
Wish upon a star




6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
07-17-2021, 04:50 PM

With his work done on Sitka's armor and his "friend" sent away to terrorize the world once more, he returned his focus to Lorikeet. He didn't want her to think he was all work and no play though - not that he had ever shied away from their "play" in the time they had spent together so far, but he had no idea how long she'd want to stick around so he figured he might as well enjoy what time he did have. She was a delightful spit fire that had quickly become the favorite of any of the women he had given his time to so he thought that perhaps she deserved more adventure than he had given her so far and dare he say... maybe even a little romance?

He packed up his tools and supplies and led her away from the Emerald Valley. Now that Sitka knew where he had been hiding out it was time for him to move again anyway, but while he would usually look for the most practical location for his work this time he went looking for something a bit for fanciful for miss Lorikeet to enjoy. It took a day of travel to reach the destination he had in mind and by the time they walked into the lush, plant filled valley it was dark, night fully cloaking the world in blackness.

It was a clear night thankfully so the wide open sky above them was dotted by stars, a nearly full moon lighting up the world with a cool, soft glow. He slid the pack off of his back and dropped it beside a large rock, lifting his head so that his sea foam green gaze could take in the night sky. Right at that moment a shooting star went across the sky above them and he grinned, watching it go before bringing his gaze back to Lorikeet at his side. "So that was one of your family members, right, my shooting star?" he teased, chuckling as he dipped his head to nibble along her side where the splash of blue along her ribs mimicked the flash of light that had darted across the night sky.

"Rûga Amanto"



6 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-17-2021, 10:02 PM
Ruga refused to explain to her where he was taking her. He kept it a mystery, and she had a great deal of fun teasing him as he packed up his supplies and led her away. He refused to impart the secret - and a girl needed a little mystery in life. Her attempts to sway him were only half-hearted.

It took a day before they finally arrived, and Keetie treated her lover to a little touch of music, filling the occasional silence with her delicate voice. When she wished to be, she could be a little bit like, well… a song bird.

She paused mid-verse as her eyes drifted upwards. The darkness had crept up slowly, shadows growing and light fading until night had fallen. She had just been thinking of bothering him to find a place to rest their feet when her eyes caught the open sky.

Timing was key, and she had no clue how the rogue bastard had done it, but a shooting star glinted through the clear skies as he settled on a rock, and she lay lightly beside him. “Bye Hyperion” she teased, waving a paw after the vanished star at his words. “If they are my family, then who are yours?” she wondered.




6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
07-17-2021, 11:30 PM

Ruga always enjoyed experiencing more of the women he kept around, finding things that they enjoyed and small quirks about them. Enjoying the singing she did on the way to their new destination was something special about Lorikeet that he wouldn't have known unless he put in the effort and time into getting to know her. She had a lovely voice, light and lilting like a song bird trapped in a gorgeous wolf's body.

He grinned as she settled beside him, chuckling as she played along with his joke and waved goodbye to the shooting star while giving it a name that he assumed belonged to one of her family members. Her sense of humor was another thing that kept him around, passing little quips back and forth making her entertaining in more than just their sexual exploits. She asked about his family, wondering if the stars were her family then who were his. He scoffed, looking up toward the sky as he tried to find a way to describe his family that he had left behind. It felt like an age since he had seen them last, but he couldn't even force himself to be upset about that fact.

"They're something dull and boring... Like a pile of dirt or perhaps a tree rooted to one place and unwilling to change," he finally decided, smirking a little as he looked back down at the two toned eyes of the lady beside him. His tail curled around her hip and he nestled more into her side as he spoke, adding, "My family and I never really saw eye to eye. The way I wanted to live my life didn't match with their values so I went on my own. The only thing I kept from them was the blacksmithing and crafting skills."

He gave a small shrug, clearly no longer bothered by the events of his past. He sometimes wondered what ever came of his family, but not enough to actually go seek them out. What would they think of him now, using his skills to craft gifts for the women he slept around with? He smirked at the thought and dipped his muzzle to nibble lightly along her jaw. "What about you? Is your family around?" he asked curiously, "Did they teach you your beautiful songs?"

"Rûga Amanto"



6 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-17-2021, 11:51 PM
“There can be something fantastic about old, stubborn things. Trees that have taken root and grown. The older, the more fantastic, until you're sweeping beneath their roots and feeling you are walking amongst giants. With depths spirling into the sky, too high for you to truly appreciate.” she whispered, leaning into his shoulder, playing a claw across his paw, as through drawing out the landscape she imagined.

