
Dragon's Cave of Plots

Something for erryone

Dragon Mod


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowPride - DemisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
02-16-2021, 11:48 PM (This post was last modified: 02-17-2021, 12:01 AM by Dragon Mod.)

Alright, gonna try to make this simple and quick to the point. My characters need plots. I am attempting to become much more active, but the lack of plots and interactions are making it difficult and I'm seriously losing the motivation to write when i feel there's nothing to do. Part of the lack of motivation is due to some major depression that hit after dealing with some major IRL stuff, but I've been doing better and Ardent helps to distract. Sorry for the little ramble, I'll move on to the char blurbs.

To put it in a nutshell, I'm basically down for just about any plot. If I don't have it listed/mentioned (since I usually just jot down basic stuff & ideas), don't be afraid to approach me via discord or ardent inbox with any ideas/plots you might wanna try. I generally don't get offended by much, so even more...sensitive type plots I'm usually down for as well. Also, please keep in mind that some plots may not work out. Sometimes chars click, sometimes they don't. Sometimes things happen, etc. I have preferred to go the "let things happen organically and whatever happens icly route" but sometimes chars need a little push to get started somewhere.

Acere Praetor
Male||9yrs||Autumn||Heterosexual||Single||Loner||Fighting x Intellect

Acere is an old man who's seen just about everything. He's done good things, and he's done bad things (like killing his brother for very valid reasons). He's tried to raise his nieces and nephews (along with his own kids) right, however, he feels he must have failed somewhere along the line. His nephew Ignis upended his life when he stole the pack out from under his daughter, and Ace lost the fight that ensued, resulting in him becoming blind in one eye. Now, he's not sure what to do with himself. He has plenty of fighting experience and plenty of knowledge to pass down, but all in all, he's always seeking redemption.

Open for Meeting others, new pack to join, adopting kids, teaching lessons, redemption arcs

Ares Saxe
Male||4yrs||Spring||Heterosexual||Single|| Loner (but Intends to join his sisters band.)||Fighting x Hunting

Much like the rest of his family, Ares can be a sassy asshole. He tends to hold grudges and often goes in over his head. Sometimes he gets too cocky and bites off more than he can chew, but that doesn't ever stop him. He's not quite the type to give up, let alone back down. He can be brash and wild, but he makes up for that with loyalty. He does have the tendency to wander and do his own thing for a bit (which seems to be the norm for his family), but he always comes back and tends to his duties.

Open for New friends, lovers, romantic interests, skill threads, a rival/best friend(?), family threads

Male||5yrs||Spring||Heterosexual||Single||Loner (possibly joining Aerie)||Fighting x Navigation

Balian is a bachelor stallion that didn't have the best start when he first arrived in Ardent. He had been captured ended up as part of one of Valkyrie's slave markets where he ended up being bought by Jupiter. After serving his time with him, Balian had considered joining as a regular member of the pack but ultimately decided he couldn't considering he wasn't sure he'd be able to shake the feeling of being used as a pack animal. He isn't afraid of wolves, though he isn't highly trusting in them, either. Still, considering he hasn't found many other intelligent species of his own kind, he often opts to socialize with wolves.

Open for Spars, skill threads, friends, romantic interest, maybe a herd if that ever becomes a thing, A wolf best friend??

Blitzkrieg Klein
Male||3yrs||Winter||Heterosexual||Single||Loner (might join Ashen)||Fighting x Hunting

Blitzkrieg is a somewhat newer addition to my roster. Separated from the Klein empire at a young age, he ended up with a war-driven pack that took him in, but at some point, he ended up as a prisoner of war. After his escape, he went in search of those with the Klein name in an effort to try and reconnect with his blood once more. One thing about Blitz, is he is unsure about how he feels about slaves. He was practically one himself while he was a PoW, and his views on things are a little skewed. Though he is rough around the edges, he isn't all that bad. Could use some more fleshing out and interactions.

Open for All the threads and plots! Romantic interests, friends, family threads, skill threads, etc.

Claire Ancora
Female||1yr||Spring||Heterosexual||Single||Incendium||Fighting x Intellect

Daughter of the late Avalon Ancora, she's been depressed and unmotivated since the deaths of her mother and father. She and her siblings aren't as close as she hoped to be, but now with Incendium under new rule, she isnt' sure whether their relationship will be more strained or not. Isn't sure what to do with herself anymore.

