for now.

"Your craftsmanship seems quite good," she praised quietly, stress lines all but erased from her features. She of course could not tell for sure just how well his armor was made without inspecting it closer, but she would definitely not be asking to do so. "Clever," she murmured as she motioned toward his claws, echoing her earlier thoughts. This subject seemed to be one of his favorites, so she opted to continue; it was nice to talk about something familiar. "How long have you been creating?" Asuka viewed any sort of crafting as an artform, and in her opinion it took years to become a master. She was still quite the novice herself, but it was obvious the male opposite her had some experience.

Talk talk talk is all you do
Thinking is too much work

Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
01-14-2021, 07:17 PM

It seemed that, for the time being, he’d found a way to bring out something other than wariness and a doe-like inclination to bolt. She’d become fascinated by the craftsmanship of the armor and bracers. He accepted the praise with a humble nod, though he still eyed the bracers with intents to tighten them up a bit, and improve where he could on them.

At her question, he tilted his head, thinking. “I believe I started at… two years? I’m three now, so roughly a year. I had a lot of help from a packmate who loves to craft.”

He glanced back at his main armor with a light side, adding, “Unfortunately my first set of body armor is gone for good. In the most ridiculously unbelievable way, too.”

Rhae’a jaw had about hit the wall beneath their paws when he told her about it getting eaten by plants of all things. If he hadn’t been there, he’d have thought the wolf telling the tale had eaten a mushroom.

His tail was patting the ground in an easy rhythm as he chatted about his craft, tone relaxed and cheerful.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



3 Years
01-17-2021, 09:57 PM

Asuka Omori

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop

Her company was quick to answer her questions, even if he had to think for just a moment. Asuka listened intently, though the uncomfortable ground was starting to irritate her more as time went on. She offered a nod back to the chocolate man, exhaling as she murmured, "Packmate." The word was more for her than he obviously, as if she was trying to get used to the idea of packs. How would she feel when he finally finished her quest, and found her clan she had been searching for all this time? Would she feel just as timid? Or would she actually revel in finding them?

Pushing her ever-constant worries aside, she nodded again at his words. "For just a year in your craft, your work is still more than acceptable." It may not have sounded like much, but it was a true compliment from Asuka. His next comment about his body armor caught her by surprise, her brows furrowing just slightly as she waited for just a moment for him to elaborate. He offered no further explanation though, and she could not help but ask, her voice a little more animated than before. "Unbelievable how?" There was a little edge to her words, almost as if it was a challenge; she had seen many unbelievable things in her life, so she wondered just how improbable he was talking.

Talk talk talk is all you do
Thinking is too much work

Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
01-19-2021, 01:33 AM

He caught her murmur, as well as the small signs of her discomfort, and he wondered if her background was similar to Rhaegara’s, where wolves called packs by other terms, like tribes or clans or kingdoms.

Still, his smile accepted her compliment. He’d captured her interest, most definitely, and he cocked his head in thought, thinking to himself that she’d probably think he was telling a tall, windy tale as he said, a little embarrassment touching his tone, “Ehm… carnivorous plants. Enito, a Mandrill monkey and one of my other friends, said it was like a giant… I think he said, Venus Fly Trap. If those were anything like the plants we came up against, I seriously pity the flies where those grow.”

The thought brought a quick shudder to his frame, features grimacing in a comical wrinkle, tongue poking out before he composed himself. “That was a pretty crazy adventure overall.”

He tilted his head, glancing down into the fjord’s bottom as he proposed, “Care to walk a bit? That ground can’t be comfortable.”

Said he who was sprawled out like a great hunting dog over the stony pathway as though it were soft sand on the beach.

He left the floor open to her, waiting for her decision instead of moving first. He wasn’t keen on spooking the woman when the steep drop on one side threatened to welcome an incautious traveler.

Then a thought occurred and he added, "Are you hungry at all? I have extra travel jerky on me, and I don't mind sharing."

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



3 Years
01-29-2021, 09:51 PM

Asuka Omori

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop

He was slow to answer, his awkwardness slightly apparent to her, but she remained still, eagerly waiting his explanation. And when he gave it, her head drew back a little in disbelief, her brow cocking curiously. What is this place?? she thought to herself, beginning to wonder if she should have come at all. Cairo shuddered and made a face, which managed to smooth her skepticism, but just slightly. Her tone, however, hid none of it. "Is that a... normal adventure, around here?" A single ear tilted off to the side, still staring at her companion with wide, questioning eyes. Luckily, though, he suggested that they get up to stretch, and Asuka's thoughts were torn away. Leaving the comfort of the brush was not something she was wont to do, but her bones aches as she shifted against the cold ground again. Hesitation gripped her tightly, eyes darting between the man opposite and their surroundings. As pleasant as this conversation had been so far, she truly could not yet trust him. However, he remained still, seemingly waiting for her to make the decision.

