
Breathe Freely




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
07-28-2021, 04:20 PM

The trek south was long, but Aslatiel was in good company. Ocean was just as enjoyable as he had been the very first time, though in a much different manner. Chrystelle wasn't bad either and Asla was surprised at that. She generally didn't like females, but the black, grey and white fae was sweet and Asla was happy to be traveling with her.

The climate warmed the further South they went and soon the familiar mists of the forest could be seen in the distance. "Now, this place is a little difficult to traverse. It's easy to get lost. Once you learn it though, it's a lovely place." Asla had a fondness for the winding paths and creeping haze. This sort of terrain wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea, but the fawn woman had built herself a second home here.

Naiche had put oiled skins in the branches to act as an awning and, over time, Asla had removed the dirt from beneath the gnarled old tree, creating a small but comfortable den. Yes, there were bones hanging from the trees and skulls were strewn about the arching roots, but this was her kind of place. "The furs inside might be a little dusty since I haven't been here in a while, but they can be cleaned." The striped fae smiled to the pair of siblings. "There are tons of herbs here and in the surrounding lands. I can catch you some food if you'd like." The feeling was akin to having a sleepover or something childlike, though the thoughts that she had about Ocean were anything but childlike.

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



3 Years

Pride - Demisexual
07-28-2021, 11:51 PM
The journey away from Incindium was long and slow going and she knew it was only because of her that they kept this pace, but at the very least it gave her more time to get to know this woman that Ocean seemed so incredibly infatuated with and had quite possibly saved her life by taking her away from Incindium. Some part of her kept wanting to check over her shoulder, wondering if Ignis would suddenly appear behind them to try and drag them back to the pack, but he never did. He hadn't even shown up to Asatiel's howl so she wasn't sure why she feared that he would interfere now, but there was still a nervousness that sat in her stomach all the same. It did make her wonder - if he couldn't even be bothered to answer a call about them leaving or challenged for then did he ever really care if they were there at all?

She tried to keep all of that at the back of her mind as they traveled and chatted together, learning more about Aslatiel and sharing some of herself as well. She wasn't a very talkative wolf, preferring to listen rather than to dominate a conversation, but the trip she took walking between Ocean and Aslatiel was pleasant and enjoyable despite the strain it put on her. She hadn't been sure about her at first, her sudden appearance and the worry that Ocean might leave to be with her making her uncertain, but now, after doing this for them... Aslatiel held a very special place in her very soft heart.

As they approached the forest that seemed to be their final destination, she nodded quietly to Asla's advice about how the forest could be difficult to navigate. She was sure she wouldn't be navigating much of anywhere for a little bit, but eventually she'd have to take the time to learn her way around. She had never left the boundaries of Incindium's borders before now so the idea of navigating was a new concept for her. It felt like she had been thrust into a whole new world and she was nervous and excited at the same time. When they arrived at the den, she cast curious glances up at the bones and skulls that decorated the limbs of the tree above it, adding to the slightly eerie atmosphere of the place. It didn't bother her though, she was just glad to have a place to call home far away from the frigid north.

Her ears perked when she heard about the plentiful herbs here and in the surrounding lands, her tail wagging just at the thought of having herbs so readily available. The offer of catching them food as well felt like far too much considering how much she had already done, though as she had witnessed during their trip Aslatiel was an impressive hunter. She did these things with such ease that it almost made Chrystelle a little jealous. "That would be wonderful," she said softly with a smile, settling carefully back onto her haunches near the den. Her body wasn't used to the level of activity she had put it through to get here so everything hurt and ached, but already she could feel herself being able to breathe a bit deeper and that relief alone was astonishing.




3 Years
Extra large
07-30-2021, 06:01 AM
Ocean has been in conflict for a very long time, it never felt right remaining in the northern pack after his parents died. Leaving their graves was incredibly difficult but he knew that he would do anything for his sister. Including up and moving no matter the consequences. The three of them traveled in relative comfort, he was mostly quiet throughout the trip as Aslatiel and Chrystelle got to know each other. Oce learned a little bit about both of them as they went. He would have carried his sister if he needed to, but the slow pace kept her up with them, but he could tell she was getting tired by the time they finally arrived where Aslatiel led them.

