
The Holly and The Ivy [Healer's Meeting]



5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Ice Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterPride - AsexualDouble Master
Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
02-06-2021, 04:22 PM

Lúta's first task had been to get herself settled and her storage cellar dug and stocked. With the help of her companions she'd been able to get everything moved in one trip. She glanced over at Kolfinna as the cougar approached. She bumped the wolf's shoulder then started to climb up onto a nearby wall as Lúta finished laying out the plants she'd gathered so far in Auster. She had some boneset and meadowsweet from the starlit plains as well as some more difficult finds. She set the elderberry leaves out as well as a valerian root. A good haul so far. She was glad to know that many of the herbs that grew in Boreas also grew in Auster. Tipping back her head she called for the healers of the Hallows to gather. She was interested in getting to know her fellows and hoped they could share knowledge of the plants they'd brought with them or had found in their new home.


Due Date: February 12th (I plan to post Saturday morning)



7 Years
Chrono I

02-06-2021, 06:08 PM

Aranea had heard the call of Luta and wouldn't waste time to gather. She was out at the Starlit Plains just around the borders on a stroll, maybe a bit of patrol but it wasn't asked of her and that wasn't really her thing. She was pretty defenseless when it came to battle so protecting their home would be on a scale of none on her side. Though, maybe it was her confidence that made her brute strength lack, or at least the strength in her heart to think so.

When she came to the healer's call, she would notice the abundance of herbs she had laid out in front of her. She didn't think to bring any herbs along with her, but she had plenty of knowledge of Auster's lands to offer. Aranea had a difficult time learning some of the new and different ways healers found uses for herbs no-a-days, but she was always willing to learn and adjust, even at her older age. "Luta," She bowed her head in greeting as she came to a seat, "It is a pleasure." Aranea wasn't sure how many healers were inside her pack, but she hadn't been out to meet many of them anyway. She left to birth her pups shortly after joing The Hallows and then only returned before the move to Auster. But she hoped to change that. Though her general knowledge of herbs was pretty great, she found herself as an average helper to healing and found her strengths in the lay of Auster and Boreas' lands more.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
02-06-2021, 11:13 PM
ooc: I hope you don't mind if I throw a pup in, but I wanted more Gwyn time with the other healers <3

It was still cold here and even a tad snowy at times, but there were certainly far more plants for her to pick from around their new home. The plains that made up half of their territory were absolutely packed to the brim with different plans and herbs - some she was familiar with and others she wasn't. Eilwen had already proven to be way more knowledgeable on some of this stuff than she had anticipated and the white raven was a big help in carrying them back home whenever she went out on her little expeditions to gather them. She hadn't tried venturing out of the lands her mothers had claimed just yet even though she was curious how much more new plant life there was to find in Auster... her nervousness about facing the rest of the unknown continent on her own was too nerve wracking and outweighed her curiosity.

Her ears perked up when she heard a call for healers and for a moment she wondered if she even counted in that category. She was still training of course, but... if they were going to talk about stuff she could learn from then she didn't want to miss out. "Well... Aren't you going to go?" Eilwen asked after a few moments and Gwyn's ears flicked uncertainly. "You don't think I'll be intruding, do you?" The pale bird scoffed and ruffled her wings at the thought. "Intruding? Of course not! You're a healer, aren't you? And if they say anything otherwise they'll get a piece of my mind!"

Gwyn giggled softly at her companion before finally getting to her paws, Eilwen quickly moving from her perch to take her usual place on Gwyn's shoulders. It took the dark girl a bit to find where Luta had called from, but eventually she did make it and walked in right behind Aranea. She gave them both a smile, her tail wagging gently. "Hello." Her lavender and mint green swirled gaze looked down then at the herbs that were spread out on the ground and her ears perked with interest again, settling in on her haunches as she looked over the various plants with a very nerdy excitement.

"Gwynevere" | "Eilwen"



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

02-07-2021, 08:10 AM
Indigo mostly kept to himself, he did his duties and he did them well all while keeping his head down. It wasn’t good for him, but he'd barely admit that fact. When he went out of Hallowed lands he met with some loners, and other than Kana, he knew he could talk to any of his pack mates. Spending time with the children helped to raise his spirits but it was all temporary. When he returned to his den at the end of the day it was just as empty as when he left.

Loneliness had become his company.

