



07-27-2013, 01:44 AM

Her mind was engulfed by her thoughts. The blood of her latest kill was still stained upon her ebony lips. Her teeth were pink from the crimson liquid. It was the fluids of a fawn. She enjoyed the kill but it was not something she desired to brag about. Though, tufts of the fur and blood was still littered across her body from rolling in the flesh of her prey. She indeed had fun with the kill. Her eyes were full of excitement, though what was there to be excited about? She licked her muzzle to savoir the taste. Her tummy was still bloated from the meal. She was fat, dumb, and happy. Happy? More like pleasure. This woman would never be happy.

She wiggled through the entrance of the cavern with a thick smirk. Jagged teeth flashed. Her eyed widened as she was engulfed by thick darkness. The stone floor was cool upon her rough pads. She looked around with extreme curiousness but she was not one to jump for joy. Her tail flicked about idly. Each paw step was a trail. Little blotches of fawn blood were left behind. She moved to the side of the cave and rubbed up against it. The coolness of the walls felt good against her thick pelt. She rubbed against the wall rapidly to cease an itch upon her shoulder. A groan of pleasure was let forth before the vixen plopped to the ground. She snapped her jaws shut as she laid in rest. Her tail swayed behind her and her eyes shut in contempt.


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5 Years
07-28-2013, 03:26 PM

Gretel was exhausted to say the least, she limped badly, her left back paw lifted off of the ground. Her other injuries were lesser; a few half healed scratches covered her muzzle and shoulders. It was just her damned back paw that refused to get any better and despite spring?s attempts to bring warmth to this area the tundra itself seemed to be have a stronger hold and the weather had only barley began to get warmer. The good thing was that the mountain helped to block the blowing wind. Gretel snarled quietly as she stumbled; her back paw flaring painfully when it brushed the ground. It was evident to the female that she needed to find a place to rest, somewhere she could lay down and try to get a better look at the damage. Determined as she was to find her brother, she would be no good to him if she pushed herself any harder.

Gretel spotted the tiny entrance and a moment later was hit with the stench of freshly spilt blood, no doubt it was deer. Gretel began to salivate, it had been too long since her last meal, certainly it had been before she and her brother had been attacked. Despite her better judgement, which was telling her that should she find the wolf responsible for the kill they would not be very happy to share, Gretel entered the cavern, following the scent. It was overwhelming within the cavern and she only took a step before her eyes adjusted and she found herself looking at a bloody paw print trail. Once again she went against her better judgement and followed it a bit before finding herself standing right in front of the strange female upon the ground.

"Speech," Thought, You
Lineart © to golden-wolfox on deviantart



07-28-2013, 05:57 PM

Her head rested upon her massive paws. A ravaged tongue slithered across bloody fangs. A bit of fawn fur was stuck upon the back of her neck and she could not get it off. She sat up and attempted to scratch it off with her hind paw but couldn't. The demoness shrugged and flopped back down on the ground. She laid limp. The girl did not move even the slightest bit. Her fur flicked about here and there from the breeze that flowed into the cavern. She was not asleep, but she was not really .. aware.

She smelled the woman coming. Her wet nose flicked about. A creepy little smile flicked across her muzzle. She loved visitors. She sensed how close the follower was. The Wolf probably smelled the fawn blood and came running. Scavengers.. She sensed the woman was close, very close. The footsteps came to a stop and Canttina staid completely still. After a few moments the behemoth jumped to her paws in an instant. She had practiced this move many times. She fell upon her paws and stared at the oddly marked fae. The woman she saw was nearly an abomination. Her face was raven black and the rest of her body was white except for a few bits. Canttina went wide eyed and tilted her head for a moment. Though, despite her rather horrid fur the woman was a beauty. In Canttinas head, of course.

