
what hurts the most

deer </3



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
08-11-2021, 08:25 AM
Deathbelle wasn’t sure she had ever been so happy before in her life. She attained a completeness that had never truly taken hold of her. This was where she was always supposed to be, beside Sirius, as his other half. Life had kept them apart, built and destroyed their relationship equally, but now finally she had him. She was complete, she knew happiness, she knew hope again. Belle was smiling again, and easily, unlike any other time in her life. Seer saved her when he made her his own, when he finally claimed her life like she had wanted and needed for so long.

She waited for him, she knew he would come to collect her any day. Then she heard his call from Habari, seeking his children to congregate but the summons for her never came. Sirius didn’t come back for her. Days passed, and it felt like each minute he was gone that her hope died, her happiness left, and she tried so hard to convince herself she was wrong, that he hadn’t forgotten about her. That her prince would return to save her from her despair and loneliness. But he never did.

Depression built, but she refused to allow it to consume her, and she refused to believe what her heart already knew. She had been discarded again. Deathbelle was well and truly cursed, but she was headstrong. She wouldn’t believe fully until the words fell from his lips, she wouldn’t give up until he freed her. She belonged to Sirius, if she was the light of his life like she wished she was, or just an inconvenience after her usefulness had run out.

She lingered on the border between Habari and the Armada, her heart yearning for the man that had saved her, but deep down knowing he would be the one that finally killed her.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
08-17-2021, 05:26 PM
Zee’s homecoming had been such a dramatic time for Sirius. Starting with saving her from the slavers, burning their compound to the ground, and sheepherding her home. Things didn’t just fall back into routine after that. They had changed in their time apart. Her death had changed him. He wanted to be more volatile, and she needed a gentleness. She needed to build back her friendship and trust with him first, after hearing he had ben with another woman.


He let too much time slip past, days, while he settled Zee in and let their children adjust to this dramatic new change.

It was Marshal who caught sight of her near their borders. Who warned him of who had come to call. Shock and worry flushed through his system, and there was trepidation in his form as he made his way to where she waited. He sat in silence for a moment, watching his childhood best friend. A part of him would always want to choose her… and maybe that's why Zee struggled so badly with the idea that it had been Deathbelle But his life and children and pack revolved around Zee. She had come back from the dead. He just wished it had left Deathbelle out in the cold.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
08-17-2021, 06:45 PM
He had forgotten about her, that realization was a terrible blow to her as the truth revealed itself as the scent of him wafted towards her. His masculine scent filled with one familiar and she had thought gone forever. Sirius appeared from the changing foliage like the grim reaper himself, and he might as well have been. The expression over his face told her everything else she needed to know. The final nail, the last straw, her beginning and her end. A shiver went down her spine and then she felt her insides crumple, the air was knocked from her lungs, and her vision blurred.

She closed her eyes and bowed her head as she tried to catch her breath and slow her thoughts. There were no words for her to speak, anything she said would be a lie. When Zee died she had inadvertently been revived, Sirius had reignited the flame that made her want to live. Now Zee had life again, and so Deathbelle would give up her own. The light was gone, her hope was dead, the extreme high Seer lifted her to had only been there so she might dive to her lowest depth. She had believed for a moment that she was his Empress again, that there was another life, the one she craved for so long. Anything that was too good to be true, was too good to be true.

”Sirius.” She whispered, but had no doubt he could hear her words in the cold and silent air. She looked up to him, desperately as she tried so hard to hold herself together. ”I’m… so happy for you.” She grit her teeth as she said it, not because she didn’t mean it. She never wished for Zee’s death, not ever. It was because of what it meant for her. She was watching her life fall to pieces again. Tears welled in her eyes and spilled over her cheeks, her head hanging low. Her eyes squeezed shut as the wave of emotion hit her, uncertainty and despair clawed at her.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
08-17-2021, 06:53 PM
He watched Deathbelle, watched as she caught the scent in his coat, and her world began to crumble. His face twitched, trying to show no emotion as he watched his old friend. Watched a wolf that let love rule her life so strongly that she crumbled when it was taken from her. He couldn’t even say he didn’t understand, not after how Zee’s death had broken him.

