
strawberry wine



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-10-2021, 08:14 PM
Indigo felt like he was dying for honied strawberries. He managed to capture a bit of honey and now he wanted to harvest his own strawberries with someone he was quickly holding dear to his heart. When Segin brought the pack of berries back he had been eager to take the strawberries and honey them, but he hadn’t expected Segin to tell his Gypsy had already eaten all of them. It had been amusing, more so now than at the time. Still, it gave him motivation for the walk now.

Indigo’s tail touched Gypsy’s shoulder as he led her to the berry patch. If he stuffed her full out here hopefully some of the berries would survive through the honey process. ”I heard you really like strawberries,” he spoke softly as they approached the large patches in the gardens. ”Are there other fruits or plants you would want to look for?” He asked her as he adjusted his pack and helped lead her the few more steps to the strawberry plants. There were bright red gems all littered throughout the shamrock leaves. They were here early too, before the birds could steal the perfectly ripe ones.

Bright sapphire eyes fell on Gypsy’s delicate form, he was always struck when he watched her how someone could have ever been so cruel to her. Seeing her now, after a taste of freedom, she was blossoming, just like the cute little white strawberry flowers. After experiencing so much evil, he was so glad to see her wonder in the world that was denied her for so long.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

7 Years
Extra small
06-11-2021, 05:41 PM
The tiny, purple and white fae had been happier lately than she ever had been in her whole life and it was mostly thanks to Indigo. Had the man not found her tied to that tree out in the woods, she never would have known such kindness. She never would have known happiness, safety, understanding or, dare she say it, love? Despite all of this, the small woman was still demure and reserved. Still shy. Those habits would take a long, long time to break.

When Indigo asked her along to pick berries with him, Gypsy agreed. He'd done so much for her, so why would she deny him anything that he asked for? The dainty fae moved along behind him, his tail touching her shoulder as had become their habit. Sometimes, if the trek was long, he would lift her and she would ride in his mane. Gypsy had to admit that she rather liked that. It made her feel safe like nothing else did. Perhaps he would let her ride in his mane on the way back.

Indigo's voice met the lady's mismatched ears and they perked, swiveling to catch his rich tones. "I really only like strawberries," she spoke softly. Gypsy had gorged herself on the berries that Segin had brought to her. Of all the foods in the world, she loved strawberries best. Hesitantly, Gypsy took a step forward, ears tucking against her crown for a moment. "I can help you pick whatever types of berries that you like though." He just had to show her where they were.
**Gypsy's past is full of some extreme abuse. Be warned.**

Indigo may enter any of Gypsy's threads as he sees fit.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-11-2021, 07:55 PM
Indigo enjoyed carrying Gypsy but he also wanted to give her plenty of opportunity to grasp and expand her independence. She had been led around on a leash, told when to do anything, she had been an object and that was it. Indigo had the privilege of being able to see her blossom into a beautiful young she wolf instead of the piece of property she had been before. She was still shy and quiet, but that was fine especially compared to the leaps and bounds she had already made. Gypsy moved with him easily now, like they had been navigating the world together for a lifetime. Her steps were no longer as hesitant, but he still had the urge to pick her up and carry her.

”We can keep to strawberries.” He assured her as she offered to pick anything else he desired as well. He had been craving honied strawberries for so long now. He could almost taste them as he thought about it. ”Are you tired at all? Want to find a nice spot in the garden to rest?” While he had been given the all clear for being healed Indigo still felt fatigued every now and then. ”Or would you like to fill up on strawberries first?” He chuckled softly as he led her to the most prolific patch. ”I can already see so many berries.” He teased her slightly.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

7 Years
Extra small
06-12-2021, 02:02 PM
Gypsy had noted Indigo's fatigue. He was still recovering from his injuries and she had been a little surprised when he had asked her to go on a walk. When he asked if she wanted to rest, the small woman gave her head an eager nod. She didn't necessarily need to rest, but he did. As Indigo suggested that they eat berries first, Gypsy shook her head. There would be time for that after resting.

Pulling away just a bit, the tiny dame moved towards the cool feeling of shade. It was summer and the sun was hot. Shade would be nice and they should be cool enough to sleep comfortably. Gypsy's soft, pink pads slid over the cool grass before she lay down upon it, curling up in a little purple and white ball. She waited for Indigo to come and lay with her and, once he did, she made herself comfortable with him.

