


08-30-2013, 07:23 PM

She had not yet determined exactly how she felt about her brother's harem-like kingdom, but with her position as Overseer and her assumed power over most of the other women, she didn't give it much thought. Eyes of emerald were set upon rogue lands, intent upon a hulking figure in the distance. Ever the adventurer - Sendoa would not leave until she had discovered just what this thing was. As she approached it, her eyes began to focus, dialing in on the intricate details of the structure. It did not appear like anything natural she had seen in her life, and yet it had a certain allure to it. Without hesitation the battle queen leapt over one of the steely walls and onto the deck. Doors were ajar, windows were broken in - some missing altogether, others shattered and jagged. It looked positively a mess, and yet it wasn't an eyesore. With eagerness she would delve into its depths, her blue-gray frame slithering among the shadows of midnight. It wasn't often she traveled in the daytime, as the light of the moon was far more appealing to her.



08-30-2013, 08:00 PM

The reck was glorious in its misery. Dempsey's eyes slithered over every broken window frame and shadow of jagged light. It was pretty in a way. The doom and gloom that covered the place made it interesting and unique, enough to peek his interest anyway. He padded carefully around the broken glass of the place. He didn't need one of those shards of glass imbedded in his paw. Oh no, he saw how much pain they could bring after meeting Silverback and he never wanted to experience it for himself.

A shadow graced the doorway of the room he was currently standing in and he shied, backing into a dark corner. His silver eyes shown out from his hiding place so he attempted to dim them by half closing his eye lids. A female sent flowed into his nostrils, but he did not know where she came from yet. He was still new to the area so the specific scents were still foreign to him. Until he knew her purpose for being here he would stay in his little dark corner and watch silently.




08-31-2013, 04:46 PM

OOC: i hope it is okay if i tossed canttina in here! it said aw! <3
The behemoth laid within her den. Her home was within the odd contraption. She resided within the middle of the beast. Her fur was fickle with pellets of snow. Her bones were chilled to the core, but not the least uncomfortable. Canttina enjoyed the chilling north. She hated the heat. Her fur was to thick for the heat. But, today would be a day to remember. Two invaders filled her home's caverns. She sensed them right away. They clickity clacking of claws and heavy breathing. The demon curled into the shadows and heard them. The echos were not loud, but she remained extremely quiet. Her breathing was smooth and silent. Her eyes were close, her ears perked, and nose tingling. The woman waited.

She heard the pawsteps of a fae fill her ears. The woman grinned, her eyes remained closed. She heard as the fellow femme exit the room Canttina was in and enter the next. She lost the second set of paws, so maybe it stopped? She was confused but let her sunny orbs flutter into sight. She got up and rolled her achey shoulders. The mahogany woman was a shadow within the night. Holes on the sides of the odd thing let moon light peek in. She avoided the Goddesses rays as she slithered behind the other fae. The scent of a male filled her cold nose as she let forth a little giggle. A ravaged tongue slithered across her jagged muzzle. Canttina waited for a reaction behind her little giggle. She sat down and watched the woman without a movement. She felt another body within the room but did not bother a glance.

table by trigger


09-08-2013, 03:32 PM

It was almost no surprise that she found herself in the presence of another. She knew it almost immediately as she entered the confined space. ?Show yourself,? she would state commandingly, almost challenging him to do otherwise. She wasn't afraid of a fight, nor was she afraid of making him regret not showing himself if he chose to do so. Then she would hear a giggle from behind her, and rapidly whirl around in a half-circle to face the stranger: a woman. ?Who the hell are you?? The tones echoed with irritation against the metal sides of the ship. Hackles would raise instinctively as she drew herself back and to the side, away from the woman who had drifted far too near for Sendoa's own comfort. It would seem that this change in position would allow her a glimpse at the man on the other side of the room. Vision would shift rapidly between the two, though no movement of her head would be granted.



09-13-2013, 06:49 PM

The grey wolf sat quietly in the shadows and observed the black female as she walked carefully by. He was not too worried about her. Unless he provoked her in some manner; he doubted she would put up a front. "Show yourself. Just as he was about to go and meet the pretty femmae another shadow slithered by, and he quickly ducked back down into the shadows. Had she been talking to this wolf?

The new shadow giggled in almost a crazed manner and Dempsey cringed. What in the world had he gotten himself into this time? The first female spun around to face the new comer. "Who are you? She asked. Yes, who was this insane wolf? No one important he hoped. Rabidly the black female looked between Dempsey and the one he would label as crazy for now.

Shit. Now he had to come out. He was more than fine just staying in the shadows and seeing if the femmae needed help, but no, she had revealed his hiding spot. Standing, he kept his eyes locked on the normal female. "They call me Dempsey miss." Raising and eyebrow at her, he challenged her to push him further. He did not want to reveal too much of his identity with this insane female beside him. That was just asking for trouble.




