



5 Years
08-05-2013, 09:32 PM (This post was last modified: 08-05-2013, 09:37 PM by Jaeger.)
so i started to write for the 200 word or less short story contest, and i just couldn't find a suitable ending spot xD sojustenjoyitk?


slender fingertips touched lightly upon the vine-laced wood of the railing. almond shaped eyes the color of honey washed over the carved posts, watching as silver-tipped nail traced the intricate lines created by her ancestors. she turned her fair features away, leaning back against the structure and gazing past the numerous houses settled into the trees. the sun was rising. she pushed lightly from the railing, slipping through the fern-braided curtain and into her one room of humble abode. quickly with a precision only repetition could render, she gathered her messy locks of fiery copper, pulled them back and up into a bun, and grabbed for her maple bow before slipping back out and flitting down the suspended stairs leading to the forest floor.

cautiously she crept through the dense foliage, pale and subtly curved figure fitted with leather leggings and a matching top smeared with mud and leaves for natural camouflage. birds of paradise carried on delightfully, taking no notice of the lady of the forest below. for hours she read the leaves and the dirt, following tracks only to come up short. she found herself frustrated, staring down at a trail which seemed to suddenly vanish. she lifted her chin, listening carefully. an alarming prickle crawled up her spine, a feeling of being watched burning her veins. she spun around, crouched, to come face to face with a mottled beast a few feet away. eyebrows furrowed as her face screwed into aggravation, realization of her situation settling. "aarrgh!" the noise hissed through her crystalline teeth, hand drawing back against her bow. "damn mutt, you've been blowing my cover, haven't you?" she glared at him, ready to release all the fury of a young woman upon the ninety pound wolf. it took a step back, ears falling against its head as it became unsure. they held stares, time slowed. for a moment it was only she and the animal.

an exasperated sigh fell from her lips as she lowered her weapon, lifting from her crouch. she huffed violently, turning on her heels away from her stalker and heading back home. what a waste. a full day of hunting, ruined by a yearling mutt fascinated by her. she carried on with the rest of her day irritated, absent.

the next morning was another day of repetition - grabbing her bow, heading out in a random direction, and beginning to track again. she came across a small creek, riddled with rocks and fallen leaves. might as well take advantage. she approached and kneeled down, cupping her hands beneath the water. she brought them up to her lips, about to take a sip, before noticing grooves in the mud. the tracks looked of similar size to a wolf, though the animal had slid and the print was elongated. tilting her hands down, she allowed the water to spill out and got to her feet. a wolf pelt would bring a big trade for her back home, and any meat means food. pulling her bow from its slung position on her shoulder, she stepped over the creek in a crouched stalk. as she proceeded along next to the track, another set of prints accompanies her wolf. deer. another meter of tracks and drops of blood begin to appear. broken sticks and signs of a struggle. she lowers herself to a low crouch, leaning forward and using her hands as another set of feet. through the underbrush, she spots them. her heart jumps as she sucks in a sharp breath. she can't believe her eyes.

all the elders had spoke of it. all the children had feared it. it was told as a legend among the village, though most believed it to be a myth. surely she wasn't truly seeing it.. sweet honey disappeared behind pale eyelids that clenched shut; the woman taking a deep, silent breath. she opened them to a drooling beast the color of moss, staring right at her. she'll never forget those pitch black eyes, predatory and threatening in every manner. a voice inside her head screamed at her to run, to hide. but all she could do was stare. spines resembling quils lined down its leather forehead and spine; even down its thick tail, rounding the tip like some animalistic club. two slits on the end of its maw flared open before its lips quivered and separated to reveal two rows of thin, needle-like teeth. it hissed, an otherworldly chill to it, and as it crouched, two more rows of quils protruded from its muscular neck. her body went on autopilot, turning and sprinting in the opposite direction. she could hear it chasing her, hear its claws flinging clumps of dirt as it persued. hear its heavy, controlled breathing as it gained distance. then a sharp pain on her left leg as she was hurled upward. she managed to twist her body to face the beast, before its other taloned hand met her stomach and forced her unforgivingly down. she cried out as her back struck the ground, head following after with a nasty thud. she could smell the vile sulfuric stench as its gaping jaws screamed down at her. it was all she was aware of, the stomach churning stench and the constant pressure on her chest. she was sure she was going to die; to become this legend of lost souls' appetizer. her vision was blurred by her fall, and soon everything was gone. her vision. the pressure. the smell only faintly remained. she blacked out.

something wet was being dragged across the side of her face - over her closed eye and along her cheek. at first she tried to ignore it.. it would eventually stop. but it was persistent. she brought her heavy hand to swat lazily at the annoyance, trying to bring herself to a sit. a sharp pain forced her to clench her eyes shut, a tight groan voicing from her sore throat. she rolled to her knees, bracing herself before getting to her feet and finally forcing her eyes to open. she remembered only vaguely of what happened, but surely it'd been a dream. she'd slipped, scraped her leg on bark, and hit her head before blacking out. but what had been licking her..? she looked carefully around, the pain in her head very real. and then she spotted him. her eyebrows furrowed and she grimaced, clicking her tongue and waving him off. "go on, mutt! there's nothing for you here. i saved your life once already, now go!" she waited this time until the wolf turned tail and went on his way before gingerly picking up her bow and limping back home.

she'd just finished retelling her tale to the village medic as he tended her scrapes, shaking her head slightly in disbelief. he told her to lie down, get some rest. tomorrow would come quickly. she did as he said, suddenly becoming drowsy and ultimately falling asleep before mumbling, "that damned wolf will be the death of me."
!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself



08-05-2013, 10:34 PM