-Little time skip-

While Indigo may have slept, Gypsy did not. Slowly and carefully, the girl extracted herself from his grasp. She crept away towards the rich scent of berries and began plucking them from the bushes. In time, she had a rather large pile which she brought back and placed beside Indigo. Only then did she curl up once more. The berries were a little thank you. Something that she could do for him that he liked. He'd done so much for her and she couldn't do anything substantial for him. This little gesture was one tiny thing that she could do and she hoped that he appreciated it.
**Gypsy's past is full of some extreme abuse. Be warned.**

Indigo may enter any of Gypsy's threads as he sees fit.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-12-2021, 02:43 PM
He actually felt a bit of relief when she agreed to rest for a while. The gardens were one of his favorite places, and even if it wasn’t part of the Hallows territory he spent enough time here it could almost be considered just that. She pulled away, and was the one to take the lead as she summoned him into the shade and close beside her. Indigo grinned even if she could see him, and made himself comfortable on the soft grass and she followed after, curled more snugly against him. Indigo chanced a hesitant kiss against her white ear before a soft sigh left his lips and he lowered his head and eyelids. He only really intended to rest his eyes.

She let him hold her, and there was a lot of comfort in the trust she put in him. He did indeed fall asleep, and didn’t stir at all as she gifted herself from his grasp and gathered up a bushel of berries for him. When she returned to his arms was when he was returned to consciousness. Sapphire eyes blinked open, the scent of fresh strawberry and Gypsy were the focus of his senses. He breathed in deeply, squeezing Gypsy lightly as he was welcomed with the sight. ”Did I miss all the fun?” He asked quietly, teasing in his appreciation. ”These berries are beautiful, Gypsy. Thank you.” He told her as he carefully released his hold of her and reached over to sample the fresh picked fruit.

It practically melted in his mouth. The taste was so good. He was almost overwhelmed with the sweetness of it. More than that he knew they were sprinkled with a seasoning of love from Gypsy herself. He smiled up at her, feeling proud of how independent she was becoming, everyday she improved and after enduring the life she lived previously he was convinced Gypsy was some kind of little angel. There was no way she wasn’t some kind of divine gift. Sapphire eyes lingered on her innocent features, it was so good to see her embrace her freedom. ”You’ve really grown from when I found you,” He told her softy, ”Obviously not in the taller sense.” He chuckled, feeling oddly carefree out here with her. ”Like you’ve blossomed.”

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

7 Years
Extra small
06-12-2021, 04:10 PM
The dainty lady allowed Indigo to hold her as he wished. A mere month ago, she wouldn't have let him touch her without cringing. She supposed that she really was making strides. Healing, in a sense. Her comfort at being touched was only with Indigo, however. Even when Duchess brushed against her, Gypsy felt off. Indigo had earned her trust and had shown his unending patience with her. That was worth something and her ability to be close with him was the result.

In time, Indigo woke. Gypsy stayed still in case he wanted to go back to sleep, but she could feel his body stir and knew that he was up. His sonorous tones met her ears as he thanked her and the small woman gave one thick foreleg a little squeeze in response. She was glad that her little gesture pleased him and she listened as he consumed the little pile of berries.

The next time that her companion spoke, heat flared through Gypsy's face. He recognized the change in her as well. It proved just how closely he watched and observed her. It showed how concerned he had been for her previous state. Indigo was glad that she was growing more independent. That sent a sudden flare of fear through the woman. If he wanted her to be independent... did that meant that he would eventually leave her on her own? Concern etched Gypsy's features and, in her newfound growth, she ventured to speak. "I don't want to leave you, Indigo." The fear was real. On her own, she was a victim. With Indigo, she was free.
**Gypsy's past is full of some extreme abuse. Be warned.**

Indigo may enter any of Gypsy's threads as he sees fit.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-12-2021, 06:45 PM
Gypsy was mostly quiet, even as he thanked her she squeezed his arm ins response, finding no words were needed. She really was making huge strides, he could hold her now and she found the affection comfortable instead of repulsive. It felt good to have earned her trust so thoroughly. He liked the strawberries, but he enjoyed being out here with her even more. She could see their surroundings but he knew she could appreciate the soft grass and the floral scents around them. It was good for her to get out of her rooms too, he knew she didn’t like to be a burden, but he did like to just have her company, he wanted strawberries but he wanted a quiet walk with Gypsy too.