And then Cairo offered a snack. She tried hard not to show excitement, but she was sure the saliva already gathering in her maw would spill over soon. After a second more of deliberation, she gave a small nod, both ears slicking back. This stranger was unusually kind, and she was just waiting for the other paw to drop to ruin this interaction. "You are remarkably kind." Asuka nearly whispered her words, afraid speaking too loud would cause the scene to vanish. She ventured to ask another question, her tone gaining a bit in volume. "What called you from home?"

Talk talk talk is all you do
Thinking is too much work

Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
01-29-2021, 10:41 PM (This post was last modified: 01-29-2021, 10:42 PM by Cairo II.)

Her skepticism was obvious, but at her question, he couldn’t help the rich laugh that escaped with his words, “Ho-ho, no. Not nearly like that. That was one of the most bizarre days of my life.”

She was again suddenly wary as his suggestion settled on her ears, but the man was patient. However the mention of food brought a wholly positive reaction. She must not have eaten recently, and he twisted his head about, nudging open the flap of one pouch and pulling out a packet made from thin leather.

He set the packet at her paws, shifting back to give her room as he tugged a loose strip of the same meat from the pouch, the offer of the unopened package clear.

He chewed, half smiling at her remark and responding, “I do my best.”

At her more boldly spoken question, he shrugged. “My Spirit was getting that look again, and I was recently promoted. She wanted me to take a vacation of sorts before I take up my full duties. She’d have booted me out to go exploring if I waited too much longer.”

Fondness warmed his already genuine features and voice, and he chuckled on the last statement.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



3 Years
01-31-2021, 10:26 PM

Asuka Omori

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop

Asuka's doubts were calmed just slightly by the male's assurance that his adventure was not a regular occurrence, but she still had her doubts. Her thoughts, however, were quickly forgotten when he reached back into one of his bags and pulled out a small package made from leather. He pushed it close, and the smell of the meat inside tickled her nose in a way that made her stomach instantly growl. Her eyes returned to him to find him chewing on what she assumed to be the same meat he had offered, and Asuka had to control herself to not tear open the packet at her paws. One paw lifted to pin the leather case to the floor while she nosed open the flap and quickly pulled out a strip. It was tough, but her teeth made quick work as her hunger rose and devoured the meat.

Pink tongue found all the bits of stray meat along her lips, nose huffing at the ground directly beneath her to make sure she had gotten every last crumb. Satisfied, she pushed the empty leather case back toward him as best she could, her tail giving a quickly, gentle wag in gratitude. "Thank you," she murmured, as she began to process what it was he had been talking about while she chomped away at the jerky. She wasn't familiar with the terms he was using, but she felt comfortable enough to voice her confusion. It's amazing how a little bit of meat on the stomach would make one feel. "Spirit?" She assumed it was a leader of sorts in his clan, since he had mentioned being promoted. She also wasn't too familiar on what a vacation was, or why he would take one when his clan needed him, but she held those questions to herself, waiting to hear his explanation.

Tentatively, she pushed herself up, but didn't move forward. She thought stretching her limbs would feel better than being cramped in the brush for now, and her current company seemed trustworthy enough so far. Asuka waited for him to make the first move, though, not wanting to rush his patience.

Talk talk talk is all you do
Thinking is too much work

Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
02-15-2021, 03:11 AM

The Sentinel sat back, letting Asuka eat her fill. At her thanks, he nodded easily, tail tapping softly at the ground. He grinned at her puzzled query, and, as she slowly rose, he waited a few beats and rose to his paws, almost immediately dropping into a lengthy, bowing stretch, limbs quivering in a groan before straightening again.

“Spirit, in our pack, means Alpha, Or Leader…. Or Queen. If she were male, she’d be King. Prior to her renaming the pack and redoing the ranks, her rank would have been called Archangel, and a Beta’s rank would have been Shield, same for both male and female.”

The information was a morsel that posed no threat to Valhalla as it stood now. Those ranks were long since dead. Once he sensed she was waiting on him to move next, he nodded up the trail in invitation. It was just wide enough for two fair-sized wolves to walk abreast, and he offered to take the lead a bit, figuring she’d much prefer to be behind him than in front, where the sense of being followed might be enough to bring out the anxiety again.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



3 Years
03-02-2021, 08:54 PM

Asuka Omori

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop

She listened intently as he explained the different names his pack had, trying to not look as confused as she felt. She wondered if all the packs here in this land had odd names - not only for their moniker, but also the various ranks within. She gave a little shake to her head to dash the curiosity away; she had another things to focus on. Cairo nodded toward the trail he had previously been on, and she gingerly picked through the litter toward the packed ground. She moved a bit further down, allowing him to take the lead. Her legs began to burn as she worked out the mild cramps and general disuse of them, almost enjoying the feeling. It reminded her of how her muscles would feel after an intense training session, and a pang of yearning burned her chest.

"Interesting names," she said finally, eyes lifting to look at his back ahead of her. "If you must return to your Spirit, your home... please, do not let me hold you. I am of no consequence to your duty to them." Duty and loyalty were extremely important to the woman, so she would not allow herself to be the reason he was late reporting back or missing out on something. "I appreciate what you've done for a stranger." She offered her thanks again, gaze dropping to the side to peer at their surroundings.

Talk talk talk is all you do
Thinking is too much work