



2 Years
03-31-2021, 10:53 AM

Sooon, Mistress... The caw from Sakaar perked dark ears, plae eyes lifted upwards to the sullen skies, narrowing at the fleeting form of her companion that soared through snow-laden clouds. She could not decided whether she was partly envious of him; able to fly freely, without the need to avoid territories. To spy and remain undetected. What would it be like to feel the winds howl underneath? To soar high above the clouds...

A good place to settle? The blue-tinted raven cawed again, swooping lower this time, aiming to settle upon her frosted shoulders oh so gracefully. White lips peeled back into a grimmance, exposing opalescent canines as she grew accustomed to the irritation of talons digging into her thick furs. "Perhaps, but we must be cautious. Not to take any old dive, for we have a Kingdom to rise. Not a hovel to hide within." This was more a rally to herself, to her weary form. A reminder of her mission; her goal to start anew. Away from her Father's failures and tainted words. Away from the lies and deceit. From the bastards that shared her precious blood.

A small sigh flared through her nostrils, continuing on steadily. Her eyes scoured the slopes and the spares Pines that covered them. Do not dwell on the past, Mistress... And it was oh so easy to trigger her, Amadéa saw red, a growl bubbling from her throat as she aimed to snap at her companion; who easily evaded, frantically flapping back into the skies. Forgive me! The squawk was deafening, yet Amadéa persisted, tail curling over her spine. "We do not speak of the past-or them. Understand?" She would rather forget...


Amadéa is rated [M] and has a Raven named Sakaar!



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
03-31-2021, 01:14 PM

It had been a long time since the Warlord had been out this far. Duties and young pups had kept him close to his borders, but things had changed. The appearance of wolves larger then the Titan Warlord himself bared investigating. Despite the cold, he enjoyed the trip. It was a chance to stretch his legs, and feel the Northern wind ruffle his fur. The coat of the ebony wolf had grown thicker and more insulated in the winter months. It was as through his body knew better then his mind the icy hold Spring would unleash upon the land. Instead of shivering from the cold the further North he went, he felt invigorated. He could feel the cold, harsh on his nose and pawpads, but it did not reach his core temperature.

Once he was far enough North, he angled towards the West. Making his way towards the mountain line that formed there. It would be a rough climb, but the vantage point would be worth it. He had no intention of stumbling about in the snow until he crossed the path of a dire wolf by chance. As he reached the base of the waterfall and sought a place to climb, he flicked a paw forward. The signal sending his winged companion on a forward scout. The unfolding of heavy winds lifted the vulture into the sky. The snow Leopard he had reared from birth stalked silently, concealed in the pale colors of winter somewhere to his right. The Bear stood on her hindlegs beside him, sampling the air. With the Warlord at the fore, the small group might as well have been a small army.

He started to climb, the heavy breathing of the bear beside him breaking the quiet of the morning. He thought he heard the caw of a raven, and stilled the group. Listening a moment, but the sound did not continue. They started again, crunching snow beneath heavy bodies when the sound of snapping jaws gave them pause again. This time Marshal let out a cry of warning from the sky, and directed his attention over the next rise. Moving as silently as he was able, leaving the louder bear behind, he snuck forward. There, he would find the wolf and her companion locked in argument. He only needed a moment to tell him she wasn't the quarry he sought. Her slim build and stature was too different from the dires. Instead, He pulled himself into view and and lounged with causal ease against the rise he had climbed. "It seems I'm not the only one who braved the Ice Age to get this far" he drawled.




2 Years
04-06-2021, 04:28 AM

I-Intruders! The cry from Sakaar almost missed her flattened dark ears, caught so much in a haze of anger; she did not stop to pause or to notice the scent change that tantalisingly blew in from the south. "It seems I'm not the only one who braved the Ice Age to get this far" Nostrils that flared pushed out a hearty sigh, forcing the thunderous war-drums of her heart to slow, the thudding became dull within her ears as pale eyes sought the owner of the causal drawl that greeted her. And well... she was impressed.

Dressed in ebon, streaked in snow; with eyes like the ocean. A towering beast with elongated fangs. Enough to quicken that anger that seared through her icy veins to fire. Delight briefly danced across her tri-coloured expression. Better yet, he had a small army upon his flank; Bear, Snow-Leopard and a Vulture. Suddenly, she felt very out numbered. Do not like those odds, Mistress.

Ignoring the words of her companion, the woman's eyes continued to deliciously scour the male that so casually presented himself before her. "Indeed," She began, forming a sly grin that danced across her icy maw. "The ice and snows bring me life. Clear my head." She dared to stake a tentative step forth, delicately teasing the frosted snows with a dainty paw. "What brings you and your... compatriots out so far, Sir...?" Oh how she wanted to know his name; glean and prise that small bit of information from him... better yet, perhaps she would be able to befriend him? Learn of this new continent and its... secrets.

Amadéa is rated [M] and has a Raven named Sakaar!



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-11-2021, 10:51 PM

He wasn’t sure what brought her to the North, or if she had encountered any of the Dires or other strange beasts. The creatures that seemed to be making themselves at home in Boreas since the start of Spring. She was however the first wolf he had encountered in a while, and he wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to gather a little intel.

