
Feel It All Slipping Away




Expert Fighter (188)

Advanced Intellectual (100)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - AromanticSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Snake Eyes
Pride - Demisexual
07-26-2021, 11:29 AM

Onyx had been itching to get out of the pack and look for some other opponents. she was getting tired of the same wolves that resided in Incendium. She liked to fight the red kids simply because she felt her and her siblings were much more superior than them. They may have been heirs, or royalty, or whatever, but Onyx didn't really care. Where most wolves may have thought that losing a parent could have made the pups stronger, Onyx believed that she and her siblings were stronger because they had two parents. It was more wisdom and experience to hear and train from. It was a bit insensitive maybe, but it was how she felt. And it was Onyx after all.

Song had traveled with her to the battlefield, watching her from afar while she scouted the area in hopes of an equal opponent. Equal as in young, she wasn't too picky at least and she'd fight an adult if that's what it took. She supposed it would be cool to beat an adult and come home to boast, but she wouldn't seek one out at least.

As she traveled along the battlefield, the clouds started to roll in though it was already cloudy during their trip down here. Onyx was used to the cold and the snow, so the slightly warmer weather was a bit uncomfortable for her. She wasn't that far from home or the winter tundras, but enough where there wasn't snow on the ground anymore and making her question the rest of the world anyway.

When it started to rain she growled quietly showing her teeth with the pull of her lip because she didn't know what rain was and she didn't like it. It wasn't pouring, or at least yet, but the rain drops felt heavy as her coat started to gather more and more of the drops. She wouldn't give up though, she didn't come all this way to run back home like a coward. She would have to suffer through it until she found her opponent, tested out her skills as she did regularly, and then wait for the next opportunity. This was how she spent her days and saw her life after all. Anything that could just secure that she could get what she wanted when she wanted, even if there was nothing to fight over right now.

Fighting Seasonal Prompt

Total Word Count: 397 words
Word Count Goal: 1500 words


Mature! For foul language. Can be prone to violence.



2 Years

Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
08-09-2021, 11:49 AM
Spark was not naïve enough to linger at the battlefield, though she spent a decent amount of time in the surrounding lands. She was eager to try her paw at more fights, she was more than aware that she needed to make sure she kept herself in shape and so she lurked nearby the battlefield. Never close enough to risk the eye of an eager alpha but close enough she could mostly keep tabs on the comings and goings of others eager for a fight.

So she wasn't totally caught off guard by the pack scent she crossed that day. Spark decided she wold risk it today, her paws hitting the lands that had long been soaked in lupine blood. The sky above was grey, thick clouds darkening the day and threatening rain for the combat ahead. That was more than fine for Spark, new experiences meant she could only become more experienced in fighting itself and so when the sky opened up, slowly to start at least she simply tapped out her happiness, paws dancing on the ground that she had no doubt would quickly become muddy and slick.

It was at this point that she spotted the young girl. Spark blinked, spotting the child's parent in the distance but otherwise seemingly unworried. The young woman signed out her tone: Cautious, greeting, eager. "Hello," she called out, her tone and face the usual mask, even and unexpressive, "are you looking for a friendly fight?" The girl was younger than herself but not that much smaller, if not a bit bigger. It was hard to tell from a distance but Spark was not concerned. She was aware of the child's father but had no intention of being too rough with the girl unless she had to, to defend herself. Spark blinked the rain from her eyes, feeling the ground under her paws, her body tensing as she prepared to respond, should the young girl accept her implied challenge.

WC: 328 (725/1500)


Image by Honrin



Expert Fighter (188)

Advanced Intellectual (100)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - AromanticSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Snake Eyes
Pride - Demisexual
08-10-2021, 12:11 PM

When the older girl approached her, she didn't even recognize that she was older. Onyx did have a tiny sister that was also a fighter and a larger brother that was a fighter so she never judged size on their ability to fight. Though the girl was nearly her size at this time in both their ages, so she had only really assumed that they were close in age. All she was able to fight were other kids her age at least.

Onyx's head reached forward to hear the girl better through the rain. She seemed reluctant to jump into the fight, at least physically. She was asking for one though. Onyx didn't like how she wasn't more forward like she was herself, but she didn't let it bother her. Maybe she just thought any one who was interested in fighting would be just like her and thrust into battles quickly and with no reason. It was just in her young mind at least.

