
Tears to Roses



07-28-2013, 09:09 PM

He had seen his daughters, seen how perfect they were, and he had made advancements to go and resurrect other things. He knew that he needed to go to Seracia and let Epiphron know that she had new nieces. A smile crossed his inky lips as he moved across the plains. He had not seen her since...since he had told Chrysanthe that she was engaged to Epiphron's now husband. Well, that was complicated as hell. A sigh fled his lips and he continued onward, moving one paw after the other with the same luster he had for just about everything else. Tail swayed gentle between his muscular hocks and he was relentless for the days it took him to get to Seracia. Upon arrival the male would seat himself, respectfully, at the borders and summon the Adravendi woman. A long, and wanting cry for him to be answered. Honestly, he hoped she had long since gotten over his little mishap with how things were to be done.

Waiting for Epiphron he was well aware of the questions that swarmed his mind. What had she been up to? Had Maverick been treating he right? Was she, after all, the only woman that the man found he needed or had he pursued polygamy like it was guessed he was going to. Collision was well aware of the fact Gideon had given up his polygamist ways to be with Chrysanthe, but that didn't always mean Maverick would. Besides, Gideon had done it a bit begrudgingly and Collision still doubted that he was sure he would going to stay in his ways as fervently as he had. It was... an interesting prospect to consider...that things were either made or broken for the Seracian Adravendi. Still, she had known what her fate would be i accepted him as a lover, as a husband, and she could not so easily walk out on him without respite of some kind.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-04-2013, 10:24 PM

Though she had longed for the day that one of her family visited her, Epiphron Adravendi was surprised when she heard her brother's call echo through the lands of Seracia. Slowly she rose to all fours, still surprised at how profusely her stomach bulged and how heavy the pups inside her were growing to be. Her paws ached even after a rest, but she would not refuse to answer Collision's call, however pregnant she might be. Slowly she found herself approaching the sound of his voice, moving as quickly as she could manage right now, feeling slightly fatigued and surprised by his arrival.

She was still a thing of beauty, despite how dramatically her belly had begun to protrude from her body. Her eyes glimmered with joy as the prospect of reuniting with Collision. She hadn't expected him to visit her -- she didn't count Erani's arrival, to bring the news of their father's death, as a true 'visit' persay. So Epiphron's chest swelled with pride and happiness at the thought of seeing his face once again, a welcome respite to her uneventful day.

Only briefly did she feel uncomfortable as her adoptive brother came into view. She had not seen him in seasons -- not since she had been handed the reigns of leadership and had, rather spontaneously, decided she would take Maverick's place. While she did not blame him in the least, for family meant more to her than any kind of political arrangements, it was strange -- and she was certain that some kind of visible surprise would appear in his expression as Collision realized just how soon she would be bearing children. But still she drew close to him, hardly hesitation as she tucked her head under his own, beyond grateful for the reunion. "I have missed you, brother," she murmured softly and lovingly as she nuzzled into his chest.



08-11-2013, 12:40 PM

There was a lot that the boy could have foreseen, though to so quickly be granted the view of Epiphron's womb swollen with children? That was certainly a surprise, though not necessarily a bad one. Collision had merely come to tell her that she had two more nieces to add to the fray, hopefully, the information wouldn't pose as an additive of stress. The family was a big, beautiful thing, constantly growing, and as it would seem, no family could grow like the Adravendi could. Perhaps, such a plethora of children had made some of them seperate from the crowd, but all in all, it only made things more interesting, "I've missed you too, Epiphron," he offered in return. Nose touched her shoulder as he lovingly nuzzled the side of her neck before he pulled back from her to observe further.

"With the departure of an Adravendi, comes the life of new," of course he was implying that the passing of their father only made the way for something more to come, something more impressive and beautiful. Collision adored the way the cycle worked, but Epiphron wasn't the only one baring witness, "You have two new nieces, sister," He eyed her carefully, what he had done was solely in the honor of their mother, and regardless of that, he still had to consider the fact that it was a heavy thing, "Solaine and Guinevere, two beautiful and healthy young ladies," he conveniently left out the fact that perhaps they were a bit much for Soleil to handle, regardless, the litter was the last the pair would have, Collision wasn't giving her any more children.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-22-2013, 05:06 PM (This post was last modified: 08-22-2013, 05:06 PM by Epiphron.)

Part of Epiphron had been afraid that her family would be taken aback by her pregnancy, only seasons after coming to Seracia; and not necessarily in a good way. Instead, she was greeted with nothing but joy. A sigh of relief slipped from her soft lips, falling on Collision's chest as she nuzzled against him. But she was willing to break the embrace to gaze upon him, happy to see that he was well.

Even with their death of their beloved father, there were new lives to be celebrated -- and more to come! "Solaine and Guinevere," she repeated the names, grinning as she spoke the last -- named after their mother. "Beautiful, Collision," she laughed softly, so full of joy was she at his sudden arrival here. "How is Soleil doing? And how is Azalea taking the arrival of new sisters?" She had yet to hear of Gael's return, but neglected to mention him, thinking him still missing and knowing it would be hard on Collision to reflect on such things. There was no need for sadness amidst all the happiness. Behind her swollen body her tail waved from one side to the other, overjoyed at the surprise reunion.



09-02-2013, 07:42 PM

It was nice to think about the fact maybe the slate he had pretty much scribbled all over could be wiped clean. He didn't want pain to be the base of their relationship because he hadn't been good enough at the time. Though, it wasn't hard for him to admit someday he wanted to try again, wanted to try to lead his family to success, to something good. It wasn't that Chrysanthe was doing a bad job, it was just that he had something to prove to himself. There was no involvement with anyone else, and he wanted to be sure that if his time ever rolled around he made that clear. It was about him in that instance, not about anything else.

"Wait until you see them," he smiled proudly at Epiphron; she was growing into quite the young woman. "I see you'll be giving your own husband a gift to cherish soon enough. Maverick and yourself are so young though, are you happy?" he had to wonder if she was okay with both children and the new title of Queen becoming hers. It was something strange, something he didn't like to think about her having to deal with and risking the life of what grew within' her, "Don't...let yourself get stressed. Soleil's birth was...horrifying," he left off the part they would be having no more children, that was an argument they would deal with when it got time.

"Soleil is doing fine now that she's recovered, and Soleil is adapting to the life of being someone important. I need to talk to Chrysanthe though, I believe arrogance is getting to Azalea and I don't like it," something had to teach her ethics and hard work, being handed everything was not going to do that, "Maverick better be treating you good. Cairo might not be here to handle him, but I still am," One more thing needed to be mentioned and he nodded to her, it was awkward to talk of, "Syrinx and Eos came back to Valhalla. With their children,"