
i met you in the dark



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-29-2021, 01:14 PM
Indigo mirrored his grin as Segin allowed the expression to fill his features just like Indigo asked. Maybe not such a simple task only a few hours ago. Indigo had watched the fire come back into Segin’s eyes, and it might have been one of the most beautiful things the young Fatalas had ever experienced. Indy only just withheld the strong emotions that swirled beneath, both confusing and exhilarating. He thought they would start to settle eventually but the longer he lay there with Segin he didn’t know that they would ever cease. The draw towards Segin had been almost instant, and even now hours later Indigo vowed not to let him go. Indigo wanted to free him from the terrors that held him, wanted to see him find his place. Yet selfishly wanted him to find it beside him, even if Indy didn’t completely understand such an attraction. Nor would he have felt right acting on it when Segin was in such a vulnerable position.

He felt relief as he told Segin his deepest secret and did not receive rejection like he had almost expected, but Segin’s expression and words both said otherwise. He understood better than any other wolf besides Aslatiel herself. He leaned into Segin’s poor paw as he lifted it to Indigo’s cheek. His lip trembled, but he withheld the flood of emotion as their eyes met and understanding flowed between them. ”Segin…” He whispered, speechless even as the mottled man spoke his peace. He didn’t want to see Indigo in pain either and the way he spoke of love caused the young Fatalis to blush lightly. Indigo grinned and yet he felt like he could sob right there with Segin in his arms. Indigo gazed deeply into silver eyes, losing himself for a long moment. He didn’t let his mind wander far, but he realized as Segin broke his gaze and glanced at his lips that he might not have held back if the other man leaned forward. His heart skipped a beat as Segin shifted and instead curled into his chest once more.

Indigo was sure that his heart was going to beat out of his chest, and he wondered almost nervously if Segin could hear it over the sound of the rain outside. It seemed like it was finally beginning to lighten up, but that didn’t mean much. Indigo again rested his head over Segin’s protectively. Noting how much warmer the smaller wolf was now that they had laid here together for so long. The two of them fit together comfortably, the man was more substantial than any of the women that he had held to his chest. Segin had weather more than Indigo ever could have coped with. If he lost Aslatiel… he didn’t want to think about a world without his sister in it. The thought was easier to ignore with Segin nestled perfectly in his arms. He’d never felt so comfortable with a stranger before, but laying here he felt like he’d known him his whole life.

”I’m glad I’m not alone.” He whispered quietly against Segin’s dark ear. Another peal of thunder rumbled outside but the distance between them and the middle of the storm was growing further and further away. Eventually they would have to return to the realities they faced outside. For now Indigo would be grateful for the gift Segin offered him.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
05-29-2021, 01:15 PM
As Indigo settled his head over his, completely blocking him from the world with a protectiveness and possessiveness he had never experienced, Segin felt his heart flutter and pound against his chest again. Every little affection or squeeze or embrace tugged at him and added kindling to the desire he knew he shouldn’t pursue. But he wanted to. He tried to push those thoughts away, telling himself that he was in terrible shape, that Indigo probably wasn’t even interested in him in that way, that they had just met and it was too soon. But he hadn’t known any of the other wolves he had been with in the days and weeks that followed his father attacking him, he hadn’t been interested in a man until he got closer with Cygnus, and he wasn’t in much worse condition than he had been in the last few interactions he had been in. There were excuses to explain away any of his reasons.

He could clearly hear Indigo’s beating heart with his cheek pressed to Indigo’s chest, the hard pounding of it loud in his ear. But in a way it was calming. Knowing that he was here was calming. Despite the empty ache of his stomach, the exhaustion that constantly threatened to knock him off his feet, and the cuts and bruises that had still yet to heal, Indigo somehow managed to feel like everything he needed and more. A smile tugged at his lips to the sweet, whispered that were spoken into his ear, the feeling of Indigo’s muzzle against his ear and his deep voice being spoken so quietly sent pleasant tingles across his skin. “Me too,” he said softly in reply, easily ignoring the thunder outside, knowing that he was safe in Indigo’s arms. “I’m glad I’m with you.” He felt like he had to clarify. He didn’t just want to not be alone. He wanted to be with Indigo. He had been in and out of other’s arms before and perhaps he would be again, but Indigo made him feel special and out of anything that’s what he needed most.