He tilted his head curiously and watched her features as the skin beneath her white fur grew bright red. That warmth seemed to take a quite turn to fear, her expression changed and as she spoke he heard the same desperation that had been there when she asked for him to keep her from her father. ”You don’t have to,” he promised her quietly, forgetting the strawberries as he carefully wrapped his arms around her again. ”I won’t let go of you Gypsy.” Now that she allowed him to hold her like this he wasn’t going to let go. Like his possessive father he had decided Gypsy was his, to protect, keep safe, and show her the joys that life had to offer that she had been denied for so long. He’d show her that she could be loved. Not just by him, Duchess and Segin… even Emersyn were as devoted to seeing her thrive as Indigo.

Indigo nuzzled into the soft white fur behind her ear as he made his promise, he wouldn’t ever let her father touch her again, not as long as he had breath in his body. This sweet little angel of a woman wouldn’t know that pain ever again, he’d make sure of it.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

7 Years
Extra small
06-12-2021, 07:35 PM
The pleading desperation in her statement was evident and Indigo felt it. A moment later he wrapped his huge arms around her and pulled her into his embrace. Gypsy well willingly, pressing into his thickly furred chest like she never had before. "I can't go back to how things were and I can't be on my own. I need to stay with you, Indigo." She was telling him that she would need him for the rest of their lives. It was a huge responsibility. If he wasn't up to the task, she wished he'd just leave her here. She'd wander off into the woods alone and the world would do its duty. She would rather die than be without the giant man's kindness and care.

The man nuzzled into the soft backs of her ears and Gypsy closed her eyes, her face still pressed into his chest. The action reminded her of bad times, but if this was what Indigo needed, then she would let him do as he wished. If touching, affection and...other things... were the price that she needed to pay to stay with Indigo, then she would pay it. He had shown her what life was supposed to be. She could never go back to that. Indigo had shown her this and because of that, she was his.
**Gypsy's past is full of some extreme abuse. Be warned.**

Indigo may enter any of Gypsy's threads as he sees fit.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-12-2021, 07:54 PM (This post was last modified: 06-12-2021, 07:55 PM by Indigo. Edited 1 time in total.)
Indigo took her into his arms again and she offered him no resistance. She clung to him as he held to her. He could feel the desperation as much as he could hear it in her voice. She couldn’t go back, she said it to him before but she would again. There was no future out there with her father or as a slave. He showed her what her life should have been, if she had a real caring father. ”You’ll be with me, I promise.” He wouldn’t leave her, for as long as he lived he would make certain she was cared for. He would do so personally if that was what she wanted, she deserved it after everything she had been put through.

He felt her tense as he touched her ears and Indigo pulled back slightly, returning to holding her against his chest. He wanted to be where she was comfortable, he didn’t want to press her and he didn’t want her to chance for his sake. Holding her like this was more than he thought he would ever get to spend with her. ”I know you don’t want to go back, but where do you want to be going forward?” Indigo asked her softly, they’d talked about her talents a little bit, but the question was more than what she wanted to occupy her time with. Now that she had been given a glance of freedom what did she want to do with it? "Besides cuddling like this." He chuckled softly as he barely refrained nuzzling her ears again.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

7 Years
Extra small
06-13-2021, 05:28 PM
He continued to hold her and she continued to let him. Gypsy clung to the giant man as though he was her lifeline. In a sense, he was. Without him, she would surely have been dead. Without him, she would die. Gypsy would never be able to be self sufficient. Someone would always have to care for her and Indigo claimed that he would always be the one. If he held true to his word, she would be content.

