
i met you in the dark



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-29-2021, 05:17 AM
Indigo didn’t often leave Duchess when he went out to search for herbs, but with Gyspsy arriving just a few days ago Duch needed to remain with her. Indy grit his teeth lightly as he thought about how much assistance Gypsy needed in her daily life, she was helpless. Indigo wasn’t angry about that, he’d do anything for her. What he couldn’t stand was the abuse that she had to endure. A heavy sigh left him as massive paws carried him onward. Short Round was with him this trip, and the pair of them were doing a thorough gathering out in the wilds. Already their packs were nearly stuffed, and Indigo finally felt like he was returning to normal. His stores would once again be stocked and he was prepared for almost any emergency.

The day was wearing on, he could see the sun and was surprised he hadn’t been paying enough attention because as his blue eyes looked to the sky he realized a massive storm was about to let loose on him. He’d planned to be back in the Hallows by dark, but if he didn’t find shelter now who knew what he’d be in for. Indigo didn’t want to be away from his girls, but there wasn’t much in the way of choice.

The massive maned wolf and the purple hued badger hunkered down and started to search for shelter. Indy hadn’t honesty expected to get trapped out here so he hadn’t been keeping track of places to bed down. At least they had two pair of eyes to search, but Indigo began to despair when the first drops of rain started to fall. If they didn’t hurry they could ruin the whole haul of plants they gathered.

Thankfully the forest he was in now had a good few rock formations by the falls and as they neared the sound of pounding water Indigo finally found adequate shelter. He led the badger into the natural cave. He lamented the fact he wasn’t heading into his den with Duchess and Gypsy right now. He didn’t know how long the storm was going to last, but being still and alone with his own thoughts was always a recipe for his own disaster. For now he’d get comfortable. The cave was at a slope so the water wouldn’t be flowing inside. There was heavy moss growing all around the entrance and inside. Something he was grateful for because he hadn’t brought anything to sleep on. The moss would be a perfect bed, it was comfortable and Indigo loved the smell. Maybe if he focused on the greenery around him the hurt wouldn’t be so bad. He was without his much needed medicine and knew a night like this was going to challenge him.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
05-29-2021, 12:16 PM
The black and purple splattered male hid away against one of the larger trees in this place, the sound of the running water from the waterfalls near by filling his ears while he used a bit of horsetail he had found to bind together a split in one of his toe pads. He winced as he did, but he was going to have to do something if he was going to keep going and at this point he didn’t really have much choice. There certainly wasn’t any going back. He had made sure of that. He worried for his sisters, for the woman he had come to think of as his mother. He worried about his brothers too, but at least the boys had been allowed to hunt. They could at least feed themselves. That fact didn’t really explain the state he was currently in, but it allowed him a bit of comfort at least when he thought about that portion of his siblings. And his sisters… His poor sisters that might still be carrying his pups…

A little shudder went through him at the thought and he tried to push it away as he finished sealing up his worn and torn paws. There was nothing that could be done about it now. The moment they heard what he had done they had scattered like dandelion fluffs in the wind, leaving him alone even though he had cared for them so constantly as soon as he understood that was what his path in life should be. That abandonment stung more than he wanted to admit, though he also understood. He had murdered the monster and now in turn he was the monster reincarnate. He wouldn’t want to be around himself either. Now he was lost in a land he didn’t recognize, every rib visible along his sides, cuts and brambles marring his pelt. He was so tired from constantly moving and running, but he felt like he couldn’t stop. He wasn’t going to stop until he had worn his paws down to the bone.

A clap of thunder overhead made him jump and he looked up toward the stormy sky. His ears fell back against his head as he watched the clouds churning and building, darkening the sky at a worrying rate. And yet the first thought that went through his head wasn’t that he should find some shelter to protect himself - it was that he needed to protect the work he had done on his paws so he wouldn’t have to redo it later. He got to his sore paws, hobbling a bit as he slowly made his way around the falls just as the rain really began to fall, immediately soaking him and making his fur lay flat to his thin frame. Silver eyes scanned the rock and spotted what looked like an opening to a cave and moved toward it even though he was sure his work was for nothing now. He figured he might as well take advantage of the cave for a while at least since he went through the trouble of finding it.

However, as soon as he stepped out of the downpouring rain and into the shelter of the cave his pale gaze lifted and landed on the form of a massive male, nearly solid purple in coloring with subtle yet striking red markings and blue eyes that immediately caught his attention. Segin froze in place, eyeing the stranger uncertainly, realizing a bit too late that he was the intruder in this situation. “I’m… I’m sorry, I can go,” he said quickly, immediately beginning to turn to go back out into the storm.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-29-2021, 12:55 PM
He found shelter before he’d gotten too wet, thankfully. His mane was difficult at the best of times to get dry. A chilly stormy evening was not the best of times. A sigh left him as he got comfortable, he’d had Short Round head back to the Hallows to alert someone to where he was, but he kept the creature’s pack here so as not to get their quarry soaked. The boy really was alone then. A flash of light and thunder shook the ground, Indy was suddenly thankful for the shelter he’d sought, and sorry for the badger out in the rain. She didn’t mind at least.

