
the reason is you



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
06-19-2021, 06:42 PM (This post was last modified: 06-19-2021, 10:22 PM by Shelby. Edited 1 time in total.)
Siren wasn’t a leader, and leading the two women home was not a pleasant walk. Siren was sore, tired, and hungry by the time they set paw to the floating barrel bridge. Emotionally she felt drained as well, the girl said little on the journey back and tried to listen less when Dalila would offer small thoughts or tips as they walked. Siren pushed the thoughts of guilt away. This wasn’t just a burden of necessity. She rid herself of many belongings to acquire the best product for Chimera, and unlike Dalila she had to keep her in her mind as a tool. Bred, born, raised, and trained specifically to be a living tool. To be used as her owner saw fit.

As dainty paws touched the sand she felt herself stiffen with tension as she doubted herself. Was this the right choice, would Chimera take this in a way completely different than what she expected like when she brought up taking full custody of Dalila? She felt like she couldn’t ever really know, but her paws carried her further anyway.

She saw his massive form down the beach. The sun was closing on the horizon and he was sprawled out on the sand, his toes touching the water as the waves danced up to meet him. Siren’s caramel ears lowered to her skull as she paused for a moment, dual toned eyes taking in his almost peaceful pose. Siren loved her brother, Chimera took care of her. He was the only family that was devoted to her.

”Chi..” Her voice cracked from misuse over the journey home. ”Chimera,” Siren called out more confidently as she approached but motioned for Dalila and Aliana to stay where they were as Siren approached Chimera. Her beautiful doe eyes found his features as the corners of her pale lips pulled back slightly. ”I’m sorry I made you upset,” she started shyly, still wishing that night had played out differently. ”I thought about what you said though, and I got you something.” Siren said softly as she looked back to Dalila and the smaller woman she had purchased all on her own.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
06-19-2021, 07:32 PM

Chimera had been working hard all day. There was food storage on the main land, but he decided that they needed storage of their own. The giant wolf had begun before the sun was up and had dug a deep food cellar situated between the two dens. There was little chance of large scavengers getting close enough to it to steal the meat. The cache was deep enough to stay cool and the surrounding ocean cooled it further still. Chi had run into many rocks and his pads were rough. A few were sliced. Once he'd called it quits for the day, the tired, hard working behemoth sprawled out on the beach, his beaten paws submerged in the salty water of the ocean.

A soft, dry voice tried twice to say his name. The massive brute turned his head, his eye falling upon the travel worn form of his sister. Siren apologized, moving towards him. Chimera could see how tenderly she tread upon her tiny paws. It seemed as though her pads were just as sore as his. As she drew near, Chimera snaked out a big paw and pulled the tiny woman in between his forelegs so that her rump was against his chest. Taking her tiny front paws, he placed them in the gently moving surf alongside his own. The cool water should at least soothe her sore pads.

As his sweet sister told him that she'd gotten him a gift, his gaze drifted to Dalila and some other woman that he didn't know. He could only assume that the other woman was the gift that Siren had procured for him.

Chimera didn't often feel bad. In this case, he definitely did. The black, white and slate man lowered his muzzle, placing a soft kiss between his sister's caramel ears. "Don't apologize." It had been his fault to begin with. His short temper. He never meant to take it out on Siren. Sometimes he just couldn't control himself. Like a dick, he wouldn't apologize though.

Gently, Chi massaged Siren's sore pads with his own, both sets of paws still submerged. He was rarely tender, so when he was, Siren was always the one that received that tenderness. "Don't do anything foolish like that again," he chided lightly. "You could have easily been taken and enslaved." Again he nuzzled between her small ears. "I don't think I'm ready to burn the world down just yet."

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
06-19-2021, 10:18 PM

All the way back to her new home, Aliana kept up hushed conversation with Dalila. It felt nice to have someone to talk to who wouldn't slap you in the face or pound on the bars of her cell and yell to shut up. Dalila felt like a kindred spirit, someone to relate to. She had never had a friend before, but this felt... nice. It helped ease her nerves at the very least, especially as they drew closer to their final destination. Crossing the floating bridge to an island, Ali allowed herself the liberty to examine her surroundings, from the trees and sandy beach to the salty sea air that cooled and rippled gently around the island. It was quite a tranquil location, far beyond what she would have been able to imagine in captivity. The tiny woman hadn't spoken a word to her beyond their initial conversation when they'd left the slavers' camp, and Aliana was left wondering if she had done something to warrant the girl's cold and distant attitude, or if she was simply trying to keep herself at bay since she would be given up to the girl's brother.

