
say it clear




4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
01-21-2021, 11:17 AM
Poem wasn’t so far along yet that she was losing sleep, but she did notice quickly how much more sleep she wanted. During the night she slept like a log, and during the day she found herself getting into the habit of napping. Frequently. She was just thankful that everyone understood and didn’t give her a hard time, it was a lot more work growing puppies than she expected. Thankfully her support system was extensive and really she didn’t have to want for anything but sleep.

The expectant mother was having a lucky day, the sun had been shining and the world could almost be called warm. Warm at least in the fact that the temperature was above freezing and it wasn’t cloudy. She felt a nap coming on before the yawn struck her and Poem made her way to a massive rock above the rapids. The sound of the rushing water would lull her to sleep and she’d be warmed by the sun and the sun warmed rock beneath her.

Poem curled up tightly and wrapped her tail around her growing belly, her eyes fluttered closed and sleep was quick to find her. Only a second seemed to pass when she blinked open her blue and lavender gaze. She might not have realized it was a dream if her surroundings weren’t completely changed. Instead of cold and gray Poem woke to the most vibrant spring she’d ever seen. Flowers bloomed and the smell of new life filled her senses. Wonder filled her expression as she looked around, an unmistakable presence catching her full attention. ”Mother?” She called out, her voice nervous but hopeful as she looked for Shaye’s silhouette.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
01-29-2021, 02:26 PM

Time didn’t mean the same thing here. It seemed sometimes she closed her eyes, and opened them again to realise so much time had passed. So many milestones, missed.To not be there when Poem found her first love, or was expecting her first litter. Three years old now, and it felt like only yesterday the girl had been born. She missed the girls father with a dull sort of ache, and the sight of her brought happiness and tears to her heart.

She stepped out into the meadow, and the gentle temperature of spring, and found the bright gaze of her daughter there, waiting for her. Her voice cutting through the silence between them with one tremulous word mother?

“Poem.” She whispered Poem!” she closed the distance between them. Her steps like a cloud, gliding across the grass without disturbing it. She stopped before her daughter, and looked down at the mortal woman. “Oh Poem. tell me everything.”



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
01-29-2021, 02:48 PM
As she called out to her Shaye seemed to materialize there on the soft green grass. Poem felt a strangled pain combined with relief as her blue and lavender eyes fell on her form. There wasn’t a day that went by that she didn’t miss her, and even though she couldn’t be there Poem was convinced she’d been there in her heart. When she’d introduced her to Sparhawk, when they’d said their vows, and now as her belly swelled with pups. Being in her mother's presence was everything she remembered. Warm and soft, and perfect as she began her journey to motherhood.

”I’ve missed you,” Came her strangled reply as she held tightly to Shaye. ”Everything. So much has changed. I’ve got little brothers and sisters, Theory has become such a great alpha.” Poem started out with everyone else’s news before rounding to her own. ”I got Motif back but, she really was never the same after..” After Shaye’s death and after being held captive. Poem yearned to help her sister to her feet, but there was no helping someone that wouldn’t accept it. Even when they were so special.

”Mom, I got married.” She spoke again quietly, feeling again the conflicting joy and sorrow that day brought. Sparhawk was every bit of joy in her life, but it hurt not being able to share it with her mother. ”I’m going to have puppies.” A smile brightened over her features as she broke, tears that represent both sides of her feelings burst forth.