
stardust in your eyes, love [birth]



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (279)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

7 Years
Extra large

TeacherIsland HopperSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipSocialiteBest Buds
HomebodyWinnerAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
VengeanceOverachieverOoh La LaWealthyMammoth HunterFestival Organizer
ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerBeeventLegendaryWordySnake Eyes
Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
03-07-2021, 07:04 AM
Venom was due any day now, and she felt every bit of it. She couldn't get around near as easily recently and her rounded belly made for a waddling gait that she didn't enjoy showing off. The young Empress was always uncomfortable, especially now. She wasn't sure that she had slept more than a few hours a day for the last few days, and as time progressed the cramps within grew with intensity. Venom was curled up in her private bed chambers where extra furs and pillows for whatever comfort she could manage. The sun would be rising soon, it was the very early hours of the morning when the cramps seemed to turn into contractions. That first pang was enough for the unexperienced she wolf to know what lay ahead.

Kiyo wanted to know every bit of progress she had, which was understandable. Venom lay for a moment after a gasp in reaction. Anko, ever observant as she was, also knew what was going on. The silver furred akita approached cautiously, ears perked and expression obviously concerned. The question was unspoken and as Venom pulled in breath she nodded slightly and Anko disappeared. Venom wouldn't be forced to call for anyone in her need, the dog quickly paced away to find Kiyo and Hattori.

This was only a small hint of the excitement to come and already Venom was dreading every second. She whined softly to herself while she was alone as all of her fears and anxieties solidified. This was it, this was the day and Venom struggled with her irrational fears. She tried to calm herself and breathe, and she yearned to relax but her body was tense and tight.
[Image: ven-sig.png]



Advanced Intellectual (115)

Expert Healer (190)

7 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-07-2021, 07:49 AM

Kiyo had been snoozing peacefully in the early hours of the morning when Aki had suddenly nudged her awake, informing her that Venom had gone into labor. The woman startled, sitting upright with less grace and poise than she usually did and wincing when the world began to tilt from getting up to fast. She took in a breath, waiting a few seconds for her head to clear before she got to her paws, quickly moving to the corner of her room where she’d stowed away some herbs for just this moment. She’d prepped several days prior when Venom’s belly had begun to hang lower than usual and she’d began experiencing the first pangs of braxton hicks, knowing that they didn’t have long before the real thing happened. The last thing she’d wanted to do was be caught unawares.

She ordered Aki and Yui to prepare a bowl of water and some of the more raggedy pelts then bring them to the Empress’ chamber before picking up the bundles in her jaws and taking off at a clipped pace toward the very room herself. She flew through the archway without much pomp or permission like she normally would, instead depositing the bundle of alfalfa nearby and heading toward her daughter-in-law with the bundle of motherwort and trillium in her jaws. “Alright, dear, I won’t lie and say this will be pleasant, but I have some herbs that will help the process along. This is motherwort, for the anxiety and contractions, and this is trillium for the pain,” she said with a gentle, reassuring smile.

Kiyo worked with the sureness of someone who’d been in the same position hundreds of times before, doling out the appropriate amount of herb for Venoms weight and disposition before placing them in front of her so she could easily lap them up. “They’re bitter, but you’ll thank me for them later,” she forewarned before settling down. They were likely in for a long day if prior experience told her anything.

Talking, Talking in Italics means she's speaking Japanese



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Underachiever1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
WealthyVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! GlobetrotterOverachieverLegendary
Ooh La LaHomebodyCritical Block!ExplorerPride - DemisexualWinner
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerWordyDouble MasterCritical Hit!
03-07-2021, 01:13 PM

Rekaru Island

It was a cold and bitter morning, the breath fogging from Hattori's lips as he observed the bamboo shoots he'd planted not too long ago. They were strong and hardy plants, able to do just fine in cold climates but Hattori suspected that this was too much. Boreas was slowly but surely freezing, the long winter dragging on far beyond its welcome. That paired with the sudden influx of gigantic creatures made it feel as though the world had been bent out of shape, as though things were losing track of how they ought to be. His brows furrowed as he wondered whether it would impact Ashen, they were strong and capable, but what of his children? How would they raise them in a world so cold? As though on cue his ears flicked back as he noted the sound of thumping paws, it was Anko and rushed words told Hattori all he needed to know.