Onyx moved forward, maybe a little too close for comfort but enough room for one of them to start the fight. About three feet or so. She was very forward in her approach, confident, but didn't come at the girl with an open jaw or an attack yet. "Only if you fight better than you ask." She had a gentle smile on her face, as if it was a joke but she was way more serious than she appeared. Onyx wanted to fight someone worthy, but she did also want to conquer others. She wanted a good fight and challenge as much as she wanted to win.

She tried to remember what her mother had taught her recently. Setting up her paws evenly for good balance, her tail flowed naturally behind her. She didn't lower herself quite yet though, hoping that the dark, ember girl was still up for the fight. Onyx's paws slid a little in the mud that had formed under them, but she caught herself quickly, not expecting the difficulty of the fight due to the rain.

She's Sweet Like Candy In My Veins
I'm Dying For Another Taste

Onyx vs Spark for Spar
Round 0/?

Age: Over 6 Months
Size: Extra Large
Build: Medium
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Beginner Intellectual
Specialty: N/A

Fighting Seasonal Prompt

Total Word Count: 1069 words
Word Count Goal: 1500 words


Mature! For foul language. Can be prone to violence.



2 Years

Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
08-11-2021, 01:37 PM

Spark had known that the Barbarians were uncouth, she'd been prepared for them to bombard her with their emotions like she was their lover but she hadn't necessarily been expecting them to be so outwardly rude with their words on top of it all. Her paws signed out annoyance, frustration. But as she spoke her face a tone remained as it always did, flat. "My people consider your people's visible emotion as rude, but I can assure you we are a warrior society." Spark moved forward as she spoke, her toes spreading to grip the muddy earth and her tail flagging out behind her rump, lining up with her spine as an elegant rudder. She rocked on her toes, feeling the ground under her paws. The ground was slicker than she'd ever worked with before but as she slid a paw along the ground to gauge how much her grip had changed...

Spark looked at the young girl, rude or not she wasn't going to turn around and walk away with her tail between her legs. She didn't burst forward like she might have been tempted to do on a drier day, instead, she started towards the young girl, picking up her pace so she didn't skid and slide all over the place, she would attempt to charge towards the blue girl head-on, lowering her head, neck craning, and jaw parting. Spark would attempt to get in close to her opponent, her plan was to drop suddenly once she was in close and try to slide under the other girl's chest and stomach while at the same time she aimed to grab onto the girl's left forepaw, both just to give her opponent a bite but also hoping her momentum would pull her opponent both off her paws but over in such a way she wouldn't land on top of Spark.

Spark of the Ademre vs Onyx for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: 1 Year
Size: Small
Build: Light
Skills: Beginner Intellectual & Beginner Fighter
Specialty: N/A

WC: 311 (1380/1500)


Image by Honrin



Expert Fighter (188)

Advanced Intellectual (100)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - AromanticSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Snake Eyes
Pride - Demisexual
08-14-2021, 10:23 AM

The girls words did little to hurt Onyx or make her angry. She didn't expect for the girl to take her the wrong way either, but she supposed she was trying to get under her skin a little. She was a little spitfire after all. She did at least admire the girl's want to fight, that she wasn't turning around with her tail between her legs. Any opponent was a good one for Onyx, she knew she had to practice more.

Onyx was used to small opponents, her sister was much tinier than this girl, so she was a little prepared for a lower attack. What she wasn't prepared for was the slip she had from the rain and mud. Snow could be pretty slick under her paws, but it could become impacted and give her a little traction. This all liquid mud water was something completely different for her, and not easy.

The girl got what she wanted, grabbing her forepaw and knocking her off her feet. Onyx's weight came down onto the girl, and it took her a second to regain herself and think about what she could do as a counter attack. She had never had to think of an attack before, she usually just jumped into her first instinct. Her paws attempted a loose hold around the girl's ribs, not thinking that she would need to hold her tight in place or anything. And then she aimed forward to grab a bite around her back right Sartorius.

She's Sweet Like Candy In My Veins
I'm Dying For Another Taste

Onyx vs Spark for Spar
Round 1/2

Age: Over 6 Months
Size: Extra Large
Build: Medium
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Beginner Intellectual
Specialty: N/A

Fighting Seasonal Prompt

Total Word Count: 1631 words
Word Count Goal: 1500 words (Met)


Mature! For foul language. Can be prone to violence.

The Judge


11-05-2021, 09:29 AM


Due to Spark not posting in the allotted time Onyx has won.

Spark must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.