
It was what it was




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
03-24-2021, 09:39 AM
They had started being able to collect some of the wool from their alpacas and that got his mind working for what they could make with it. He wasn't the most skilled or dexterous crafter around, but he got by and it at least gave him a task he could do while staying inside the warm castle. While most of his wounds were healed from the encounter he had when saving Aranea, he did have a few that were more fresh from the saber cat fight on his cheek and shoulder. They were just surface lacerations and weren't as concerning as the cracked rib he had gotten from the giant wolf, but still not things he wanted to aggravate with anything rigorous like sparring and long patrols. That restrained him to staying near the castle for the most part and he was going to go stir crazy if he didn't find a task to keep him occupied.

He found some of the rolls of cloth they had scavenged from around the castle and wondered if he could replicate something like the old pillows that were on the bed he had in his room. He was pretty sure those were filled with feathers since there had been a hole on the side of one of them when he first moved into the room and there was a feather trying to escape through it, but wool was soft and fluffy so he couldn't imagine that it would make bad pillows. He brought the cloth, wool, and a container of pine pitch over to one of the fire places in the main hall of the castle so that he'd have a heat source to warm up the adhesive - as well as stay warm while he worked.

Just as he was about to get started, he spotted his daughter across the room and smiled softly. "Jane!" he called out to her, "I'm going to try making some pillows. Would you like to help? I could use an extra set of paws."

Walk | "Talk" | think



3 Years
03-24-2021, 10:27 AM
She has been starting to think what they said about her mom was true, she just had a hard time actualy figuring it out. Her childhish mind fought hard against the harsh truth. Yes she perhaps will return soon! Yes that should be it right? She will come? Yes she would think that! Faith was on her still. But her obliviousness made her ignore what her sigblings and parents should be going true. She didnt ingore them in ill reasosns she just was too trusting in their return.

She lied down in her room, playing there with a stick that under her jaws crunched into pieces making her a bit unaware of her surroundings. Until her father's voice echoed into the den. "Daddy!" She rushed his way before hugging him with enthusiasm.

"I'm going to try making some pillows. Would you like to help? I could use an extra set of paws." She took a look at what he brought. "I do! I'll help you always dad!"




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
03-25-2021, 10:49 PM
His daughter's enthusiasm and brightness never failed to astound him and lift his spirits. He knew there had to be a bit of denial fueling that cheeriness, but he just didn't have it in his heart to dampen the spirit she carried. He quietly hoped that Jane's wishes weren't unfounded and that Azariah and Everlyse would return before his sweet girl succumbed to the loss that he and many of other children were feeling. When she rushed up to him to give him a hug, he grinned and chuckled, returning her hug just as happily. She was certainly the most affectionate of her siblings and he would never turn down any amount of hugs or snuggles from her. "Wonderful!" he replied with she agreed to help him, giving a little nod to the space beside him so that she could join him next to the fire. "Hopefully it won't be too difficult. Then you can have some to take to your room when we're done if you'd like. They should be really comfortable to lay on at least!"

He passed her the bowl of pine pitch since she was laying closer to the fire than he was and told her, "Could you put that in front of the fire for me, darling? Not too close - just along the edge there. That will need to warm up some before we can use it." He then pulled over the roll of cloth and started spreading it out in front of them, passing the roll her direction to finish spreading it out. It was either big enough to make one large pillow once they folded it in half which was fine since he had a few pieces the same size as this one. The thick fabric seemed to be almost two sided with the same pattern, but one side showed mostly blue with white accents while the other side was the opposite with mostly white showing and blue accenting it in a floral sort of motif.

He hummed thoughtfully, considering the two sides. "What do you think, Jane? Which side do you like better?" He asked, showing her both options again. "We'll use whichever side you like best for the outside of the pillow."

Walk | "Talk" | think