
Darkened Spirits




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
01-18-2021, 04:39 AM

Sad. Aslatiel was sad. The Hallows had moved from the hot springs nearby all the way down to some castle in Auster. What was a castle anyway other than some high stacked stone? What made it special enough to move to? With the Hallows had gone Indigo; the only wolf in the world that she loved beyond measure. What was she going to do with herself now? The only thing that she had to look forward to was their birthday. They would be two years old and she had made a promise. A promise that she was ready and willing to keep.

Depressed and moping, the cream and grey young lady made her way back into Armada lands. She didn't even know why she was here. Her parents were absorbed in their new brood of rodents. Azure was up Hanako's tail. Bas had been absent. Kaizer as well. Naiche was her only friend in the Armada. Hey... maybe she would seek out Naiche. Maybe he would cheer her up. If anything, she could annoy him for a while.

Altering her course, she made her way towards the den that Naiche called home. "Naiche," she called out, though not with the usual swagger in her tones. "Are you home?"

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
01-20-2021, 10:08 PM

Naiche was generally an active wolf however he had taken more breaks these last few days.  Bad enough his fur wasn’t growing in as fast as he wanted in this miserable weather.  Now the young wolf was also contending with the hurt over Rue’s death.  The moment he was to go out in public it meant putting on a façade of being fine.  Naiche had learned to do it well enough but it was all the more reason he needed time alone to drop the mask of being fine and take time to allow himself to mourn.

Naiche had been curled up in a tight ball on top of one fur with several others pressed around him with that polar bear cloak lying atop him. Warmth.  With all the pelts about him, he could find warmth for a period of time.  His mind was trying to decide where to focus itself on past or present when he heard Asla’s voice.  Asla coming to his den?  At first, Naiche felt a smirk expecting trouble as he recalled the other instances of her seeking him out.  It was less than the beat of a heart to realize this was for something different as he acknowledged her tone.

“I am.  Come warm up.”  Naiche raised his head up and partially uncurled, at least straightening up his front legs.  Grabbing a pelt that came loose he did toss it across his paws.  Nothing wrong with staying warm while they chatted about whatever was chewing on her.  

Naiche thought to ask right off if something was wrong but decided to leave that up to her to speak of or not.  Her different tone left that as the main guess since otherwise wouldn’t she have made a different sort of greeting?  Sometimes though you want to speak of what's wrong and sometimes you just want the company.  Naiche was slowly learning some rather hard lessons in the most unwanted of ways.    “Plenty of furs if you want.”  This place used to be Tamsyn’s before she’d moved in with Resin.  It had been pretty well stocked on furs before he’d even arrived.

Speech:"Live to fight" Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
01-23-2021, 06:24 AM

The instant that Naiche answered and invited her inside, Asla slipped her body into the den. Her eyes adjusted to the altered lighting and she saw him nestled in a pile of furs with one large polar bear fur draped over him. The yellow wolf gave her a choice of furs, but that wasn't what she wanted. Moving forward, Asla pushed the polar bear fur aside and slid her slender body along the length of Naiche's. They would share the same fur whether he liked it or not. Physical contact was what she needed to stay afloat. Once under the fur, she tugged it in place with her teeth, making sure that Naiche was still covered. She then sighed and rested her head between her paws.

"How are you feeling?" Rather than speak about herself, she would ask about him first. It had been some time since he'd discovered that his friend had been killed. Asla had gone off with The Hallows shortly after and had only just returned. The fact that he was here, curled up in bed rather than out being the busy body that he was just proved to her that something wasn't right. Shifting her head slightly, she looked upon him with one swirling purple eye.

Once they discussed him and how he was doing, maybe she'd tell him about her own pains. Or maybe she'd just keep them to herself and wallow for a while. Afterall, Azure was the only wolf that knew just how she felt about Indigo. Her experiences with the world told her just how others would react to their love for one another. If Naiche looked down on her for feeling that she couldn't control... Well... it would end their friendship. That wasn't something that she was ready for. And so, if he asked, she would simply have to tell him that she was sad because her brother was so far away. Family family family and all that. She couldn't tell him that her soul was wrenched in two, drawn and quartered and thrown to the four corners. She couldn't tell him that, without Indigo beside her, she was incapable of feeling whole. She couldn't tell him that Indigo was the only wolf that she would ever love. The only wolf that she would ever want to spend her life with. And so she looked at Naiche expectantly. Waiting for him to share news of himself so she didn't have to think about her own woes.

