
Winter blues



The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
01-03-2021, 10:18 PM
The cold had crept in so fast and it caught the slender girl off guard. All of the leaves that she had been watching grow and waiting for the perfect time to pick were now wilted and browned. She sat in front of a boneset plant that was right on the outskirts of the Hot Springs which she had been particularly excited about with her ears folded back with disappointment and a frown on her lips. It had been too small and little for her to harvest much from before and now she'd have to wait till spring and hope that the winter wouldn't completely kill it. She sighed and got up to move back toward the middle of the territory, going to the edge of one of the steaming pools of water. Even though it was super, super cold at least the water was still nice and warm. She wouldn't get in the water necessarily because then she'd be stuck in the cold while she dried, but even just sitting near them was better than sitting in the cold without the nearby warmth.

She knew it was silly to be so dejected about a dying plant, but when most of her time was filled with collecting and studying them it was hard not to be. Now that wasn't really an option and she felt a bit lost. It felt like there was so much time in her day to fill now and she didn't know was to do. Pouting a little to herself, she flopped down next to the Hot Springs and let her front paws dangle into the water, kicking them around a bit and splashing the water one way and another. There was still the herbs to study in the healer's tent at least, but she had gone through those more times than she could count. With a slightly dramatic sigh she sat her head down on the ground beside her while she waited for something interesting to come along and cure her boredom.

Walk | "Talk" | think



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
01-08-2021, 10:06 AM

The work never ended. Especially now that she'd decided they would leave for new lands. The snow had just begun to fall for the season but it was falling fast. At this rate they would have to convert the cart into a sled to make their way south. The ashen fae had been sorting through various items, deciding what to leave and what to take. After hours of sorting, she began to go cross eyed. Minus one eye, anyway. A break was in order.

Large paws took the woman to the springs. Thought it was cold, she could very well do with a soak. To her surprise, Gwynevere lay at the edge of one pool. Moving forward, Resin nosed the fur atop her daughters head and rumbled softly, though she said nothing just yet. Moving a short distance off, the black and grey woman began to stoke the large fire that they kept burning beside the springs to help dry those that decided to take a dip.

As Resin stacked the wood and coaxed the coals into flame, she case a sidelong glance at the dejected girl. "Is there anything that you wish to speak about?" She wasn't the most supportive or the best conversationalist, especially to girls, but she would give it her best shot.


[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
01-08-2021, 11:38 PM
The sound of her mother's paw steps got her attention first and her ears perked at the noise and she turned her head to look back over her shoulder to look at Resin's scarred face with a little smile, giggling softly when she nosed the top of her head. Even though she was still pretty down in the dumps over the loss of her plants, she was at least happy that she got to spend a bit of time with her mom. A side effect of keeping to herself most of the time was that she didn't see her mom or momma all that much, mostly just in the morning and evening when all of her other siblings were around too. It didn't bother her since she kind of liked the independence, but it was still something that she realized whenever she did happen to get a bit of one on one time with one of them. "Hi, mom," she greeted and then watched as Resin went to go build up the fire near by.

Eventually a question got turned to her and she realized that she must have still been carrying some of that disappointment in her expression without really realizing it. Her ears flicked with embarrassment and she glanced away to look at her paws. She felt awfully silly complaining about the plants dying when she knew her mother had much bigger problems and responsibilities to worry about, but... she did ask, right? "The boneset plant I was growing died because of the cold," she admitted, giving a little glance up at Resin's one eyed gaze. "And all the other herbs I usually pick around here are all gone too... It got cold too fast and I didn't get a chance to harvest them all." She frowned and gave a little pout as she looked at the ground again, her ears folding back dejectedly. She was mostly sad that they were all dead or dying, but she also just didn't know what to do with herself now. What did healers do when there was no herbs to gather and no one that needed healing?

Walk | "Talk" | think



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
01-18-2021, 03:36 AM

As she fed the fire, Gwyn shared what was on her mind. Resin was on the opposite end of being a healer. It was easier to kill than to keep something alive. The child had hoped to keep her plants alive long enough to harvest and it hadn't worked out. With the fire crackling away and consuming the wood hungrily, Resin moved away from it and seated herself beside the dejected girl. "Winter came quickly. Even the plants weren't prepared for it." Again she nuzzled the top of Gwyn's head. "All we can do is move on and try to be better prepared for the following season. The plants that die sink back into the earth to feed the next generation of plants. There will be more boneset plants. More of everything."

Resin tried to think of what healers did in the winter. Usually she simply left them to their own devices and called on them when needed. What did they really do though? "I think that healers focus on dried plants during the winter. They prepare as much as possible in case of emergencies. I know your older sister, Iolaire, crafts things and makes pottery to hold her herbs." She wasn't sure if this would help the girl, but she honestly didn't know much of healing at all.


[Image: GreYdcM.gif]