He would always love Deathbelle, but he could not be the wolf that saved her, as much as he wished he could. “Deathbelle…” he said softly, watching as she tried not to crumple before him. “I thought she was dead He said, trying to… to what? To justify how badly he had hurt her? Again? He never would have fallen into her arms if Zee had been alive, never would have let her open her heart to him and let her risk herself. A cruel part of him wanted to whisper how he had told her he would be the death of her, if she trusted him. The part of him that wanted to lash out, because anything was better than this slow, silent falling that was happening between them.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
08-17-2021, 07:27 PM
He knew what this meant, knew what this would do to her. He had been through it himself, losing the one who meant the world to you, who you felt like was truly your other half. Sirius had been her best friend and guardian for so long. He said her name and it felt like a punch to her gut more than the word of an understanding friend. He knew how she felt, but he had his wife to return home to, she had nothing. There was nothing left for her. Her children were nearly grown, and what heart she hadn’t given to Sirius had long been given fully to them. She could return to them a shell of herself, a shadow of a woman.

She was hardly thinking when her delicate paws brought her closer to him. ”I know,” she told him softly, finding there was no blame and no jealousy in her voice. What was would be, she was powerless to change the course of the world, nor would she want to. She had always been the second choice, even with Zee dead.

Deathbelle seated herself before him, leaving only a paws width between them. Her royal purple gaze couldn’t be brought to his sapphires as she moved. She didn’t want to see the emotions that lay there, the pity that would be in his eyes. ”I gave you my life,” she reminded him as she tilted her head back and slowly lifted her chin. Revealing the soft fur of her throat and the vulnerable line of her pulsing jugular vein. ”That isn’t something that can be returned.” She barely breathed as she spoke to him. ”Give me a collar or give me my final relief.” She asked with silent sobs on her lips.

Deathbelle belonged to him, there was no life without him now. She wanted him to take her as the possession she had become, or end the eternal suffering this life was for her.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
08-17-2021, 07:34 PM
He would have rather that Deathbelle was angry, her soft, resigned acknowledgement was much closer to his undoing. She came closer to him, and he wanted so desperately to reach a paw out to her. To brush a lock of fur from her face. He clenched his claws in the dirt to hold them still.

I gave you my life she reminded him, and he thought they echoed a little too close to his unspoken thoughts. And then… and then.

She tilted back her throat, tears in her voice as she asked him to… something broke in his brain then, as his once Empress and Mistress gave him two terrible choices. She wasn’t willing to walk away from him. She wanted death, or to be his.

He stared at her, he stared and stared as shock and horror flitted across his expressions. He was not going to kill her, of course he could not. But he thought of the numerous and different ways he had claimed her, at the hot springs, at the falls. Of his teeth in her coat. Bringing her into the Armada sounded like… like a very terrible idea. Leaving her out here? Would she simply sit her, and let the elements take her?

“....Deathbelle.” he said again, aghast.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
08-17-2021, 07:57 PM
Sirius was the one that rekindled the flame in her and without the source of fire she had swiftly burned up and out. Deathbelle was resigned to her fate now. Her life was not over when Zee returned but when she gave herself fully to this man that she had loved. This wasn’t the first time she had contemplated the curse on her head, the one that had struck every wolf that loved her, all but Sirius who had never really been hers. It was always the other way around.

She had closed her eyes and honestly had hoped she would feel the pressure of those terrible fangs puncture her soft skin. A final embrace as Seer held her body as she slipped blissfully into the next plane. There was nothing though. No chain, no execution. Her eyes blinked open as he said her name, almost unable to comprehend what she asked of him. She didn’t relax, she couldn’t relinquish her request.

”Please.” She begged him. She knew what life without him was like, she had tried so hard to stay away from him. Their destinies and lives were far too intertwined. Now that they had so much more between them she couldn’t return to a life deprived of him in it. ”I don’t know what else to do. I can’t go back.” She couldn’t go back, it would be a long drawn out death instead of the swift goodnight he could offer.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
08-17-2021, 08:16 PM
“Deahtbelle” He said, still sounding helpless. “This isn’t healthy, being a slave in the Armada? You were Empress.” When Zee died, and he broke, the Warlord wanted to break things, hurt people. He wanted to bring the Armada to war just to see if he could. Make himself a slave? Now that he had found his way to leadership, he couldn’t fathom it. Couldn’t understand how Deathbelle would be okay simply… following.

