
I was like damn, fucking insane...

Sirius - long post warning



3 Years
01-23-2021, 08:36 PM

OOC: Long post warning. A good chunk of it is explaining Sky's disappearance since she was last a part of the Armada. It is not super detailed, but enough to give you a picture. Closer to the end of the post will be her returning to Sirius in the Ashen Armada. There will be a sign to indicate as such on the way down.

Sky couldn't escape her fate of returning home. She knew this. With every passing day, Skyfire could feel the need of returning home to earn her freedom. While she was safe many miles away from her home in the Armada, the girl couldn't shake having to look over her shoulder all the time. The constant stress weighed in her mind. It affected her education, her attention in spars, and eventually her duties. One morning, she couldn't escape the watching eyes of Sirius who had confronted her about her lapse of focus. It was an uncomfortable conversation, and Sirius made it that way on purpose to reveal the truth. He wouldn't take no for an answer. With Skyfire backed into a corner, she revealed everything. The conversation took most of the day and by the time they were finished, the moon was out.

Skyfire's family history of abuse, greed, and power had leaked into her own life since her father, Mortius, demanded she return home and take her place as heir in a disgusting twist of events. To continue his rule and establish his pack in other places, Mortius's goal was to marry her off into a nearby pack and then usurp its leadership. Mortius cared not for her wellbeing, or her feelings, as he was more interested in the amount of territory and control of prey on his land. Sky's mother, Allana, could do nothing more than watch. Allana had taken much of her own abuse as it was for even voicing an opinion. In her younger years, however, Allana would have held her own and fought for herself. Because of Mortius's twisted, violent nature, it forced Allana into submission. Skyfire, however, would not submit as easily.

Skyfire had spent the next two hours pleading with Sirius on why she had to do this alone. Sirius was adamant that she take guards with her to protect her on the way. However, he saw the fire in her eyes when she demanded that she go alone for her own sake. Skyfire had something to prove not only to her father, but to herself also. She wouldn't take no for an answer, and Sirius saw something her that made him think highly of her. With his permission and blessing, Skyfire was allowed to leave. She didn't know how long she would be gone, but Skyfire promised she would return, no matter what. Sirius told her that he hoped so. It took almost four months to get to her homeland. How could she not have kept track of how long she traveled? Through deserts and rugged terrain to reach the paradise that Mortius had crafted with his corrupted power. Upon reaching the borders, Skyfire was attacked briefly until she mentioned her name and revealed the patch on her left shoulder. It was the only sign that Skyfire was Mortius's daughter, as no one else not of his line would have this mark.

Skyfire was escorted in to his den at the first chance available. From there, Skyfire issued a challenge to her father. Either Mortius would fight her in combat for her freedom, to the death, or she would throw herself off the nearest cliff. Since Skyfire was the only female born in the litter, her death would be the end of his line. Both of her siblings had died of battle or gone missing, probably as a result of his rule. As much as Mortius wished that Skyfire would submit, pack law would not allow a challenge to go unanswered. Not only would it be a shot to his reputation if he declined, but it was also his daughter and he wished not to maim her too much. She was a prized possession. Skyfire needed to remain whole physically so that she could be married off. If Skyfire were sent to the allying pack injured in anyway, then the territory was all but lost. Mortius had no choice, so he would get this over with swiftly. When he chose of course.

Skyfire was immediately thrown into a den used to house prisoners. While she had a water supply from the caves, she was only permitted small amounts of food. Skyfire was in the dark most days while she screamed for Mortius to honor his word and meet her challenge. Allana tried to count the days with the small amount of light that she was able to pick up, but a rough guesstimate told Sky that she had been in the cave for two months. Secretly, her mother would supply her with additional food that she wasn't given when she gave the guards a break. Allana also supplied critical information about Mortius, any weaknesses he had, and his fighting style. Skyfire was aware of the treatment received by Mortius, and declared that she would free Allana. However, Allana insisted she only focus on her freedom. Mortius would not let her go and would kill the only thing he loved if he had to. Skyfire was not as prized as Sky thought she was, so it was perhaps easier to earn her freedom. Within time, Allana was able to convince Mortius to meet her challenge as requested - with a little bit of unmentioned sacrifice.