Indy was fine as long as he kept his thoughts on poor Short Round, and the plants he’d gathered. So he could keep his paws busy Indigo began to prepare some of the herbs they gathered. He was separating some dandelions, keeping the roots from the flowers, from the leaves, when another wolf found the cave for shelter from the storm. Bright blue eyes lifted to the stranger, his form was thin and absolutely soaked through to his skin. Indigo’s jaw fell open slightly, the wolf was more skeleton than muscle. He looked awfully sorry for himself and even if he was in prime condition Indigo couldn’t let him go back into the storm. Maybe it was his appearance, Indigo had been stunned slightly to see the wolf. His bright silver eyes striking as his appearance, Indy couldn’t help but think of Duchess or Gypsy.

Indigo shifted uncomfortably as he felt drawn to this stranger in no other reason than he reminded him of two wolves he swore to protect. ”No,” Indigo spoke up, trying to stop him. ”I couldn’t make you go back into the rain.” The young Fatalis spoke loud enough to hear over the heavy rainfall. He swiftly rearranged his bundles of plants so he wasn’t sprawled across the whole moss covered cave.

Honestly Indigo was thankful for the company, if the storm lasted as long as it sounded like it was going to, he would be here for the night at least. He tried to remember the last time he’d spent a night alone and he couldn’t. For good reason.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
05-29-2021, 12:57 PM
Segin stopped in his tracks when a voice from behind him told him no and insisted that he wouldn’t make him go back out in the rain. He hesitated there at the edge of the cave, glancing back over his shoulder at the large man. He spotted the herbs that were spread out in front of him just before he began to move them aside, sparking a bit of curiosity. The only wolf he had ever known to have that kind of stature was his father and he had certainly not been a healer of any sort. Seeing someone as naturally imposing as this stranger was with his long, saber fangs and mane that made him seem larger than life Segin never would have assumed him to be the sort that would take to healing.

Perhaps that was why he needed to stop judging things by his first impressions. He finally convinced himself to turn back toward the other violet hued man, lingering by the entrance for another uncertain moment before he finally took a few steps closer. “Thank you,” he said simply in response before finding a spot a couple of feet away and settling onto his stomach with a sigh. He turned one of his paws over to look at it with a flick of his ears. Any attempt he had made to seal up the raw skin was now gone thanks to the rain pouring down around them. Ah well, it had been an attempt.

As he laid there with his fur dripping water off of him onto the moss beneath him a little shiver ran through him and he attempted to curl in on himself a bit while still eyeing the herbs his new acquaintance had been sorting moments before. “Are you a healer?” he asked quietly, as if it wasn’t obvious, as he brought his silver gaze back up to the bright aqua eyes of the other man. He had been one of the very few of his siblings that had taken any interest in the craft - one of them being his brother who was now dead. The thought crossing his mind made him shiver again, but not because of the cold seeping into his bones.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-29-2021, 12:58 PM
Indy saw the hesitation, and much like the girls he found a new home for. He looked like he wanted to be alone, like he was holding the weight of the world on his shoulders. The man hesitated, like he was very close to going back into the storm instead of remaining under shelter. Indigo’s dark and red marked ears fell to his skull, he couldn’t force the thin wolf to remain, he had no food or furs to offer for sustenance. Still, when he turned back to remain Indigo felt a sense of… relief. Even if there was only one kindness Indigo could do, share the cave, he was glad to with a poor soul. A broken man, much like himself.

Indigo wasn’t blind to the afflictions he saw in the stranger. His ribs were most prominent, especially as light flashed outside and thunder shook them again. Indigo was given a glimpse of the damage done to the lavender marked man. ”You’re welcome, I don’t have any claim here. Just staying out of the storm.” He said softly, his blue eyes still watching and lingering on the stranger’s form. Indigo could see as the man revealed his broken paw pads, not that the wounds there weren’t the only ones Indigo could see. ”I’m Indigo,” he offered quietly. The man was cold, the shiver over his thin form was more than obvious and the sight tugged at Indy’s heart. He didn’t enjoy seeing suffering, and did whatever he could do alleviate and soothe. It didn’t matter that they were strangers.

”I am a healer.” He realized in that moment his skill set had grown tremendously over his life. He could very nearly call himself a master healer now, not that he felt like it. ”It doesn’t take a healer to know you’ll catch a cold if you stay like that. I.. don’t have any furs to offer you,” it was tempting to give him the leather bags he had to carry his herbs but there was another solution. ”But I’m warm and dry… if you want to sit closer.” Indigo put his head on his paws, wanting to tone down his intimidating appearance. He just wanted to help.

”You look like you’ve been on your own for a while.” His observation was innocent, the man couldn’t have been much older than he was. He looked much worse for wear though, he looked alone. Had Indy run into another wolf he could take under his wing? He tried not to dwell on the thought, he just wanted to help the stranger. If he was alone though…

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
05-29-2021, 12:59 PM
“I’m Segin,” he replied quietly in response when Indigo gave him his name. It was perhaps the most fitting name he had ever heard for a wolf. His adoptive mother always claimed to have some rhyme or reason for the names she had picked for him and his siblings, but never explained herself. He could feel Indigo’s eyes on him, examining him, as a healer would. The torn and raw skin on his paw pads, the cuts that scattered across his sides and legs from treating through brush, the bite wounds on his scruff that had mostly healed at this point, but not well, his ribs standing out in stark contrast along his sides. He knew he was in rough shape, but he hadn’t had it in him to do anything about it. He supposed that if he just ignored it long enough one of his conditions would kill him.