The sound of the voice wasn’t particularly familiar but it called for the Hallows healers and Indy would not keep himself from such a gathering. He moved slowly though, still debating internally if he belonged. When his bright blue eyes fell on Gwyn as he arrived the boy was quick to make his way to her side. They’d had fun searching for plants before and he appreciated the young girl as much as Bowen. She helped keep him bright.

Indy settled down on his haunches, like Aranea he’d brought nothing but his mind with him.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Beginner Healer (0)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
02-07-2021, 05:13 PM

Outlaw was still a rookie in the world of healing.  He had planned to learn under Meadow as she was the reason he took up healing and then Meadow had left.  Outlaw had no doubt Meadow had a reason and wished her the best.  It still left him with limited insight on the chosen craft.  It didn’t mean he wasn’t learning but slowly.  At heart Outlaw was a puppy caretaker and a craftsman but it was still important to learn how to heal in case someone got hurt. If nothing else finding flowers and herbs was fun!

He had been checking out more of the castle rooms for items he might like to make his den a bit better when he heard the howl.  The grey and black dog had just pulled free a gold-colored rope pretty tassels on both ends and had found a dreamcatcher almost hidden by dirt.  The dreamcatcher didn’t look like much now but once he cleaned it he thought it would look pretty.  Outlaw didn’t know what it really was, but it was nifty and surely special.

Thus as he approached the other wolves he had his finds still with him, the rope wrapped about his neck with the ends hanging down like some scarf and the dreamcatcher in his mouth.  Placing it down between his paws he looked from one wolf to the next, offering them all a big grown, tail wagging merrily sweeping up any dirt on the ground.  “Howdy,”  he offered the group.  There were some here he didn’t know so added on, “I’m Outlaw, pleased to meet ya.”  Then his attention drifted down to Gwyn, grinning just for her.  Pups were still the best things in his book, “hiya.”

Speech:"Life is but a game " Think
Unless noted you can assume Outlaw is wearing his hat.  
It's also likely there is a seagull somewhere nearby



Advanced Intellectual (60)

Advanced Healer (60)

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Pride - PansexualPride - Demisexual
02-12-2021, 05:25 PM

Emile felt like he had to step up, his mother was gone and he had to try and fill that void, that role somehow so when the call went out for pack healers Emile felt his hope lift a little, he wasn't exactly experienced and had no real practical knowledge but without his mother around to help he knew he needed to seek out his own training. So the boy would approach the group. He cast his forest gaze around the group, it was mostly faces he'd seen around but otherwise didn't really know. Except for Outlaw who he almost immediately bee-lined towards, giving the dog a wag of his tail and a smile though he was obviously a little nervous.


Art by Sigath
[Image: 6UZMUzp.png]

Art by Sigath

Warning: Emile's threads may be potentially triggering as he is suffering from extreme mental duress, his threads may include themes of suicidal ideation and physical and emotional self harm. Please take care of yourself and thread at your own discretion.
Emile has a ring of jagged scars around his right eye from the events of the ooze, most of his art do not show this. His profile has been updated to reflect this.

Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Ice Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterPride - AsexualDouble Master
Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
02-13-2021, 10:08 AM
Waking From A Dream

Lúta smiled and dipped her head in greeting as Aranea was the first to arrive. The next was some what unexpected. One of the pups had answered her call but that would save her having to call a couple of meetings. She did want to see which of the youth had an interest in healing and start getting them involved. She smiled gently. "Hello, there." More members arrived and she dipped her head to each of them in turn, momentarily wondering at the contrast between the indigo man's somber arrival and the spunk of the dog, Outlaw who followed shortly behind. The last to arrive was another one of the pups and she dipped her head in greeting to him as well.

"Thank you everyone for coming. If you don't know me my name is Lúta. Now that we're settled into our new home I wanted to share some of the herbs I've found growing here and I'd love it if others could share what they've found as well for the good of the group. Afterwards, if you'd like I can walk through making green elder ointment from the leaves of the elderberry bush for those that aren't familiar with the process." She had brought plenty of supplies so that everyone who wished to try could give it a shot. While she spoke Raga, her macaque, tended to a nearby fire to get it prepared for crafting. "I found boneset and meadowsweet in the Starlit plains and the elderberry and valerian to the southeast of the castle. Would anyone else like to share what they've found in Auster so far and where? Also if you could add your name as well that would be lovely."