He swallowed, his throat bobbing with emotion. “Shit” he whispered softly, knowing the absolute, terrible mess he had made of things. Of her life. His destructive tendencies had spilled out, and now he would be facing the consequences. “Oh, shit.” he reached forward, not knowing if he was making things worse as he touched a paw gently to her check. “I’m taking you to the Armada. Not because I want to see you become a slave, but because you don’t see a life outside of it anymore, and no matter what, I don’t want to let you slip away into that final sleep. I’m a selfish bastard at heart, and there's going to be hell for this.” He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. ”Mine before death.”



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
08-17-2021, 08:39 PM
Sirius couldn’t change the course of events anymore than she could and there was doubt that he would even if he was able to. His wife returned to him from the dead, he’d witnessed a miracle and she wouldn’t fault him for it. She should be the priority in his life, and she was. Something else the once great empress would not fault her warlord. He spoke her name again, helpless and almost amusingly alarmed and confused. How could she resign to life as a possession when she was once the Empress? Like he had changed from slave to Warlord, a King in his own right, she had fallen from on high to descend into the dirt.

Deathbelle hadn’t moved, Sirius began to panic and then one huge paw was pressed to her cheek. She didn’t resist his touch, lavender eyes blinking open as he looked upon her again and spoke. He was taking her, not as a slave but to keep her lifelight kindled. What little flame there was left he nurtured it as best as he could, claiming his selfishness in keeping her from death’s dark clutches. He kissed her forehead, a reminder of the possession he had over her to go along with his vow. He had taken her life long ago, she was and would always be, his.

”Yours. Always yours.” However he wanted her. Everything was different, she felt the terrible ache in her chest again, but instead of suffering alone Belle was under his care. Her life belonged to him.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
08-17-2021, 08:56 PM
He grimaced unhappily at her commitment, wishing it was not so. That she was not dependent on him to live. He was about to grab her and drag her into the Armada then, but he paused, letting his paw go instead. He looked back at the Armada and frowned, scuffing a paw in the dirt as he remembered his argument with Zee on the way back to the Armada. How she could not understand his fear that she would take her life - which Deathbelle now seemed to be wishing to do.

He thought of her lying in their den, barely able to trust him, and no longer comfortable getting intimate with him. Of the very slow building he had been doing with her trust. Would bringing Deathbelle in - even as a slave - break every last bit of that trust? Would he lose her anyway, even though she had not died.

He clenched his paw in the dirt, and looked at Deathbelle. “That's really your wish? Death or my slave? Zee can never forgive us for that stolen kiss, she can never forgive me for turning to you in her death. I don’t think she would forgive me for bringing you into the pack. Is that what you wish, Deathbelle? That you would hold your death or my marriage and family over my head?” He was selfish and rash and ran headlong into every situation without thinking it through. He wished he could continue to live that way but… good grief. But. It would lose him Zee if he did it.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
08-17-2021, 09:19 PM
She lowered her head in submission, the shift from ultimate power over an Empire, to none but her own voice had not been swift nor easy and she had been broken down into her most basic form to get to this point. Possession, an object just to cling to life. A mere shadow of the flames that she once harnessed, she was barely a spark now. Sirius paused before he could commit to his decision, he turned on her. He drilled into her and unleashed the frustration that was building. She didn’t lift her features, solemnly she allowed his questioning to fall on her mismatched ears. There was nothing she could say. Their mistakes were made, decisions followed through, time passed onwards.

”My wishes don’t matter anymore.” She told him softly, her gaze lingering on the ground as the fuse inside him burned. ”If they did I would wish that we had never met, that I didn’t have to feel this terrible pain or cause you the same. I’d wish that our lives played out differently.” She reached delicately with a dark paw, aiming to brush her toes against his fur. ”Do what you will, Seer.” She whispered again, eyes downcast. ”I am yours to command.”

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
08-17-2021, 09:32 PM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2021, 09:50 PM by Sirius. Edited 2 times in total.)
He wanted to shake her, he was so frustrated. How could the once mighty Empress have become this? Why did he had to have a part in her downfall. What was he supposed to do with her? He had held lives in his paw before, but this felt different. Caught between the knowledge that if he held onto her, it would cost him everything. Zee, his children, the Armada. But, if he let her go, it would be the final end to the mighty Empress. She was really doing this to him. She was really standing here saying ‘pick me, or have my suicide on your conscience’

He wanted to smack some logic back into her. He almost did. He battered her paw away and reached over, grabbing her scruff gently in his paw, and shaking it a little. “Dammit, Deathbelle! You are Deathbelle Ravage Klein! You are the Founding Empress of the Ashen Empire. You are so much more than this! So much more than the tragedy of your relationships.” He said, giving her another little shake, before releasing his paw, afraid of what he might do in his fear and anger.