The mans words met her ears again. Going forward? "I... don't know. I don't have any skills other than singing." Singing was a pretty useless skill, really. It didn't really contribute anything to the group. "I could learn something if you need me to pull my own weight. I'm not sure what I could do though." Gypsy had always been 'cared for.' She'd never had to fend for herself or learn any skills other than sleeping with wolves and singing. She really was worthless, and in this new world, she was really feeling it. There was nothing that she could do for Indigo or the group to contribute. She'd forever be a leech.
**Gypsy's past is full of some extreme abuse. Be warned.**

Indigo may enter any of Gypsy's threads as he sees fit.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-13-2021, 07:17 PM
The feeling of her holding onto him, clinging to his mane like she desperately needed him softened Indigo. He already cared about Gypsy, he’d been given a glimpse into the life that she lived and being able to see her grow was an incredible gift. He wouldn’t take it for granted, he knew tey had a long way to go, but he could see the way she opened up and the way that she let him hold her. She trusted him, she put her life in his paws, and that was where she wanted to be. Indigo wouldn’t let her go. He’d make sure she was well cared for as long as he lived if that was what it took. He’d care for her like she was his own sister. Briar’s face appeared first, the young innocent woman who wanted to train with him, and then Aslatiel took her place. She was his sister, but she was so much more than that. His true love, his other half, his soul mate.

Indigo held onto Gypsy tenderly as she answered him quietly, much like the first answer she had given him when they spoke before. She told him she would learn whatever she needed to, if she needed to pull her own weight. ”I’m strong enough to carry you, don’t worry.” He assured her softly as he gently brushed the fur down her neck. ”I want you to be happy is all. Find a hobby, something you love to do. You’re good at gathering strawberries.” Indigo added as he squeezed her lightly, he challenged his patience and again refrained from a nuzzle to her cheek. He tried to make himself mirror the affection that she gave him. She held tightly to him, so he would hold tight to her. If she wanted his nuzzles then she would have to offer one to him first, that way he would be certain she was comfortable with his affections. He couldn’t be selfish, he wanted to show her more of his affections and take comfort from her, but that wasn’t his duty. He was the one that needed to be here to comfort her, however she was most comfortable. ”I think you’d make a good assistant, for a long time I was mostly a healer.” He explained quietly. Now that he was trying to form the band he felt like his healing took a back seat to his fighting capabilities. It was kind of sad.

”Maybe you can help me make poultices and tinctures, or processing herbs for trade.” He was probably getting ahead of himself but he could always use help, and he’d get to spend extra time with Gypsy. ”Not that I want to sway you, but I think I’d quite like having you as an assistant.” He smiled as he said, already picturing the both of them surrounded by flowers, carefree as they worked in harmony.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

7 Years
Extra small
06-15-2021, 06:00 PM

A small bolt of electricity ran up Gypsy's spine as Indigo pulled his claws through the fur at the back of her neck. He meant it to be comforting but she felt it as something else. Not entirely unwelcome, but something... other. She tried to focus on his words other than thoughts of darker, steamier things. He wanted her to have a hobby? He spoke a little more and suggested that she learn to help him make tinctures and poultices. The blind woman arched one brow as she considered the task. She could see herself doing such as long as she learned which herbs were which.

Indigo assured her that he'd like having her as an assistant and a soft, whisperish laugh left the woman. The idea of being Indigo's assistant was an intriguing one. Then her own idea struck. "I'd like to learn to be more independent." Mismatched ears tucked as they usually did when she was a little hesitant to speak. "I think if I had a companion to help me navigate, then I wouldn't be such a burden on any of you." A dreamy little look crossed the purple lady's features. "Once, when my father and I stopped at one pack or another, I slept out with the goats. They were so sweet. Very kind little creatures." She tilted her head slightly as she questioned the man. "Do you think I'd be able to find a goat?"

In case he thought that it might be another mouth to feed, Gypsy hurriedly spoke again. "They're very useful. They can carry packs, they produce milk. You can make soap and other things from their milk too." There was a hopeful look on her face. She hoped that he wouldn't tell her no. She didn't quite realize it, but her tiny arms gave his leg a little squeeze as she looked blindly up at him.


**Gypsy's past is full of some extreme abuse. Be warned.**

Indigo may enter any of Gypsy's threads as he sees fit.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-15-2021, 07:36 PM
She didn’t pull away from his gentle affections, he already knew she trusted him deeply but he didn’t want to have to press her. Indigo knew she had a difficult past that didn’t need to be relieved because he couldn’t remain proper and mannerly. He tried to encourage her in his own way, trying not to become too preoccupied as he gazed down at her as she chuckled at him softly. He perked when she spoke and didn’t really expect her answer, but he liked to hear her say it all the same. Indigo continued to stroke the back of her neck softly and slowly, affectionate and supportive as she went on. Her shining silver eyes looking up at him sightlessly.