The fact of Indigo’s skill set was confirmed shortly afterward and Segin nodded. He wasn’t confident enough to claim the title himself. He knew enough to keep his sisters and the pups they bore alive, but that was about it. His ears flicked back against his head when he mentioned that he’d catch a cold in this state and Segin knew he was right, though it was hard to make himself care. The worry of the larger man made him feel guilty for not caring though and that was enough for him to take the offer of huddling against him seriously. He wanted to deny the offer, insist that he was fine, but with that watchful blue gaze on him he felt like he couldn’t. He had been found out and now he would have to either leave or go along with letting Indigo care about him. He didn’t know why he would since he was just a stranger, but as he watched the larger man settle down with his head on his paws it truly seemed like this man was just a gentle giant. He didn’t know that for sure since he couldn’t make a full assumption based on such a brief interaction, but at this point what did he have to lose?

He nodded again to Indigo’s statement, pointing out that he had been alone for a while. “For a season or two,” he told him, unsure of exactly how much time had passed. He knew the seasons had changed at least, though the longer, extended wintery conditions made it difficult to evaluate. He was honestly shocked that he had even stayed alive this long. Some small part of him kept him alive, forcing him to occasionally eat enough to sustain him, making him treat his wounds enough to keep them from getting infected. His survival instincts weren’t completely gone yet so perhaps that’s why he pushed himself to his paws with a bit of effort after a few long moments of indecision. Crossing the space between them, Segin sank down into Indigo’s side, pressing himself into the larger curve of his form. The warmth he provided was admittedly a relief and he sighed softly as he nestled into his thick, vibrant coat comfortably, leaning his head into Indigo’s shoulder.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-29-2021, 01:00 PM
Indigo accepted Segin’s name with a smile instead of a nod since his head was on his paws. The Fatalis man called the thin wolf out on his current state, taking shelter wasn’t going to help him at all if he caught a sickness from the cold water soaking him through. Segin looked a little ashamed of himself, dark ears lowered to his skull. Like he’d been caught hiding his secrets. There was little guess work involved though, he hadn’t been taking great care of himself, and Indy noticed if only because of Duchess and Gypsy. They were alone in the world and he’d learned the signs from experience with them. He looked like he’d lost all hope, he didn’t care about himself and thus allowed his body to fall into disrepair. He wouldn’t take long to fall victim to that mentality, apathy would kill him eventually.

He felt a surge of that intense protective instinct flare at the thought, but the only evidence was the way his tail flicked slightly at his hips. Indy curled his tail around him to hide it as Segin hesitated with his offer. Indigo didn’t blame him, he knew what he looked like. He didn’t know what Segin had going on beneath the surface nor what had happened to him, but he felt like he could feel his soul. Sorrow recognized sorrow. Indigo’s assumption was confirmed, a season or so. The words spoken were lifeless, there was no hope remaining. Indigo could practically see his broken heart scattered within his chest cavity.

Surprise crossed his features for only a moment as Segin decided to lift himself to his broken paws and haul himself closer to Indy’s huge frame. He was both similar and so different to the girls he brought home with him. He could see the sadness, the brokeness inside, but he still got to his feet and he was still alive. Segin hadn’t given it completely. The corners of his dark lips pulled back contentedly, but otherwise he remained motionless as the violet marked man settled in beside him.

First there was shock at just how cold Segin was. The rainwater soaked into Indigo’s fur as he helped shouldered the burden. Then the subtle sigh of relief as warmth spread through Segin, Indigo felt a surge of pride. The smaller wolf settled in beside Indy like he belonged there. Indigo wouldn’t ever hesitate to do what he could to alleviate a bit of suffering, he’d felt enough of his own that he took every action he could against it. There was little he could do about his own life, but he felt like he was making a difference in other’s.

Indigo settled slightly, leaning against Segin as he twisted his head to watch the man from the corner of his red marked eye. ”Do you have anywhere to go?” The question was soft and Indy tried not to put emphasis there. He didn’t want Segin to feel obligated to answer. ”After the storm’s through.” He clarified slightly, the conversation reminding him much of what he said to Gypsy after she had been freed from her tether.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
05-29-2021, 01:01 PM
He hadn’t been this close to anyone in ages. Growing up in such a large, disjointed family with all of them sharing one space that wasn’t nearly large enough to comfortably suit them all, he had grown used to the feeling of bodies beside him. The warmth, the scent of someone else beside him, the sound of breathing in his ears. It was oddly comforting just to be with someone again and the longer he laid here against Indigo’s side the more grateful he was for the man’s presence. It was like a reminder of what he had once been. How many times had his sisters leaned into him as he sheltered them in the small corners and shadows of the cave, nursing their wounds, soothing their fears? Now he was the one in their position, beaten and broken. But when he needed them they ran, left him for dead.

Segin leaned more firmly into Indigo’s side, tucking his face away into push violet fur, as if hiding would give him some reprieve from the thoughts he had been running from. With the sound of the rain continuing to pour outside, the warmth of his new found companion bringing life back into his bones, and the warm, herb tinged scent of the healer beside him filling his nose he was able to push the truths away as if Indigo’s presence alone was what he needed to crawl himself out of the hole he had fallen into.