“We take a little bit from each of those around us, and nurture it until it is something of our very own. You wanted more than just the little pieces of the same people. You're like me, Ruga. you can't be sated with the same four walls, day after day.” She said with certainty.

She licked his questing maw and looked up at the stars, her eyes a little wistful. “My family is filled with natural explorers. Wonders, curious bodys and minds. It makes putting them together for a family reunion something of a challenge.”
“Perseus taught me a few of my songs, but his tales are with words. Sometimes accompanied by my voice”

She shook her head, and grinned at him. She was sounding too melancholic for her own liking. Hungering for the familiar faces of her siblings. She batted it away and pushed on Ruga’s shoulders, rolling him with her body until he lay with his back to the rock, and Keetie on his stomach. She arched her head back, twisting it to look up at the stars. “This is a beautiful place you’ve taken me”




6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
07-22-2021, 11:15 PM

Ruga smiled as Lorikeet leaned into his shoulder, smirking as she painted the idea of old, stubborn things being far more beautiful than he had, sounding like she was speaking in poems. At the very least he could agree that he couldn't just look at the same things day in and day out. He wanted the freedom to live his life how he wanted and that wasn't an option when he lived with his family. He still did jobs here and there with his skills, but he could pick and chose who he took jobs from. He didn't have to outfit every warmongering pack they crossed anymore. "But even trees change with the seasons. Even a landscape can adapt over time. Not my family. Stuck in their ways and refusing to see past what they can get from others to care about what they're having to give up to get it," he commented back. He appreciated what she was trying to do, but there was no redeeming his family in his eyes. He had left them behind for a reason and he was better for it.

He enjoyed hearing about her family more, a group of explorers and intellectuals. He could tell from how she spoke of them that there was a lot of love and fondness for her family and he was happy that she was able to have that relationship. He wasn't bitter over how his life had gone and he felt no emptiness in his life from the loss of his family. He simply found other wolves that suited him and his desires better - like the beautiful woman currently leaned into him. As long as he had company of some sort then he was content.

When she pushed at his shoulder, a small grin pulled at his lips and he willingly rolled to lay on his back for her, facing up toward the night sky above them. As she laid across him his forelegs wrapped around her sides, pulling her slender form tighter to his. She looked up toward the sky, but his pale green gaze was focused on her, his claws trailing across her skin as he traced along her spine and drew slow circles across her sides. "Is it? I hadn't noticed," he told her with a roguish grin, teasing her as he ignored the scenery around them in favor of admiring the fiery woman with him.

"Rûga Amanto"



6 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-22-2021, 11:55 PM
She purred softly in contentment as his claw traced gentle circles across her coat. Slow, sensual. She sagged limply against him for a moment, enjoy his attention, his touch. At his words, she perked up, leaning on him a little more as she raised herself up slightly, looking down at him. Well! she said, a sly grinning flitting across her features. “The place it seems you’ve really taken me too, is this one.” she grinned, tapping his chest and indicating the body she leaned on.

“And by the stars, is it beautiful.” She breathed, grinning down at him as she stretched out her claws and reached for his fur behind his head, dragging her claws through his coat, slow and gentle. She would melt beneath his attention if he wasn’t careful.




6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
07-28-2021, 10:20 AM

A similar sly grin pulled across his own features as she complimented the "place" he had brought her to, humor and desire in his pale eyes, his embrace around her lithe form pulling her tighter to him. A low, rumbling, delighted hum was pulled form him as her claws moved across his skin and through his fur, sending tingles of electricity though his body and sparking that ever present need in his belly that was only ever tamped down and ever fully extinguished. She fanned those fires more often than most, seemingly effortless in how she wrapped him around her paw. He wasn't one that could be tied down nor would he ever promise himself to one wolf, but he could see him lingering near her well into the foreseeable future at the very least - even if it meant he had to occasionally share with Sitka.

His paw trailed up her spine and along her neck, brushing her cheek as he said, "Everything pales in comparison to you, my sapphire." A little grin played on his features as he held the back of her head with his paw, pulling her muzzle down to his so he could kiss her deeply and passionately, his seafoam eyes disappearing behind his eye lids as they closed with a low growl of desire, his foreleg tight around her sides.

"Rûga Amanto"