She told them it wasn’t so easy to navigate but he had confidence in himself and Chrystelle. This would be their new home, this was where he would see his sister recover. They finally arrived to a secluded little den. Aslatiel had obviously put much effort into making this little getaway. Silver eyes looked over their new home, the oil skin awning, the bones that littered the trees and the ground. Despite the macab decorations he oddly felt like he had just stepped into home.

There was everything they needed here, comfortable, if not musty, furs they could easily clean, lots of herbs to gather, and Asaltiel was offering to hunt for them as well. From the numerous skulls littered around he could only assume she was a talented hunter. ”You’re really too kind, Aslatiel.” He offered, only hinting at how touched he was with the concern she offered to them. He knew she was special and he knew that after everything they had been through their relationship was special.

”Thank you, for everything.” How much longer would Chrystelle have made it up in the north? How much time did he have until he was saying goodbye to his sister. Far too early. He lowered himself to his haunches and leaned his shoulder against Aslatiel affectionately. She had saved them, no question.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
07-31-2021, 10:09 PM

With the two wolves settled into their new home, Aslatiel felt accomplished. "I can bring more supplies tomorrow. Whatever you need, just ask." Chrystelle seemed to be breathing more easily, but Asla could see the exhaustion on the larger woman's face. No doubt she would sleep well tonight. Chrys accepted the offer of Asla catching dinner and she prepared to rise and head off, but Ocean sat down beside her, leaning into her side. It was a strange feeling. They were essentially strangers, despite having slept together and having traveled together. She would need time to adjust to having him so close. Especially after everything that had happened with Indigo. For now, she smiled and leaned back against his larger frame. "I'm glad to help. Why don't you and Chrys take a look at the den and set things up how you'd like. I'll be back soon with dinner." Spur of the moment, she leaned up and placed a kiss on his dark furred cheek before moving off into the mist.

Asla knew this forest very, very well. It had been her place of refuge from a very early age. She knew the game trails and, to an extent, the schedules of the creatures within the forest. And so, it didn't take her long to fell a yearling doe. The deer wasn't terribly large, but it would be enough for Ocean and Chrys to feed on for at least a day or two. Perhaps two hours after she had left the pair, Aslatiel returned. Her teeth were latched into the neck of the small doe and the strain of its weight showed in the flexing muscles in the small fae's neck and shoulders. Bringing it close to the den, Asla released it and licked her chops. She then took a well earned roll of her shoulders. Dinner was served.

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



3 Years

Pride - Demisexual
08-02-2021, 06:05 PM
Chrystelle watched Ocean lean into Aslatiel and she smiled softly looking at them both. Seeing Ocean smile warmed her and even though she'd forever owe Aslatiel for rescuing her from the harsh northern temperatures, she thought she might be the most grateful for the happiness she seemed to bring her brother. She hadn't been sure what to think at first, but at the end of the day she just wanted Ocean to be happy and as long as she still got to be a part of his life then she would be content. She nodded in agreement to Ocean's thanks, smiling a little wider. She didn't know what had made this connection between her brother and the smaller woman, but she was grateful that she had been brought along for the ride all the same. She nodded again when Asla suggested they get things set up while she got dinner. She grinned a little when she reached up to kiss Ocean's cheek, giving him a curious glance while Aslatiel moved away and disappeared into the trees to go hunt.

Now that she had a moment to catch her breath she got to her paws again and slipped into the den, setting down her bag off to one side and looking toward the furs that were still in good condition if a bit dusty. She took one side to help carry it outside so that they could shake off the dust and clean them up a bit, though she did wonder how much she was really helping with someone as big and strong as Ocean on the other side. She attempted to help shake the fur, though she did finally decide she was more of a hindrance than a help and settled back on her haunches. "You seem to really like her," she commented softly with another curious glance, giving him a smile. "She's an impressive woman." Again, there was a bit of a jealousy there, though she didn't let it show. When they were born their mother was already quite old and certainly no longer the warrior she had once been, but she knew how tough she had been once upon a time. She knew that there was nothing she could do about the way her health had gone, but there was always a bit of a dream of how things might have been if she had been able to follow more true to their mother's legacy instead of being crippled like this.