It was time.

The pair charged across the island and made quick work of crossing the land bridge. Two sets of paws landed on Inu sand and Hattori was quick to dismiss the akita as he entered the palace, winding down the hallways he soon found himself at the mouth of Venom's chamber. He hesitated for a long and lingering moment, he heard his mother working from within and he knew she was in good paws. All would be well. Stepping over the threshold, Hattori was quick to move to Venom's side. He said nothing, did nothing till she told him what she needed.

[Image: de83uxb-0342be6c-7454-4392-a336-72e10a43...s88RF1Wrtg]



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (279)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

7 Years
Extra large

TeacherIsland HopperSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipSocialiteBest Buds
HomebodyWinnerAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
VengeanceOverachieverOoh La LaWealthyMammoth HunterFestival Organizer
ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerBeeventLegendaryWordySnake Eyes
Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
03-07-2021, 08:09 PM
Venom only had a few moments alone before Kiyo appeared at her side, she stayed close especially with the birth impending. There was little wonder the healer arrived before Hattori could make his way home. Venom lifted her head and watched as the healer set herself up and began to explain her process as the intended herbs were placed before the Empress. Venom knew she was in for a rough ride, but hesitantly did as the pale she wolf bid. Hopefully she was right, and they would indeed ease the rest of her efforts.

Kiyo’s presence alone aided in keeping Venom calm. Relaxation was a long way away, and the new mom tried to focus on Kiyo instead of her fears. The offered herbs were indeed bitter but Venom swallowed them down, knowing she should take and keep Kiyo’s advice and instruction. She knew and had been through more than one birth and having her oversee was a comfort in itself.

As Venom finished the herbs Hattori’s massive form slipped through the entrance and made his way to her side. The young Empress gave him a nervous smile as she invited him closer. ”Lay beside me?” She requested softly, wanting him close as events unfolded. As soon as he made himself comfortable another contraction rippled through her and Venom leaned heaving against Hattori’s side as she twisted uncomfortably. She was panting by the time it subsided, and looked to Kiyo for guidance. Slowly through the weeks the ghostly woman told Venom what to expect, but already she doubted herself. For a while she rode the painful waves with quiet stoicism, they remained steadily timed but grew in intensity.

The next one was even swifter coming on than the last and Venom whined as the pain became too much to conceal. She heaved in her breath and again pushed against Hattori, thankful again she had him as her partner. The contraction intensified and instinct told the she wolf to push. She didn’t know how much time passed since she called for Kiyo and her mate to the moments leading up to their firstborn entering the world. Venom cried out unashamedly as the tiny boy was born.
[Image: ven-sig.png]



Advanced Intellectual (115)

Expert Healer (190)

7 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-08-2021, 11:05 AM

Hattori’s large form flew into the room like a bat out of hell, his silver gaze only for his wife as he went to her. Kiyo felt her chest warm with pride and she stifled an approving nod at his actions, pleased that he was paying such close attention to her. This moment was really just between them, she was a bystander, an onlooker to the next step in their lives but she couldn’t be more grateful to be able to be a part of it.

The contractions began to increase in pace and intensity and she knew it wouldn’t be long before the first pup was born. The Empress leaned heavily into the Shogun, her eyes squeezing shut in obvious pain before opening to look to the healer for guidance. “It’s alright, my lady. You’re doing amazing, just let your instincts guide you. Push when you feel the need, take deep breaths in between,” she instructed, her voice a gentle coo in an attempt to relieve the woman’s anxiety. Being a first time mother, the experience could be quite scary. Even if you had watched someone else give birth before, it was a completely different experience going through it yourself.

Kiyo watched as the woman bore down and pushed, a cry escaping her lips before the first little bundle came from her. Aki was quick to come forward with the bowl of water, as was Yui with the rags. The ghostly woman was quick to nip the sack then dip a rag in the water and gently rub the pup clean. She used her nose to massage his chest, pushing the mucus from his lungs and mouth and a few seconds later, his loud cry filled the room. With a grin she gently placed the child at his mother’s teat, “Congratulations, your first-born is a healthy little boy,” she said, pride filling her silver gaze.