Due Date: February 19th (I plan to post Saturday morning)



7 Years
Chrono I

02-15-2021, 03:14 PM

Aranea kept her attention mostly to Luta, or rather the herbs she had laid out in front of her. But still, as others came in she would greet only when greeted as she was still trying to come out of her shell. Seeing some of the pups joining brought a smile to her face, and she wouldn't worry about hiding her truly joyful emotions. They didn't come to her often. But she was certianly happier to look to the pups not only because she had some of her own but just the knowledge they wished to learn was nothing to ignore.

Luta had offered for the group to share what they had discovered after their move, and she also offered to teach how to make ointment as a group activity. Aranea had her own ways as expected for any healer, fighter, or crafter, but she was never one to ignore someone else's teaching even if she already knew the way they would offer. She'd look around to the small group before speaking out first, "My name is Aranea," Her gaze moved to Luta as if to address her for her own explanation, but would again go across the other adults and pups while she announced, "I've lived in Auster before so if there is anything particular you want, I'm sure I can help find it."

Before she would relax to let someone else introduce themselves or give a go at what they wanted to share with the group, she would end her talk time with, "I'd love to see how you craft your ointment Luta." And with that she would wait to listen to everyone else.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



Advanced Intellectual (60)

Advanced Healer (60)

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Pride - PansexualPride - Demisexual
02-18-2021, 09:39 PM

Emile was a little self-conscious, ducking his head slightly and skittering closer to Outlaw. Still, he listened to the blue woman as she spoke and made a point to try and commit her name to his memory. She led the group through what she was hoping to get through and the boy pulled himself away from the dog's side slightly, his interest clearly overpowering his sudden shyness.

Things fell silent for a time and the white and grey woman spoke up, and then as time stretched a bit more the boy found his voice, ears twitching and blood flooding his face when his words stuttered.  

"I'm E...mile." He pipped up. "I ssssaw ssssssome really big y-y-y... yellow and red flowers growing around the casssssstle." The boy wasn't sure if the flowers he'd seen (Marigolds) would be helpful or not but he hoped they would. He would nod in agreement as the white and grey woman spoke her desire to learn Luta's process for making the ointment.


Art by Sigath
[Image: 6UZMUzp.png]

Art by Sigath

Warning: Emile's threads may be potentially triggering as he is suffering from extreme mental duress, his threads may include themes of suicidal ideation and physical and emotional self harm. Please take care of yourself and thread at your own discretion.
Emile has a ring of jagged scars around his right eye from the events of the ooze, most of his art do not show this. His profile has been updated to reflect this.

Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Ice Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterPride - AsexualDouble Master
Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
02-28-2021, 08:39 AM
Waking From A Dream

Lúta's ears perked up as Aranea mentioned that she had lived in Auster before and so she had extensive knowledge of the herbs that grew in their new home. "Excellent! I would like to find some Trillium and some White Willow Bark if you know where to find those." Trillium was rare but excellent for more severe wounds. The willow bark could be harvested in the winter. Autumn was around the corner and she wanted to be prepared for when the abundance of herbs became a scarcity.

She then turned her attention to Emile as he spoke, his words slurring and stuttering but she smiled encouragingly at him, hoping he didn't feel bad. "Thank you, Emile! I'll take a look at those. It sounds like Marigolds." She glanced about at the others but hearing no more input she opted to move on to the crafting. "Thank you all for coming. If you'd like to hang around for the crafting feel free to stay otherwise you're dismissed."

She moved over to the fire, beckoning those that wished to stay to join her. "Green Elder Ointment is made from the leaves of Elderberry. It helps with bruises, sprains and minor lacerations to decrease swelling and help ward off infection. To make it we need the leaves, lard, suet and something to mix it all up in. I have a number of ceramic bowls if everyone would like to grab one we can get started."

ooc: Sorry for the wait.
Due Date: March 9th (I plan to post Wednesday)



Beginner Healer (0)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
02-28-2021, 08:17 PM

Outlaw hadn’t spoken up in time about anything he’d found as he had spaced out thinking of what all he had seen and questioning himself on which ones he knew and the numerous he hadn’t.  He’d also been thinking of how Emile looked nervous.  He had given the young pup a grin when he’d showed up though.  Wolves were already being told they could head off if they wanted, whoops.  How in the world was it that he had actually been quiet?