The question of if he had anywhere to go when the storm ended made his ear twitch toward Indigo as a sign of recognition, though he didn’t immediately lift his head to look at him. His home was gone. He was alone. Completely alone. Segin reluctantly lifted his face away from the warm fur he had hidden himself in, his bright, silver gaze finding a singular portion of Indigo’s. He quietly shook his head no, suddenly feeling the crushing thought of having to be on his own again once the time came for them to part ways. But it couldn’t be helped. He knew nothing about this healer and he had no reason to care about him either. Yet it felt like he did. Somehow in his quiet gestures and kind words it truly felt like he cared. But why would he? It felt impossible for this strong, capable wolf that he was leaned against to care that much for a frail scrap of a wolf like him.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-29-2021, 01:02 PM
Moments passed and with each one Segin relaxed more fully against his side. Indigo also felt grateful to have someone beside him to weather the storm that raged beyond the tiny moss cave. He didn’t have to dwell on the loss that he struggled through while he was here focused on trying to help this near stranger. Maybe it was selfish in a way, he wanted the feeling of accomplishment, mending a wound or warming someone up. Indigo could see as Segin buried his features into plush purple fur. He tried not to shiver himself at the cold touch of the other man. As Segin tried to get closer Indigo slowly tried to accommodate. He shifted his weight slightly so Segin had more fluffy fur to use for warmth and drying.

Indy curled around him slightly, not quite as well as he could with Duchess, but they fit together better than anticipated. Indy found himself smiling softly, an expression he hadn’t expected to linger for very long, but seeing the life breathed back into this wolf helped to soothe his own soul. He never balked at physical touch or closeness, especially in a wolf in the state of Segin’s condition. Broken, inside and out.

One dark ear flicked forward as Indigo spoke his question, but it seemed like it took Segin a long time to decide if he wished to answer. Indigo was patient, he hadn’t expected an answer, but Indigo couldn’t have left his attention anywhere but those sad silvery eyes. Segin shook his head, confirming he was alone. He hadn’t been with anyone in a long time, and there was no one to go back to. ”You can stay with me, if you want.” He offered quietly. The lightning seemed to settle down, but the rain continued to pour. ”Or come with me, rather. I won't be staying in this cave.” He kind of chuckled lightly, almost uncertain of his words. Talking to Gypsy, or Duchess, that was easy. Segin was shattered differently from the girls in Indigo’s life. He didn’t know why but felt like he should take extra care with the mottled man he held.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
05-29-2021, 01:03 PM
Just as he was pondering all of his self doubts, Indigo proved that his doubts had been unfounded. An invitation to stay with him - no, come with him. Come back with him to wherever it was that he lived. Clearly the larger man that was curled around him in a protective, soothing way that he had never experienced before did actually care. He didn’t understand it. He was a complete stranger. He was broken beyond repair. Why would this kind man give him the time of day?

Silver eyes blinked with surprise and confusion at the offer, his gaze not leaving Indigo’s face as his tired mind caught up with his thoughts. The offer touched him, pulled at his heart, made him feel slightly less alone. Eventually he glanced away, looking at the floor of the cave while he tried to make sense of it and tried to find a logic behind it that he’d never be able to find. But the fact that he was pressed against him and continued to feel as if he couldn’t get quite close enough told him what his answer should be. The way he saw it he had two options. Either he continue on as he was now and eventually let himself die or he go with this man that confounded him and possibly find a reason to live again.

He shifted a bit closer, bringing his gaze up to Indigo’s again as he inched his way up enough to be able to gently hook a forepaw around his more substantial foreleg, right around his elbow. He looked at the comparison of his much smaller limb, the paw looking dainty in comparison to the massive man beside him. “Thank you… I’ll… I’ll go with you,” he finally replied after so much thought and hesitation, holding on to Indigo’s elbow like it was his anchor. “But… Why? Why do you want to help me?” He couldn’t make sense of it on his own and he had to know. He had to understand how this wolf could be so kind, so selfless. “I guess I should also ask where we’re going too,” he added, managing a bit of a smile. That smile felt forign on his lips, an expression and emotion he wasn’t used to wearing, but it felt nice all the same.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-29-2021, 01:03 PM
Again surprise filled Segin’s dark features as Indigo made his offer. The Fatalis boy had a lot of his father in him, a protective streak that swiftly turned possessive. Indy wanted to take Segin home and bring him back to health. He wanted to see his fur shine and his body fill out as his mind settled and recovered. Indigo wanted to see the man's silver eyes polished and shining as he smiled easily.

Confusion and surprise made way for logic, and however long Segin needed Indigo wasn’t going anywhere. When he looked away Indy almost let his heart drop, he was almost certain that he would be denied. Indigo would never force anyone along with him, that included Segin, but it would hurt letting him go alone. Indy was almost surprised himself when the mottled man shifted closer, and wrapped himself around Indy’s arm. Indigo warmed inside and he settled just a little tighter around Segin as he spoke. A sweet little thank you and acceptance of the offer. However Vague it was the words were still a lifeline eagerly thrown.

Segin clung to him now, and questioned what it was that made him do this. ”Why not?” Indigo returned softly. ”You need someone.” Indigo hated to be alone, and the universe provided him with wolves to fill his life. To help them as much as they helped him. ”Besides, life is better with a little company.” A nice way to say Indy didn’t want to find himself on his own. ”A pack called the Hallows, it's not so far. Except in a storm.” Indy glanced outside, the rain just continued to come down.