Open for anything. Practically a blank slate, needs interactions/plots.

Cloudburst Wreckage
Male||6yrs||Summer||Heterosexual||Single||Loner||Fighting x Hunting

Once close to his family, Cloud is practically on his own now. His brother Tyranis left once again, and Cloud opted not to return to Winterfell after his service to Hjarrandi. Suffers from schizophrenia and may turn violent. During these episodes, he blacks out and doesn't remember any of it. Asides from this, he's an awkward sweetheart who wishes someone would care about him the way he cares about others. He took care of his younger siblings, as well as his old blind mother until she passed. He has a heart of gold and is extremely loyal.

open for Everything! Cloud is one of my favorite boys to play and I am down for all sorts of interactions with him. Particularly a romance plot as I desperately want him to finally find that. He deserves some happiness of his own, especially since he's always tried to take care of everyone else and put everyone else before himself.

Dragon Ancora
Male||9yrs||Autumn||Heterosexual||Single||Loner||Fighting x Intellect

Dragon has been wandering on his own with seeing-eye Jaguars. Since his mother passed away and his siblings scattered to the four winds, he had no reason to return to the pack. His daughter, Drakaina, sometimes travels with him, but for the most part, he just enjoys wandering the lands. As he is old now, however, he is seeking a pack to join and offer what services he can until he finally kicks the bucket.

Open for A pack, perhaps a romantic interest, teaching threads, family threads.

Drakaina Ancora-Aeris
Female||2yrs||Summer||Bisexual||Single||Loner||Fighting x Intellect||

Mostly wanders around on her own or with her father, Dragon. Blank slate as she's had no interactions (oops).

open for Anything. Needs friends. Interactions. Everything.

Gimli Ahlberg-Klein
Male||2yrs||Autumn||Heterosexual||Single||Loner||Fighting x Hunting

My Dwarven Viking boy! Gimli is another personal favorite of mine and he is lots of fun to interact with. Always one to back up his words, he never backs down from a fight or challenge and win or lose, he'll go all out and doesn't pull any punches. He strives to prove that small wolves are just as good as big wolves and isn't afraid to take 'em on. His love for the drink is a strong one, and in fact, he tends to brew his own. Hot-headed to a fault, Gimli has a hard time reigning in his emotions, especially when he feels he's being insulted. Has an intense dislike for his half-sister, Recluse.

Open for Skill threads, fights, potential band members (looking to start a band, preferably with wolves in the small and under category but may make exceptions for larger wolves), romantic interests, friends, other things

Greed Armada
Male||8yrs||Winter||Heterosexual||Single||Incendium||Fighting x Hunting

One of the last remaining members of the Armada family, Greed considers the Ancora family more like...well, family, than his blood family. After his parents up and abandoned him, followed by his siblings, Avalon adopted him as her own and he has done his best to help her and cares deeply for the children she left behind. In fact, he had a rare soft spot for Avalon, and now he strives to protect her children and keep them safe. Asides from that, he finds it hard to trust others and guards his heart. After falling in love with Acapella (a former Valhallan wolf), he felt it was his responsibility to care for her, especially since he felt bad for blinding her in the raid against her pack many years ago. However, she disappeared and it left him bitter towards the prospect of love. Extremely loyal and a hard worker, Greed has changed a lot over the years compared to who he used to be.

Open for Romance, hunting threads, threads with Ancora family, basically up for anything

Gwyneira Adravendi
Female||1yr||Spring||Heterosexual||Single||Loner||Healing x Fighting

A posh little bean who needs more interaction. See profile for more info. (will add an actual blurb here after I get a better feel for her)

Open for Everything. A pack. Family threads, crushes, romance, skill threads, fights, healing, I need all the things with her!

Ifrit Praetor
Male||Pup||Winter||Unknown sexuality||Single||Incendium||Fighting x Hunting

Fluffy little bean in Incendium! Needs all the threads so he can grow and develop!

Open for Everything within or close to the pack.

Ignis Praetor
Male||4yrs||Winter||Bisexual?||Single||Incendium Alpha||Fighting x Healing

Once a nice and jovial boy, events happened that made him change rather quickly. He sees things in the light of darkness now, believing that the demons that plagued his family line are real and no longer tries to fight them (though it's nothing more than schizophrenia inherited from his father's line). He has a...sort of obsession with his childhood friend and is having an incredibly hard time letting his feelings go. As a result of his overwhelming mental state, he stole the pack from his cousin Winter, and has turned it into a much darker place.