“I found some cannabis,”  speaking up late but that had never stopped him, “Saw the marigold too, I like using it for dying stuff to change their colors.  It was super easy at the hot springs with all that hot water ready to go.”

Outlaw loved making stuff, though most items versus medicines but the medicines were more important than the silly things he made for fun.  Glancing around the dog would spot the ceramic bowls and go to gingerly pick one up and bring it back to where he was sitting, that tail of his never bothering to stop wagging.

Speech:"Life is but a game " Think



7 Years
Chrono I

03-08-2021, 08:23 AM

Aranea nodded in respond to Luta, she would take the time afterwards to think and remember where the herbs were that she mentioned. Though in the cold months, they would prove hard to find. Auster wasn't accustomed to the cold while it was more of a tropical land. And winter didn't seem to be left behind in Boreas.

She listened as Emile stated what he had seen around the castle, and she wouldn't be any less observant as Outlaw mentioned the same. It was easier for her to know what herbs were in her vicinity just by smell alone, she was a pretty experienced healer.

As Outlaw went and grabbed a bowl, Aranea too would follow after him, grabbing a bowl herself before returning back to her place. If anything else, making the ointment would be beneficial to keep in their stores. So whether she knew how to make it or not was beside the point. She too would find herself looking to the young ones for their interest in healing,

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead



Advanced Intellectual (60)

Advanced Healer (60)

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Pride - PansexualPride - Demisexual
03-19-2021, 02:34 PM

Marigolds Emile filed the name of that flower away in his mind, and listened as Outlaw spoke, head tilting to the side, he'd never heard of the plant the dog had spoken of before and idly wondered what it was that it did, though he mentioned using the Marigolds for dyeing... Something else the boy was as of yet unfamiliar with.

Outlaw got up to get a bowl and the boy practically attached himself to the dog's leg, moving to fetch a bowl for himself, trying desperately to retain all the information he was absorbing from outlaw and Luta but already feeling like it was a lot to try and remember... how did all the adults do it?


Art by Sigath
[Image: 6UZMUzp.png]

Art by Sigath

Warning: Emile's threads may be potentially triggering as he is suffering from extreme mental duress, his threads may include themes of suicidal ideation and physical and emotional self harm. Please take care of yourself and thread at your own discretion.
Emile has a ring of jagged scars around his right eye from the events of the ooze, most of his art do not show this. His profile has been updated to reflect this.

Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Ice Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterPride - AsexualDouble Master
Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
03-21-2021, 08:56 AM
Waking From A Dream

Lúta turned her attention to Outlaw for a moment. "Excellent, I adore marigolds." Not only were they a useful plant in healing but they were also so lovely. She was a sucker for the color orange and hearing about how Outlaw used it to dye stuff immediately caught her interest. "I've never tried dying things with plants. Maybe you'd like to give us a lesson on that some time? I'd love to learn! As for cannabis, I don't believe I've heard of that plant. What can you tell us about it?" There was no reason they couldn't learn more about other plants while working on the elder ointment. That was one thing about healing, there was always more to learn and it was impossible to know everything. It was one of the reasons she loved it.

She watched as everyone got their bowls and when they were ready she started the lesson. "Alright, so the mix of ingredients is 3 parts leaves, 4 parts lard, and 2 parts suet. So its adjustable depending on how much you want to make. If its easier for your first time, feel free to try it in equal amounts. I'm going to start with the leaves." Gingerly using her teeth she picked up several leaves and placed them in her ceramic bowl. She then used her paw to scrape in small amounts of lard and suet, licking the excess fat off her paws. "Next grab a bone or stick and use it to bruise the leaves and stir the mixture." She gestured to a motley crew of bones and sticks she'd gathered in case anyone needed to borrow one. Picking up a deer leg bone in her jaws she tilted her head so the ball of the bone ground into the ceramic bowl until the mixture was loosely combined.

Due Date: March 31st (I plan to post April 1 after work)



Advanced Intellectual (60)

Advanced Healer (60)

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Pride - PansexualPride - Demisexual
03-31-2021, 11:58 AM

Emile watched with rapt attention as Lúta explained the process to them. He attempted to copy her as best he could, which wasn't terribly well but hey he was trying. It was a little harder for him due both in part to his size and the fact he hadn't totally mastered fine mechanical skills yet. He particularly struggled with separating the suet, ending with a much larger chunk than Lúta had, but into the bowl it went!