The three faes walked in silence along the beach until they found another wolf lying on the sand, his black toes dipped in the gently lapping surf. Ali felt her eyes go wide as they came to rest on him. He was an absolutely tremendous wolf, easily almost twice her size. His starkly contrasting coat of jet black and pristine white with slate gray stripes helped him stand out against the pale sand and blue water. The tiny lady walked right up to him, addressing him by name. This was her brother, her new master. Chimera, she had called him. Aliana made sure to repeat the name in her head several times to commit it to memory. Already she was trying to remember the rules Dalila had told her about Chimera, what he liked and what he hated.

Much to her surprise, the giant brute didn't speak right away, instead scooping up his sister to pull her into an embrace against his body while he began tending to her paws in much the same manner he was doing with himself. Ali blinked in surprise, then peered over to Dalila with confusion in her aquamarine gaze. The way she had described Chimera was nothing like what she was seeing now. He was gruff and terse with his sister, but also shockingly gentle and caring. Aliana watched him from where the two slaves had been left to wait, remaining where she was while allowing the siblings to share their moment. At some point Chimera had turned his gaze toward her, and the brute's contrasting gaze of sightless white and albino pink moved over her with short regard. Something about that hard stare had put a thrill of panic in her heart, as if she could feel the overwhelming domineering presence he commanded over her. In that moment there would be no doubts. This was his island, and she was to be his property.

Ever obedient, Aliana waited off to the side with Dalila, waiting to either be called forward or dismissed, or for Chimera to make his inevitable approach towards her.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
06-19-2021, 10:45 PM

Dalila certainly hadn't intended to make a friend of the new slave when they set out to purchase her. If anything, she had thought that she would want to keep herself distant, too guilty over the fact that she was dragging another woman into this just to save herself and allow herself to be with Siren and only Siren. But once she met Aliana and her sympathy began to outweigh her guilt, she couldn't help but talk quietly with the smaller woman as they walked, sharing small details about the life she would live and the island that they all shared, slowly building a new friendship with her. She knew what it was like to not have anyone, to be a slave and not have friends. While she was still Siren's servant, she had found a friend and a devotion to the tiny princess and that had pulled out parts of herself that she never knew existed. She couldn't let herself doom Aliana to a life of pure solitude when she was already subjecting her to whatever treatment Chimera would bestow.

When they arrived to the island, she followed the silent command that her lady gave them to keep back while she approached Chimera first, speaking to him softly with an apology and a bit of an introduction to the gift she brought. Dalila stood shoulder to shoulder with Aliana, watching the pair quietly. When Chimera pulled Siren close and began to soothe her lady's sore paws in the cool water, Dalila's ears flicked as an unexpected emotion washed over her. She wasn't worried - she knew that Chimera wouldn't hurt her, especially not now after this long trip that they had gone on purely for him. It was a jealousy that caught her off guard and made her soft blue gaze lingering on them with her jaw tensing. She didn't notice Aliana looking at her with surprise, instead watching as Chimera treated Siren with careful gentleness that he reserved for his sister.

She didn't have much to look forward to in this life, but caring for Siren was her one and only joy and seeing Chimera essentially do her job for her was difficult. She shifted her gaze down when he looked toward them, turning her eyes down toward the sand in front of her paws. It was silly of her to feel this way, she knew that very well. She was a servant and she had already been allowed far more privileges than most. She spent day in and day out with her lady, the slept in the same bed, she spent every morning and every evening maintaining Siren's long, beautiful fur. She shouldn't feel so put off by her brother simply washing her paws, but she did - especially after how he had spoken to her before and after essentially forcing them to purchase Aliana for him to repent for making him mad previously. She stood quietly like Aliana did, waiting for some kind of instruction, reminding herself that as much as she cared about Siren, she was still her slave.




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
06-20-2021, 03:51 PM
Siren didn’t resist when Chimera grabbed hold of her and carefully positioned her tiny form between his huge front legs. She was surprised, but held no tension in her slim body. Her toes were placed into the water, soothing them from the long trip. He knew where she’d been, he saw how carefully she walked. Siren sighed softly and relaxed against his massive form, finally feeling like she was safe again. She kept her eyes on her paws and the way the surf pushed and pulled the long fur that trailed off the back of her feet.