One of his paws rested on his chest, his claws gently and absentmindedly combing through the fur there, marveling at the thick, luxurious mane that the man wore. “How many others have you helped?” he asked curiously after a few long moments, trying to take his mind anywhere else besides where it shouldn’t be. “You said misfits and orphans find you so… are there others with you in your pack that you’ve saved?” It felt like he was being brought into a new family, this time made up of lost souls and broken wolves, all held together by this incredible man. He was nervous to meet other wolves and afraid that he wouldn’t actually be of much use to a group, but if it kept him near Indigo he was more than willing to try.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-29-2021, 01:15 PM
Indy felt like they had known each other forever, but the reality was they hadn’t even known each other a day. However new they were to each other the two wolves held to one another tightly, like they needed one another. Indigo held back his curious feelings of desire, even if Segin wanted that attention he didn’t think it was right. This was too new, and Indigo didn’t want to add any hurt to the mottled man’s list. He’d suffered enough and Indigo refused to add to that by rushing into intimate affections. No matter how tempting. They were alone and so close. The thoughts were dangerous to allow to linger in his mind, but the warmth of Segin and the subte hints of his musky scent made the return every time they were chased off.

Segin’s soft answer made another wash of excitement race down his spine and Indy ignored it. That task became increasingly more difficult as Segin played with the fur at his chest. The question he gave distracted him, but beneath thick violet fur Indigo felt himself becoming too warm for comfort. This reaction wasn’t something he was unfamiliar with, Duchess easily brought him to this state, and the precious moments he had with Aslatiel. How had Segin done this to him without even trying?

To release nervous energy one huge paw began to caress Segin’s scruff and shoulders rhythmically as he answered softly. ”I have two (three?) with me now.” Rue’s face flashed in his mind’s eye and he grit his teeth and curled a little tighter around Segin for a moment. ”I failed one of my friends before them, and she died.” Indigo admitted softly, feeling like he could and should tell Segin what he felt and went through. ”I was too slow. I wasn’t there for her. She died because of me.” He’d never gotten over his failure, he could never forget her screams. Tears threatened to well up into his eyes as he held Segin tighter and nuzzled against his neck desperately.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
05-29-2021, 01:16 PM
A soft murr of contentment escaped him as Indigo’s large paw started stroking over his scruff and shoulders even though he worried slightly about if he would find the still fresh scars in his scruff or feel how bony his shoulders were. Though he did have to remind himself that Indigo had already seen him drenched in water. There was very little that could have been hidden from the larger man at this point so he knew his worries were for nothing. He just didn’t want to be a worry for this wolf that was saving his life. Perhaps it was inevitable until he had time to finish healing and regain his strength, but it still crossed his mind none of the less.

He listened as Indigo told him of the wolves he had gathered, giving him some insight of what he would be walking into. Of course, he figured the pack was more than just the few he had gathered for himself, the lost souls like him, but he only really cared about Indigo and the wolves that Indigo would keep close to him. Those would be his priority first and foremost. His ears perked with surprise and shock when he heard about the one that Indigo had lost and almost immediately he wanted to deny that Indigo could take any real blame for her death. He didn’t know the circumstances or the events that led to it, but he couldn’t believe that Indigo would knowingly or purposefully do anything to harm any of his friends so at least in his mind there was no way Indigo could be at fault.