Gypsy allowed him to have a glimpse into a moment of her past, though he hated to hear her father mentioned he listened as she spoke and appreciated the dreamy expression that played over her features. Then she asked him about goats. Indigo had to admit he hadn’t ever considered the usefulness of them, but then again he wasn’t the biggest fan of the alpacas, perhaps that was what caused him to turn a blind eye. The way Gypsy spoke about them though, they sounded like the perfect animal for her and perhaps the band. They could carry packs and be added nutrition. In milk and extra kids. A livestock to bring along with them.

He grinned slightly as she squeezed his arm, despite everything he could still feel an almost child like innocence within her despite everything she had been forced through. She was precious and he would never discard his unofficial title of angel for the tiny girl. ”I think we should try and find a whole herd of goats,” he told her softly, always eager to give in to her little requests. She deserved the world and Indigo would do his best to provide. And yes still he held back his affection, more than anything he wanted her comfortable and happy.

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

7 Years
Extra small
06-18-2021, 02:34 PM

The longer she allowed Indigo to touch her, the more comfortable she became with the action. Eventually, it didn't even register that he was gently stroking the back of her neck. Had anyone else been petting her, she would have felt terribly uneasy. It showed just how patient he was. The giant man had a natural protectiveness to him. He drew in the broken and downtrodden and he lifted them up. Even someone as blind as Gypsy could see that Indigo was nothing but good. All former fears of him eventually giving her back to her father had dissipated. She trusted him.

After relaying her dream of eventually having a goat, Indigo spoke. The tiny woman's brows lifted in surprise and her mouth opened in a soft gasp. A whole herd of goats just because she wanted one? The small fae gave his leg another squeeze before reaching up and placing a soft kiss upon his chin. The action surprised even her and she tucked her ears in uncertainty for a moment before she spoke. "You're so very kind to me. Thank you, Indigo." Her sweet, soft tones poured forth with a little more life than usual. It was him. He brought this out in her and she didn't think that she could ever thank him enough for it.


**Gypsy's past is full of some extreme abuse. Be warned.**

Indigo may enter any of Gypsy's threads as he sees fit.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-18-2021, 03:19 PM
As he eld her Gypsy lost any tension that still remained as he held her, he’d finally proven himself to her and that was obvious in how comfortable she became with him. Indigo offered his gentle affections and she welcomed them, he was slow and patient as she gradually came to trust him. Indigo wouldn’t do anything to intentionally hurt her, he’d vowed to care for her and he wouldn’t break that. As long as she needed him, Indigo would be here for her. However she needed him.

The look of surprise but more than that excitement, that crossed her face as he mentioned a herd of goat was like nothing he was expecting. The beasts would make marvelous pack animals, and if they were going to be mobile and trading they needed something to help alleviate the burden. The herd would travel with the wolf pack, taking protection from them as they carried everything. Indigo also found a great solution to the logistics question he was pondering for so long. Any day now, they would be prepared to set off as a new band.

The thought was swiftly swept away as Gypsy reached up to kiss his dark furred chin. Indigo was frozen for a moment, full aware she couldn’t see him but feeling blessed all the same. She pulled her ears to her skull and offered him a word of thanks in the soft beautiful tones that were natural in her voice. ”You deserve nothing less.” He told her as he leaned forward to kiss her forehead softly. Barely a peck as he returned her affection gently. ”It’s been my honor.” Indigo spoke softly, barely more than a deep whisper as he held onto her.

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

7 Years
Extra small
06-19-2021, 03:06 PM

Gypsy had known very little kindness in her short life. There had been lovers that had taken pity on her and had taken care with her, but she had still been used to her purpose in the end. A receptacle. An outlet. With Indigo, he gave and expected nothing in return. The type of kindness that he bestowed upon her was something foreign. Something entirely different from what she was used to.