Open for Anything. Fights, healing threads, pack threads, rivalries, drama, whatever

Incendio Elementas-Praetor
Male||2yrs||Summer||Heterosexual||Single||Loner||Fighting x Hunting

Left his pack with his mom, but is now on his own. Siblings disappeared, though he's lowkey looking for his twin sister (who I may put up for adoption if there is interest). Doesn't really know what he wants to do or who he is. Prefers to be in a pack and doesn't really like the loner life.

Open for Anything. A pack, friends, romance, family threads, would love to find and reconnect with his twin sister (again, maybe willing to adopt out if interested).

Medusa Tempest
Female||2yrs||Autumn||Sexuality Unknown||Single||Loner||Fighting x Hunting

Born and raised...never...her mother abandoned her without teaching her a thing in the world, and she never met her father (he is dead). Due to this, she never learned how to hunt or anything, so she lived at the tar pits for the better part of her first year before venturing out into the world and getting into trouble. Unfortunately, she doesn't exactly know what will or won't get her in trouble. She's completely unsocialized, doesn't know a thing about how the world works, and doesn't understand much of anything. She's a little messed up in the head, but despite her lack of, well...everything, she can appear a sweetheart when she isn't busy being a little psycho.

Open for Anything.

Noelle Destruction
Female||1yr||Autumn||Sexuality unknown||Single||Loner||Healing x Intellect

My most recent addition! Small bean who is an absolute sweetheart! Partially blind by way of loss of her central vision (still has peripheral vision and can see blurs and shadows). A delicate little sweetheart who must be protected at all times! (Though I won't say no to drama if it presents itself). Needs interaction to flesh her out!

Open for A pack, friends, interactions, family threads, skill threads, potential drama somewhere maybe?? slow brew romance

Novel III Destruction
Female||6yrs||Summer||Heterosexual||Single||Loner||Healing x Intellect

Once a happy-go-lucky and adventurous girl, she can't remember a time she was last like that. A couple of natural disasters involving fire rendered her changed forever, and she finds it incredibly difficult to find confidence in herself and see's herself as nothing but an ugly monster. She has a delicate heart and soul, and although she did manage to find love at one point (off site), it was short-lived when he died. Now she's returned to Boreas with her two children, Noelle & Aria, where she feels she's back at square one. Practically a hermit, though she yearns for love despite believing she isn't worthy because she isn't beautiful.

Open for Everything. Romance. Pack. Skill threads. Family threads. Idc.

Okami Ancora
Female||8yrs||Winter||Heterosexual||Single||Loner||Navigation x Fighting

Okami is the daughter of Avalon Ancora. She left a long time ago as a shy creature who always doubted herself but came back a strong, Spartan woman. She found a pack of wolves who lived the Spartan life and she learned a lot from them. While there, she made lots of friends and forged relationships with many of them. She seeks to start a Spartan-style band as well as teach the culture that she learned.

Open for Potential followers to join the band, romance (preferably from one of her Spartan comrades), skill threads, rivals, whatever.

Pandora Klein
Female||6yrs||Summer||Heterosexual||Single||Loner||Fighting x Intellect

A priestess who can hear and commune with spirits, Pandora is a smart creature though she can be brash and sharp-tongued. She's the no-nonsense sort who prefers not to beat around the bush. She looks down upon those she considers inferior and prefers to keep the company of those who are sure of themselves and take what's theirs. Feels like the Kleins that rule now are inferior compared to the Kleins from when her father ruled.

Open for Anything. Romance, pack, skill threads, etc.

Paradise Elementas
Female||7yrs||Winter||Heterosexual||Single||Loner||Fighting x Navigation

Bitter about being abandoned by her family when she was younger, and then her mate shortly after her first litter was born, she left the pack with her son, Incendio, and now kind of wanders on her own. She is a woman who is sure of herself but is tired of the abandonment. She has resorted to self-destructive behavior and so now she drinks, and tends to sleep around in an effort to forget everything else and numb the pain that plagues her.

Open for Anything. One-night stands, potential romance, pack, fights, skill threads, etc.