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
01-23-2021, 03:01 PM

Naiche seemed surprised for a second when she helped herself to move up against him and sharing his cloak, but it only took him a second to realize how it should have been expected.  When Asla was upset she liked being close and when she felt playful she liked being close.  Basically, she always liked contact.

Looking at her head down between her paws he was more sure something was up.  That said her first question was instead of how he was.  She could really be such a pain but, sometimes so caring.  Certainly, there were different facets to her and Naiche had to wonder how many saw the sauntering princess in this demeanor.  Was she like him to try and hide it in public?

“Mm, I’ll be alright.  The moment I walk out of the den I’ll look it.” Lowering his own head, he rested it lightly on top of Asla’s neck.  She seemed to need comfort and liked physical contact.  In his den, no one else should see it if he offered a little more support.  No one but Pan at least he was in a corner going mostly unnoticed but Naiche didn’t miss those small open eyes watching.

There was a bit of quiet before adding, “Sometimes I just have to get away.  I don’t like looking weak, I refuse too.” Naiche let out his own sigh, and even if not audible with his head on her neck it could still be felt.  “I feel like I’ve already experienced a lot of death.  Maybe it's not actually a lot, I don’t know how common it is for most.  I ignore it and go about life but sometimes,” that halting again before adding, “I just need to quit ignoring it.”  It hurts.  He couldn’t say that last part.  Naiche already felt he was acting overly whiny with what he was sharing.  Of course, bottling things up could make it hurt more and he was getting to learn that well but it was necessary.  

“It’s also cold,” the words added in with dryer humor.  “I had an incident that cost me a good bit of fur.  So it's also good to get out of this damnable cold winter.”  He couldn’t argue the fact that another wolf's body heat against his was nice.  Naiche wouldn’t admit it, but actually, the support of Asla next to him, his head on her right now felt pretty good for his emotions as well.  Never, never should that be mentioned.  Naiche was not some emotional softy who was in close contact.  The gold-coated wolf was too proud to acknowledge such a thing.

Time to look for another discussion point.  “What about you?  I haven’t seen you here for a bit.”  He didn’t bother to share that she looked upset even as the thought floated through his mind, surely she knew how she felt.  “You listened to me, fair trade if you like.”

Speech:"Live to fight" Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
01-23-2021, 11:58 PM

Naiche didn't give the slightest protest as she worked her way beneath the fur with him. Their similarly sized bodies fit well together, though not as well as hers and Indigo's. Asla liked to be encompassed by his giant frame. It made her feel safe and warm. Nose to nose, tail to tail, Naiche and Asla were close to the same size. As such, she felt the warmth of him fully and no bit was left out to chill.

Settled down, the creamy fae was a little surprised when he placed his head atop her own. It wasn't unwelcome at all. She was simply surprised that he'd chosen to show such affection. Then again, they weren't out in the public eye. The mischievous side of Asla wondered if she could weasel a kiss out of him while they were in here, but her somber mood overshadowed any ambition for kissing. Besides, it seemed as though he was still upset as well. His mask would go back on when he left the den and no one would be the wiser.

The yellow wolf continued of his own accord, telling her that he had simply needed some time to himself. And here she was invading his alone time. She was thankful that he cared enough to allow her to do so. She needed a friend right now and maybe he needed one as well. She could feel the pain in his words. Pain that he held onto and tucked away when he was out of his den. It meant a lot that he chose to share it with her. Raising one grey and white paw, she placed it over one of his larger golden ones. Though she'd never been the most even tempered of wolves, she wanted him to know that she was here for him. As the months took her further from being a yearling and closer to her birthday, Aslatiel was maturing. She was learning more of the world and the wolves in it. Surprisingly, she was rather intuitive. Simple physical contact would do more than words, she felt, and so, Naiche could have as much of her as he needed right now.

Moments later the sadness was gone and his muted snark was back. It was bloody cold. She almost grinned, but when he mentioned an incident, her grin faltered. She turned her head just enough to catch sight of him with one purple eye. "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" Well look. Now she was worried. He didn't seem to be in any pain and so she calmed somewhat, but wouldn't know completely until he confirmed the fact.