Talking, Talking in Italics means she's speaking Japanese



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Underachiever1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
WealthyVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! GlobetrotterOverachieverLegendary
Ooh La LaHomebodyCritical Block!ExplorerPride - DemisexualWinner
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerWordyDouble MasterCritical Hit!
03-09-2021, 05:25 PM

Hattori settled into place, saying nothing as he offered his silent support. There was nothing he could say or do that would ease her pain. He knew that the birthing process was difficult and took a great toll on the Mother but he knew that his wife was a strong woman, if Deathbelle had been able to do it several times he saw no reason as to why Venom could not. But then he knew it was a complicated affair, Kiyo was a good healer, tending to the Empress with an admirable sense of calm and knowing. Hattori was many things but to say he was left unaffected by his wife's struggles was wholly inaccurate and short sighted, it bothered him more than he could say, he would have ripped the children out of her if that was what she wanted. If it would have helped.

Their first born son entered the world kicking and squealing, making a right fuss as he drew in his first breaths. The Shogun shifted to admire the boy, his brows furrowing as he took in the sight of him, the splodges of orange barely visible on his coat. It was impossible to say what sort of young man he would grow up to be but Hattori had lingering ideas, an image in his mind of his looming beside him.

A dark warrior beast worthy of Ashen's legacy.

"Kuroki." He named the boy.
[Image: de83uxb-0342be6c-7454-4392-a336-72e10a43...s88RF1Wrtg]



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (279)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

7 Years
Extra large

TeacherIsland HopperSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipSocialiteBest Buds
HomebodyWinnerAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
VengeanceOverachieverOoh La LaWealthyMammoth HunterFestival Organizer
ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerBeeventLegendaryWordySnake Eyes
Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
03-09-2021, 05:52 PM
Hattori held steady for her, providing a foundation she needed. His quiet presence was her support and his silent love was enough. For a few moments she cursed internally at ever allowing herself to get here, the pain was like nothing she had ever experienced and the ordeal was taxing her strength. Kiyo encouraged her and Hattori supported her and with that came the first puppy, bright and alive and eager to vocalize his protests at being forced into the world. Venom was able to take a breath, resting against Hattori as Kiyo prepared the newborn.

She didn’t move as she caught her breath but she could feel Hattori shift to take in their first son. Without hesitation the boy was named and placed at her belly. With that Venom could have been done, one child, all of her efforts appreciated. She wasn’t completely exhausted. This would have been a pleasant birth, but as she had been told, and shouldn’t have been any kind of surprise, Venom felt more contractions.

The young Empress groaned as she pressed her features into Hattori’s fur and willed it all to be over with. She hated to think how she might feel had Kiyo not offered her herbs. For a long time she struggled, trying not to move too much so she didn’t disturb tiny Kuroki. The magic of her first child wasn’t fully appreciated as she pushed against Hattori with extreme discomfort. ”Next time you get to give birth.” She threatened nonsensically, but the words made her feel better.

Venom gasped and squealed again as she felt the urge to push. This time just as difficult as the last as she struggled and after nearly giving up felt relief in their second born. She didn’t have time to breathe before the sensation returned. Venom whimpered into Hattori’s fur, but pushed on. The third was the easiest so far, smaller than her brothers previously, but still more effort. Venom felt exhausted and gasped for breath before trying to look at the perfect bundles gathering at her side.

”Three is a good number.” She gasped for air, ”Kiyo, please tell me I'm done.” Her voice nearly turned into begging, but deep down she knew this wasn’t yet the ending. She grasped for Hattori and willed his strength into her bones.
[Image: ven-sig.png]



Advanced Intellectual (115)

Expert Healer (190)

7 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-10-2021, 10:37 AM

It wasn’t too long after the birth of little Kuroki that the Empress began having more contractions, burying her head in Hattori’s pelt and muttering curses toward him that made the former Iga matriarch bite her lip to stifle a grin of amusement. Her ghostly gaze looked to her son, watching him marvel at his first born and she felt a tenderness growing in her chest the likes of which she hadn’t felt since his birth. She’d heard that being a grandparent was even more rewarding than being a parent and she thought she was already beginning to understand why.