09-16-2013, 12:34 PM

A question was let forth and a growl was heard. This woman dared to ask questions in Canttina's home? A roll of shoulders was shown as hackles raised. She grew closer to the girly as another voice was heard. A males. She knew he was there and did not care about him. Though, she did not like the fact that he was in her home without premission. She licked her mahogany lips as she snorted. Dribbled leaked from her cold lips. Her claws grew longer as she flexed her four paws. "My name is no matter here. This is my home, you have no right to be asking me the questions." Her voice was harsh and lined with a certain bloody exterior that could not be missed. "What the fuck are you doing here?" She spat the words out like they pained her. Her tail was high and her head was low. Her shoulders were high, the woman was read for battle.

table by trigger


09-16-2013, 03:46 PM

The man called himself Dempsey, and he seemed more logical than the woman, who spat out a string of words that didn't matter much to Sendoa. There was no scent marker here, so either the woman was bat crazy or she was lying. It was anyone's guess which was the truth. ?I have every right to ask you anything I damn well please. This land is claimed by no one, and you can't possibly hope to hold it without a few followers. So back off.? The last words would seep out of her lips like venom as her hackles raised instinctively. Adrenaline coursed through her veins, though she had no intent to use it just yet. War was her specialty, but she wasn't here for that reason. Sendoa's tail flickered behind her, but did not raise. She held no rank here, though she was a Sentinel back home. Perhaps that was where she ought to return, if only to rid her mind of this insane woman and her foolish thoughts. Emerald eyes shot the woman a glare before softening slightly and returning to the one called Dempsey. ?I have no desire to linger in such pitiful company. Should you wish to join me I will be leaving this vessel now.? She had an idea that he wouldn't stay with the insane woman either, but if he did she wouldn't give it much thought.



09-16-2013, 04:12 PM

The woman with the insanity glinting in her eyes spoke in harsh tones, but harsher than necessary. If she wanted them out just ask nicely first. There was no reason to growl and grumble if you just met a person. Being an assassin Dempsey often assimilated himself into a culture before taking out his target. His manners were impeccable when he felt the need to use them, but this wolf obviously did not have even an once of manners within her. He raised his hackles and snarled back at her. The platinum in his eyes seemed to darken slightly as he turned his angered gaze upon her.

The other female also seemed to take offense, as she should. He was not surprised when she said she would like to leave, what did surprise him was the menace laced into her words. Perhaps Dempsey was just not used to females being so bold in the fighting scheme of things. Admiration of her skillful exit would have been clear if he had been willing to take his eyes off of the crazy one. He knew better though. She was unpredictable and he would not be fooled by her. "It would be much more pleasurable to leave this place with you than to stay." Dempsey had dropped his voice to a low growl. He was angry with this absurd woman, and he wanted to keep her in his place before trying to escape her clutches. He hoped the other female would not take offense to his lack of eye contact.




09-16-2013, 04:19 PM

The words of the other female gave Canttina great amusement. "You believe you have balls don't you? You are tough, big, and bad. Oh, little lady, I have seen worse then you. Now, run along with your little play toy and eat shit." She did lack manners, but she didn't like the fact that there were little beings upon her land. It obviously wasn't her land officially but in her mind it was. The demoness honestly could not care if they wanted to stay or not. The mahogany vixen would fight for her home, but it seemed they just wanted to leave. Rage swelled up within her chest. But, she was rather amused. The scent of a pack was on the female. She smelled it before, she could not place it though. "Tata!" She giggled as she watched them leave. Canttina turned away and slithered into the shadows. She would wait and watch to make sure they had left.


table by trigger


09-16-2013, 06:14 PM

Sendoa would pivot away from the woman, daringly turning tail upon the insane one. She was not afraid, nor was she bothered by the woman, just irritated. This was clearly unclaimed land, and this woman didn't even have enough brains to know that. How pitiful her life must be, thought the Overseer of Glaciem. Dempsey quickly agreed with her that leaving was a good idea. She gave him a nod before taking a step, though she quickly froze as the woman spoke up again. She must be stupid. Sendoa whipped around faster than a bolt of lightning, hackles raising as her shoulders rolled forward menacingly. Jaws peeled away from pearly weapons as she let out a snarl. ?You are a waste of fur and bones.? Once more she would recoil from the useless woman, turning her back again and slipping from the confines of the ship. She had no more will to keep herself from slaughtering the woman, and so she knew she must go. When she was out of earshot of the woman and had leapt from the boat's steely surface to the adjacent terrain, she would utter a comment meant for Dempsey - if he was near. ?What a lunatic!?