And then the spotlight was turned to her. Ears tucked back for a moment and she kept her silence until she was ready to form the words. "I've been in The Hallows with Indigo. They left the hot springs and are setting up the pack in Auster. I went halfway with them." It had been a long journey and the lonely walk all the way back had been filled with tears and sadness. It was easy to cry when you were alone. She wouldn't cry in front of anyone in the pack. Tears solved nothing anyway and as Naiche said, it was too damn cold. A good wind could make them freeze right to your fur. "I'm going to miss him," she continued. "I can't just go see him whenever I want now. I just feel and emptiness. A hole inside." It was more than she intended to say and she only realized it after she spoke. She sighed and curled her body against his a little bit more. Life sucked sometimes.


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2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
01-24-2021, 12:28 AM

It was interesting how their relationship had changed since he arrived.  She had gone from an annoyance that deserved to be tolerated for her fighting skills and as a packmate to someone he could find solace in or offer solace in more private conversations.  Amazingly the nuisance had turned into a good friend.

She hadn’t thrown any mockery at him recently but then again she hadn’t been around for a bit.  She placed her paw over his, which he noticed and felt a bit of warmth but didn’t bother moving his head for her to see a bit of a small smile at the attempt for kindness.  Who would have expected that from the snarky princess?

Naiche hadn’t expected her response to his incident, assuming that since he didn’t complain about it the fur loss would be passed by. “I’m fine, just some good bruises and some raw skin in areas.  Somehow going through a tight spot in a cave lost me a lot more fur than seemed practical and,” a pause as it still seemed ludicrous, “made me a bit shorter somehow.  The place was strange.” That was enough for now.  Certainly, he could offer her a tale of the strange experience but it would break the moment of sharing on more sobering topics.

Indigo was her brother as the first simple reasoning but by consideration, she seemed to care for him more than the others.  Naiche hadn’t kept up too much with Asla’s personal life but it was clear that the parting of this particular brother hurt her more.  How close had they been?  By her look close enough to cause an ache that would resonate with his own even if not for the precise same reasons.

He tried to imagine up some positive words to help put a better light on things for her but nothing came to mind.  So a few seconds of searching silence passed, but his head remained where it was nor did he move away from paw to show any sign of wanting to separate or think less by her words.  “I wish I could fix it for you.”  The words were offered with sincerity.  Naiche remembered the old him that would snort away such concerns as again more weakness.  Growing up over the last few seasons and the experiences seemed to be helping him mature also and learn the world was not so black and white as weak or strong.  Sometimes it was ok to be weak, just not showing it off to the world.

“I should still patrol in a bit, check on things.” The words were said hesitantly, not because of the tasks but what words he was preparing for, “but if you want you could stay here tonight.  I can’t take away the pain, but I can at least be near if it helps.”  She seemed to like contact as a way to feel better, that was the only thing he could think of to offer.  He didn’t want the world to know about his own weakness but he wouldn’t mind Asla being aware of it.  Honestly, he wouldn’t say it but it was nice sharing it with one other wolf.  It seemed they both had an understanding of shared pain. “Besides, as mentioned it's cold.  The place would be a bit warmer if shared.”  

It was such an awkward thing.  He trusted Asla to realize it was only for comfort he made the offer but he damn sure hoped no other wolves learned of it.  Some might get the wrong idea.  Naiche would take the risk this time though.  If any wolf did learn of it and tried to tease or make assumptions Naiche would just be sure to make them change their mind through one way or another.


[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
01-24-2021, 01:15 AM

Concern etched her brow as she waited for him to tell her if he was okay. An ordeal that left him battered, bruised, shorter and without fur? What in the hell had he gotten himself into? It made her a little angry that he would take such risks, but she couldn't be too mad about it. Didn't she take risks all the time? Her tones were joking, but there was also a seriousness to them. "I risked my life to save you from that boar. Don't go throwing it away now." What would she do if something happened to Naiche? Probably chain him to his den and never let him leave again.

After laying out her own reason for sadness, Naiche softly spoke again. Asla was... touched. When had he become so kind? It seemed like just yesterday that they were throwing insults back and forth and beating each other up at the drop of a hat. She would kiss him out of spite every time that she won, too. These days, she sometimes wanted to kiss him for other reasons.