He turned suddenly, stalking a pace away from her. “Fair warning, Deathbelle. I won’t let you die. I will not let you perish like this, wasted away, a whispered memory.” he turned back to her, his face hard, and angry. “You gave your life to me, that’s what you are doing, here and now. Very well, I accept your life. I command you to find something to hold onto. I command you to live. Remember this command in the coming days, because I will not always be there to keep you straight” But he would visit, he would find a way.

He raised his head, and let out a howl, ordering Marshal to head to Auster, to tell Ulric he wished finally to cash in that favour the other wolf owed him



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-17-2021, 10:16 PM
Ulric just happened to be on the fringes of The Hallows lands when the vulture came to fetch him. He had been out scouting through the wild berry grove and the large bird interrupted him as he was gathering some berries to take back to Eska. He looked up at the vulture with confusion, recognizing him as one of Sirius' companions from his many trips in and out of the pack, but he hadn't seen much of Sirius since before the Ashen tournament. He didn't know about everything that had gone on between the Warlord and Tamsyn so he simply assumed that Sirius was busy with this training program he had put into place that had kept Artorias away for the season. Either way, when he heard that Sirius wanted to use the favor that he owed after all this time he dropped everything to answer the summons. He sent Arlise and Lieven back to the pack to let Eska know where he had gone and immediately headed off toward Boreas to see what he could want that would make him cash in the favor that Ulric had promised him nearly two years ago.

It of course took him a while to cross the bifrost and weave his way around to the edge of the plains, following the vulture's lead as he was brought to where Sirius and another woman he didn't know were waiting. "Sirius," he greeted with a nod, giving the black and white woman a curious glance as well as he dipped his head to her politely. Focusing his attention on Sirius, he settled back onto his haunches. "I was beginning to wonder if you were ever actually going to use that favor," he said with a slight smirk. "What do you need?"

Ulric Adravendi



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
08-17-2021, 10:54 PM
“Stay here.” He ordered Deathbelle, wondering how far his commands would carry, how willing she was to obey him after swearing her life to him. Shaking his head, he moved, ushering Ulric a few paces away from Deathbelle, and turning to the brown-tinged wolf. Looking at him with imploring eyes. If some of his stress and desperation leaked through, it wasn’t on purpose.

“Ulric, you promised me a favour so long ago. You left the Armada to pursue another life, and found meaning outside of my pack. Found a life.” He said softly. “I find myself in a… strange predicament.” He let out a soft breath, and searched Ulrics eyes, deciding how far to trust him - but then, realising that he was trusting this man with Deathbelles life, knew he had to go all in. “It’s a bit of a story, are you ready?” he warned, giving him a moment to get comfortable.

“Deathbelle is my childhood best friend, we grew up together, and she wished to be my mate even all those years ago. I resisted, though I loved her anyway. The Empire she was born to fell, and we found ourselves here, in Boreas. She started the Empire anew. The Ashen Empire, founding it in these lands. She found love, and lost love. I found love in Zee, and asked for her permission to pursue it, and was granted it. But she loved me still, and she will always be precious to me. Someone I could have loved with all my heart, if fate had been just a little different. While I was with Zee, she found and lost love multiple times, and each time it hurt her more. When Zee was believed dead… we found eachother. If I had any inkling, even a whisper of doubt that Zee was alive… but I didn’t. I let her love me, and now that Zee is back… she is threatening to take her own life, Ulric. She is threatening to end it, because she believes that life isn’t worth living without me. I want her to have a chance to see otherwise. I can not bring her into the Armada, it would hurt my Wife so badly and she has been through enough.” a deep, slow breath. “It’s a lot to unburden on you, Ulric, but I wish nothing but happiness for Deathbelle. She gave me an ultimatum, slavery, or death. I want you to take ownership of her, I want you to keep her on suicide watch, I want you to help her find a reason to live.”