For all his struggles with the finer points of the mixture, he couldn't be faulted with a lack of enthusiasm. He carefully picked out a stick from those provided, taking his time to look them over and picking out one that he felt would be suitable for himself, it wasn't particularly long and was thin so would be easy enough to hold in his mouth, and then returning to his bowl the boy went to town on mashing the end of his stick into the bowl.


Art by Sigath
[Image: 6UZMUzp.png]

Art by Sigath

Warning: Emile's threads may be potentially triggering as he is suffering from extreme mental duress, his threads may include themes of suicidal ideation and physical and emotional self harm. Please take care of yourself and thread at your own discretion.
Emile has a ring of jagged scars around his right eye from the events of the ooze, most of his art do not show this. His profile has been updated to reflect this.

Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Ice Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterPride - AsexualDouble Master
Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
04-03-2021, 09:36 AM
Waking From A Dream

Lúta watched everyone as they worked, grinning in particular at Emile as he worked to get the mixture made. She waited til everyone was ready and then moved on to the next and, in her opinion, easiest step. "Alright, now that we have everything combined we need to heat it." She scooted her bowl near the fire. "I find this is a good distance. You just want to heat it til everything is melted and the ointment turns green from the leaves. Then you know the medicinal properties of the leaves have been pulled into the ointment." If one wanted to they could strain the leaves out after the mixture heated through to pull out the leaf chunks but she figured it would be fine to leave them. "You can then use a stick to scoot the bowl from the fire til it cools and then store it. Any questions?"

ooc: if anyone needs more posts from me to get enough for points let me know otherwise I'm calling this thread done, thanks for attending! I'll see if I can do something a bit more interactive and fun next time!



Beginner Healer (0)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
04-25-2021, 07:37 PM

“Oh, sure! Dying stuff is fun and can make all sorts of things look better after.” Not that the natural color of things wasn’t pretty in their own way but changing things up was nice, right? “It was easier at the hot springs as you need the water hot but you can just, well, uh some other time I guess.”  Right, he was learning how to make an ointment right now so no need to go into that.  Dying things seemed real easy to Outlaw’s mind whereas there were loads of things with ointments he didn’t know.  This was the part that was really helpful.  Especially with a bunch of rambunctious wolves who enjoyed fighting.

“Uhm,” What could Outlaw tell them about Cannabis?  He had recognized the plant and knew a little about he assumed there plenty he didn’t know or remember.  “First time I ever saw it was on a small island.  It was past the beach south of where the hallows use to be, you know, the hot springs.  I think it was called Daager Isle?” Outlaw had called it an island till he had heard the name once before.  That sounded right at least.

“Anyway, it was pretty common there, and learned what it was later.  So, it's actually about the area. Seen those small bushes with the green leaves?” Ok, admittedly lots of plants had green leaves. “Well, yah a bush with sort of long leaves, kind of fan out and hm…” Was this description really going to work later.  “Um, I can show you later? Might be easier.” A plant was a plant was a plant except that they had different uses and did different things and had different levels of safety and well but, so many of them looked similar to another.  “Well, anyway, the main use I know of for it is to help with pain.”

Outlaw enjoyed making a variety of things and it seemed to serve him well when it came to portioning out the ingredients.   It felt great being able to keep up with what to do!  The trick would be actually remembering all of this in the future.  Things were a lot easier when you had someone to watch right in front of you.  Four of this and three of that and two of the other.  Uh, Outlaw could have forgotten that easily enough if Luta wasn’t there doing it for them to see.

The dog glanced to Emile, mouth open in a smile and tail wagging, “Hey, looking good there.”  Emile was a pup, there was no expectation of him to be perfect at it!  “You and me, we can practice together at some point huh? Remembering those numbers might take some work.”  Puppies, Outlaw just had a thing for them.  They all deserved love and a sense of security so any pup without it meant it was up to Outlaw to try and help out.

Outlaw grabbed himself a bone, tilting his head as he got it held just right in his mouth and with the bowl between his paws crushed up the contents cheerily.  Once Luta gave the next step he picked up his bowl to take it next to the fire, that tail still merrily wagging all the way.

Speech:"Life is but a game " Think
Unless noted you can assume Outlaw is wearing his hat.  
It's also likely there is a seagull somewhere nearby