
should'a kissed you good night


07-03-2013, 09:56 PM

ooc;; couldn't remember if he was still in sercia or not? but amenti disbanded sooo... I dunno bro XDD I'll assume he was in sercia when she met him and she still went here to find him perhaps? just roll with it woman!!! illshutupnow >.>

It had been nearly a month, maybe longer but she could no longer tell. At about 9 months old the female had grown considerably, markings more prominent now as her adult coat came in. Two tones of deep slate blue were the most dominant on her pelt with white and silver wing like markings showing a bit more. Her ears were still a bit too large for her face and she was still quite small for her age but it was fairly apparent that she would turn out to be quite the looker. She had encountered a few more wolves since last she had met Talon and his sister in the forest, her vocabulary having expanded considerably since their last meeting. For a while she had been hesitant about trying to track the boy down that had left such a lasting impression on her. His missing leg had reminded her of Prospero at first but then his eagerness to chat and play had made her like him instantly. Something about today had turned her towards the range, the area he had described as his home. To be honest she had found it some time ago, had wanted to see him almost immediately after they had parted ways but had held back. Today she had caved and found herself seated on a ridge staring down at the strange buildings that resided on the lands with her friend's pack.

Now, you must understand, when Kangi stood and entered pack lands to search for Talon she had no comprehension of pack laws or packs in general. She had grown up alone, first with her mother, then Prospero and now she could hunt for herself for the most part. No one had sat her down and taught her not to enter pack lands or to howl for the alpha. So instead she began her trek, throwing back her head to give a rather pitiful puppy howl for Talon. It was only her second time howling and she knew she had to work on it. Nose hit the ground as soon as she cut the sound off, sniffing vigorously for her friend. Her bum remained in the air, tail curled happily over her spine as rump wiggled in time with her sniffing. Oh she would find him all right...


Talon I


4 Years
07-04-2013, 11:25 AM
(Hmmm, we can assume that they're still in Seracia, since Eve is kinda MIA and Amenti is no longer xD We'll figure out the rest when they have to meet again. <3 Also since I'm not sure if Tad will reply to our thread, I'll assume it was cut short by their mom calling for them to return home, after he told her about Seracia and where it was vaguely, etc.)

Whenever someone called to him... well, it was always his mom, or sometimes his sisters. But mostly it was his mom. The distorted howl of a young wolf broke his concentration. Talon had been hovering over a small stream, lowered onto his belly and lashing out with his paws at passing fish, struggling to catch one. He knew he ought to just climb in -- his mama told him that he should try to swim, since running was not the easiest thing for him -- but he was afraid of water, afraid of getting caught in the rapids and being carried away forever. A sigh escaped his jaws as he struggled to all three paws.

Since he'd gotten a bit older, he'd realized something was different around him -- maybe even wrong with him. Nobody said anything, but he was the only wolf he'd seen in all of Seracia with only three legs instead of four. He enviously watched how gracefully the wolves around him traveled; he'd grown accustomed to his own way of moving, but it was more awkward than anything, and he could never move as fast as he wanted to. The sigh soon faded as soon as he recognized the source of the call. Kangi! The pretty girl he met in the forest with Misty. The one who they had such a hard time talking to, for some reason. He still maintained the belief that she said words differently than they did, but he still didn't fully comprehend that she'd grown up with an entirely different language than him. Perhaps it was his mysteriousness that intrigued him so, or the surprise that she cared enough to show up after a full season.

His ears perked as he headed towards the source of the call. Before long, she came into view, strolling without a care across the borders. She was looking for him! His tongue lolled from the side of his mouth as he tried to quicken his pace, though he didn't want to fall in front of her and make a fool out of himself. Clear silver eyes widened as he drew near to her. She was even prettier than when they had first met! She'd grown quite a bit; as had he. A smile painted his delicate features, his own tail wagging rapidly behind his slender frame. She'd cared enough to find him! It made his heart swell in his chest, happy to have found a friend outside of his family. And one that cared enough to come see him again.