She licked her blood caked muzzle and smiled. A smile that would haunt a childs nightmares. "Oh you are just darling." Her voice was a purr but etched with a darkness that was much more powerful. She rolled her battered shoulders and smiled even more. "I have no doubt you have come for the meat. Though you are only getting Fawn if you tear open this belly. Which wont be happening. You could always have fun with me!" She slithered to the side of the woman and walked past her. It was more of a sauntered lurk then anything. She yawned and snapped her jaw shut. "The name is.." She hopped up and spun around to face the mystery woman. "Canttina." She winked and smirked.


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5 Years
07-29-2013, 05:17 PM

Gretel took a moment to observe the other woman; she was rather large and clearly had seen her own fair share of battles, scars marring her brown and tan coat. The female seemed to be asleep and Gretel had no reason to suspect otherwise so she jumped when the woman sprung to her paws. Gretel took an involuntary step backwards. The black and white fea could feel those unsettling, brilliant yellow orbs looking her over, and Gretel averted her gaze.
The other wolf?s tongue quickly darted across her muzzle and then she was smiling. If Gretel had thought her gaze to be uncomfortable she was not prepared for the nightmarish grin the other woman was sporting. ?Oh you are just darling.? The black and white female swallowed hard, as the woman?s reached her. Ears went back, her left one flopping open rather comically. ?I have no doubt you have come for the meat. Though you are only getting fawn if you tear open with belly. Which won?t be happening. You could always have fun with me!? A quick shudder wracked Gretel?s form at the female?s words. The black and white wolf began a slow retreat, her plan to find shelter would have to wait until she had escaped.
Her retreat was stopped when the other woman slipped past her, uncomfortably close. Gretel kept her forest green eyes upon the brown and tan wolf, but jumped none the less when her imposing jaws snapped shut. ?The name is?? Gretel took this as a chance to try slipping away again, while the female had her back turned. ?Canttina.? The woman had spun around suddenly once more trapping Gretel.
The raven and ivory female swallowed, and averted her gaze again, she took a breath. "I?m Gretel." Her voice wavered only a little bit as she spoke.

"Speech," Thought, You
Lineart ? to golden-wolfox on deviantart



07-30-2013, 01:27 PM

She watched the woman with a huge grin. This was her favourite part. She observed as the woman slowly backed up. A sickening grin splattered across her ebony lips. She licked her fangs with a growl. Her tail flicked back and forth. She heard the woman's name and Canttina giggled softly. Gretle. She let the name bounce around in her mind, she didn't recognize it. She slithered to the side and began to walk into the depths of the cave. She left behind faint splotches of blood. Her back was covered in bits of meat and fawn fur. She then spun around once more. A crazy look within her yellow orbs. "A lovely name for a lovely woman." Her voice was like a purr etched with something much darker.

She walked back to the woman and examined her body. She memorized each fiber of the woman. She looked tiny and skinny. There were wounds upon her body, Canttina raised a brow. "What the hell happened to you?" Her tone was forecfull and a bit harsh. But, the question itself made up for that. She lurked forward to the woman until she was a mere foot away. She licked her maw again, in hunger.


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5 Years
07-30-2013, 01:54 PM

Gretel?s breathing was becoming more rapid, every fiber of her being was itching to run, to escape. There was something very off-putting about the female, the way she smiled would haunt Gretel for a time that was for sure. Gretel swallowed hard as the female licked her chops and growled. She grew tense, waiting, for a sign of a chance of escape or for the female to attack. The woman?s laugh was even more unsettling; her own nervous laughter broke from her jaw. Once more the female slid away from her, and Gretel could see remnants of the kill upon the female?s back. Gretel managed one more pawstep backwards before the woman spun around again; there was a sharp intake of breath when Gretel saw those crazed gold eyes.
The big woman moves back towards Gretel, and the raven and ivory female froze as those horrible eyes ran over her body. A few of the scratches suddenly felt rather irritated as if her gaze were burning into them. "What the hell happened to you?" Gretel jumped, not expecting the tone of voice. "I was attacked by a Mountain Lion," the black and white female began cautiously, "It chased me and gave me those." She shifted nervously, careful not to put any pressure on her injured paw. "During the struggle I lost my..." Gretel faltered suddenly not wanting to mention her brother to the woman. "Way." She added a little to hastily.