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-17-2021, 11:34 PM
He glanced between the pair as Sirius ordered the woman to stay before following him a short distance away and settling again as the mystery of the whole affair only deepened. With the reminder of the favor he had promised, he settled in for the story that Sirius warned him of with a nod. He listened as the Warlord painted a picture of him and this woman, who he called Deathbelle, as children. Best friends with a longing to be mates at least on her side of things. But that clearly hadn't come to be as he described how they had ended up here in Boreas and how she had founded Ashen. His brows lifted with surprise at that. Was this Venom's mother then? They did look fairly similar in looks so he wasn't all that surprised, but it made him wonder how she had even ended up in this position to begin with. Why wasn't she with Venom in Ashen? Of course he held his tongue as Sirius continued, explaining how this woman had found and lost love, something he could certainly sympathize with, and how he had found love with Zee. Ulric had never met Sirius' mate, but he had heard about her from his talks with Tamsyn and remembered hearing the news of her passing.

However, today was just the day of never ending surprises as Sirius casually mentioned Zee being back. He wanted to stop Sirius immediately to confirm that fact, his eyes going wide at the thought that his mate that had been believed to be dead had returned, but he tried to hold his questions and statements till Sirius was done with his lengthy explanation of the situation. He quickly caught on to the problem he was facing. This long treasured friend turned lover that how had lost her place in his life because of his wife's sudden return from the dead. A frown pulled at his lips as Sirius told him how Deathbelle was threatening suicide because of the whole twisted situation. He at least appreciated how he was trying to find a solution for her and how he wanted to see her safe and content, but the idea of putting himself in the middle of this situation...

He glanced from Sirius to Deathbelle and back again with an uncertain flick of his ears. If it wasn't for the fact that he owed Sirius for allowing him to leave the Armada to pursue his life outside of it he probably would have turned down the request. He felt like their had to be a reason why Deathbelle was no longer a part of Ashen and he didn't want to put himself in the middle of some kind of unknown conflict with Venom and he didn't really want to put himself in the middle of this love triangle Sirius had created for himself. But he thought of Azariah and how he might have felt if she ever reappeared and his will started to fade. He wouldn't give up Eska in favor of returning to Azariah, but he could sympathize for wanting to care for someone that he had once loved.

"Alright," he finally agreed after a long moment of contemplation, giving the Warlord a small nod. "I'll take her back to The Hallows with me. Perhaps Tamsyn can help me keep an eye on her. She stepped down from the leadership role she had recently so it won't pull her away from any duties to watch after her." He paused and added, "I'm happy to hear Zee has returned. It's not often that someone you've lost comes back to you." That was a fact he knew all too well.

Ulric Adravendi



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
08-17-2021, 11:44 PM
He could see Ulric mulling it over, and he appreciated it more than an instant agreement. He was weighing the pros and cons, he was deciding if this was something to go all into or not. By taking his time, Sirius knew his commitment was more serious. He agreed, because of the debt between them. Wiping the slate clean with this act. “I didn’t know where else to go, Ulric. I thank you, truly.” he said, reaching out to touch the other man's shoulder for a second. Just a subtle gesture, feeling his appreciation.

“I… I admit I forgot the Hallows have not heard the news. So much has been going on, it's been hard to keep track. Please can you convey the news to Tamsyn as well, she is friends with my Wife.” He said, letting out a soft breath before he continued with the great issue of Deathbelle. “I do not know if my presence would help, or make things worse, but please let them know I will race to the Hallows in a heartbeat if they need me. Keep her alive, Ulric, please.” He said, the soft words falling from his lips the closing to begging the Warlord could go.



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-18-2021, 12:15 AM (This post was last modified: 08-18-2021, 12:15 AM by Ulric. Edited 1 time in total.)
Ulric smiled softly as Sirius thanked him, giving a small nod as the Warlord reached out to touch his shoulder. "I know you wouldn't ask if you didn't really need it. I'll take care of her the best I can," he promised. If nothing else he was a man of his word and he would do what he could to help Deathbelle find some sort of solace. He gave a slight shake of his head when Sirius mentioned how he had forgotten the news of Zee's return hadn't gotten to The Hallows and he replied, "Don't worry about that. You've clearly had a lot on your plate. I'll be certain to tell Tamsyn when I get back." He nodded with understanding when Sirius mentioned how he wasn't sure if his presence would help or hurt, but offered to come if he was needed all the same and Ulric appreciated it. At least it didn't feel like Sirius was just dropping his problems into the lap of The Hallows and running. He was still invested in Deathbelle, even if his commitment to Zee wouldn't fully allow him to be. "We'll take care of her," he assured Sirius again with a nod. At the end of the day, he wasn't sure they could watch Deathbelle's every last movement and if she truly wanted to end her life she could certainly find a way, but she would have no shortage of support from him or his pack at the very least.

