
Sons of bitches! Bumpuses!

ares and torrent



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
02-17-2021, 09:08 PM (This post was last modified: 02-17-2021, 09:11 PM by Aku.)
Aku was taking a break from his rapid fire searching. So far his efforts hadn't turned up so much as a whisper which was not unexpected but still a little disheartening. It was his understanding that the further one traveled across Boreas the more temperate the weather became and while he couldn't speak for Akna with 100% certainty, if she was like him the warmer climate didn't appeal at all. It made sense to thoroughly explore the north as it was the most like home. She was far from home in a new land where she knew no one. It made sense to think she might have picked a familiar place for comfort. His only complaint was that "the north" was so big. He would be searching for ages, but if that's what it took, so be it. His family was counting on him.

It seemed fate was in his favor. His ears detected the wounded bleat of some sort of critter and upon investigating Aku discovered a sheep suffering a number of injuries. It was surrounded by stone and one glance at the sheer cliff face above gave him all the information he needed to know. Normally quite nimble, it seemed the sheep had been no match for the icy wall. It was an excellent find for him. He could eat on it for days and if he was willing to invest a little time he could make himself some traveling gear, and preserve some meat for the barren days ahead.

He swiftly killed the sheep and then as was the Berengynja custom, quietly thanked it for all the good it was going to do him. Then, carefully, he set about removing the hide. Without tools or help his work would be crude but he wasn't going for pretty or neat, just practical. He would allow himself a meal once the hide was off, but not a moment sooner. Aku knew himself a little too well. If he had a full belly he would be reluctant to work for awhile and the longer he let the corpse sit the more likely it would be discovered by scavengers who wouldn't think twice about ruining the hide.