
So close yet so far




2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
08-15-2021, 01:13 PM

She didn't know what to really expect as she walked away from Abaven's border and toward the huge mountain that loomed up ahead. As she got closer to the volcano she could see the noticeable change in the scenery as the plant life seemed to disappear around the base of the volcano and as she looked up the steady up hill slope it only looked more blackened and lifeless as it went up. Some of the plant life behind her had started to creep up closer to the volcano, but it certainly wasn't enough to cover up what she assumed was the aftermath from the explosion Áskell had mentioned.

Her wide blue gaze was still curious as she lingered with nervous excitement at the edge of the pack's borders. The weather had been kind of bad the last several days so it had taken her longer than she had intended to come and see the friend she made by the lake so she hoped he would still want to show her around. She lifted her muzzle and gave a quiet howl to call for Áskell, hopping he was somewhere near by. She supposed she should probably call their alpha as well to get permission to be here, but she kind of hoped maybe Áskell would get here first and he could help mediate.



"Goes by Aka"


Master Intellectual (240)

Expert Fighter (165)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Mammoth HunterIce Bridge Explorer
Pride - Pansexual1KDouble Master
08-18-2021, 05:53 PM

Áskell dug his paws deep into the earth and with a mighty swing he flung it backwards out of his den. Just a bit more… He scratched and shifted, trying to widen the inside without destabilizing the walls. He certainly didn't want to end up buried. Her was hard at work when a gentle howl caught his attention. He stood up suddenly, head smacking on the top of the ceiling. "Ow!" He scrambled back out of the den and shook the dirt from his coat. He recognized that voice, it was Azzurra! Áskell's heart leapt in his throat and he bounded toward the source of the call. His tail wagged as he spied the girl. "Azzurra, hey! Glad you could make it, I've missed your pretty face." He winked at her. "I haven't had a chance to ask Recluse yet but I'll give her a call." He tipped back his head and howled for the alphess, hoping she'd be ok with the idea. After all, Áskell was going to be escorting Azzurra so it wasn't like they were just letting some random pack wolf walk through as they pleased.



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverSnake EyesVengeance
Pride - Bisexual
09-15-2021, 05:19 PM
((Set early evening sorry for the confusion guys, picked a time that wouldn't be forcing anyone else to be playing too far outside of their character's usual schedule hopefully))

The first call roused Recluse from her sleep, blinking against the soft light that still filtered into her den, the woman groaned and covered her face with the a forepaw, feeling Lilith stirring on top of her. Though the red of the sky she could see indicated that the sun had already begun it's descent it was likely still visible in the sky and therefore earlier than Recluse would normally be waking up herself. As far as she was concerned if they needed her that much they could wait until it was at least dusk. But it was her cousin's call that finally forced her to stop ignoring her duties. Grumbling to herself, Recluse would rise from her pile of furs and shook herself out, squinting against the light that blinded her from the entrance of her den. Lilith would slide into her usual place, slung around Recluse' neck and shoulders like a thick black boa, though she was slick and scaly rather than covered in feathers.

The viper's head would hover near Recluse's left ear, tongue flicking and soft instructions helping to guide the very much still light-blinded woman on her trip. Luckily the call had come from the other side the mountain and wouldn't require her to navigate the much more difficult terrain of the nook while still practically blind. The sound of wings above her head told the pale woman that Galho was flying towards her, his creaky voice calling out to her, clearly having already taken a gander at the scene: "Your cousin and a young girl, around his age mistress."

Recluse merely nodded, her focus on keeping her footing on the uneven surface of the mountain, allowing her sense of smell to guide her while Lilith whispered warnings of dips or cracks in the rock face as she moved. The scent of her cousin and the stranger grew stronger, and Recluse was surprised to note the girl bore the smell of their neighbors... Curious, the packs shared a border and it seemed that the young woman had come to visit. The trip down the slope was a slow one but when her paws finally touched grass Recluse was a little more confident in her stride. Her mind briefly flashed to the boy she'd left with his father here but that was a full season ago. "Áskell," the pale woman spoke, her tone curious but even, in control, despite her temporary disability she was Habari's proud leader and he wouldn't let anyone there think otherwise, "what do we have here?" When she had spoken her cousin's name she had turned her nose towards the boy, but now it swung towards the scent of the young woman, her gaze not quite landing on her but clearly meant to be looking in the young woman's direction.

"Speech" Think

Art by Ulfeid3
[Image: lQPmFy0.png]
 Recluse is an M rated character, thread at own risk.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.