Proserpina Abraxas
Female||5yrs||Winter||Heterosexual||Single||Aerie||Fighting x Intellect

Proserpina has always been a quiet individual who tends to keep to herself, though she is always in full support of her family. She's neutral when it comes to "mortals" though she does have her reservations about them. She doesn't trust so easily and is quite apprehensive of strangers. She trusts the cousins that she grew up with (though she considers them siblings since Malleus took her under his wing after her own mother abandoned her). While she never really voices it out loud, she yearns for someone to love.

Open for Skill threads, pack threads, family threads, conflict, rivals, friends, romance, etc.

Snow Praetor
Male||2yrs||Winter||Heterosexual||Single||Incendium||Fighting x Intellect

Haven't done much with him, unfortunately. Stuck in Incendium since his cousin took it over. He's quiet and reserved, tends to keep to himself.

Open for Anything

Solo Loire-Destruction
Male||Pup||Autumn||Sexuality unknown||Single||Abaven||Fighting x Navigation

Have yet to do much with him. Energetic and hyper, likely to get into a lot of trouble.

Open for Anything. Family threads, pack threads, skill threads, friends, puppy playdates, getting into trouble kidnapping?

Tel' Teukiira Ivae' ess
Female||Pup||Autumn||Heterosexual||Single||Loner||Fighting x Intellect

My lonely little fairy elf child. Tel was left to fend for herself shortly after she was weaned. The whereabouts of her mother are unknown and she doesn't know if her mother is alive or dead. She's a polite child who is extremely curious. Shy around strangers, but quickly warms up to other pups.

Open for friends, skill threads, a pack, other pup threads, possible reconnection to those from her mother's homeland (may open adopts if there's interest), meeting others, Puppy crushes?, etc.

Tyto Praetor
Male||3yrs||Winter||Heterosexual||Single||Incendium||Fighter x Hunter

Currently stuck in Incendium with his sister Tsunami, though he feels indifferent about his cousin's take over. He doesn't have the tight family bonds that he should have had since the drama between his mother and father at a young age, and then both of them abandoning them at some point. As a result, he rarely speaks about his true feelings, but he does hold a lot of resentment for those who have close bonds. Though it's likely jealousy at that point since he doesn't have that and he doesn't know how to act otherwise. Although he sticks around to support his sister, he isn't as close to her as he would like. He feels like he's living a lie because he doesn't even really truly know who he is.

Open for Anything. Would love some romance/crush type stuff, skill threads, rivals, idc

Winter Praetor
Female||2yrs||Winter||Heterosexual||Single||Loner||Fighting x Intellect

Recently stripped of her alpha rank, Winter was exiled with her father after her cousin Ignis stole the pack from her. Were she more experienced and not so afraid, she would have fought to keep what rightfully belonged to her father's line. However, since the spooky events of Halloween, Winter has been turned into a bundle of anxiety and nerves who is completely unsure of herself. She feels like a complete failure and hates herself for not fighting for those that had been placed in her care. Struggles with her thoughts and has little to no confidence.

Open for Anything. Romance, friends, a new pack/band, skill threads, mentor, idc

Zagan Abraxas
Male||3yrs||Winter||Heterosexual||Single||Aerie||Fighting x Hunting

Grumpy, bitter dude who looks down on mortals. Though to be fair, he has had little to no interaction with the outside of mauling one, and defending against others in a raid. He's quiet and reserved, does his duties around the pack but hardly talks to anyone. Took care of his mother up until she finally died of cancer. Since her death, he became more closed off and distant.

Open for Anything. Pack threads, family threads, skill threads, enemies, rivals, possible romance, someone who might be able to help him see the better side of life or something



2 Years
Extra large

ExplorerPride - DemisexualHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
02-17-2021, 08:31 AM
-offers all of her characters- Chose anyone you like! With the exception of Yurei the rest of my chars are single but welcomes potential friends or anything!
[Image: lyric.png]

Lyric has a female Perrier's sifaka named Lola she is with him all the time unless specified otherwise.



5 Years
02-17-2021, 10:13 AM (This post was last modified: 02-17-2021, 10:14 AM by Karine.)
Karine & Acere: I think she and Ace should meet. They sound like they've both been through some pretty hard times. Karine never had the chance to kill either of her brothers, but one of them went mad during his time as King in her original pack, so she pretty much ended up raising all his children and eventually taking over the pack altogether after he ran away. (If things had continued and her brother hadn't disappeared, she might have very well done something to end the spread of his cruelty.)