"Speech," Thought, You
Lineart © to golden-wolfox on deviantart



07-31-2013, 03:38 PM

She loved when her victims shivered in fear. Her eyes were full of a sudden delight as the woman got all tense. Canttina smirked even more, she whipped her head to the side and cracked her neck. She groaned, "That one was nice." She rolled her shoulders as she listened to the woman speak some more. Speak? It was more like spew jabber from her wretched maws. She was attacked by a Mountain Lion. Canttina giggled, "I love kitties. They are just so adorable. I made a freind with a Leopard a few sleeps ago. She was delightful. They seem not to attack if you don't meddle." The brown demoness spoke with a soft tone but there was just something sickening about it. She spoke of her wounds and that she got lost. Canttina rolled her eyes. "Ive had worse." A ravaged tongue flicked over her scarred muzzle. Her tongue looked rather short, the end being a bit mangy. It is obvious something happened to it.

She sighed softly and looked off to the side. The vixen grew bored, though she needed to reel the woman in. She licked her fangs again before she snapped her teeth and slithered to the side of the other woman. Canttina headed towards the exit of the cave before she began to speak again. "Little Miss Gretel. Where do you live?" Canttina turned around and sat on her hinds. A bushy tail swept across the ground as she waited for an answer.


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5 Years
07-31-2013, 04:53 PM

Gretel was quickly losing all sense of control, not that she had had much to begin with. The woman seemed to be enjoying her unease which only made Gretel squirm more. Her ire flared briefly as the brown she-wolf seemed shake off her attack. Gretel had drawn the thrice damned cat away from her own brother in an attempt to save him, but of course this woman would not know this. ?I?ve had worse.? Gretel was inclined to believe it, her eyes once more falling on the scars that covered the battle worn female. Her attention was suddenly drawn to the movement of that oddly torn tongue. The ivory and ebony female almost asked what had happened to it but suddenly thought better of it and averted her gaze.
There was a silence suddenly, and Gretel suddenly felt as though that was worse than when the brown woman was talking, horrible as her words were. The silence brought with it an uncertainty, which made the injured fea shuffle her nervously. Once more the snapping of jaws jolted poor Gretel, her whole body feeling like a live wire. Green orbs once more followed the other woman wearily as she slid past her. As Canttina moved towards the exit, Gretel suddenly found herself not wanting to escape the caverns so much. . Little Miss Gretel. Where do you live? Silence for a moment, as Gretel wondered how to properly answer. ?We don?t live anywhere.? It was the truth.
Gretel immediately regretted it, not only did the woman now know that there was no pack of wolves out looking for her, but that she was not completely alone.

"Speech," Thought, You
Lineart © to golden-wolfox on deviantart



07-31-2013, 05:12 PM

The woman stared at Gretel with a sick smile. Oh how she loved to play with little Wolfies. She kneaded the stone beneath her with broken and rough pads. Her tail flicked about idly. It was like Cat and Mouse. The tyrant enjoyed it to her core. She had not always been like this until she met a little woman by the name of Grace. Grace and Canttina were close, but only because Canttina said so. It was as if Grace was Canttina's slave. But, now she had no one to order about and push around. The woman missed it, maybe she could use little Gretel as her toy?

As she heard an answer the woman perked up. We? The girl tilted her head and stared into the other womans emeralds. "Who is we?" She licked her maw, which was a bit of a habit of Canttina's. The vixen slithered closer to Gretel with a sick look in her eyes. Yellow orbs danced across the womans bi-colored body with hunger. "I could help you my little Gretel. I am healthy, fit. I can hunt and protect you. Clean those horrid gashes upon your wonderful fur. In return you keep me company. Without me, you WILL die." She snarled lightly, there was complete emphasis on the word will. Her nose flicked and lips curled lightly. She meant business. The woman was not afraid to take action if Gretel's answer was no.