The kiss that Indigo placed upon her brow didn't leave her frightened and anxious. It felt strange, but she didn't want to pull away or recoil in fear as she had done at first. She didn't loosen her grasp upon the man that held her either. Indigo was like a tether. Not like that one that had locked her to the tree where she'd been found, but a different kind of tether. A tether to happiness and safety. She didn't mind being tied to him at all.

Still leaning against Indigo comfortably, Gypsy allowed a little bit of curiosity to squeak past her lips. "I feel so selfish," she admitted softly. "You know so much of me and I know so little of you. Tell me who you are, Indigo." She kept her forelegs wrapped lightly around his while eagerly awaiting an answer.


**Gypsy's past is full of some extreme abuse. Be warned.**

Indigo may enter any of Gypsy's threads as he sees fit.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-19-2021, 05:11 PM (This post was last modified: 06-19-2021, 05:11 PM by Indigo. Edited 1 time in total.)
Indigo knew Gypsy’s life before him had been devoid of love, even her own father betrayed her and forced here through such a difficult life. He stunted her growth, Indigo suspected in more ways than one. Despite all of it she was still sweet and was truly beginning to trust him. There wasn’t more evidence than in they way he held her, and more than that, how she held him back. This was a rare gift, to have her so comfortable and at ease. The corners of Indy’s dark lips pulled back in a content smile as he watched her through his lidded gaze. She didn’t flinch or react to the gentle kiss he left, and he was amazed again. His patience was paying off, she could feel safe and tranquil. Everything he wanted for the scared half dead woman he found tied to a tree.

Indigo was getting ready to take another nap, laid out in the shade with a belly full of berries. He was determined to bring some home to put in his honey. Eventually. For now, Gypsy had his full attention and as she spoke he realized how little he told her about himself. Not that he’d offered any, when they were together he focused on her, on being patient and gaining her trust, there wasn’t time to explain himself and his past. He withheld a sigh so he didn’t seem like he didn’t want to answer her, because it wasn’t that. Bringing everything up was just difficult.

”I’m not nearly as interesting as you,” Indigo tried to lead off with a little teasing, but it was easier to poke fun than reveal the difficult truth. ”I guess I can start at the beginning. My father and mother ruled a pack, I was their third born son.” He’d never given his biography before, where did he go from here, and how much did he tell her? Everything? ”I’ve never really talked to anyone about this,” He scoffed softly. ”But my older brother’s were chosen as heirs over myself and my… sister, Aslatiel.” He tried to hide the hitch in his speech. ”Maybe it was that moment I realized I was the odd one out. Mortis and Azure were getting trained to take over the pack. Aslatiel was my father’s shining star. I…” He sighed from deep in his chest. ”Hmm.”

Indy quieted for a moment and held Gypsy quietly as his brain swam, going over his memories and the emotions that were brought with them. His father had encouraged all of his endeavors, he never wanted for anything and yet through all of it he felt like he had been left behind. ”When I was very young, not even a half a year old, my father caught Aslatiel and I kissing.” He whispered as he held her. Everyone in the band understood him, once they knew they commiserate and supported him. Especially his sweet Segin. ”I knew I loved her before then, but after that I realized how different the emotion was. I was in love with her, and my father could see it long before I did, and he forbade us from being together.” He spoke calmly but the emotion was thick in his voice. He paused, wondering if Gypsy might feel different after she knew.

Talking about Aslatiel was hard, knowing she was so far away with her new children… Indigo grit his teeth as his chest ached despite Gypsy’s closeness. The all too familiar darkness returned to his heart and seemed under his skin. He sucked in his breath painfully as tears pricked at his eyes.

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

7 Years
Extra small
06-25-2021, 09:23 AM

Gypsy listened intently as Indigo began to speak. He told her of being a fourth child, a pup apart from others that seemed to shine more brightly. The woman could hardly believe that anyone could shine more brightly than Indigo. To her, he felt like the sun, always warm and reliable. Gypsy caught the quavering vocals and her brow furrowed. A moment later, that strange hitch began to make sense.

The pain in Indigo's voice as he spoke of loving his sister, Aslatiel, brought Gypsy even tighter against him. She sought to help in whatever way she could. It was horrible that he had been denied his happiness. To Gypsy, it didn't matter that Aslatiel was his sister. Love was love. The small woman could feel the emotion pouring from Indigo. It permeated her own being and she absorbed his sadness. It also didn't bother her that he loved another. Those sorts of feelings were foreign to her. Love was something that she never expected, so it wasn't something that she often considered.