She could feel him shift, glancing up at Dalila and the woman they had returned with, he said nothing for a moment but leaned forward and she felt him kiss the top of her head affectionately before telling her not to apologize. He never made a habit of it, not now or previously, but Siren paid no mind. The gentle way he handled her now was apology enough. He massaged her tiny toes with his huge paws for a long moment before he spoke again. This time his words were more of a warning, she could have been snatched up when she went to the camp, but she wasn’t.

”You made an impression.” She reassured him softly as she pressed into his freely given affections. They weren’t frequent, but they were special. Siren knew he would destroy everything in his path if anything happened to her, and they would unnecessarily get to that point if she had been taken. Siren wasn’t to be taken for a fool though, Chimera’s promise coupled with her own bright mind kept her safe. That and the wealth they accumulated. Maybe he could have caught and sold her but what was the value of a repeat customer?

Siren looked up from her paws then, curving her neck as she sought his dual toned gaze. ”And you know I wouldn’t leave you.” Siren spoke of her vow softly. After Mortis stole her away she never wanted to leave this island again. She already forgot how nervous and stiff she had been. Especially now as she relaxed against Chimera’s massive form.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
06-23-2021, 12:51 PM

Chimera released a soft rumble at Siren's insistence that he'd left an impression with the slavers. He remembered the shredded face that he'd left behind and the slavers obviously did as well. It was good that they had. If the body trafficking brutes had done anything to Siren, he would have left a trail of corpses rather than just a scarred face. "Still," his voice was low. "You don't need to go out of your way for me." There was no need to Siren to do anything for him other than stay safe, preferably on their island.

The massive brute noted the direction that Siren looked in, but he refused to look at the two slaves himself. They didn't mean anything at the moment. He was enjoying this time together with his sister. They'd been...absent from one another for a while. He didn't like it, but he'd been busy. Busy with hunting and fighting, busy with Viper.

The tiny woman assured him that she wouldn't leave him and another rumble pulled from him before he placed another soft kiss upon her crown, his tongue and teeth dragging through the longer fur at the backs of her ears. This was how Chimera worked. He was filled to the brim with negative emotions and then he worked it out and was affectionate for a short while before the rage began to build again.

Chimera didn't care how long he made the two slaves wait. They were insignificant. In fact, he rather liked making them wait. Maybe at some point Siren would tell him about the second slave that she'd procured. He didn't know why she would need two slaves, so he assumed that it was a replacement for the first slave. Just thinking about Dalila raised the man's ire. He hated the woman.

"Chimera Quill Klein"

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
06-23-2021, 02:25 PM

Watching Chimera interact with his sister was strangely endearing. All this way back to her new home, Dalila had given her little tidbits of advice and what to expect from the monochromatic brute, but none of it had been anything like this. Peering up at the two wolves through her lashes, Aliana risked glancing over her new master from the short distance the two slaves sat away. He was positively massive, looming over his tiny sister and even from a distance she could tell he was easily nearly twice her height. He looked fit, strong, handsome, young, and his coat was luxurious and well maintained. The brute clearly cared for his appearance—perhaps not to vanity levels, but enough to not want to be dirty. Perhaps we was some sort of noble? A warrior prince? Someone of power or influence? She would have to be her absolute best to make the cost his kind sister paid for her worth it.

Ali watched while Chimera gently preened and cared for his sister, gracing her crown with ginger kisses and licks. He was grooming her, tending to her. It was such an unusual shift from how she had seen brutes interact with faes before. He must truly care for his sister. Aliana glanced over to Dalila again to try and gauge the taller woman's expression. She appeared... almost angry at the two wolves? She was irked by something with Chimera and Siren, but why? This was most certainly not proper behavior to exhibit towards their masters. Her eyes snapped back down, not wanting to involve herself in whatever was going on between the three of them. She was sure she'd learn soon enough.

While she waited quietly, Ali peeked up at Chimera again, taking in all of her new master. She would wait where she was, surreptitiously watching him and waiting for her first order to be given. It didn't matter how long it took; she belonged to him now, and whatever Chimera wanted, Chimera would get.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.