His heart broke for the man though and he leaned into the touch when he began to nuzzle into his neck. “I’m so sorry, Indigo…” he whispered, wiggling his way up a bit to be able to wrap his forelegs around his neck, hugging him tight in an attempt to bring him some comfort. He wished there was a way to lift away his pain and take it onto himself, even though he knew it was impossible. He wished that no one would have to endure the kind of pains they had experienced. The evils and the tortures of the world that he had seen and experienced lingered constantly on the fringes of his mind and he wondered if he would ever be rid of them and figured it was probably the same for Indigo. He tipped his head up to nuzzle his cheek into Indigo’s, desperately wishing there was more he could do for the kind, gentle man.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-29-2021, 01:16 PM
Indigo did feel the scars and wounds to the back of Segin’s neck, even further driving home his resolve to keep and shelter this poor man. The revelation didn’t deter Indy’s affections, he didn’t stop petting the neglected fur and he didn’t loosen his grasp. He only better knew what he was getting into, there was a lot of work to be done to see him back to condition. Indigo was dedicated and patient, and unafraid of using both. He gladly took on the worry of Segin’s current state, but soothed himself knowing that he was already making a difference. He smiled, he was warm, his paws were medicated. Segin was safe in Indigo’s arms.

He was already privy to some of Indigo’s most guarded secrets, but Indigo also felt like he could say anything and Segin wouldn’t judge him. He found a kindred soul in the mottled man, and felt a connection to him that he couldn’t deny. So he told the man his biggest failure, and his one true regret. Not being able to save Rue’s life. Segin’s words were a sweet apology, and for a moment he could almost feel the guilt lift off of him. That feeling would never really leave him, something he’d come to accept. What he really wanted was Segin’s arms as he wrapped them around Indigo’s thick furred neck.

Indigo sighed contentedly as he relaxed into the man’s supportive embrace. He bared his entire soul for this stranger to see and he received nothing but acceptance and… Love. Indigo leaned into Segin’s affection, cheek to cheek, chest to chest, belly to belly. There was so much comfort in holding him like this, and he could almost ignore the sorrows that they had just confessed to one another. The cave was an oasis outside of the terrors that waited outside, and as long as he held onto Segin the feeling of brokenness faded and disappeared. ”You don’t have to be sorry,” he returned quietly as he nuzzled against Segin’s dark ear. The soft fur tickled his nose and he felt the corners of his lips pull back into a shy smile.

Maybe it really was letting go and talking about all of the darkness in his life helped to brighten everything. Or maybe the moon was finally beginning to break through the storm clouds above. Segin made his heart beat fast, but he would keep his resolve. Segin wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon he hoped, if the strong emotions he felt towards the man continued there would be time to explore and discover them as time went on. ”I don’t think the rain will be letting up anytime soon. We should try and sleep.” They didn’t have a very long journey, but Segin definitely needed to rest.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
05-29-2021, 01:17 PM
A soft smile pulled at his lips as Indigo nuzzled against his ear, savoring every gentle affection he received. He had never experienced anything like this. Not from his brother, not from any of the random wolves he had given himself to in the time since his death. Gentle touches and warm embraces were not something he was used to. It made him reflect differently on his time with those wolves, Cygnus included, and made him wonder if this was what it was supposed to be like. Was he supposed to feel this warm, protected feeling when he was with wolves he trusted? Why had he never felt this before? He had loved Cygnus, but his brother had never held him like this or treated him this kindly. Had Cygnus not loved him?

These were things that he didn’t have the energy to ponder, at least not right now. As a comfortable silence fell between them he felt that exhaustion beginning to creep up on him again, especially now that he was fully relaxed and there was nothing to keep it from fully taking hold of him. As if reading his mind, Indigo mentioned how they should get some sleep and he made a soft hum in agreement, nuzzling deeper into Indigo’s mane fully tucking himself into the larger man’s frame. For the first time in months he slipped easily into sleep, nothing lingering in his mind to keep him awake or disturb his slumber as he fell into dreamless, restorative sleep in Indigo’s arms.