"Thanks, Golden Boy," she whispered in the end. The paw that rested on his shifted, scooping it towards her so that she could rest her muzzle on his paw instead of the ground. She liked being here, nestled so close with him. Though they had always had a sense of rivalry between them, Naiche was one wolf that she could be herself around in the good times and the bad. For that, she would always hold him dear.

Would the surprises never end? Hesitantly, Naiche offered her a place to stay for the night. He wanted her here all night long? Cuddling? The man that hated her for battling for kisses? Shocker. A soft chuckle drifted from the young woman and she really couldn't hold it back. Curling her body so that she lay on her side would force Naiche to raise his head, but she did it anyway. Lifting one foreleg, she draped it over his golden shoulders and pulled him in close, wrapping her other foreleg around his neck so that she could give him a full on hug. "Just stay with me," she whispered softly. "I'll patrol with you later." They could make a day of it unless he wanted his privacy for some reason. Now that Indigo was gone, Asla would need someone to rely on. With Bas pretty much missing, Naiche would be her target.

Again she gave him a squeeze before resting her cheek against him. A little yawn pulled from her. It had been such a long walk. "What do you say, Golden Boy?"


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2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
01-24-2021, 01:45 AM

All he needed was a reminder that he’d nearly gotten Asla killed.  She had pointed out before he wasn’t at fault but logic was sometimes hard to acknowledge. “I won’t.” He thought about teasing her of who it was that decided they’d go take on a lion but it would be saved for another time.  He would be sure to use it though and there was no doubt opportunity would present itself.

Naiche let her move his paw and lay her head on it.  This was getting more awkward for him by the second.  There was no harm in it when had they gotten to a point in friendship for this? His head raised up as she moved, for a moment thinking it would get back to something more normal but then this? Let no one ever, ever see this?  Once again he imagined her as one of his little sisters and with a resigned sigh helped ooch himself in closer as she pulled.  This was closer contact than he was comfortable with by a mile.  

She wanted him to not go on his patrol?  Admittedly he made more patrols than technically required but the idea of not working while awake seemed a foreign thought to Naiche most of the time.  There were patrols to be done, training to not lose his fighting edge, making sure to keep at least keep an eye out on the other wolves in case there were any obvious problems.  The smallish wolf didn’t need to be asked to do work, it was part of his own expectations.

The idea of not doing his job was out of the question. His tongue felt thick as he imagined saying he couldn’t.  Apparently denying her request was even more unacceptable.  Maybe this was also watching over the pack and caring for one of its members?  It was in a sense.  This wasn’t generally what he imagined for checking on them, but he just couldn’t shun her right now.  He couldn’t even pull away from the akward hug.
A resigned sigh as he lifted his head, gave his sister-like friend a small lick on her cheek before laying his head down.  “Yah, sure. Rest up.”  

Between Asla and all the fur’s it was certainly a pleasant warmth in the den now.  It was awkward, but if Naiche let himself it could be comfortable.  But, she was pressed up against him, which meant he shouldn’t let himself be comfortable.  Naiche’s eyes again checked that no one was looking in his den.  Not like anyone ever did but he had felt the need to check.  Letting out a slow exhale he let himself relax a bit more.  He’d had some stressful times recently and having someone who could understand that was helpful. His breaths became easier.  She was hurting and she was family in his mind.  He’d protect her and help the pain, maybe even take some comfort in return from it.


[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
01-25-2021, 06:18 AM

He was so warm and she was so comfortable. Having pulled him against her, Asla didn't open her eyes again. Her paws were achy from having walked so far and her body and mind both were purely exhausted. If Naiche just stayed where he was, she'd fall fast asleep. Being here with him would let her sleep in comfort and safety. That was something that she needed right now. Something that he could give to her if she coerced him into it. No doubt he'd never think about it on his own. Dumb, thick boy brain and all.

Asla could feel how tense their close proximity made him. His body went rigid and he resisted her pulling for a time. Eventually though, he gave in. With a sigh, the striped girl wiggled closer, getting herself comfortable. Hind legs were outstretched and she rested her belly against his side. The paw that had been draped over his shoulders now tucked up against her chest. She scooped his paw up on top of hers, using it as a pillow for her cheek. He was free to do as he wished. She wouldn't hold him against his will. Well... now that he'd agreed, anyway.