Indigo looked back to Segin to see him already trying on a smile and he was further warmed at the sight. Indigo’s own grin brightened in return as he settled more fully around Segin’s still wet body to help further warm and dry. ”I can’t promise a meal until we get there, but i could see to your paws and such tonight.” Indigo’s blue gaze shifted to the man’s worn paws and touched one small toe with his own massive cat like paws.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
05-29-2021, 01:04 PM
It still didn’t make sense to him since he didn’t feel like there was a tangible benefit to helping him and bringing him home, but he stopped questioning it. If all it took for Indigo to want to help him was the knowledge that he needed someone and the desire for more company then who was he to complain? For once in his life perhaps he had actually been given a dose of good luck - something so rare that he didn’t even recognize it when it was sitting right in front of him. Or wrapped around him in a warm curl, in this case. The name of the pack didn’t tell him much about where he would be going, but he didn’t really care. It was a pack, a home, and he would get to stay with Indigo so he was content to go along with the ride. There was a hope he nearly didn’t recognize in his chest as Indigo met his small smile with a wider one of his own, encouraging Segin to smile a little wider as well.

He glanced down at his paws when Indigo mentioned them, turning over his forepaws and revealing the cracked and torn paw pads underneath. “Don’t worry about the food, I’m okay for now,” he insisted, even though he knew his current physique would say otherwise. He wasn’t going to drop dead at this very moment and he could certainly make it back to The Hallows if it really was as close as Indigo said it was. Besides, his stomach was too full of butterflies to think about eating right in this moment. “I would appreciate your help with these cuts and wounds though… I put a bit of horsetail over some of these cracks right before the rain started, but I hadn’t had time to let it fully set.” If he was being honest he wasn’t even sure what the proper procedure was for tending to something like this, but it had been the best he could think of in the moment.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-29-2021, 01:05 PM
Indigo already got a smile from him, and that almost meant more than being allowed to bring him to the safety of the hallows. He knew how much sorrow attracted sorrow, but already Indigo was eager to call him his. He fit well as his side, and would similarly have a place within the smaller group he was forming around himself. The misfits that fate brought to him. The lost souls he felt most connected to. The sweet wolves who needed someone to see them, to care about them, and help rekindle a fire for life. That was what Indigo wanted most, to see fire in their eyes again.

Segin insisted he wouldn’t worry about a meal for now, but Indigo was ready to see him properly cared for. Indigo wouldn’t press his own opinion, but at least Segin wouldn’t lose his life over waiting on his next meal. Not when the Hallows were so close. Indy’s attention was easily focused on what he could do right now. Clean up Segin and his poor paws. There were knicks, cuts, and bruises all down him but his paws needed the most attention.

Indigo carefully took a paw in his own looking over the cracks carefully, ”As long as you cleaned them well before that should have worked. Shame the storm came in so fast.” Gently, but without thinking of asking permission, Indigo began to clean Segin’s dark paw pads with his tongue. He pulled back slightly when he was satisfied, ”you’ve been running a long time, haven’t you?” Indigo’s voice was soft as he hid how much the thought hurt his heart. Indigo would keep Segin safe, and he wouldn’t have to run anymore. Reluctantly Indigo pulled away so he could get into the herbs he’d tucked away earlier, bringing out his own head of horsetail and a bit of the dandelion root he’d separated before Segin appeared.

Indigo mixed the plants together, mostly by chewing them until they were a nice paste to spread into Segin’s paws. Indigo massaged the mixture into his broken toes with great care, remaining curled tightly around him so the mottled man wouldn’t get that chill Indigo spoke about. But also because Indigo found himself simply enjoying being so close.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
05-29-2021, 01:06 PM
He was at least happy to hear that he had been on the right track - though he honestly couldn't’ remember if he had cleaned them first or not. Surely he had, but his mind had been too far removed from his current state to know. Indigo’s tongue was gentle as he began to clean his paw pads and he watched as the violet healer showed his careful expertise. The closeness of his large form wrapped around his and the gentle lapping of cleansing licks made his ears fold back shyly against his skull, a flush pulling across his face that was hidden under dark fur and the shadows of the cave.

“Yes… Every day since I left…” His voice was quiet and he did his best to keep a breathiness out of his tone despite the mad tangling of emotions twisting in his stomach. His words trailed off, unsure of what he should say and what he shouldn't. He wondered if Indigo knew what he had done, what he had caused, if he would look at him any differently. The words caught in his throat while he quietly watched Indigro apply a paste to his wounds, sealing up his injured paws so that they could begin to heal. He had never really allowed himself to be cared for like this, but with Indigo it was easy. He had such a calming presence, but it also felt like a kindred spirit. Someone that seemed to understand how he was feeling and what he needed with just a look.