He wasn’t the only one who sought some answers. He raised a brow as she stepped closer to him. Not the least bit intimidated by the Warlord and his companions. He flicked a paw in silent message, and Bast the snow Leopard broke away from the group and slunk out of sight. He knew she got the message, she would scout and ensure this stranger was truly alone.

Marshal loosened his tight circles above them, and fanned out, keeping an aerial view on things. Sirius had no intention of being ambushed again, so soon after the last time…

“The cold can be refreshing, but this Spring seems to take it too far…” he said with faint amusement. “The name is Sirius Fatalis - Warlord of The Armada. And we are scouting, have you caught hide or hair of any wolves larger than myself?” if he hadn’t seen it for himself, he still wouldn’t believe it.




2 Years
04-14-2021, 12:30 PM

She wondered how much blood had been spilled by his doing, how much dripped from those mighty fangs. How many weakened souls pressed firmly under those large paws... how it would feel to bare the weight of him upon her. A wry smile dare flash upon her ice-kissed features at the thought. How scandalous! How typical. Her first thought was not of domination, but simply-being his conquest. A thought to make a fair maiden blush.

“The cold can be refreshing, but this Spring seems to take it too far…” Surprise, then amusement danced across the larger male's features. Good. She wanted to show that she was not scared, nor put off by him or his companions, in fact-dare she say that she was more intrigued. Allured. Interested. Her body seemed more feline, smoothly recoiling, collecting. Paws delicately placed upon crisp, soft snow. "This is nothing but normal, my homeland was truthfully more baron." Indeed, the snows were stronger there.

“The name is Sirius Fatalis - Warlord of The Armada. And we are scouting, have you caught hide or hair of any wolves larger than myself?” The name caused icy-rimmed ears to perk. He had given her the perfect token oh so easily! "The pleasure is all mine, Sirius." Yet she was oh so polite, dipping her head accordingly towards the Warlord. Indeed, the moniker suited him well. "I am known as Amadéa Salvatoré. Forgive me, but I am new to this realm and have yet to come across others." It had been a while since she had conversed like this-usually her contact with others had been glimpses. Sightings Rather than conversations. "Warlord of The Armada," Dare she take another step forth, body fluid, relaxed. Her voice reaching a crooning octave. "The title suits you well, my lord." She dared to whisper the title to him, with a glint within those frosted lilacs.

Amadéa is rated [M] and has a Raven named Sakaar!



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-14-2021, 01:30 PM
Her reactions were vastly different to what he was accustomed to. Any indication of 'beware' he unconsciously flashed were read as 'come closer, come hither' from this woman. It was like she had her directions backwards. She invaded his personal space, slinking closer as they spoke. It was his fault that he considered stepping back a sign of weakness. He held his ground and let it happen, even if he wasn't wholly comfortable having a stranger so close. He grunted in understanding at her comment of barron lands. The Empire he had once served in had fallen when the lands became hostile and no longer bore seed to keep the prey beasts close. Starvation. He tossed the memory away with another soft snort.

She moved closer yet, another step and she could press against him. He slowly rolled his weight to his back feet, eyes weary as he watched her. Her crooning voice loe and seductive, it had been a long time since anyone had flirted with the married man.

He raised a paw and pressed it gently against her chest, a chuckle in his throat. Oh, no, he would not make that mistake again. "I'm flattered, truly, Lady Amadéa. And married." Best get that out into the open immediately. She looked liable to attack him at any moment judging by those smouldering eyes. As he spoke, Bast appeared out of the snow again, tail swishing as she sat on her hunches beside him. It was true then, the Lady was truly alone out her. He might be a bastard, but he could be gentlemanly. "I'm in the North scouting out information on an ice bridge that appeared in the furthermore North. Would you like to accompany me up there, Lady Amadéa?"



2 Years
04-15-2021, 01:16 PM
[quote="Amadea" pid='214080' dateline='1618425039']

Where Amadéa seemed to outstretch a friendly, open palm-he recoiled. Tendons stretched and body that was once fluid curled up. How amusing it was to see the glint of panic within those ocean eyes. How easy it was to glean his personality from him-how honourable he was, simply by fluttering her eyelashes. How predictable men were.

She glanced down at the large paw that gently acted as a barrier between them. "I'm flattered, truly, Lady Amadéa. And married." A small sigh whispered from her dark lips and into the dimming air. She could practically feel the hatred from Sirius' companion; perhaps it dreamed of taring her smile from her face? Either way, she found it amusing. "Then she is lucky to have such an honourable man like yourself." Her smile was venomous, as she took a step backwards. Though the sinister part of her yearned to reach out to him-it would be their little secret. But alas, if he stood by Marriage, then he would not commit adultery.... surely.

"I'm in the North scouting out information on an ice bridge that appeared in the furthermore North. Would you like to accompany me up there, Lady Amadéa?" A fake gasp, a mocking mask of bewilderment danced across her placid expression. "Lady," A small chuckle ignighted amusement within her lavender gaze. "It has indeed been a while since someone has used that title." A small nod, flicking her paw, she sent Sakaar forwards. "But I would be delighted to accompany you, Sirius." She awaited patiently for the larger male to lead the way. "And perhaps, you may tell me of your Armada?" She was oh so dying to know....

Amadéa is rated [M] and has a Raven named Sakaar!