
We Work Ourselves To The Bone Each Night




5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Ice Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterPride - AsexualDouble Master
Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
04-25-2021, 08:52 AM

Lúta hated the dungeon. It was dark, cold and depressing and the only thing she hated more than the dungeon was the idea of Resin staying down here. She could understand the concerns of safety and she still respected Resin's decision, but if Shilah were still here she'd set him to remodeling the place. There had to be a way to get more light in and maybe do something with those horrid iron bars. With more light she could get some vines to grow up them. Something, anything to make it more cozy.

Lúta padded silently down the stone walkway with her companion Raga. A bundle of items swayed on her back. She had a valerian tincture flavored with cherry juice. A lucky find in this chilly season. It would help with anxiety and sleep and of course she used white wine for the tincture which wouldn't hurt either. She wanted it to be more like an evening cocktail than a spoonful of medicine.

She arrived at Resin's cell and cleared her throat. "Resin? It's Lúta. May I come in? I've brought you a few things." She shrugged the bundle off her back with Raga's help. She had a few nice hides, including a polar bear hide courtesy of Natha from the Armada and some smoked salmon.



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
04-25-2021, 09:07 AM

Days in this place hadn't done wonders for the former Aegis' mental state. She was a woman of action. She liked to move. To walk. To patrol. She worked and she worked hard. But this... sitting and being stagnant. It wasn't her. It wasn't something that she was able to deal with very well. The irritation at subjecting herself to this captivity had brought about bad dreams and she'd woken herself with her own growls in the night. She was supposed to be here. Putting others at risk of injury or death wasn't worth her freedom. Resin was a protector. This was how she would protect them now.

Soft pawsteps pulled the woman's attention towards the stairs. In the low light of the fireplace, Luta's sunset form appeared. The healer's words brought Resin slowly off of the furred pallet. She moved up to the bars and gave her head a slight shake. "I'm afraid there's no opening this door. Not unless you want to have Ulric and Indigo unseal it, which I'd rather you didn't." The two dire wolves had bent and wrapped a steel bar between the two handles of the cell door. In her madness, if it came, she wouldn't be able to escape the cell. It wasn't an easily removable lock, but they'd worked with what they had.

Resin seated herself, leaning against the bars, her grey fur sticking out into the open space. She waited for the healer, her friend, to question her or offer some solution or suggested, though she didn't have her hopes up. Unlike her children, her lover, the rest of the pack, Resin was resigned to the fact that her mind was rotting away. She could feel it more and more each day.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]



5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Ice Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterPride - AsexualDouble Master
Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
04-25-2021, 10:24 AM

Lúta eyed the steel bar that had been run through the door handles and bent to make removal difficult. She hated it. She hated being separated from her patient and her friend in such a manner even though she knew it was what Resin wished and what had been deemed necessary. With another rebar and her companions opposable thumbs she had a pretty good idea how she could bend it back in a way that would let her slip one side through despite not being as strong as Ulric or Indigo. Spirits, that stubborn streak of foolishness was going to get her into trouble one of these days. "Pretty sure I could figure it out, though you're right. I imagine I'd get my ass chewed for it." She chuckled.

She turned her attention back to what she had brought with her. Carefully she nudged part of the polar bear pelt through the bars and then the salmon. "Gifts from the Armada from a lynx and one of their hunters." She'd forgotten the wolf's name. Stara? Starna?

Next she scooted a bowl through and taking the wine skin which housed her valerian tincture she poured some into the bowl. "This is a valerian tincture. It should help you sleep and ease any anxiety. We'd give this to warriors suffering from PTSD in my homeland." She settled down and poured herself some straight wine so Resin wouldn't have to drink alone. "How have you been doing so far?" Her eyes glanced at Resin's body, searching for any signs of injury. She didn't know if the other woman had had any issues with physical harm during her episodes. If the bars were an issue she'd be tempted to try wrapping them in hide.