He rose to his paws, allowing Sirius to lead the way back over to where he had told Deathbelle to wait and once they had returned to where he had previously been sitting he offered Deathbelle a soft smile. He gave Sirius a quick glance before he introduced himself. "I'm Ulric Adravendi - Aegis of The Hallows. A pleasure to meet you, Deathbelle," he told her with a dip of his head. He gave Sirius a chance to explain the agreement, waiting to take her with him to Auster. His mind was still reeling with all of the information he had been given, but he knew that above all he needed to get Deathbelle back to The Hallows and call for Tamsyn. Whatever came after that he would have to make up as he went.

Ulric Adravendi



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
08-18-2021, 12:25 AM
Sirius gave a nod, knowing Ulric would keep his word. Knowing that he was trusting Deathbelles life to this wolf. It was a lot to put on the other wolf's shoulders, but he knew he could take it.

Ulric turned to Deathbelle, and Sirius did as well, moving with him to where they had left Deathbelle. He waited while the other wolf introduced himself, and then he began. “Deathbelle. I truly believe that life has more to offer you, and I hope you can see that for yourself as well one day. In the meanwhile, Ulric and his people will offer you friendship and support in the Hallows”



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
08-18-2021, 04:51 PM
She was never worth giving anything for, she knew that after a lifetime of being left behind. There was no one in her corner any longer, life was devoid and meaningless now that she had tasted of happiness and knew she would never do so again. Deathbelle resigned to her fate, a painful last few years of her life. She didn’t startle when Sirius grabbed her and shook her thin frame. He all but beat his words against her but none of them slipped through. He didn't have any idea. Maybe he’d seen a clue when he lost Zee but he didn’t really know the hell she descended into.

He released her, if only because he was afraid what else he might do to prove his sense to her. How could she tell him how she really felt? He had his loyal wife to return to tonight, she had nothing but a cold bed. He sentenced her then, after his thoughts were given plenty of time to truly think about the actions he was taking. He was sentencing her to a much more cruel punishment than the swift end she had begged him for. She swallowed the lump in her throat as he commanded her thus.

Deathbelle grit her teeth and closed her eyes, overwhelmed by the impossibility of it. There was nothing she wanted to hold onto. There was no love left to give, no great goal to achieve, no perfect happiness to chase. Everything had been taken from her. She hung her head as she sat there before him, hearing the call he sent forth. Silence fell over her head as the moments passed until the stranger appeared. She didn’t lift her eyes even as he was reminded the favor to be given. Her heart continued to sink as the moments rolled on.

Stay here, a command to the object she had become, a possession no more or less. Devoid of the spark he wanted her to have but at the same time withheld from her. She did as told, and didn’t move as the men moved off to discuss her fate. More tears slipped from her violet gaze as she stared at the ground under her mismatched paws.

Then they returned, hushed voices directed at her. Still her gaze remained downcast as Ulric introduced himself and offered his title. So this was it, to be sent away with a man she did not know, to a land she was unfamiliar with until Sirius deemed her old enough to move on. ”As you command.” She finally spoke, her gaze lifting for the first time since Ulric’s arrival. All she could see in the future was the lingering ache that filled her. What else could life put her through? Her heart was shriveled, dried, and shattered throughout the years of abuse. There wasn’t much left to give.

She would give it to Ulric as Sirius commanded her, to live a world away. Deathbelle looked back up to Sirius, she could see the hope in his features but there was none in her eyes. She wondered if this would be the last time she laid eyes on her Warlord. She felt little now, she had cried the last of her feelings away. She was nothing but a shell of the great woman Sirius saw in her. Deathbelle lifted herself to her paws and took to Ulric's side, her eyes lingering on Seer’s features. ”Fare well, Sirius.” She whispered as her head lowered again and she accepted his rule over her.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.