When Indigo was done speaking, Gypsy slid her snow and plum cheek through the thick fur of his chest. "I'm sorry. she whispered softly. It was her question that brought the sadness forth. "I didn't mean to make you remember something so painful." Adjusting her small frame, Gypsy sat in front of him rather than beside him. She looked up towards his face even though she couldn't see. "When we...leave..." The woman spoke hesitantly, "Could we go visit her? Would that make you less sad?"


**Gypsy's past is full of some extreme abuse. Be warned.**

Indigo may enter any of Gypsy's threads as he sees fit.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-25-2021, 02:44 PM (This post was last modified: 06-25-2021, 02:44 PM by Indigo. Edited 1 time in total.)
Gypsy held onto him tighter as he spoke about his love and loss of Aslatiel. She was still alive, but they were doomed to always be apart like this. A fact that would always cause him pain, but wolves of the band kept him stable. More than that they gave him a real purpose, a reason to be instead of the deep darkness that wanted to swallow him. He knew where his heart resided, there would never be any question, but being able to dedicate himself to Gypsy and the wolves he shared his life with gave Indigo the appearance of completion. However untrue the statement was.

”Don’t be sorry,” he told her softly as he gently traced one sharp claw through her white and wine stained pelt. ”I wanted you to know.” Indigo told her honestly, his voice but a whisper as he lay there in the thick grass. He swallowed back the emotions that were always waiting there at the back of his mind or the pit of his stomach. ”I never really forget.” the words were hardly a breath and he didn’t truly intend to say them outloud. Indigo aimed to kiss her forehead to reassure her, none of this was her fault and she deserved zero blame.

”I hope that we can. We can head North and try to angle ourselves towards the Armada.” He knew by now his niece and nephew were about weaning age, they’d be out and about and causing their mother all sorts of trouble. He felt the familiar ache as he remembered that last little spike of fear that they might have made a child together. ”I’d try to be less sad...” Indigo mumbled softly, almost speaking to himself more than Gypsy as his mind fogged in defense of itself. He couldn’t delve too deeply into the what ifs for fear of being unable to return. There was a bright future of endless possibility but he couldn’t put that forbidden dream behind him.

”You know what would make me happy?” He asked her softly as his voice shifted as he hid the dark hole in his chest. ”Getting these strawberries home and prepared for the honey.” He chuckled lightly, masking what he could for her. She felt like he did, sharing the emotions others gave to him. She suffered enough sadness in her life, Indigo didn’t want to tarnish her progress.

Indigo Arcturus Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

7 Years
Extra small
06-27-2021, 08:35 PM

The sadness in his voice remained and Gypsy felt the need to do something about it. As Indigo stated that he would try to not be sad if they met up with his sister, the tiny fae slid forward, her body against his wide, fluffy chest. She didn't know what else she could do to make him happy, but he seemed to be happier when he was touching her. Leaning up, Gypsy placed a soft little kiss on the brute's bearded chin. Perhaps that would make him happier. She could tell that nothing would ever fill the hole in his heart other than the sister that he spoke of, but she could help patch him up a bit.

The tiny purple and white woman stayed pressed against the big man's chest, feeling his breathing push and pull her body like the ebb and flow of the waves on a beach. In his touch, she felt comfort. She felt safe. Indigo was her home now. It wasn't some castle or a den or any other number of living spaces. Wherever he was, she would be home.

The soft joking of Indigo brought an equally soft laugh from Gypsy. He wanted to take the strawberries back to preserve them in honey. She could feel how hard he was trying to change his mood for her sake. A tiny, white toed paw rose to gently cup the mans cheek before the little fae whispered, "Please... don't hide from me." She spent her whole life being groomed and sheltered to an extent. Real interaction and emotion had been kept from her. Gypsy wanted to feel everything that Indigo was feeling. She wanted him to trust her enough to let her see those feelings. She wanted him to feel comfortable coming to her when he felt sad or upset.


**Gypsy's past is full of some extreme abuse. Be warned.**

Indigo may enter any of Gypsy's threads as he sees fit.