Karine & Ares: Karine's family had an almost lifelong rivalry with Saxes on another site, but as far as she knows now, they were wiped out along with everyone else who lived in her old homeland. She would FLIP at the thought of having to run into Saxes again but torturing her by giving her back her ol' enemy sounds like fun.

Karine & Cloudburst: Yes, Karine again. :D These two I think could really relate on a lot of things, from being the caretakers in their family to feelings of abandonment by others. Karine is also a char who I'm really rooting for in the romance department. She's never had the best luck there and I feel like she should meet some boys.

Karine & Dragon & Drakaina (or anyone else of yours who's seeking a pack): I'm aiming to have Karine land a plot of territory as soon as she's able. Her old pack was sort of a piecework one she had to build up from her mad brother's mess, but this time she's going to be going into a clean slate. It will be a pack for lost/wandering souls looking for a safe place to land, not unlike the Hallows, with an emphasis on giving a voice to the common ranks and possibly even implementing some sort of "council" because some of the worst things happened due to a shutting down of opinions. Her intention will be for no one to have to carry too much weight or be tied down too harshly by strict rules and regulations (aside from those targeting aggression between packmates). It's still a work in progress that will develop as she does, but she's open to followers, and I think she might get along great with these two--or anyone else with an open mind and nowhere to go. (I see a few sweet girls she might vibe well with, too!) <3

If you read through any of my other kids and think one might be a good fit for anyone, please let me know!
[Image: Mikko-Icon.png][Image: praxisicon.png][Image: sundaraicon.png][Image: NephIcon.png][Image: Karine-Icon.png]
Plot with me!

Karine has scarring on her left face and shoulder. Not all her art depicts this.



3 Years
02-17-2021, 12:11 PM
i have Adelphie, im happy to rp with anyone you have the most muse for. she is open to spars, friends, enemies, potential lovers etc :D
OR I have Carnage she is a little young rn BUT i do want her to make friends and develop her dark character so she is very open but rn is staying inside Habari borders



Expert Fighter (120)

Beginner Hunter (0)

7 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Hit!
02-17-2021, 01:48 PM
Plots as far as I can see

It's tempting to plot with each and every single one of your characters dragon -sobs- I love roleplaying with you and I definitely have the same problem where lack of interaction sometimes makes it hard. I've got a couple idea's in hand and others just small family meetings as I have a few characters related to yours as you know.

Eraithus & Acere

I don't really see any chemistry between the two of these at the time but I thought it would be an opportunity to get in some fight points. Eraithus is always itching for more fight experience and he likes sparring with the wolves here because he finds them interesting. If you'd be up for that we can do that like I said I don't think anything would become of the two of them but surprises happens so who knows.

Eraithus & Blitzkreig

I can see this being something of an interesting interaction to be honest. Eraithus personality kind of depends on who he's around but given Blitz appearance regardless of him being heterosexual or not I see Eraithus flirting with him, resulting in either a fight(depending on how you think Blitz would react) or him just telling Eraithus he isn't interested(Eraithus is respectful so he'd instantly be like a okay.) after that I can see them being potential friends, Eraithus definitely knows where some of the Klein family is being in Habari where Deathbelle is. He could gladly point Blitz in the right direction he needs since Eraithus feels strongly about family.

Eraithus & Snow

I believe Eraithus and Snow have met when snow was younger. Or was that Winter? I can't remember but if you wanted I could throw Eraithus at Snow again. Snow can tell Eraithus(if he's open for it) what's been going on incendium and he could offer a bit of advice and or some comfort. Where it goes from there I'm not sure.

Eraithus & Tel

Eraithus has a major soft spot for pups and he'd be a bit concerned with a thread with a lonely pup and no parents around(Especially out of pack lands) I can see him asking intrusive parent questions that might just make Tel feel sad and slowly realize that she's currently an orphan(Or at least has no idea where her ma is). And he can try to provide some comfort and play to her for the time being.