The dampness of his coat and the chill that continued to try to sneak into him anywhere they weren’t touching was forgotten, a different warmth spreading through him as he watched Indigo massage the paste of herbs into his paws. A warmth he hadn’t felt since the last night he had spent with his half brother. He found himself leaning more into the larger male’s frame, nuzzling into the heavy mane around Indigo’s neck, though he wouldn’t pull his paws away until the healer was finished with them. “Thank you,” he mentioned softly again. He knew he wasn’t thinking clearly, his thoughts too twisted by hunger and exhaustion and the first kindness he had experienced in possibly his entire life to fully know what he should be doing, but that didn’t stop him from leaning forward and pressing a grateful kiss to Indigo’s cheek, his ears flicking back as he shared the small bit of affection.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-29-2021, 01:07 PM
Segin had been running, running from whatever he had left. Indigo knew he was alone, there wasn’t anything left. Indy could imagine what it was that he left, but it all boiled down to sorrow and loss. He could feel it in every inch of his form, he relaxed but Indy could feel the tension that remained. Segin was lost, Indy couldn’t say that he was scared, but he did know that Segin needed him. Not just to see to his paws, which were dried, cracked, and had been bleeding. There was something else, something that Indigo hadn’t given any thought to before, but as they remained close and the man pressed closer he was realizing his own flurry of emotions.

Indigo wanted to hold him, not just to keep him warm and dry. The thought, the urge, was unlike anything he’d ever felt for another man. The Fatalis decided to ignore it, Segin was wounded and sick; he needed someone to hold and comfort him. To help restore his broken body and hopefully his poor soul. Even as the thoughts swirled in Indy’s head and chest Segin pulled himself closer. The feeling of his features nuzzling into his mane let Indigo catch a sense of peace. Like he was really truly helping the man in more ways than just seeing to his paws.

Segin leaned further against him, his soft voice offering a tiny thank you. There was more than just a grateful heart in those words. The mottled man stepped into the cave like he was worthless and on death's doorstep. Now, with only a little bit of time together, he was already reaching for hope again. There was a light returning to his eyes and as the man leaned forward into him and placed a timid kiss on his cheek Indigo could feel the spark inside reigniting. More than that Indigo felt his own heart jump and sputter at the affection.

Indigo wasn't blind to the hurt, pain and damage in Segin. He didn't know how deep this affection went, but he knew he couldn’t take advantage of anything he felt below the surface. He settled himself inwardly, taking control over his emotions like he’d been trying to for so long. He did better and worse depending on the day and he was trying so hard to do better today. Segin helped, he was a distraction, curiosity, and kindred soul. ”You’re welcome.” He returned with a grin and leaned forward to gently kiss his violet painted forehead. He curled a little tighter around him protectively and put his head over Segin’s possessively. Indigo wouldn’t say it, but much like his father before him the determined thought of mine dominated his mind.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
05-29-2021, 01:08 PM
Segin’s heart skipped when Indigo pressed a kiss to the top of his head, making his face flush with warmth as his silver gaze glanced away shyly, though the grin that pulled at his lips gave away how much he enjoyed the affection. He enjoyed how tightly Indigo held him and he enjoyed how his smaller frame fit into his, allowing him to pretend that he could hide away against the larger man. He curled himself into Indigo’s body as his head settled over his own, pressing his face into plush violet fur once again. His heart felt like it might run away without him as he breathed in the scent that surrounded him. Perhaps he was coping, clinging to the only positive feelings he had felt in longer than he wanted to admit, but he couldn’t make himself care. He was happy and that was a rare, precious emotion for the smaller man.

The longer he laid there with this wonderful warmth seeping into his bones and filling his soul the more he just wanted to push out every ounce of darkness and sadness that nagged and ate at his heart. He didn’t want to ruin this moment where he could ignore that anything that had put him in this position had happened, he didn’t want to give his pain to this wonderful, kind man, but he didn’t know where else to put it. He only knew that it could no longer live in him. He needed to expel it from his system and be done with it so he could move on. So that he could be better for this man that had extended him a rope to pull himself out of his own hole.

He didn’t lift his head from Indigo’s chest, but he did at least turn his face away from his fur so that he could speak, leaning his cheek into him instead. He spoke loud enough to he heard over the rain, but only just. At first he was just quiet as he tried to figure out where he wanted to start, how much he wanted to share. He didn’t lift his head or try to look at Indigo’s kind face, he just leaned into him and stared at the wall of the cave as he spoke and forced himself to get it out of his mind and off of his heart.

“The woman that acted as my mother couldn’t have pups,” he explained, setting the stage and giving some context for the truths that would come. “My father… He loved her in his own way, but he had to have children. Refused to not live without them. So he found another woman, raped her, forced her to have his pups, and then murdered her.” As he spoke he was quiet, but there was little emotion to his voice, as if he was simply reciting off facts or something as benign as the weather. “He did that again and again and again… There was a lot of us pups all born from different mothers. To be fair to the woman that raised me, she was kind and did her best to take care of us, but she was spineless and wouldn’t try to stop him. She was afraid he would kill her or us if she tried to leave. Which was probably true.”

He sighed, letting his eyes close as he focused on the feeling of Indigo’s side pressed to his instead of picturing the things he was saying. “Then he started raping his daughters once they were old enough. I learned enough about herbs and healing to help take care of them in the aftermath. Treat the bites, heal the cuts, deliver the pups. During all of that I… I fell for one of my brothers. Cygnus.” For the first time in his whole story some emotion started to seep into his voice, his pain rearing its head again, his eyes squeezing tighter. “He was the only good to come out of any of it and… and our father caught us together. He freaked out, pulled Cygnus off of me, killed him, and raped me to make a point.” He swallowed past a lump in his throat, letting out a shaky sigh. “I… I snapped. I killed him while he was on top of me. When I went back to tell my mother and my siblings what had happened they all ran. They left me. So I started running. And running. And… And now I’m here.”