The fighting arena was similar to the arena that the Armada boasted, but there was only one way in or out. A trench surrounding the ring was fill of sharp sticks and rocks as a way to end the fight in a more painful way. Whether or not someone died in the trench of the ring was questionable. The battle between Skyfire and Mortius was brutal. Neither one held back. Fang and claw met fur and skin, cutting in places that may leave scars. Mortius was much bigger in body mass than she was, and taller, but Skyfire remembered some of the tricks and skills used when Sparring with Sirius, who was of similar size. Sirius was much bigger, of course. Mortius maybe stood another two and a half inches taller. Skyfire used her nimble movements and agility to dodge most of the attacks, but in no way was Skyfire not hurt herself. Mortius's big body meant that he had a stronger bite, and while he hesitated in the beginning, Skyfire's bite to his eye, blinding him, resulted in Mortius fighting more aggressively. He would not lose to his own offspring.

The end of the fight came when Skyfire was able to find an opening to Mortius's throat and use his weight to somersault him forward onto his back as he charged forward. Skyfire bit down onto his windpipe to choke him while he tried to kick about. Skyfire stood over him, using her weight to keep him down. When Mortius stopped moving, Skyfire made a violent shake of her neck to wake him up. Mortius demanded that she kill him, but she refused. In response, she demanded her freedom or she would ensure he never sired any new offspring again before she tore his throat out. She also demanded that Mortius was to never send anyone after her again, that she was declared longer of his line, and that her mother be freed also. While Mortius would not release Allana, he would agree to the other terms. Allana was young enough that they would have more children, even if he had to take a mistress to continue his line. Mortius could not deny the drive in Skyfire that he once had himself, and according to pack law, he had to admit defeat.

Getting up, he announced in front of all the the bystanders that from this day, Skyfire was disowned and no longer of their family line, and that she was to go wherever she pleased and to return where she came from. Skyfire would be escorted out of the territory to the edge of the outlands. The Outlands was the place Mortius called neutral grounds. He kept his promise that she would not be harmed as she left, which was part of the challenge terms. After being treated for her wounds, one of them intentionally placed over the white circle on her left shoulder to signify her new status, Skyfire left the next morning to go home. Mortius had kept his word. The guards let her go, and actually sneered that Mortius had lost for once. All were too scared of his wrath to know how he would react if he lost once.

Skyfire returns to the Armada's borders from this moment on.

Skyfire took the time to absorb what happened and that she was now free. No one was tracking her and she was free to make her own name for herself. During her four month travel back to the Ashen Armada, Skyfire did a lot of inner searching and exploration. The girl had a lot of growing up to do from this point on. Would Sirirus still remember her? A slight frown spread across her lips at her physical condition. Skyfire had a scar on her left shoulder, all but erasing the white circle, and other smaller ones that indicated the intensity of her battle. Skyfire was proud of herself for being the victor, but also knowing the restraint in wanting to kill her father. As much as she wanted to, she wouldn't stoop to his level of violence. Much like the wolf that inspired her so much, Aurielle, she chose to be better.

Over the four months, Skyfire spent her time building muscle tone and eating food again, sometimes eating more than usual, to help with growing the bulk. At three years now, it was unlikely that she would grow much more. However, when Skyfire looked into her reflection, she could see that she had built her body out much more than when she was younger during the first days in the Armada. Skyfire wasn't lean, but instead curved and sculpted. Her gray fur now draped her frame in a beautiful way, giving the perspective of the woman she was.

Skyfire made her way to the Tall Grasslands which was the home of the Armada. The grass, covered in snow, was mostly flat, but the scents remained the same. Green eyes scanned the horizon for anyone of the Armada, but saw none. In the year that she had been gone, Skyfire imagined that much had changed. It was hard to say, however, without talking to the giant. Skyfire walked up a few more steps, but then stopped. With her head pointed to the sky, Skyfire called for anyone in the Armada to meet her at the borders, though specifically she sought for Sirius himself, if the man would have her back.




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-23-2021, 10:15 PM

The light coating of snow had fallen early that morning, giving a fresh and untouched look to the Armada. A soft crunch had accommodated the Warlord on his patrols, as he walked his territory with steady familiarity. The slight form of Bast following silently behind him, and the winged form of Marshal ahead. Hunting followed patrolling, and he steadily worked in the caller, rotating the older meat and the newer as he worked. The familiar, mundane jobs required to feed and house a pack done with barely a moment's thought.