"Thanks, Naiche." Again she yawned, curling her chin inward so that her nose was nestled against his shoulder. Still, her eyes weren't open. Their shared warmth was multiplied by the furs and the whole culmination of warmth, physical contact and exhaustion took their toll. Aslatiel fell asleep quickly and soundly, getting some much needed rest.


[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
02-02-2021, 09:40 PM

Naiche truly didn’t have a cuddling bone in his body.  So Asla’s preference for contact was a thing he couldn’t understand but the cloaked wolf could at least accept it. He let her arrange him as she wanted.  Naiche kept his head raised to watch her make herself comfy.  Moving his paw to be her pillow made Naiche picturing himself as just another one of the many fur’s to maneuver just right to be kept warm.

A note of thanks and she really was falling asleep on him.  Naiche hadn’t been so touchy with another wolf since a small pup with his siblings and parents.  His eyes looked around his den as if he might find an answer to what to do with himself now.  He didn’t want to move overly and disturb Asla sleeping but laying his own head down seemed strange also.  Perhaps the one bit of good news was that Asla was the only female who had shown this sort of desire for comfort through touch.

That thought reminded him of little Rue and betting she might have been similar with her naivete but maybe not since she’d been living alone?  That brought a familiar ache in his stomach, letting out a slow sigh and taking one more glance to his den making sure no one was looking.  Generally, he’d lay his own head between or on a paw but Asla had use of the one paw.  Naiche almost laid his head on top of hers but after a moment just rested his head so it was near her own.  The young man closed his eyes but he wasn’t overly tired. He would drift in and out of sleep where the smaller sounds would set him alert.  There was a patrol to do.  How long would Asla sleep?  Did it matter? He had failed to protect Rue when she needed it.  Naiche wouldn’t make that mistake again.  Naiche wouldn’t fail Asla so if she needed him to then Naiche would just stay here until morning sun was overhead.  Admittedly, it was nice and warm now.


[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
02-03-2021, 06:05 AM

As Aslatiel slept beside her friend, she gradually began to dream. We won't go into the details of that dream, but they were very purple. The girl cried silent tears as she slept, most likely wetting the paw beneath her cheek. Even in sleep she missed Indigo. The world just wasn't a fair place by any means. If you wanted something, you had to work for it. Had to fight for it. Well... they were doing both. Asla hoped that this plan they'd enacted would benefit them both. During their time apart they would grow in skill and confidence. They would learn to live without one another in return for the times in between where they came crashing together like a tsunami on the rocks.

How long she slept, she wasn't really sure. When the striped girl was roused from sleep, the position of the sun had changed. She blinked a few times, feeling the damp fur around her eyes. Asla sat up and quickly ran a paw over the tear marks, willing them away. Naiche couldn't see her like that. Tears were weakness. And sleep tears? She'd never live it down. Without another word, the young woman pushed out of the den, squinting against the glaring sun. She didn't rush off immediately, instead she sat off to the side and breathed in the cool winter air. Ghosts of steam escaped her nose as she repeatedly inhaled and exhaled. Again she swiped a paw over her damp eyes as she tried to harness her resolve.

Okay. Today was the first day with Indigo half a world away. She had urged him to distract himself, to learn and grow. Surely she should be doing the same. Really though... all she wanted to do was curl up in her den and sleep until summer.


[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
02-06-2021, 12:21 AM

Luckily for Asla, Naiche had been in enough of a doze to miss the tears. However, he hadn’t been so sleepy as to miss her getting up.  Even if he had been deeply asleep it would have likely woken him soon enough when the level of heat suddenly dropped.  Naiche let out a deep exhale, not bothering to rush after Asla the moment she got up, that would be weird.  Lots of things with Asla were weird.  Naiche took a moment to decide that simply had to do with Asla’s ability to surprise him on what personality he'd be facing.  Maybe it was just both of them growing up that was killing off some of the snottiness? Maybe.  It could also be a temporary truce while they both dealt with their own inner turmoil.  

Naiche brushed aside thinking too hard on it.  Asla had walked out and it was time and past time Naiche got back to work.  The golden wolf had to admit he felt a little more rested even if the sleep had been a light one.  At some point, Naiche had managed to relax and with that inner tensions he had been holding onto also eased some. Getting up he took a moment for a good stretch and shake, readjusting his cloak a bit after to make sure it was on even.  With that done he walked out, glancing at Asla as he recalled what they had spoken of earlier, “So, you were going to patrol with me now I believe?” They had already opened up on what hurt them, neither needed to whine about it a second time so soon. After all, Asla had traded time together in the den for time together patrolling.  Back to work and showing oneself with pride while doing so.