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-29-2021, 01:09 PM
He wasn’t sure he was quite ready to see the storm outside end when he was sitting here with Segin settled so close beside him. The smaller violet marked wolf clung to him and Indigo held him in his guarding embrace. If Indigo could he really would have shielded Segin from the terrors that haunted him. Inner hurt couldn’t be fought physically, but his affection seemed to brighten the violet brushed man. Indigo didn’t intend on letting him go until the storm subsided, and even then he could tell Segin needed a full night’s sleep. Mostly he needed a good meal, but all Indigo had was his affection and a safe place to sleep. The Fatalis was content to settle into silence with Segin as they waited out the storm. Indigo knew he would sleep better with someone beside him.

Segin shifted slightly against him, Indigo closed his eyes happily. Content and more where he was. What he didn’t expect were quiet words that left Segin’s dark lips. Indy’s ears perked slightly so he didn’t miss anything, but as Segin went on the task was more difficult. From the beginning Segin’s life had been cursed. The product of rape and witness to murder. Indy nuzzled into Segin’s neck and groomed the longer fur comfortingly as he continued bravely. He didn’t have to tell him, but Indigo figured this was a heart bearing that was for Segin’s benefit. He was holding all of these terrors in. He was shouldering the weight completely.

Indigo held him tighter as the harrowing tale continued, one that chilled him to the bone. Segin had loved his own brother, a similarity that did not leave his mind. Especially as he went on to describe his love’s demise and his witness to the event. Indigo squeezed him lightly, holding him a little tighter as he pictured Aslatiel and the moment their father found them kissing as young children. He couldn’t imagine watching Sirius take Aslatiel’s life. He couldn’t comprehend Segin’s pain. "I'm so sorry." Indigo shifted slightly to kiss the top of Segin's head again.

He would have tried to do the same had the roles been reversed. He couldn’t judge Segin for that, more so he was proud that he’d taken down such a cruel man. What he could hardly stand was Segin’s siblings abandoning him afterwards. Indigo didn’t quite hold back his growl, but instead of some terrible rumble from his chest Indigo’s throat rattled. He sighed heavily and shifted so he held Segin even tighter to his chest. ”And I won’t let you go.” He uttered softly. Indigo wouldn’t release him until he pulled away. There was no judgement, only acceptance and terrible understanding. Indigo’s heart broke for the dark marked man, he would be in the same state or worse if he’d gone through the same thing.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
05-29-2021, 01:10 PM
Segin waited for some kind of fall out, some kind of revolt the same way his adoptive mother had looked at him when he told her. It wasn’t enough that he had watched Cygnus die and he had been assaulted by his father. It wasn’t even enough for him to be afraid that he would adopt his father’s crazed ideas with the slippery slope of murder. She had to rub salt in the wound, condemn him for dooming them all to death by killing their father. He could understand that they were afraid of how they would care for themselves no since their father had been the hunter and protector of the bunch - since he wouldn’t let any of them do it themselves - but… Did no one else see the horrors like he did? Was their mother too lost in her own mind to see how the women that she called daughters had suffered?

It made him sick to his stomach to think about and he was grateful when Indigo only reacted by kissing the top of his head and giving his sympathies. He felt Indigo squeeze him tighter and there was such a comfort in that and a belonging that he didn’t really know how to process in his words of promise that he wouldn’t let him go. Segin shifted a bit in Indigo’s embrace until he was laying on his side facing the larger man’s chest, pressing his face into the thick fur around his neck and holding on to pawfuls of his mane as if that might steady him. And in a way it did. It reminded him that he was safe here in this cave, tucked away from the world in Indigo’s embrace. He curled into that feeling, letting himself be comforted by this man that owed him nothing and yet seemed to still give him everything he could possibly want.

“You’ve been so kind… Doing all of this for me, giving me a home,” he said after several moments of laying like this, lifting his head so his bright eyes could find Indigo’s. He searched his handsome features while he tried to ignore the fluttering his heart did in his chest and the warm electricity that spread under his skin. “Is there anything I can do to repay you? Anything at all?”



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-29-2021, 01:10 PM
Segin had no one. The wolf he loved was killed in front of him, by their own father. Indigo had trouble comprehending the cruelty of the world. Segin’s dark story, Gypsy’s, Duch’s. They all broke his heart and urged him on the path he needed to take. Indigo wanted to help his wolves find happiness, again or for the first time in their lives. The young Fatalis felt even closer to Segin’s story. There was relative acceptance when he told anyone about his relationship with Aslatiel, not that he confessed very often. Not after his own father’s reaction to how he really felt inside.

He could feel the tension and pain as he held Segin and the man clung to him tighter. They shifted to be chest to chest, much easier for Indigo to wrap his arms around the smaller man’s shoulders. Indigo vowed silently that he wouldn’t allow any more of these hurts to touch him. Segin was all but his and Indigo refused to let him be injured again. He couldn’t change the past but he could change Segin’s future. For now he only held tight, promising that he wouldn’t be let go. That he could relax and feel safe here in Indy’s arms.

They didn’t have to spend much time together for Indigo to feel attached. He struggled with the feeling of attraction, having never experienced the feelings for another man. This wasn’t the time to explore them, Segin needed support and healing. Both of which Indy would give with no hesitation. He just wanted Segin’s smile, his relaxation and comfort after such a hard life lived. Eventually Segin spoke again even if he didn’t need to. His voice was grateful but Indigo could already feel the emotions as they held to one another.