As he worked, Bast continued to scout, and It was the avian that would catch sight of the returning form first. The piercing cry of the bird alerting Sirius of her approach, a few moments before her cry shattered the still air. Placing down his burden, the Warlord backed out of the cellar, and closed its doors. Ensuring they were secured, before looping off towards the border. His towering size swallowing the distance as he approached the young wolf at his border.

With Marshal gliding lightly in the air above them, he came to a stop before her. The familiar face of Skyfire greeting him. He looked upon her for a moment, taking in the sight of the smaller wolf. Noting the new scars, and new resolve in her eyes. “You won, then?” he asked softly.




3 Years
01-24-2021, 03:19 PM

Skyfire sat at the borders to wait for someone to arrive, but the sounds of a screeching bird caught her attention. Black furred head tilted upward as green eyes locked onto the source, a smile slowly appearing. A smile she hadn't had in a while. Sirius was nearby and it wouldn't be too much longer before he would arrive. This allowed Skyfire a little more time to herself before she wouldn't be alone anymore. Skyfire remained seated and examined the world around her, realizing at just how different it was now. It was as if this was the first time she had ever been to the grasslands, and yet she knew it well. To be alive, and then to be born again. The feeling of the cold air filling her lungs at a deeper capacity than before was strange and yet a great blessing. A great weight had been lifted off of her shoulders, even if the only thing she had left was the name she identified herself with, and this new life she was about to live.

Sirius wasn't long to arrive in her presence as Skyfire expected. His large body bounded forward, closing the distance between the two of them. Marshall, his bird, was gliding in the air above them when Sirius had arrived. Skyfire allowed her eyes to trace over her former leader's body, taking in his coat, body structure, his eyes, and demeanor. It was a relief to see him compared to the other faces she had seen. Sirius had been one of the only friends Sky had been honored to know, and to be mentored by. Skyfire walked forward to lean her head against his chest, taking his scent in as if finding a long lost memory, failing to think about what he thought of it. Upon realizing it may not have been welcomed, she stumbled back with a sheepish grin.

"Won? I suppose you could call it that." Skyfire started, returning to the matter at hand. "I think the proper way to describe it is that I proved to my father that I'm not his possession to manipulate, and that I will not submit to someone who objectifies others, especially women." That wasn't to say that she wouldn't submit to Sirius's rule because he was fair and just, treated everyone equally, and showed that everyone was their own person. "As far as victory goes, I still have a life to live. Victory comes in the end, when I am ready to move on spiritually as I die." It seems that during her travels back to the Armada that Skyfire had done some serious levels of thinking, calming her inner child, and encouraging herself to mature and to be the woman she wished to be. No one was perfect, but she would be damned if she ever let herself fail at living a memorable life.




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-25-2021, 10:35 PM

As through knowing the inner workings of his heart, she moved forward, and leaned against his chest. He wrapped a paw around her, and rubbed his chin against her shoulder. Spreading his scent onto her coat. It was a reminder, to her and himself. She was his, he had released her for a time, but she had come home. Mine. The possessive bastard thought. It rankled just a little that she hadn’t let him fight for what was his, but he understood the need for her to fight for herself. It overruled his first desire, and he had let her be.

When Skyfire pulled away, he moved his paw, letting her free without resistance. She would give him some information now, and with her words he would realise the old bastard still lives. Alas. “Very well. But if he comes knocking at my border for you, he’s dead.” That was his line in the sand.

“Welcome back to the Armada, Skyfire.”




3 Years
01-29-2021, 03:29 PM (This post was last modified: 01-29-2021, 10:24 PM by Skyfire.)

Skyfire breathed in the scent that Sirius transferred to her, feeling it fill her nose and lungs. It was a smell that she hadn't breathed in for a very long time, and she missed it. Now that she was home, Sky didn't want anything else to cover her pelt. She belonged to Sirius, to the Armada, and nothing would ever change that fact. Sirius seemed disappointed that she didn't kill him. It was a question she asked herself often also. Why didn't she kill the man that tortured her over and over? To put it simply, the answer was that she refused to stoop to his level. However, she wouldn't have to do it herself anyway.