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
04-29-2021, 10:52 PM

Resin had no doubt that Luta could figure out how to open the cell from her side. She was a clever wolf. She hoped that the healer wouldn't try, however. This cell was what Resin wanted. She'd seen ravaged minds hurt and kill. The father of her children had done as much when his own mind had snapped. She worried that the same was happening to her. It was safer for all that she be kept apart from others lest she end up in the same position.

A hide was pushed through the bars and the grey woman pulled it the rest of the way. Salmon would be a treat. Ears perked as she was told that they were gifts from the Armada. A low rumble sounded in the fae's throat. "Should you see them again, give them my thanks." She then took a bite out of the salmon, letting the flavor sit on her tongue for a moment before swallowing. An appreciative nod was given before she tucked the pink meat away for later.

Settling down upon the polar bear pelt, Resin appreciated its warmth. The dungeon was a rather chilly place. The only thing that made it bearable was the lack of icy wind and the small hearth. A golden eye fixed on the bowl as it was filled. Luta explained its contents. Resin quickly drained the dish rather than sipping. She was more anxious now than she'd ever been so anything that helped, she'd like to get into her system right away.

When asked how she was doing, Resin wrinkled her nose slightly. "Lucid most of the time. Waking and sleeping... I forget. I forget faces, names, where I am sometimes." She could feel her hold slipping. It was frightening. "When I attacked Tamsyn," she began, her gaze dropping to stare at the empty bowl, "I didn't know who she was. She was a demon, one of many, and I needed to kill her." She looked back to Luta. "She was calling my name and I needed to kill her. Had she not escaped and barred the door, I would have. That's why I'm in here."

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]



5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Ice Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterPride - AsexualDouble Master
Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
05-02-2021, 04:31 PM

Lúta smiled gently as Resin took the gifts and tried the salmon. She nodded. "I will." The smile soon faded as Resin relayed to her how she was doing. While she was still lucid most of the time it was clear that she was getting worse and Lúta could feel a sense of urgency budding in her chest. "I wish there was more I could do. Please, Resin, don't beat yourself up over this. You didn't attack Tamsyn, this illness did." As far as Lúta was concerned that horrid disease was was using Resin's body to commit these atrocities. She knew Resin would never willingly hurt Tamsyn.

She sighed heavily. "I'm worried about the children. I promised Artorias I would deliver a message to you. He wanted me to tell you that he is sorry for how he treated you, that your his mother and he'll love you always, no matter what." She had to pause as her voice started to shake, delivering the boys words. "He told me to tell you that even if he can't save you, he wants you to know that he never gave up, just like you taught him." Spirits, this hurt. While Resin was the one suffering the actual damage of the disease sometimes she wondered who was suffering more.

"Resin… I know you don't wish for your children to see you. However, I fear that the unknown will do more damage than the known. What they're imagining is happening to you may be far worse than the reality. I fear they won't be able to receive proper closure." If they could time it right they could put the odds in their favor for avoiding an episode. Shortly after an episode finished perhaps the kids could be ushered in. And of course there were always medications. "If you fear reacting violently there are medications I can give you to decrease the likelihood, though you may be a bit out of it."



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
05-15-2021, 11:04 AM

A low rumble was released as Luta tried to convince her that the disease harmed Tamsyn. It didn't ease her mind, but she let it slide. It seemed that Luta had more to speak of.

The healer brought up the mental state of the children and relayed the message that Artorias had for her. Resin's dark ears tucked against her skull and she looked away, her golden eye closing. Artorias was such a good, thoughtful child. He would have to curb his emotions as he grew or he risked having them run rampant over him.

Luta offered her the option of sedatives if she would just meet with the children and Resin rumbled again. It was so risky... but if the healer thought it would help her children, then she would try. With a sigh of resignation, the ashen woman nodded. "Prepare the sedative. Make sure that someone strong is close just in case." If for some reason the sedative didn't work and she became hostile, someone would have to force her back into the prison.

Suddenly she felt exhausted by the sheer intensity of the future meeting. She rubbed between her eyes and gave her head a shake. "Leave me now, Luta. Make your preparations. Tell Tamsyn and the children. And Luta," she met the woman's gaze with her own. "Thank you."

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]