She wasn’t left to reminisce long before Venom let out another groan and bore down, two more little bundles of joy coming from her. They were treated as quickly and efficiently as the first, cleaned and dried and placed at their mother’s breast to begin their seemingly never-ending eating. Venom pleaded with her that it would be the end and Kiyo offered her a sympathetic smile. “I wish I could say for sure, my dear, but we won’t know for some time yet,” she offered, getting a clean rag, dipping it in the cool water and gently dabbing at the Empress’ head and body to rid her of her sweat and hopefully help her cool down a little. She offered her more motherwort and trillium as some time had passed between her first dose, then she waited as they all did.

Talking, Talking in Italics means she's speaking Japanese



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Underachiever1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
WealthyVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! GlobetrotterOverachieverLegendary
Ooh La LaHomebodyCritical Block!ExplorerPride - DemisexualWinner
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerWordyDouble MasterCritical Hit!
03-10-2021, 11:08 AM

Hattori wasn't quite sure about that. Both biologically and whether there would actually ever be a next time. He did not dislike the thought of them having another litter together, but as things stood it was far too soon to say. A question for a distant day. But for now he focused upon Venom's struggles, offering what little comfort he could in both presence and company. He leaned against her as she struggled through it all, offering reassuring rumbles that didn't quite translate into outright words of either language. The first boy was cleaned and settled against his mother's breast only for another two to follow. A boy and a girl. He did not think or assume to name them just yet, thinking that it wouldn't exactly be fair if he claimed their titles all as his own whilst Venom did the hard work.

"You are doing well. Tell her, Mother." But even then she did not have all the answers. Three seemed like a good number in his eyes but even he could sense that her body was not done yet, four? Perhaps even more were still on their way.
[Image: de83uxb-0342be6c-7454-4392-a336-72e10a43...s88RF1Wrtg]



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (279)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

7 Years
Extra large

TeacherIsland HopperSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipSocialiteBest Buds
HomebodyWinnerAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
VengeanceOverachieverOoh La LaWealthyMammoth HunterFestival Organizer
ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerBeeventLegendaryWordySnake Eyes
Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Witches HutGold Medal 2020Valentines 2020Dream WeaverVolcano
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Costume Contest 2019Promptober 2019
03-10-2021, 11:49 AM
Venom wanted so badly to be finished giving birth, she felt like a miserable wreck as her children were being born. She wasn’t quite so sure she would be coping so well if she were on her own. Kiyo was ever supportive as she assisted in cleaning up the newborns and making sure they found their first meal. The feeling of them nursing helped comfort her anxieties and her fear was slowly subsiding as time continued on. She struggled with the pain and her warring emotions while she prayed for the end of her struggle.

Hattori and Kiyo both offered their support as the party was forced to wait and see what would happen. She would either have more pups, or shed the inner lining to signal the end when recovery would start. For now she accepted Kiyo’s offer of herbs, however much her stomach didn’t wish to take the bitter herbs.

For a moment she thought perhaps they had indeed reached the end, but that now familiar urgency reappeared and forced Venom back to work. She struggled again, her exhaustion showing now that the birth was dragging on. Twice more, with a painfully long interval in between, and the Empress and Shogun welcomed five new children into the world.

Venom was indeed thankful for the herbs given to her throughout. She gave a final heavy sigh as the last puppy was born. A tiny little runt of a girl, Venom noted absently as she tried to focus tired eyes on the five perfect children she made. Again she leaned back against Hattori, her heart's desire simply to fall asleep beside him, curled around their new little ones.
[Image: ven-sig.png]



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipAll Oozed OutOoze ImmuneThe Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
Ooh La LaOverachieverSnake EyesHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! VengeancePride - Bisexual
Mammoth Hunter
03-11-2021, 10:07 AM
[Image: Qip0Gto.png]

Things were easy and nice, till they weren't. He came out into the world kicking and squealing his little lungs out, even when nestled against the warm fur of his Big's side he still had a lot to complain about. Things had always been fine as they were, warm and cosy, but now he was cold and alone, ripped apart from the tangle of his siblings limbs and forms. He did not like it one bit and no matter how much he cried out there was no way to know if his voice was being heard. If he would be left alone forever. Except...the big warm fluff of his Big wasn't quite so bad, especially not after he was nudged towards the milk giver. He didn't to be alone but...he'd be quiet for now and get his fill whilst he could, his tiny belly was rumbling like you wouldn't believe after all.