The earthy toned vixen moved a bit closer, to where she could touch the other girl. Canttina let forth what sounded like a purr. She leaned in and inhaled the girl's scent. She licked her fangs in hunger. "You smell, so.. glorious." She seemed to have a bit trouble with her words, as if caught up in the moment.


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5 Years
08-17-2013, 09:22 PM

The other woman had obviously heard her slip. "Who is we?" Gretel swallowed hard, a lump was rising in her throat and she was finding it hard to speak. "I was ah, traveling with another wolf for a time, I didn't really know... her!" She fumbled awkwardly trippping over her words, lying was not one her strong suits. "We got lost and decided it best that we go our separate ways." The ebony and ivory female desperately hoped the other woman would read the shakiness in her voice as fear.

The woman's nerves were shot; as Canttina once more slithered around her she quickly sidestepped, unable to stand her ground anymore."I could help you my little Gretel. I am healthy, fit. I can hunt and protect you."As the other woman slid by Gretel found her gaze falling upon the remains of the deer that clung to the female's fur. Hunger clawed angrily at her stomach and she salivated slightly. "Clean those horrid gashes upon your wonderful fur. In return you keep me company. Without me, you will die." All at once the hunger grew stronger, her back legs seemed to be burning and her cuts were stinging fiercely. A small voice was telling her it wasn't true but it was drowned out by a sea of voices echoing, over and over again: die.

Gretel had been about to speak when the rumbling purr reached her ears. Cantinna was close again, much too close. "You smell, so.. glorious." Gretel could hear the joy in those words and she trembled. It was all to much, this shouldn't have been happening, least of all not to her. She had to take the woman up on her offer though. Better to submit peacefully than risk a violent confrontation. "Company?" She asked feebly her tone was that of resignation.

"Speech," Thought, You
Lineart © to golden-wolfox on deviantart



08-17-2013, 10:52 PM

Canttina watched the finicky movements of the other being with complete muse. Her body felt a rush of excitment as the girl's words filled her mahogany auds. The little female spoke and spoke but Canttina only heard fear and lies. Yip yip yip. The demoness laughed softly and stared into the bi-colored fae's beautiful orbs. A hint of pleasure ran through Canttina's words as they poured from her jagged maw. "Nnnn, this little one should learn to think then speak. I will learn your secrets little girl. You might as well spill now before I force them out of you. I will be spending a lot of time with my little Gretel. Shall we not .. enjoy it?" A little giggle was heard as she sighed.

The little mouse continued to side step and flicking about as Canttina lurked toward her. Oh, the little angel would have to get use to her masters touch, now wouldn't she? Sunny orbs remained on the little creature as it trembled in fear. She couldn't help but love the sight due to her sickening humour. She thrived on this. A one worded question came forth and Canttina nodded. "How about you stay in this cavern and I keep you as mine. We will keep each other warm and have all sorts of fun. There are many opportunities. You could also meet my lovely friends!"


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5 Years
08-22-2013, 09:19 PM

Gretel was shaking her head, jaw parted slightly, she couldn?t seem to stop the shaking, it seemed to have a mind of her own. There was a peculiar tingle at the corners of her eyes and then the world blurred. Tears? That was the last thing she needed at a time like this but now that they were there she had no more control of them than her head. Her head stopped at the words but the liquid seemed to fall even more. Gretel swallowed and clamped her gaping jaw shut with a snap. She would not spill a word to this woman. Gretel had to keep her brother safe not let this horrible woman find him.

"Fun." Gretel parroted nervously, a forced small smile tore at her muzzle, the tears still falling freely from her green orbs. "I?m sure your friends are? lovely. " Gretel grimaced a bit at the words came, awkwardly, from her tongue. She snapped her jaw shut again.