By the time Aslatiel came back with a doe for them to share the furs were now back into their places and she had started pulling out her healing supplies that she had brought with her and started arranging them so that they would be easier to pick from. Her movements were slow and careful, not wanting to push herself too far and cause herself to have another coughing fit, but she refused to just sit still while Asla was doing all this work for them. She heard the sound of Asla approaching, the sound of the doe dragging on the ground tipping her off, and she rose from where she was sitting within the den and slipped outside again, blinking with surprise at the kill they were brought. She had expected a few rabbits perhaps and this was far more impressive and generous than she would have ever guessed. "Thank you, Asla," she said quietly, in awe at her skills as she gave the smaller woman a smile.




3 Years
Extra large
08-02-2021, 07:38 PM
Aslatiel offered the two of them whatever they needed and Ocean didn’t know what he did to deserve such effort and kindness from the fawn woman. He had a special affection for her after the short time they spent together. She leaned into him as he sat close beside her. Where their fur touched warmed him, and it wasn’t difficult to invoke memories of the night they met. That wasn’t where his focus needed to be and he grinned down towards her. Make the den to their liking, and then they would enjoy dinner. ”We will,” He promised before she reached up, kissed his cheek, and disappeared into the woods.

Ocean was frozen for a long moment as he savored where Aslatiel’s lips touched his cheek. He couldn’t linger for long and his silvery eyes returned to Chrystelle as she caught her breath and turned into the den. Oce followed after her, helping remove and clean up the existing comforts. Chrys managed to get a soft word in as they shook the furs. He felt his face flush. Ocean had loved Motif, more than he could even say, but he showed Aslatiel that love, and it felt like it had brought them together unlike two strangers should or could be.

”I think I do.” He was transfixed, maybe slightly obsessed but who could blame him? A mysterious beautiful stranger was doing all of this for him. ”She is.” He smiled as he invoked her face in his mind’s eye. They worked in relative silence, but that was fine with Oce, Chrys didn’t start coughing once and he was so grateful for the immediate improvement. He knew she was taking it easy, but after such a long trip and so much dusty cleaning she sounded wonderful.

When he heard the dragging through the woods he led Chrys back out and raced to help Aslatiel drag the doe the rest of the way. It wasn’t a massive creature but it showed the raw physical strength Aslatiel possessed. He again found a grin playing over his features. ”Words can’t express my gratitude.” Aslatiel had saved the both of them in different ways. ”You’ll join us for a meal?” She had been going for longer than they had, to Incendium and back and then catching this deer. She deserved the sustenance most of all.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
08-10-2021, 06:07 PM

Ocean rushed forward to help drag the doe the rest of the way and for that, Asla was thankful. She was running on fumes at the moment and her limbs were beginning to quake just a bit. The striped fae had been pushing herself a bit too much over the past few days and it was catching up to her. As the doe was placed between Chrys and Ocean, the grey and black woman thanked her. Asla smiled and nodded. This doe would tide them over for a little while. Long enough for Asla to rest up and catch them something else. She didn't know where their skill sets lay, but she could have bet that Chrystelle was no hunter.

As the invitation to eat with them was given, Asla had to turn it down. The small fae gave a gentle shake of her head. "My children are waiting for me." She offered a soft smile before getting to her paws. "Are there any supplies that you need? I can make a trip here tomorrow." The forest was close to Armada lands and the trip wouldn't be a difficult one. Not compared to the distance that they'd walked only recently. Asla's purple gaze drifted to Chrystelle. "I'm going to talk to my healer about your ailment. See if he knows anything that might help your breathing."

Aslatiel then turned to Ocean. He was so handsome. He wasn't Indigo, but he was very handsome. And very sweet as well. "I'm happy to see you smiling," she spoke softly as she stepped close. Leaning up, she once again kissed his cheek before sliding past him. "I'll be back soon." That was a promise.

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]