But she wasn't supposed to be here -- his brows furrowed a bit, but the smile refused to fade. "Kangi!" He said a bit too loudly as he hobbled forward, barking happily. "You have to be careful!" He warned her, shaking his head a bit, though the joy at her arrival would not disappear from his features. "The King could get mad that you're just coming in without waiting for someone." But she was just a child -- surely she wouldn't be punished, right?


07-04-2013, 12:50 PM

ooc;; sounds like a plan to me :DD

Would he still even be living here? And what exactly was a Seracia? He had told her the name of his home and then when she had asked a few wolves for directions over the past week or so they had pointed her in the direction of a land they called 'the range'. Maybe it had been renamed? There was so much the young girl had yet to discover about Alacrita and even life in general. Having never been around a group of wolves ever she didn't have the basic understanding of pack life that any normal wolf was. To her the world was her's for the taking and she could do no wrong. What harm could come from entering her friends home and searching for him? Surly there would be no back lash, and even if there was there was no way for her to know why. So she carried on her merry way, crossing a few scents that she thought she recognized but never one that caught he attention or tweaked her memory enough for her to bound off and follow it.

Thankfully Talon was in fact still in Seracia and happened to hear her call for him. Things might have gotten pretty bad pretty fast if the alpha had come charging in rather then Talons hobbling form appearing in the distance. Kangi's head snapped up, eyes zeroing in on Talon as her tail began a much quicker rhythm to match her exuberance. His pace was comfortable, natural even to her. Since her first real parent figure after her mother had died was Prospero the idea of having three legs was completely normal for her! She had wondered on many occasions after meeting Talon if she was in fact the weird one and had some mutant fourth limbs sprouting from her body where there shouldn't be one. But she didn't dwell on it, eventually she had met a few other wolves with 4 limbs and she began to think that it was simply luck of the draw, some wolves had 3 and some had 4 but neither option was weird in any way.

She closed the distance between them quicker then he, bounding happily towards him as a grin split across her features. She had found him!!! Yeah!!! She couldn't help it, excited tips and barks escaped her throat, unable to find the words to express how excited she truly was to see him. At least in his language... But as they met she slammed on he breaks, almost in the same fashion she had when she had first met him, dropping her chest to the ground so her tail waved happily above her. "Talon!" she responded, his smile infectious to say the least and she couldn't wipe the happiness from her features either. But despite his happiness his tone held a bit of a warning with his next words. She blinked, slowly lifting herself to a standing position, head cocked slightly and large ears tipped to the male. Why did she have to be careful? Where there monsters here? No... There was a king? "Whats a king Talon?" she asked curiously, her speech having improved dramatically since their last meeting. Only a season ago but her sentence structure was almost up to par with that his had been when they had first met. She leaned back, allowing herself to flop onto her haunches and studying him as if waiting for him to tell her a story. "Why do I have to be careful?" she added, honest confusion evident on her features.


Talon I


4 Years
07-07-2013, 09:35 PM
His plain silver eyes widened a bit too dramatically, though the smile that had begun to form on his lips only grew as she drew closer. She was really here, right? He wasn't having a dream? Slowly he shook his head, closing his eyes and forcing his lids shut for a few long seconds, before he opened them. Nope, Kangi was here, in the flesh. This was no dream. Behind his slightly undersize frame his tail continued to whip from one side of his body to the other, his joy unconstrained and pure. The last time they had met -- and honestly, it was the only time they'd even seen each other -- she seemed so nice. She didn't look at him strangely or treat him differently than she had Misty.

Her words were like music to his ears. She was so pretty, and her voice sounded so nice too! No, he wasn't lovestruck in the least, but he wasn't a particularly social boy. Instead, he tended to watch from a distance and observe quietly. Knowing that she had found his home though, just to see him, made him open up a bit. Talon took a few steps closer to her, ears perking and head tilting slightly to the left as he watched her. "It's like..." Talon paused, considering. He had been right after all, he realized -- she said things differently than them! He'd asked someone about it, and they told him that some wolves, from far away, had different languages. She must've been born far away then, he just realized. "A leader. He's in charge and he can tell us what to do. But he seems nice, and doesn't boss us around or anything." He nodded eagerly, hoping she understood. Still he stood before her, shifting a bit by hopping his hind leg to the side, so he was once again closer to her.

