Adulthood is realizing no one's a hero
Master Fighter (245)
Master Hunter (240)
6 Years
6 Years
01-14-2021, 05:11 PM
It was late in the day, the sun would be setting soon, and his chores had long since finished. He was wandering along the beach, and caught the scent of Hana. He hadn’t seen much of his old friend, not since the not-fight they had had on the Ashen beach. He had met Hika not long after, and had thrown himself into a fast friendship with the white boy.
Now, faced with Hanas scent, and the memory of the pain her words had brought him, her rejection, he wondered. Was Hika a bandaid? Was Mortis… a terrible person? When Malalia had gone missing, he had thrown himself into his friendship with Hana, and now Hika. He wanted to be a steady, reliable friend. Instead, he seemed to go through friendships like claws through flesh.
His breath stained the chilly winter air with frost, as he turned away from Hana’s scent. He didn’t know how to fix what he had done to their friendship, and seeing Hana now just hurt. He intended to head back to his den, but when he turned he realised he had been so lost in his thoughts he hadn’t seen his mother there. He wiped the hurt from his face and put on a smile. Hoping she hadn’t seen.
“Mum! Your horns are finished growing again”
he said, throwing out a topic as quick as he could. "Speech"