
hex's misfits



1 Year
05-16-2021, 06:25 PM (This post was last modified: 07-21-2021, 02:19 PM by Priscillia. Edited 9 times in total.)

hiii and welcome to my plotter! feel free to message me on discord if you're interested in some threads [hex#1111]

cinnamon camellia amaretto
cinnamon is currently a sweet lost and innocent girl. at the moment she is in search of a pack that will take her in, essentially a new place to call home. she really hates being alone and is quite social and friendly.
 she is currently open to anything really! her highest priority would be to find a pack at the moment.

priscillia izalith
priscillia is just a yearling at the moment, alone by herself and hoping to find some help or protection. she lost her mother not too long ago and doesn't even know who her father is, so she is pretty lost herself and confused on what to do in the future. what she has going on for now is that she is going to follow rhaegath and join his band when the time comes.
other than joining and meeting up with rhaegath, priscillia is currently open to any other plot! if there are other characters that will end up following rhaegath she might as well meet them as well. but she is open to any other plots that you can come up with! <3

scorpia amanta
scorpia is an older amanta woman, adhira's full blooded sister. she isn't as mean as her nieces, violette and sorine. though she is pretty dark. she has a companion, amanta, a venomous black mamba. scorpia specializes in poisons and toxins, and is always looking for more knowledge. she isn't necessarily violent, only when she has to.
she's just trying to find her family and probably figure out about the packs around. i also want her to have puppies in the future, so lmk if there's any dark bois who wanna get seduced c;

violette amanta
violette is pretty much a bitch LOL. she is really mean and a bully and she likes to start chaos. she thinks she is better than anybody else too. sooo, thread with her at ur own risk haha. unless you want some drama or a gal to bully ur kind or submissive chars hehe uwu but anyways she's siblings with vas' chars cosette and sorine too so she's going to be around them a lot too :3
she is currently plotted with her own fam but other then that she's open for anything <3 she is mean and violent tho so thread at ur own risk, and they're probably gonna end up mature haha.