"If you smell around here, you'll find a really strong smell of lots of other wolves. Sometimes if you go into someone's territory without asking, they can get really mad." Talon shrugged, showing he wasn't really sure why. Gerhardt didn't seem the kind to get angry at a young girl for looking for him, especially one so cute and nice. "It's okay though. I'm surprised you found me!"


07-08-2013, 01:21 AM

He was actually excited to see her! For some reason just that thought along warmed her from the very core of her being. She didn't know why she had expected differently, why she had assumed that it would be anything but a warm welcome. Though their first meeting had a bit rocky due to her being unable to communicate with them properly she had liked Talon right off the bat. Partially because he was missing a hind leg like her adoptive father had been missing one of his. Though Talon's body had yet to adapt in quite the same way Prospero's had. Where as his front leg had almost migrated completely to the middle of his chest Talon's leg remained to the side which made him teeter a bit more then Prospero did. But eventually he would get the hang of it, just like it had taken Kangi a while to get to hang of walking. She had tried, for a short time, to walk with three legs and had gained some mad respect for Talon and Prospero. She just couldn't do it! She had spent most of the time tipping and toppling over! So that dream to become one of the cool kids like them had shattered into a million pieces. Oddly enough she had even been a bit disheartened by this fact. Maybe one day when she got all four of her legs in proper working order, they were still a bit too long and she felt gangly and awkward most of the time.

He was thoughtful and she was attentive, sitting and hanging on his every word as he attempted to describe what a king was to her. A leader? What was that? Though she understood the concept of someone leading like when Prospero walked ahead of her and she followed him or when he told her what to do because he was her dad of sorts but... Why was a bunch of wolves living together and following one wolf? What and who gave him this authority? Even though she was still quite confused by the idea she smiled at his enthusiasm and giggled as he moved closer. Still more awkward then Prospero but then again she wasn't anywhere near as graceful as the other wolves with 4 legs either... So she wasn't one to judge. He carried on with his explanation of the scents and the pack. She had so many questions but she didn't want to over load him, maybe she should go talk to this king sometime? "I call you next time, wouldn't want get run off and never see you again..." she said, forcing a frown but her smile quickly returned as she nudged his shoulder, careful not to push too hard and make him loose his balance.

Why was he surprised that she was here?!? He was so nice, didn't he have lost of friends who came to visit him? "Of course I find you!" She exclaimed, hopping to her feet in the shock of it all. Why wouldn't she come find him? "You were so nice, I had to come! Missed you!" Though the statement was probably quite bold she didn't show any shame in it, a time resolution apparent in her tone. Her speech was still choppy but since learning the language better she had always been one to speak her mind, Prospero had warned her a few times that she was a bit too bold but that had yet to stop her. Maybe as she got older it would come back to bite her in the bum but for now she had gotten by just fine. "Where you live?" She asked after a moment, glancing over his shoulder in the direction he had come, looking for more specifics. She would have asked/ demanded the grand tour of his home but she knew that Prospero's one leg often grew sore on long treks and they had to break often when walking. She didn't want to make him uncomfortable or get him to strain himself in any way. She didn't know yet how long she would be here so maybe they could slowly explore it, or maybe she could come back another time.


Talon I


4 Years
07-08-2013, 09:12 PM
Eagerness seemed to seep from his very being; his face was a picturesque view of happiness and excitement. Perhaps it was a bit unusual for a creature to be so happy at the arrival of a friend, but he didn't care. His joy only seemed to fuel her own, and the chain reaction was something he wanted to continue. "Okay, that sounds good," he replied, thrilled at her eagerness to listen & learn. His own sister seemed a bit stubborn at times, like she knew more than him, but Kangi seemed rather open-minded and patient. She seemed to have learned a lot more about his language, too! He could tell with how quickly she spoke those first few sentences, compared to the confusion she'd seemed to have felt the first time they met and they struggled to communicate. "But I hope that doesn't keep you from coming again. I like seeing you," he admitted, grinning sheepishly.