"To put it simply, he won't be dying by my teeth." Sky started to say. "I left him maimed, unable to see, weak. I wasn't the only one that had been badly treated by my father. I imagine now, with things he admitted to me, that he would be someone elses rug or thrown to the vultures. He won't be coming here alive."

While she couldn't confirm his death, Skyfire knew that others who didn't have as much resolve and control would exact their revenge for their own daughters and sons who had been sent to their deaths, or removed for other means. The neighboring pack would also take advantage at the opportunity. Skyfire came forward again, needing to feel Sirus's warmth. The whole journey and effort she made to end her nightmares was still heavy on her mind. Skyfire buried her face in his fur, holding her head against his chest.

"It was so hard to not be here with you, Sirius. I swear I won't leave again."



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-02-2021, 01:06 AM

As Skyfire made it plain she had diminished her fathers chances for life greatly, the Warlord dipped his head. “Very well.” regardless, he was gone from her life. If he died, or lived through it, if he ever came here looking to take Skyfire, he would answer in all force there was only so much independence he could give her. He supported her as an individual, and let her face her demons. If her demons came home to roost, then that was an act of aggression against his pack. He would answer in kind.

She came closer to her, and lifted a paw, allowing her into the vulnerable space against his heart, and in his heart. His wolf. As she leaned into him, he rested the paw against her, holding her for a time. His second round of father-hood had really mellowed him out. “Shh, your home now, little one” he promised her. Giving her all the time she needed.




3 Years
02-14-2021, 02:13 PM

Sorry for the wait.

Skyfire remained against the brute's chest, allowing herself to feel the emotions of the moment and what she had been through. When she first met him, Sirius was a man of firm stature and demeanor. To see hum suddenly so comforting and supportive of Skyfire was a new feeling that she greatly accepted. Not that she disliked his former self. There must have been a reason for his changes, though she would ask later.

"Thank you, Sirius." Skyfire said, a small tear threatening to leave her eye but she wouldn't permit it. Skyfire would release herself later. After a few moments, she let out a relieved chuckle and sat up to look at Sirius, able to meet his gaze properly for the first time. "It feels good to be home." The word home for her had a funny taste in her mouth, but the idea was growing more and more important for her. Sky had realized that home was where you set your heart. The whole time she had been away, the Armada was what she thought of most. There was no place that made her feel more welcome and accepted.

Skyfire turned her attention to Sirius this time, wondering what he had been up to. "You seem different. What has happened while I was away?" she said, looking around him. It wasn't so much his body had changed but his demeanor. Plus, in the year that she had been gone, there was possibly new wolves she hadn't met before, and others she had to reacquaint herself with. It was as if she was joining for the first time all over again. Only this time, Skyfire was joining with a matured mind and determined heart.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
03-12-2021, 03:06 PM

Sirius Fatalis

He released her when she pulled free, and watched her for a moment as she regained her composure. He nodded his head at her remark on being home. The Armada was that for her, and many others.

He chuckled softly at her question. The change could be rather obvious, especially for a wolf that had been gone for some time. “I fear my latest litter of pups have mellowed me out” he explained to Skyfire. “You’ll have to meet them when you have a chance. No doubt you’ll get bombarded at some point.” Being a father certainly clashed with his previous personality. The more time that passed since he was an Ashen slave changed him a little more. Who was he these days? He barely knew. He was a leader, and a father. The wolves of the Armada was his. and that was what was important.




3 Years
03-23-2021, 08:18 PM
Skyfire chuckled when he spoke about his pups and how she may be bombarded. "I see. I imagine so. " Skyfire said with a chuckle. She went on to say that if he needed a pup sitter that she could probably do it, though she couldn't imagine what kind of trouble that would get her into. "The personality change is nice. Though - I imagine still waters run deep now, huh?" she asked him. Skyfire had also mellowed out in her own personality, though not as much as him.

"What else has happened since I've been gone? Has Aurielle still come around?" Aurielle was still one of Skyfire's favorite people and inspirations. Especially that beautiful coat. Besides the scar that she had on her shoulder now, Skyfire had taken care to her coat to make it as healthy as Aurielle's but it would never have that glow or shine to it. Alas, the limits of her fur and line, but she at least still felt beautiful in her own right.