[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
02-06-2021, 01:57 AM

By the time Naiche pulled himself from the den and approached her, the tears were gone. In it's place was her typical confident smile. She was appreciative that he'd gone against his normal routine for her. He'd suffered in silence while she took what she needed from him. The least she could do was give him something in return, so when he requested that she join him on his patrol, she instantly agreed. Honestly, she wasn't ready to stop spending time with the golden wolf just yet. One more moment of awkwardness for him before they could be on their way. Rising from her place, the young woman leaned over and placed a soft kiss on one golden cheek. "Thanks, Golden Boy. I really needed that." Her voice was soft and sincere. Very unlike her normal confident tones. Quick as a flash, the moment was over and she was back to business.

Stepping back, she gave a little stretch, loosening her long, lean muscles. Long were the days of puppy fat. She had thinned out, becoming as long and lean as a wolf of her stature could manage. Asla dropped her forelegs and chest to the ground, hips remaining upright as she stretched. The lady's striped tail lashed back and forth a few times before she righted herself with a drawn out sigh. Turning her plum colored gaze to the brute beside her, she nodded. "Lead the way." In this instance, she would be happy to follow.


[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
02-06-2021, 11:26 AM

Now, here he was suggesting she spend more time with him and she had to kiss him.  Admittedly he was just holding her to the offer she made but they were out in the open now!  Even if they didn’t see anyone right nearby, it was just the way things worked.  Naiche’s ears flicked backward with that look of familiar irritation at the kiss.  Maybe it didn’t come with quite the same ire of dislike, now more of a tolerant version but it still had to show itself.  Then she was thanking him and it didn’t seem right to keep his ears back at that, so they eased up to a normal relaxed position.  “Sure, a, anyway it was cold.”  The word anyway was thrust in to replace the word he had almost said of ‘anytime’, and the cold a half-baked excuse versus any notion of actually also enjoying it.  The many things he just refused to acknowledge.

When Asla suggested he lead the way Naiche felt a bit of amusement at it.  There was no big smile or any such giveaway but somehow the eyes able to show their own bit of merriment.  Asla had led them to a lion, Asla had lead them to the hunting – though admittedly that made sense.  It was simply the fact that for several times they had been around each other this was likely the first time she had let him lead.  Carrying her didn’t count at all since he was the only one walking.

Naiche was content to walk in companionable silence to the river unless Asla had the intent to start up a conversation.  The water was colder than preferred but certainly refreshing.  His fur was growing back under the cloak but not as fast as he wished.  The cloak was doing its job though of keeping away the worst of the cold.  Winter was even more unpleasant than last year.  Thank goodness the sun was still up to help with the warmth.  “Well, time to see if anything that needs to be scared off or killed along the border then.” As much as anything it was just words to fill the void.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
02-06-2021, 02:53 PM

Ah, there it was. A flash of his old annoyance with her. The tucked ears brought a sweet little grin to Asla's face before the moment passed. She told him to lead the way and he did so. The young woman eased into a comfortable pace beside him. They walked together to the river and Asla stopped to wet her tongue before they would be on their way running the perimeter.

Naiche surprised her by being the first to speak. His words were there simply to fill the silence and she offered a nod in response. She was content to move along silently if he was, but eventually she would have to tease him again. She simply couldn't help herself. His reactions were always so satisfying and, honestly, he was pretty cute when he was flustered.

After a while of patrolling, Asla's pace slowed to a stop. The pair were atop one of the few hills of the plains. From here, they could look out over the grassy territory. The girl cast a sidelong glance at her companion. "You know..." she began, taking one sidestep closer to her yellow friend, "it's going to be a long, cold winter. You're alone. I'm alone. We could keep each other warm at night. Mutually beneficial, you know." Amusement glittered in her purple pools, but she was quite serious about the offer. No one would begrudge wolves the warmth of bodies during the winter. It wouldn't be frowned upon or looked at oddly in the slightest. Naiche was a bit of a prude though, she she was interested to see what he would say.

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