
I Know You're Not A Fool

Cinder, Pyrite



Expert Fighter (188)

Advanced Intellectual (100)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - AromanticSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Snake Eyes
Pride - Demisexual
05-13-2021, 07:40 PM (This post was last modified: 05-13-2021, 07:41 PM by Onyx. Edited 2 times in total.)

Got A Really Short Fuse Today
Everyone Around Me's Fucking Crazy


Onyx was still incredibly young, but she sure didn't act like it. As much as she may have acted and even wanted to seem strong, mature, anything but a frail little child, she was far from an adult. She needed to fix up her manners severely, not that she would think so. And maturity was far from her reach. She was pretty hard headed, usually wanted her way, told everyone how it was. Was that all such a bad thing though? Honesty, standing up for herself, wanting things to help her and her family? She would refuse to believe anything she bestowed upon others as wrong.

As much as a fire cracker as she was, she was incredibly obedient towards her parents. She may not have always appeared thrilled to their standards, but she knew better than to go out of turn. Song and Kirsi were both loving parents, so there was no harsh reason for Onyx to feel that way. She just felt this inner need to impress them. She didn't have a reason for that either, maybe it would reveal itself one day.

She was wandering the pines as was typical of her. She preferred the pines over the shores any day. She was far too young to be venturing outside the pack, even now that the crippling ice age had passed. There was still much she didn't know about surviving. Her parents taught her that overcoming the northern terrain and storms was one way to show your strength, but there were still other ways she had to accustom to.

She felt something off in the air while she was on her daily trailings. She stopped for a moment as she sniffed at the air, but couldn't catch anything specific. She started to slowly move herself forward, carefully being aware of her surroundings. She couldn't shake the feeling, and as she moved on a strange scent flowed through her nose. She stopped again, completely alert, and while she had her head turned one way, the small saber cat creature that was stalking her lunged from the opposite direction. It was young maybe almost as inexperienced with combat as herself. She saw it just in time to not let it get a whole grasp on her, but she still received a small claw path along her shoulder. It wouldn't be anything to worry about, but surely Kirsi would be worried about it.

She turned to face the saber cat, barking with authority. She didn't know if anyone was around to help or witness, but she thought she could handle it herself.

Fighting Seasonal Prompt

Total Word Count: 432 words
Word Count Goal: 1500 words

Walk "Talk"


I'm A Little Ticked Off Today, A Little Pissed Off Today

Mature! For foul language. Can be prone to violence.



Advanced Fighter (85)

Beginner Navigator (0)

5 Years
Extra small
05-14-2021, 12:08 PM
Pyrite was swiftly picking up on her father’s lessons as the days went on. Her paws were still clumsy but she gained better control of them everyday. She was an insatiable learner, picking up new words, skills, and methods of life like a sponge. Pyrite wasn’t afraid to make mistakes, she was a determined little girl and maybe a little stubbornness thrown in. Once she put her mind to something it was going to get done one way or another. An attitude that was both a blessing and a curse for her parents. Pyrite respected them fully though, she wasn’t one to misbehave or disobey purposefully. The tiny girl was a handful at times, and she didn’t go without the occasional reprimand when she let herself get out of control.

Not quite as exuberant as her big sister, Pyrite was far less vocal about her opinions. Except for her love of family. There was a pride that had easily instilled within her when she looked up to her parents and at her siblings. They made her want to do better and be better, to prove what her eyes showed her. They were the cream of the crop, more valuable than anyone else in the pack. She believed it, but was no fool to believe she didn’t have to prove it. She was young but eager to show who she was and the lines she was born from.

She should have been out training, but her wandering paws were carrying her through the forest instead. The small Destruction girl was half heartedly trailing her sister. The other girl was good at finding excitement and Pyrite thought at the back of her mind today should be no different. Normally she would be following on the heels of her twin, Bronze was by now used to her tailing. She wasn’t sure what Onyx would think about it, and didn’t know if she would really find out as the strange and threatening scent filled her nostrils.

At the same time she heard Onyx call out and the tiny girl was quick to scramble forward, her small stride moving quick as she closed the distance between them. Bright blue eyes were quick to find the threat, a young sabered tiger. Or not a tiger. Pyrite wasn’t sure but she knew it hurt her sister and she couldn’t stand for that. The tiny slate blue child raced at the enemy, her tiny form zipping in and out with her atack. Her tiny puppy teeth nipped unforgivingly at the cat’s hip. It swung around to club her with a massive paw but she was already gone. There was no celebration yet, but she had drawn blood. If only a few pin pricks.

Wc 455
total 887

Cinder I


05-16-2021, 04:34 PM

Cinder had been good at keeping to herself lately. No one, other than the little blue boy, had caught her attention. She'd already decided that the adults were quite boring so she wasn't going to go seek them out. Her lips turned up in a sneer as she remembered the one pair of parents who "sought no glory" only to protect what was their own. What was the fun in that? She wanted to make a name for herself and she didn't care what waters she stirred while doing it. She was out to be the best of the very best. She would make her father proud. Now if only the man wasn't so busy. She'd resorted to sparring on her own or seeking them out away from the pack lands with little care if she was actually allowed to go or not. In her mind it was better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission. She'd already learned more on her own than what the adults had taught her. That had to count for something, right? It wouldn't replace a master teaching her, but she was one step closer to getting what she wanted.

