
Put love on hold, young Hollywood




3 Years

Pride - Demisexual
04-03-2021, 12:20 PM
It was a long, hobbling walk back to the ship, but they made it eventually and Chrystelle led her brother through the old structure to the room she can claimed as her own. It wasn't much, but she had made it as comfortable as she could with several furs she had scavenged from their old den that were now piled into a bed along one of the walls. She had her herbs arranged in little piles along the opposite wall since she hadn't quite figured out how she wanted to store them yet - much less finding the materials she would need to craft such a thing.

She helped Océan make it over to the bed of plush furs, easing him down onto the bed before she went over to her selection of herbs. The metal floor was cold under her paws, but at least the walls of the ship blocked out the wind and that helped a tremendous amount with them being able to keep warm in there. She gathered up some dried marigold and dandelion root, but paused and looked over her shoulder at her brother before she picked anything else. "Would you like anything for pain?" she asked, not really knowing the full extent of his injuries just yet.




3 Years
Extra large
04-04-2021, 07:28 AM
Ocean wasn’t even sure what he was doing, the fire in his belly was gone, his confidence shattered, his family only remaining in bits and pieces now. There wasn’t much for him to live for and as his sister helped him along Oce wondered if it was even worth it to come back. Maybe everything would have been better if he had just died in the snow. Ocean was silent as Chrys helped him limp back to her chambers in the ship. She helped him lay on the furs that decorated the den, a soft sigh leaving his lips as he curled his legs beneath him and laying his head on the fur. Thankfully it protected against the harsh cold of the metal ship, not that the young man cared.

Chrystelle went about her work, looking up to the herbs she had stored within. Ocean closed his eyes, still contemplating if he even deserved to be here. His sister’s soft voice reached him, but Oce couldn’t find his own voice and instead shook his head no. He’d live with the pain, it was the only emotion he felt besides numb and empty. Ocean grit his teeth and buried his face in the crook of his arm.



3 Years

Pride - Demisexual
04-04-2021, 04:33 PM
Chrystelle's ears flicked back against her head and her shoulders drooped a bit as her amber eyes landed on Océan and she saw him with his eyes closed, barely answering her before hiding his face. Seeing him hurting like this broke her heart and she wanted desperately to help him, but she didn't know how. Physical wounds made sense. Physical pain made sense. She had herbs she could use to treat those. This emotional pain... That was more difficult and abstract. She went ahead and picked out the herbs she would need to at least treat the cuts and wounds that were scattered around his large form so they wouldn't get infected.

She brought over a small bundle of them over to where he was laying, placing them off to the side before setting down beside him and beginning to pick her way through his dark pelt and finding each and every injury. She felt a bit like one of those monkeys that would pick bugs off of each other as she worked her way though his fur. She was gentle with her touch though, not wanting to hurt him any more than necessary even though he had refused any sort of pain relieving medicines.

This was the most time consuming part of the whole ordeal just to clean away any remnants of dried blood or dirt from his tattered coat. Occasionally as she worked she would glance up toward his face, trying to find something to say and ultimately failing. Dealing with her own emotions was not something she generally allowed herself to do, much less knowing how to help others with theirs. When she was finally satisfied that she knew where all of the cuts were and his coat was in a slightly better state than it was when he walked into her room, she moved back up toward his head, laying down beside him as she pulled the herbs she had collected closer to start chewing them into pastes.

"Do you want to talk about any of it?" she asked quietly, gently nosing his cheek before she went to work on the herbs, her amber eyes watching him sympathetically.




3 Years
Extra large
04-17-2021, 08:22 AM
Anger was an emotion that truly brought out the worst of him, but now after everything it didn’t seem like he’d ever be that uncontrollable again. The sorrow and pain that filled him were too overwhelming. His heart was smashed and broken and he couldn’t do anything about it. He wanted to see Motif again, he wanted to be in her presence and get lost in her beautiful blue eyes. He hadn’t realized it because he was so young, but Ocean was in love with her. Now she was gone. Forever. The boy could hardly stand the fact it hurt him so badly. He wished the massive brutes that found him had finished him instead of leaving him to limp home. The physical pain of his injuries were nothing compared to the empty feeling in his chest.