Borias/Adralius & Blitzkreig

Borias has since been let go from the Armada since Sirius told him to go make his own path and learn his own things. I feel like an interaction with Blitz and Borias would be interesting. Borias is slowly turning back to his selfish ways and is a slave master. Though of course he doesn't look to enslave others he wishes to breed and raise pups into slavery(as his views are that slaves are even a different breed of wolf and many are willing to serve) I can see the two butting heads. Perhaps if the conversation of slavery comes up they can each share their views or something like that. I haven't done much with Borias lately, I wanted to make a band with him but now I'm more open to him joining one more than anything.

Charm Ancora & Claire

What I was waiting for honestly. I feel like meeting Claire would be a good idea for Charm. Considering Charm never did get to say goodbye to her mother even though she had now been aware of Avalon's whereabouts. For Charm meeting her younger sister may be a bit of clarity for her and perhaps she can give Claire some comfort. Not to mention Charm can give her some herbs for depression and maybe share her own experiences with such a thing. Whereever it goes from there is if you want to thread them! But what I'd look for is Charm maybe becoming a regular figure in Claire's life before she passes away, becoming a sense of support and teaching.

Charm & Dragon and/or Drakaina

Regardless of the relationship Charm had when she was younger with Dragon, her family still meant a lot to her and still does now(Seeing as she had a previous mate and a son with a grandpup wandering around). I feel like they should run into each other. I honestly don't know what would happen. As for Drakaina Charm doesn't consider any bad blood between them. A thread where she mentions her father could lead Charm over or Charm could simply be like "Oh I'm your aunt!" and see how that goes. I think Charm also just wants to see most of her living family as they scattered and she didn't get to see Avalon before she passed.

Charm & Okami Ancora

You probably already knew that this was coming but I feel like they need another thread together. I plan on actually having Charm pass away soon (Probably within her 8th year). I want her to have as many moment as she can with her family and Okami was the sister she always looked up to. Now Charm almost considers herself an equal with her skills. Some fun sister bonding time sounds nice. Perhaps a relaxing day in the hot springs to catch up with their lives and share stories.

Pheonix Isokan & Dragon

I'm not sure how Pheonix would act around Dragon to be honest. I know I just want to thread them because they share blood. I don't have Pheonix's personality just quiet fleshed out yet but I'm in the hopes of making a pack with him centered around healing(Secretly posion making). Anywho even if nothing comes of it I'd love to thread them.

Pheonix and Okami

Pheonix is Charm's son, I think meeting Okami would be interesting. Pheonix has always wanted a deeper connection with his family, especially after the death of his mate and son. I don't see him being open to her culture but respectful of it of course. Maybe a spar since Pheonix loves to fight as well as heal.

Tanelan & Ignis

I think we discussed plotting these two before but now I'm coming forward with it. I didn't have much planned for Tan but I can see he and Ignis getting along in a weird "We both have mental illness but don't consider it mental illness" kind of way. I know for a fact Micah might get along with Ignis when he fronts. In fact I know it's a long shot but I propose a romance between the two and seeing how it goes. Regardless I would love for Tanelan to join Incendium and rise in the ranks where he can. Not to mention Slowly uncovering that Tanelan has more than one personality in him. Seeing Ignis and his packmates realize this and seeing either their support or disgust.

I think that's all I have for now, I do also have Seven(Loner masterless slave running around), Elizabeth(Valhalla healer), Kaizer(Weak/ hoping to rejoin the armada but willing to have threads before she goes back to the pack), and Koby(Furtune telling snake) if you want to thread with them I just didn't want to overwhelm you with what I already had.

Lan has DID and can switch personalities without notice
Mika is considered rated M
Beau may enter any threads as their partner



Expert Fighter (160)

Expert Intellectual (140)

5 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

By the skin of my teethPride - Demisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-17-2021, 09:03 PM
(02-17-2021, 10:13 AM)Karine Wrote: Karine & Acere: I think she and Ace should meet. They sound like they've both been through some pretty hard times. Karine never had the chance to kill either of her brothers, but one of them went mad during his time as King in her original pack, so she pretty much ended up raising all his children and eventually taking over the pack altogether after he ran away. (If things had continued and her brother hadn't disappeared, she might have very well done something to end the spread of his cruelty.)

Karine & Ares: Karine's family had an almost lifelong rivalry with Saxes on another site, but as far as she knows now, they were wiped out along with everyone else who lived in her old homeland. She would FLIP at the thought of having to run into Saxes again but torturing her by giving her back her ol' enemy sounds like fun.