Her adult teeth had finally come in and she couldn't have been prouder. Her lanky form awkward and teen looking and rather disproportionate as her body tried to fill out in width. It couldn't keep up with the height she was gaining so she appeared quite slim at the moment, but little did she know she would always be slim. She was glad to not have to deal with the cumbersome puppy teeth any longer. Losing them had been agonizingly annoying and growing the adult teeth in even more so, but she walked around with an air of pride about her. She had her adult teeth! No more puppy teeth to slow her down. Of course she was still weaker than an adult. The force of her bites wouldn't be as powerful, but she was one step closer to growing up. Fully grown she was determined to be a force to be reckoned with.

Her adventure of late was attempting to figure out how to get Ignis to notice her. To get him to recognize that he needed an heir and that it should be her. She wanted to make a name for herself and prove she was the best choice out of her siblings. She just couldn't quite figure out how to do that yet. She wanted to do something grand that would make Ignis praise her, but it was hard to think of ideas. Was it supposed to be this hard? Maybe she was just looking too hard. She wasn't entirely sure what to do about it, but it was driving her nuts.

The opportunity presented itself when she heard a struggle ahead of her. Her pace quickened, curiosity blazing, as she hurried to see what was going on. She hadn't expected to see a young saber cat fighting two of her pack mates, but she was quick to jump into the fray. Saving two of the younger pups from a beast? That would surely get her noticed. She darted in, quick as lightning, and managed to latch her teeth around the cats scruff as it was distracted trying to go for the slate colored pup. With its scruff in her teeth she came to a halt and leaned all her weight back as she tried to drag the creature off balance. She wasn't sure how much damage the other pups could do, but she was definitely distracting it for a moment. Enough to let them both get shots in if they were quick enough. It yowled as she drug it backwards scrambling to catch its footing, but she was relentless. She wasn't going to let it go unless she absolutely had to.

Word Count: 642
Total: 1529/1500

ooc: didn't mean for it to finish off the word count part lol Got like maybe 50 words away from the goal and just decided to finish it off, so we don't have to worry about word count now at least!

Walk, "Talk" Think



Expert Fighter (188)

Advanced Intellectual (100)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - AromanticSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Snake Eyes
Pride - Demisexual
05-17-2021, 08:18 PM

Got A Really Short Fuse Today
Everyone Around Me's Fucking Crazy


When Pyrite joined her, she gave her a small, wicked-type grin and let her take her own turn in attacking the cat. It shouldn't have been here on Incendium territory, and it was only asking for trouble. A young one or not, it should have recognized borders and the occupants, at least that's what Onyx thought.

Before Onyx could go in for another attack, one of Ignis' children jumped in to help. While she could have appreciated it, she wouldn't show so. She wanted to take the whole cat herself, her sister joining was only an exception since sharing a den with her. She almost rolled her eyes as the slightly older pup joined in, but she wouldn't holler for her to buzz off. Onyx would move forward again, the young saber cat was on it's side from Cinder pulling it down. So she would grab on to it's front foreleg with a strong clasp. Was that the wisest idea? The cat could have maybe pulled it's face around to bite her but she wasn't thinking logically on that. She just wanted to show it who was boss around here.

If they couldn't tear the baby cat to shreds, they should at least be able to scare it off with the three of them. But shouldn't a mother be around it's young one somewhere?

Walk "Talk"


I'm A Little Ticked Off Today, A Little Pissed Off Today

Mature! For foul language. Can be prone to violence.



Advanced Fighter (85)

Beginner Navigator (0)

5 Years
Extra small
05-21-2021, 05:21 PM (This post was last modified: 05-21-2021, 05:23 PM by Pyrite. Edited 1 time in total.)
A third child darted in to assist them, one of the alpha’s pups. Pyrite gave her but a quick glance and went back to dodging kicks and biting ankles before the kitten was suddenly dragged backwards by the interloper puppy. The young Destruction girl followed after, choosing her target more carefully than her sister, and remaining towards the back of the creature. She was tiny compared to either other puppy and took great care to let her superior agility to speak for itself. Death by a thousand cuts. Pyrite continued to dip in and out, nipping the young saber cat’s rear toes and its tail. Her own dark tail wagged eagerly at her hips as her golden touched toes dances around in fierce excitement.

All the while the kitten yeowled and struggled, but the other girl didn't look like she was going to let go for anything. Not even for Pyrite's poor ears. "Let it go!" She squealed, shaking her head. "We can chase it away!" She insisted. Even between the three of them it was wild and untamed, a ball of teeth and claws flailing about. Surely by now they had proved their point, momma wouldn't be happy if either of them came home scraped and bruised.