
Heavy in your arms



7 Years

Snake EyesVolcanoChristmas 2019
08-04-2021, 07:34 PM
It'd been a long while since Kirsi had gone far from Incendium's lands but today she wanted to be on her own. A strange foreboding had struck her suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, and the only way for her to keep the suddenly rising panic at bay was to keep moving. She knew it was likely unfounded, but it gripped her so aggressively that it was hard to push those swarming thoughts from her mind. It wasn't far off from the feeling you sometimes got when a storm was brewing - a pressure that was there but not easily located. It was just there, ever-present and palpable, and without a method to exit she feared it might consume her. Moving was a temporary form of release though, her mind focus on the path before her rather than

The forest that made up the steep cliffs of the Polar Sound was eerily quiet. It was just past dawn, so she wasn't really surprised, but it didn't contribute to her uneasy mood. She'd awoken from a particularly chilling nightmare and now her world seemed seemed a bit darker than she remembered. Or maybe it was just the shadows of the tall pines that rose all around her, some still branches capped in a dusty layer of snow. Though the small female had no interest in trekking down the steep cliffs of the Sound, but occasionally she paused to get a glimpse of the view down below through the tight clusters of tree branches. It was an impressive sight, and she carefully made her way through the forest to attempt to get a better vantage point, while attempting to avoid the more precarious terrain.