Karine & Cloudburst: Yes, Karine again. :D These two I think could really relate on a lot of things, from being the caretakers in their family to feelings of abandonment by others. Karine is also a char who I'm really rooting for in the romance department. She's never had the best luck there and I feel like she should meet some boys.

Karine & Dragon & Drakaina (or anyone else of yours who's seeking a pack): I'm aiming to have Karine land a plot of territory as soon as she's able. Her old pack was sort of a piecework one she had to build up from her mad brother's mess, but this time she's going to be going into a clean slate. It will be a pack for lost/wandering souls looking for a safe place to land, not unlike the Hallows, with an emphasis on giving a voice to the common ranks and possibly even implementing some sort of "council" because some of the worst things happened due to a shutting down of opinions. Her intention will be for no one to have to carry too much weight or be tied down too harshly by strict rules and regulations (aside from those targeting aggression between packmates). It's still a work in progress that will develop as she does, but she's open to followers, and I think she might get along great with these two--or anyone else with an open mind and nowhere to go. (I see a few sweet girls she might vibe well with, too!) <3

If you read through any of my other kids and think one might be a good fit for anyone, please let me know!

I'm down for all these LOL, especially interested in the Saxe plot and, of course, throwing Cloud into that hopeful territory ;w;
I'll start the threads for them ^^


02-20-2021, 02:02 AM
(02-17-2021, 12:11 PM)Adelphie Wrote: i have Adelphie, im happy to rp with anyone you have the most muse for. she is open to spars, friends, enemies, potential lovers etc :D
OR I have Carnage she is a little young rn BUT i do want her to make friends and develop her dark character so she is very open but rn is staying inside Habari borders

I'm down to thread blitzkrieg and adelphie c: I've got muse for him and would love to develop him more, looking to do skill threads and just general threads as well ^^ who knows, maybe if they end up clicking it could lead to something more -wiggles brows- no promises tho but it'd be interesting to find out ;D

As for Carnage, the only habari char I have is Medusa. she's like 2yrs old but she has 0 education on how to do anything and pretty much is a puppy in an adult body lol, an easy target for anyone tbh


02-20-2021, 02:05 AM
(02-17-2021, 08:31 AM)Lyric Wrote: -offers all of her characters- Chose anyone you like! With the exception of Yurei the rest of my chars are single but welcomes potential friends or anything!

Eir x Odin for SURE when I get him accepted!

Auslag x Tel'teukiira! She's a puppy but she's kinda hanging around valhalla's borders to play and learn from Ardyn for now so i'd love more threads with other valhalla members c:

I have several chars around Duncan's age to thread with him, too! Claire, Snow, Winter, Noelle, Gimli, get the idea LOL

I'm down to thread with all your chars basically, if you have any ideas (or none), let me know! I'm okay with just throwing random chars at each other for skills or just to see what happens c:


02-20-2021, 02:16 AM
(02-17-2021, 01:48 PM)Tanelan Wrote:
Plots as far as I can see

It's tempting to plot with each and every single one of your characters dragon -sobs- I love roleplaying with you and I definitely have the same problem where lack of interaction sometimes makes it hard. I've got a couple idea's in hand and others just small family meetings as I have a few characters related to yours as you know.

Eraithus & Acere

I don't really see any chemistry between the two of these at the time but I thought it would be an opportunity to get in some fight points. Eraithus is always itching for more fight experience and he likes sparring with the wolves here because he finds them interesting. If you'd be up for that we can do that like I said I don't think anything would become of the two of them but surprises happens so who knows.

Eraithus & Blitzkreig

I can see this being something of an interesting interaction to be honest. Eraithus personality kind of depends on who he's around but given Blitz appearance regardless of him being heterosexual or not I see Eraithus flirting with him, resulting in either a fight(depending on how you think Blitz would react) or him just telling Eraithus he isn't interested(Eraithus is respectful so he'd instantly be like a okay.) after that I can see them being potential friends, Eraithus definitely knows where some of the Klein family is being in Habari where Deathbelle is. He could gladly point Blitz in the right direction he needs since Eraithus feels strongly about family.

Eraithus & Snow

I believe Eraithus and Snow have met when snow was younger. Or was that Winter? I can't remember but if you wanted I could throw Eraithus at Snow again. Snow can tell Eraithus(if he's open for it) what's been going on incendium and he could offer a bit of advice and or some comfort. Where it goes from there I'm not sure.

