




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-17-2021, 03:40 PM
With the Spirit's permission he left the Valhalla territory and headed north to the large flat plains he had spied on his last trip into Boreas. It was the perfect place to observe the stars with its flat land and not a tree to be seen for miles. He had recently noticed that the night sky was different than what he was used to and the position of the constellations were in different places. It certainly tripped him up the first night he had tried to travel at night and now he wanted to make sure he memorized their position in the sky so that he would not get lost again. He arrived at the Dancefloor of the Gods plains just as the sun dipped under the horizon and the bright orange and yellow sunset was changing into red and purples. His oceanic blue eyes glanced up to the sky as the first stars began to peek out and he quickly found the North star.

At least he was able to easily recognize that landmark in the sky. A deep sigh left his lips before he moved deeper into the plains and then found the perfect place to stargaze. It was a small hill, barely even noticeable, but was that much closer to the sky, even though he knew it did not make that much of a difference. Quickly he made a nest out of the grass, moving any rocks or pebbles and smoothed down the earth so that he would be able to lay on his back for hours and be comfortable. With that done, he snacked on a piece of dried deer meat that he had taken down with Cairo and tucked the small pouch he had borrowed from the man at his side as he rolled over on his back and watched as the starts began to appear on the blackness of the sky. Not he only had to wait until the dead of night when the sky lit up with every constellation and cosmic clouds. It wouldn't be so bad as he had Enzi along with him, the red tailed hawk resting next to him with her head tucked under a wing.
Drachen has a female Red-Tailed Hawk companion named Enzi that is always with him unless otherwise stated



4 Years

Halloween 2020 - Haunted House
02-17-2021, 03:54 PM

It had been a long time since Acciona had dared to travel so far on her own, the only other time had been when she made her first escape. Then, she had found, or more accurately, been found, but Sirius. He had killed her demons for her, and now she could move freely without fear of them tracking her down. The weight of the burden that had once been placed on her was lifted, and there were no thoughts of her marriage, or being forced to raise children she had no interest in having. Perhaps still a bit childlike in her ignorance of what it meant to be normal, she was getting a chance to really live for the first time in her life.

The plains were calm. Cold, of course, but that was to be expected given the time of year. There wasn’t a single tree in sight, and it gave her a clear view of both land and sky. Ahead, she could see another enjoying the evening, sprawled on his back while stargazing. It wasn’t very like her to approach strangers so freely, but the dark sky and twinkling stars gave her the confidence she usually lacked. She halted as she neared him, giving him enough space to hopefully not startle or alarm him. "Excuse me… Would you mind if I joined you for a bit? Stargazing is nice, but I’ve always enjoyed it more when I have company." She used to sneak out of her den late at night to stargaze with her sister. They would come up with stories of all the great hero’s who made of the sparkling lights in the sky, and it had given them some small sense of peace when their worlds were nothing but chaos.




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-17-2021, 04:40 PM
The cold night was still enough that he heard a set of paw steps in the dry grass long before the woman's face appeared in his field of view. His dark face turned toward her as he laid on his back with his dark paws curled to his chest. Perhaps many other would have jumped to their paws as a stranger approached them in such a vulnerable position but Drachen was comfortable with her approach, noticing immediately that she took care as to not startle him. He was slightly surprised when she asked him if she could join him, his deep blue eyes widening subtly as his dark ears rolled forward. "Yes, of course. The beauty of the night sky is always best with company." his hushed tones rumbled. He then moved to the side, closer to his red tailed hawk to allow the woman to join him in the comfort of the rather large nest he had created in the long grass. The bird beside him peeked open a golden eye to look at the wolves before closing them again, her feathers fluffing up a little more.

He allowed the woman time to settle herself on the ground before using a paw to point out the small pouch of dried meat that sat between them and spoke "Help yourself. It is not much but it is a nice snack to take the edge off of hunger." Maybe he would not have been so generous with his supplies, especially in winter, but he did not see the harm in offering the small amount of dried deer meat the had. It's not like it would cause the whole pack to starve. "My name is Drachen, by the way." he introduced himself to his star gazing companion, his deep blue eyes finding her green gaze before he returned his attention back to the stars. He remained silent after, letting the woman beside him decide whether or not she would like to have a conversation or remain silent as they gazed at the stars. Either way, he was content and tried to map out the constellation to the ones he knew.
Drachen has a female Red-Tailed Hawk companion named Enzi that is always with him unless otherwise stated



4 Years

Halloween 2020 - Haunted House
02-22-2021, 01:07 AM

The man agreed to her company, inviting her to settle in beside him by scooting over and making room in the cozy nest he’d made. A small smile curved her lips as she stepped close, sitting down a comfortable distance away. She was sure that laying on her back would have been more comfortable and would provide a better view, but she didn’t quite feel safe exposing her belly like that next to the larger stranger. "Thank you." She spoke softly as he offered for her to share his dried meat, taking only a small piece and chewing slowly.

Her head tipped back, taking in the night sky. "It’s nice to meet you, Drachen. I’m Acciona."Her mind drifted to Elia, wondering what the sky looked like where she was, and if she still stargazed. Wondering if she still lived at all, or if she had found their mother as she had hoped to. "My sister and I used to watch the stars together and make up stories for the different constellations…" The comment was muttered absently, more to herself than the man beside her, but wondered if he might have his own stories for the stars.




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-26-2021, 10:43 AM
He smiled softly as the woman introduced herself and took a small piece of the dried meat he had offered after she had settled down on her stomach. "Nice to meet you too, Acciona he replied, his tan tipped tan giving a small wag, softly rustling the dried grass below him before stilling once more. Silence fell upon them and Drachen started mapping out the constellation once more and slowly he was starting to form a map in his mind, the stars in the sky seemingly inverted to the ones back in his homeland. Acciona's voice broke the silence, more of a mutter to herself then spoken to him but the small distance between them allowed him to hear her well enough. His oceanic eyes flicked to her face for a moment before returning to the sky, his expression softening slightly. "My mother adored the stars and she knew every constellation by heart. When I was a pup she used to sit with me and tell me the legend of the stars and how the constellations were formed..." he rumbled softly.

"She used to say a great war between the Gods raged long before any of the lands were made and the creatures of the earth roamed. The sky only held darkness, a flat and barren expanse with no warmth, no light. Until two of the Gods ended up falling in love and it was their love, as it grew stronger, slowly painted the sky with the stars bringing warmth and light to the abyss." his voice rumbled, the cold causing his breath to fog in front of his lips and float away on the gentle breeze. "Then as the universe formed and the constellations filled the sky, the war torn Gods slowly began to stop fighting amongst themselves to admire the beauty of the night." he finished with a small smile of his lips as he remembered his mother's voice and the adoration she spoke with as she told him those stories. A moment later a small chuckle rumbled in his chest "It sounds silly now that I am an adult but as a pup it sounded incredible." His deep blue eyes turned to the russet woman beside him, meeting her gaze for a moment before looking back towards the sky.
Drachen has a female Red-Tailed Hawk companion named Enzi that is always with him unless otherwise stated