"Speech," Thought, You
Lineart © to golden-wolfox on deviantart



09-02-2013, 09:14 AM

The demoness was excited to have a little pet. Oh, yes she was. The woman was a horrid creature. She plucked the little Gretel from her family, whoever she was with. Gretel was sick right? She had no where to go. Canttina could help her ... stay alive. Canttina would feed her the bare minimum. A Squirrel or two a week. She would keep Gretel unable to escape and live. She was good at stuff like that. Mostly because of her lack of care, if Gretel died Canttina would not give any cares. The little bitch began to cry? Canttina had never done such a thing. Did it hurt? She had no idea what the hell to think of crying. Fun. That word came from her little feasting hole. The demon laughed softly as more words flew from her mouth. "Oh yes. They would love you. They love pets." She laughed again, her wretched vocals echoed through the caverns. Canttina stepped forward quickly and attempted to lick Gretel's muzzle.


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5 Years
09-07-2013, 10:50 PM

Oh how Gretel had learnt to hate the other woman, even in this short time. It seemed impossible she could hate her any more than she did now. But no doubt as time went on she would find that it was possible. Underneath it all was fear, suffocating and washing over her in waves. But for now the most important feeling was the hunger and her knowledge that she needed the female. There was no way that she could hunt for herself right now. If worse came to worse once she had regained some of her strength she would try and escape, or if she was lucky her brother would find her and be able to rescue her.
Short of that she almost hoped her bother would not find her, it would destroy her for him to be caught as she was. "Oh yes. They would love you. They love pets." The ebony and Ivory woman would just barley stifle a sob, swallowing the lump in her throat. As Canttina stepped towards her and flashed her tongue at Gretel?s Muzzle she pulled back suddenly, wishing to avoid any more contact than she had already experienced. She regretted it almost immediately.

"Speech," Thought, You
Lineart © to golden-wolfox on deviantart



09-17-2013, 08:37 PM

The horrible being had wonderful sensations went through her. Her very being tingled with heat and excitment. Though, when Canttina leaned in to lick the little girl's muzzle a reaction was shown. Gretel pulled back quickly and instantly the demon growled and was full of rage. Her eyes flashed horrid emotions. Lust, anger, rage, and evil. A pink tongue lashed across her ebony lips as she rolled those tainted shoulders. "Little one, you are mine now. How dare you deny me!" Her voice was impacted by a growl. Her being was furious. Her lips curled back to flash jagged teeth and her ears pinned to her head. The woman darted to Gretel their chests came together with a bruising force. Canttina's nasty fangs found their way to the left side of Gretel's neck. The brute of a woman pushed Gretel to the ground and stood over her as if she were a male staking his claim. The woman let go of the other fae's neck and spoke into her face, "Darling, you are to come with me, now." The demon got up and waited for Gretel to get up as well. "We are going home."

OOC: PP was allowed by Lolaf! <3

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5 Years
09-24-2013, 09:50 PM

The woman?s rage washed over in like a wave trying to drown her. The dual toned woman began hyperventilating, her head spinning she felt faint. The growled words caused a sob to wrack through her body, broken words tumbling uselessly from her lips. "I?m sorry, I?m sorry, I?m sorry. " Her breathing was quick and shallow, her whole body shivering nonstop now. Then the demon was charging her, the force of the bigger wolf crashing into her chest. All the air left her lungs with a grunt, she stumbled then those horrible fangs found their mark on her neck and she lowered awkwardly to the ground. Dark orbs were wide as she gazed up in horror at her new master. Then the woman moved away some, and Gretel, with eyes now studiously on the ground rose as well. ?We are going home.? Home? so this was to be her new life then. She swallowed hard, and keeping her eyes down nodded slightly.

"Speech," Thought, You
Lineart © to golden-wolfox on deviantart