One by one the pudgy forms of his siblings were nudged to his side and by then he already had milk all over his mush, his puppy belly all round and tubby. Maybe the out wasn't so bad after all, not as good as the in but that went without saying and it always would. They were together, all smushed together all right and proper and only then after he was a milk filled balloon did he begin to doze off. Being out was hard work, of that he was sure.
[Image: jCtsUWy.gif]



Advanced Intellectual (115)

Expert Healer (190)

7 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-12-2021, 10:43 AM (This post was last modified: 03-12-2021, 11:40 AM by Kiyo.)

Kiyo’s son looked to her, a much pleading in his eyes as he could manage, and asked her to reassure Venom that she was doing great. It was then that she really realized how much love the man had for the Empress. Hattori wasn’t the cold, indifferent wolf that most thought he was, in fact he cared quite a lot, he just had trouble expressing it. The fact that he was trying to reassure his wife so much and sticking so close by was a testament to his devotion to her. It was a far cry from his father, who hadn’t even been there for his birth and wouldn’t even see him until he was weaned and they could be certain he was a ‘healthy, worthy heir’. She shuddered to think of what would have happened if he were sickly, but then again perhaps it would have been better. Perhaps he would have grown up happier, less reserved, less traumatized. "Of course she's doing wonderfully! I've yet to see a first-time mother handle this process so well," she rewarded with a bright smile.

It was a while longer before Venom was thrown back into contractions, producing two more pups, little girls, and they were promptly cleaned and placed alongside their brothers. Kiyo went stock still when the name of the last little girl was uttered. Kiyohime. She was named after her? The silver woman felt tears pricking her eyes and she could do nothing but offer a deep bow in thanks, words lost on her tongue with the honor she felt brewing in her chest. She looked at the little bundles nestled against the matriarch’s stomach, then to her son and his wife, the latter of which already drifting off into post-birth sleep. A well deserved sleep.

"When she wakes, give her this. It's alfalfa, to help with milk production. If she's sore, give her two leaves of trillium. Should you need anything else I will be just down the hall," she instructed, her eyes sliding to her companions who promptly got up and started gathering her things. The woman moved toward the door at the heels of Aki and Yui, but she paused briefly. Her antlered head turned to look over her shoulder and she gave a smile to her son, "Congratulations, my son. You'll make a fine father," she said, then turne a left.


Talking, Talking in Italics means she's speaking Japanese



Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Underachiever1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
WealthyVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! GlobetrotterOverachieverLegendary
Ooh La LaHomebodyCritical Block!ExplorerPride - DemisexualWinner
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerWordyDouble MasterCritical Hit!
03-13-2021, 10:02 AM

Hattori wasn't sure if that was the truth, he didn't know better, but it seemed to work well enough. Thoroughly exhausted and deserving of a much needed rest, Venom settled with all five of their puppies nestled up and safe next to the warmth of her breast. He found the sight satisfying he a way he didn't know how to describe or explain, as though a more basic and instinctual part of him was having a need. One he had not acknowledged till now. It was hard to tell with all the smudges of colours but he saw himself and Venom in each and every pup, as though a collimation of their past and future efforts.

Kiyo was quick to offer Hattori some more medicine and explained what they were and what he ought to use them for. He knew very basic first aid, mostly stemming from the fact how he knew how to kill efficiently, but his knowledge was severely limited when compared to his Mother's. If she believed these herbs would help then he would take her word for it and appreciated the fact she knew when her part was played and excused herself accordingly. He simply dipped his head, slow and subtle as to not disturb Venom and remained where he was, supporting her even now till she sent him away.

[Image: de83uxb-0342be6c-7454-4392-a336-72e10a43...s88RF1Wrtg]