Eraithus & Tel

Eraithus has a major soft spot for pups and he'd be a bit concerned with a thread with a lonely pup and no parents around(Especially out of pack lands) I can see him asking intrusive parent questions that might just make Tel feel sad and slowly realize that she's currently an orphan(Or at least has no idea where her ma is). And he can try to provide some comfort and play to her for the time being.

Borias/Adralius & Blitzkreig

Borias has since been let go from the Armada since Sirius told him to go make his own path and learn his own things. I feel like an interaction with Blitz and Borias would be interesting. Borias is slowly turning back to his selfish ways and is a slave master. Though of course he doesn't look to enslave others he wishes to breed and raise pups into slavery(as his views are that slaves are even a different breed of wolf and many are willing to serve) I can see the two butting heads. Perhaps if the conversation of slavery comes up they can each share their views or something like that. I haven't done much with Borias lately, I wanted to make a band with him but now I'm more open to him joining one more than anything.

Charm Ancora & Claire

What I was waiting for honestly. I feel like meeting Claire would be a good idea for Charm. Considering Charm never did get to say goodbye to her mother even though she had now been aware of Avalon's whereabouts. For Charm meeting her younger sister may be a bit of clarity for her and perhaps she can give Claire some comfort. Not to mention Charm can give her some herbs for depression and maybe share her own experiences with such a thing. Whereever it goes from there is if you want to thread them! But what I'd look for is Charm maybe becoming a regular figure in Claire's life before she passes away, becoming a sense of support and teaching.

Charm & Dragon and/or Drakaina

Regardless of the relationship Charm had when she was younger with Dragon, her family still meant a lot to her and still does now(Seeing as she had a previous mate and a son with a grandpup wandering around). I feel like they should run into each other. I honestly don't know what would happen. As for Drakaina Charm doesn't consider any bad blood between them. A thread where she mentions her father could lead Charm over or Charm could simply be like "Oh I'm your aunt!" and see how that goes. I think Charm also just wants to see most of her living family as they scattered and she didn't get to see Avalon before she passed.

Charm & Okami Ancora

You probably already knew that this was coming but I feel like they need another thread together. I plan on actually having Charm pass away soon (Probably within her 8th year). I want her to have as many moment as she can with her family and Okami was the sister she always looked up to. Now Charm almost considers herself an equal with her skills. Some fun sister bonding time sounds nice. Perhaps a relaxing day in the hot springs to catch up with their lives and share stories.

Pheonix Isokan & Dragon

I'm not sure how Pheonix would act around Dragon to be honest. I know I just want to thread them because they share blood. I don't have Pheonix's personality just quiet fleshed out yet but I'm in the hopes of making a pack with him centered around healing(Secretly posion making). Anywho even if nothing comes of it I'd love to thread them.

Pheonix and Okami

Pheonix is Charm's son, I think meeting Okami would be interesting. Pheonix has always wanted a deeper connection with his family, especially after the death of his mate and son. I don't see him being open to her culture but respectful of it of course. Maybe a spar since Pheonix loves to fight as well as heal.

Tanelan & Ignis

I think we discussed plotting these two before but now I'm coming forward with it. I didn't have much planned for Tan but I can see he and Ignis getting along in a weird "We both have mental illness but don't consider it mental illness" kind of way. I know for a fact Micah might get along with Ignis when he fronts. In fact I know it's a long shot but I propose a romance between the two and seeing how it goes. Regardless I would love for Tanelan to join Incendium and rise in the ranks where he can. Not to mention Slowly uncovering that Tanelan has more than one personality in him. Seeing Ignis and his packmates realize this and seeing either their support or disgust.

I think that's all I have for now, I do also have Seven(Loner masterless slave running around), Elizabeth(Valhalla healer), Kaizer(Weak/ hoping to rejoin the armada but willing to have threads before she goes back to the pack), and Koby(Furtune telling snake) if you want to thread with them I just didn't want to overwhelm you with what I already had.


Yes to all of these! I will get around to making the threads within the next couple of days, and I'll probs toss in extras for the extras you listed ;)

Wendigo I


1 Year

All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth1K
02-21-2021, 04:33 PM
I'm thinking about throwing Harlow at Abaven, where I believe Maeve is at, if you think Gwyneira would be interested in joining them