Chrystelle was at his side then, softly combing through his fur as she identified his injuries. He could feel every movement despite his closed eyes and hidden features. He knew he was worrying her, and that his actions were unfair especially to his devoted sibling. Oce couldn’t help himself. He felt broken, busted, unworthy of her attention. Ocean remained silent, quietly reliving the memories in his mind while she went on. Ocean didn’t even flinch as she cleaned him. Eventually he returned his head to his forearms instead of hiding himself when she lowered her body comfortably beside his own.

Eventually she spoke, prompting him as softly as she touched his cheek. Ocean knew he was being obvious, he was worrying his sister and causing her distress even as he lay there. Still the boy could hardly even speak about the pain beneath. He hadn’t even been able to say goodbye… That thought cause tears to well in his silver eyes the emotions finally bursting forth even as he tried to hide and suppress them. A stream of tears trickled from his eyes as he finally fully embraced reality.

”She’s dead.” He whispered the words only barely. He hated them, loathed the fact, and could hardly stand them as they burned his lips. ”My friend, the girl who helped me through mom’s death. I loved her.” He told Chrys through his gritted teeth. The painful truth that broke him from the inside out. "Motif is dead." Ocean forced his eyes shut as more tears streamed down and he felt the pieces of his heart crumple into dust in his chest.



3 Years

Pride - Demisexual
04-22-2021, 08:58 AM
She began to prepare the herbs she needed to treat his wounds, but slowly she began to abandon the task when she noticed the tears starting to cloud his silver gaze. Her ears folded back with concern and she nudged the herbs away as she shifted closer to lean into him for a moment, patiently waiting for him to explain. She didn't want to pressure him into talking about it, but at the same time she had no idea what was going on or how to help - if she could even help at all. Sympathy and worry deepened in her expression as the tears began to fall in earnest. Eventually the truth of it came out and her brows lifted with shock and she was able to understand what was hurting him so.

"Océan, I'm... I'm so sorry..." she whispered gently as she struggled to find the right words to say. She could figure out how to heal wounds or cuts or injuries of various sorts, but broken hearts were not exactly in her list of knowledge of how to fix it. She carefully lifted her head over his and tried to pull his head into her chest, wanting to at least embrace him and hide him away from the world if he wished. She didn't really even want to ask if he knew how she died or question for any details on the matter. She only wanted to comfort her brother in the only way she knew how. She knew that eventually she would have to get back to treating his wounds, but they could wait. Nothing was critical or dire among the small wounds all over his body and they most certainly could wait while she let him cry about the loss of his friend.




3 Years
Extra large
04-29-2021, 02:27 PM
The emotions swiftly overwhelmed him as he was finally able to relax. The last of his defences came down and Ocean was fully vulnerable there beside Chrys. She leaned against him as the dam broke but even then he couldn’t put his eyes on her. Shame, sorrow, and defeat weighed heavily on his heart to the point of breaking. He was broken inside and out. No matter what Chrystelle did he wouldn’t be made whole again, but he didn’t want to bear it alone anymore. How long had he wandered the lands alone trying so desperately to find Motif?

He felt like his whole body was in pain, every movement and every thought caused his heart to throb. Confessing his sins only further drove the stake into his heart and even as his sister held him tightly Ocean only felt his grief. Instinctually he buried his features into her soft fur, wanting to disappear. He felt like he lost himself, and very nearly lost himself out in the wilds. Maybe it would have been better if he did. Ocean sobbed into his sister’s gray coat, he allowed his sorrows to be seen, he didn’t know what to do now or even if he wanted to move forward. Now all he could feel was the emptiness inside his chest.