Indigo’s bright sapphire eyes met Segin’s tarnished silver gaze. Indigo couldn’t help but see the brokenness in his features, the desperation there as he struggled internally. Indigo wore a soft smile as he tried to encourage Segin, and forget about his own deep seated emotions. The man had already returned Indigo’s kindness with his closeness and simple presence. He hated to be alone, and Segin’s willingness to lay with him did more than he could ever know.

”I just want to see your smile.” Indigo returned as he withheld the urge to offer Segin more affection. He felt a nervousness in his belly that was far too similar to the emotions that Duchess roused in him. Instead of another kiss, Indigo surprised himself with how tempted he was but kept his resolve. Segin needed food, sleep, and warmth, not uncertain affection from a stranger. He’d already been hurt so much Indigo couldn’t stand the thought of causing more strife. ”We’re more alike than not. My father…” He paused, barely believing he was about to make his confession to this stranger, but he felt like Segin would be most understanding of all. ”My father found my sister and I kissing. He… is so much different than your sire, but he forbid us from being together. Being apart from her is like separating myself in half. Part of me is always with her and I struggle to keep myself together when I’m alone.” Indigo tried to explain, finding himself much less eloquent than Segin. ”Misfits and Orphans find me, like you did earlier. Broken wolves find their way into my arms and when I hold onto you… It’s almost like I'm whole again.” Almost. He would never be complete without Aslatiel. ”You’ve already repaid me by just being… here.” Indigo whispered as he nuzzled against Segin’s cheek and attempted to squeeze him a little tighter, hopeful that his jumbled words wouldn't drive Segin away.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
05-29-2021, 01:12 PM
A smile tugged at Segin’s lips at Indigo’s request, chuckling softly at the incredibly sweet, selfless answer. “Well, I can certainly give you that,” he agreed, reaching up to give his cheek another gentle kiss. There had to be something more he could do, but for now he was happy to at least give him this small thing. It was easy to do anyway while being held tightly against his chest. He didn’t really understand what it meant to feel safe, but the longer he laid here with the tension falling away from his shoulders and a genuine smile pulling at his lips he thought maybe this was what it was like. He didn’t feel like he constantly had to be looking over his shoulder like he once had and there was no need to worry about if he would still be alive tomorrow. He knew that there was something to look forward to now, a little bit of hope that did wonders for the hopeless man.

Curiosity pulled at his expression when Indigo began to speak, telling him that they were similar, making his head tip slightly to the side. He couldn’t imagine how he and this wonderful man could be alike, but he was quiet and listened anyway, the truth soon revealing itself. Indigo loved his sister, just as Segin had loved Cygnus. Understanding and sympathy immediately filled his silver gaze, his ears falling back against his head when he heard how his father forbid them from being together. He nodded quietly, understanding the feeling of being torn apart from the one you loved, whether it was his sibling or not. He had learned very quickly that the heart didn’t understand these things. It loved whoever it wanted to love whether it was convenient or not. A piece of himself had died with Cygnus, just as a piece of Indigo would forever be held by his sister. Perhaps they were more similar than he could have imagined.

Hearing him explain how much it meant to him to just have someone with him, to not be alone, to be able to help the broken ones like him… He understood how just seeing him smile could be repayment for all of his kindness. Segin still wanted to do more, still wanted to find a purpose for him, but it made more sense now. He smiled a sad smile when Indigo squeezed him tighter, returning the nuzzle he gave his cheek, leaning into his touch. “I understand,” he replied as their gazes met again, one of his paws coming up to rest gently on Indigo’s cheek. “I’m sorry that you have to feel that pain. I… I know it’s not easy.” The sound of his father cursing them and tearing them apart for their love still rang in his ears - though he wasn’t sure what his father had hated most, the fact that they were half brothers or the fact that they were men. Either way, it had only ended in death. “I’m glad that you found a purpose in helping wolves like me though. I’m glad you have something that brings you even a little comfort. Someone as genuine and kind as you deserves every ounce of love the world can give to you.”

Segin had found his own comforts in the days that followed him leaving his former home, comforts that were far less healthy or kind to himself, but even those had been fleeting as his body continued to deteriorate. He let himself fall into such disrepair that no one wanted him, but he hadn’t connected those two things in his mind. Now that Indigo had allowed him a bit of hope to settle his pained mind he could see the truth of it, but at the time it had only felt like more pain, more rejection, which led to him falling into a deeper and deeper spiral. He was lucky and grateful that Indigo had been there to catch him before he landed at the bottom.

As they laid there, sapphire eyes looking into silver, he was sorely tempted to give into his only mechanisms to cope. He briefly glanced at Indigo’s lips before he forced himself to look away, tucking his head into Indigo’s chest again instead, curling up tight in his embrace. He was already afraid that he had been too forward with his affections as it was and he was desperate to not push Indigo away. He needed this violet gentle giant as much as he needed a meal to eat. He allowed him to feel like he could breathe and he couldn’t go without that again, at least not until he found his own feet under him again. There was also a fear of that rejection deep in his core that he wasn’t strong enough to face. He let his eyes close for a moment, trying to ignore how well he fit into Indigo’s form.