He shivered as she nudged him, his already broad expression growing dramatically. Lightly the lanky boy moved a step closer, hobbling awkwardly to nudge her in return, but he ended up nervously touching her cheek instead of her shoulder as he intended. If it wasn't for his fur covering his skin, he would've surely blushed -- he felt heat rush to his face as he jerked his head away from her. She, in turn, admitted that she missed him. The nervousness subsided ever so slightly and he found himself grinning from ear to ear again.
"I missed you too," he admitted softly. How could I not miss a girl so pretty, he thought inwardly, though refused to voice his thoughts. He couldn't help it, but he found it hard to look away from her -- she was so slender and her markings were lovely, like nothing he'd ever seen before!

She proceeded to ask where he lived. For a moment he hesitated, wondering if his mom or siblings were in the den right now. It was a nice day, so they probably weren't. "I can show you!" He offered eagerly, turning a bit towards the center of the territory, tail wagging behind his undersized body. He hadn't really asked her much about it, but it seemed like she lived all on her own. It made him a little sad to think that nobody wanted to take care of her ... he didn't consider that maybe she did just fine on her own. Maybe he could take care of her! His mind whirled with possibilities as he took a few steps away from her.


07-08-2013, 10:50 PM

Seeing as Talon was her first real friend she didn't understand that her excitement might be a bit above and beyond what most wolves normally experienced when meeting old friends. But then again, she was generally above and beyond everyone's level, always bubbly and hyper despite her circumstances. She had only told Prospero the whole story of her mother after she had finally learned the words to describe the gruesome scene to him. It hadn't been pleasant, he had cried for her and she had licked away his tears. She never wanted to have to tell that story again, never wanted to cause anyone else that kind of pain especially on her part. Yes her mother was gone and yes she missed her but she had met so many great people because of what had happened! She would have never met Prospero or Orion or Talon if her mother hadn't died, she would probably still be on the islands with just her mother, speaking her own language and hearing stories about how the beaver brought the first bit of earth from below after the flood and created the first islands. Or how the bear ripped off one of the fox's legs and the raven stole it back and that was why the fox had crossed legs. Though she missed those stories and was sorry that her culture had possibly died with her mother she was still grateful for everything she had. It was hard for the young girl to see anything in a negative light it seemed.

He agreed that it was a good idea for her to call before she came and she smiled easily, she would have to practice her howling for next time then. Maybe she could bug him into giving her some pointers later, or maybe if he wasn't as good as the adults either then she could get him to practice with her! Damn she was brilliant... Head cocked once more as he expressed that he hoped that she would keep visiting. "Course!" She exclaimed, not thinking her words through completely, or that eh might misinterpret them. But with the huge grin on her features it was hard to think she meant wrong by it. "I always visit, I like you too!" Tail waved happily behind her at this statement, not understanding the difference between what he had said and how she had worded it. But in all honestly, they were the same to her. Of course she liked him, he was nice to her and easy to talk to and super cute! She loved his markings, especially the brown around his eyes. His eyes too, something about them made her smile even just looking at them. They were a pretty silver rather then her plain yellow ones that everyone and their familiar seemed to have. What she wouldn't do to be more like him.

He seemed to smile even bigger after she nudged him and her smile slit across her face to match it's intensity. She didn't move away from him when he inched closer a bit awkwardly, even leaned into his touch a bit when his nose brushed against her face. She giggled softly, smile softening as he admitted that he had missed her to. That warmth spread throughout her once more, starting from her chest and radiating throughout. She reached forward quickly and gave him a lick on the cheek, starting at his lower jaw and sweeping upwards towards his eye before she pulled back, soft smile still in place. She liked him, though she didn't quite understand her feelings completely that was the best way she could possibly think to express them. After a moment he offered to show her his home and she smiled, keeping close to him as he turned more towards the centre of the lands. "Yeah!" she exclaimed hopping up and down beside him excitedly. "What your family like?" she asked, unable to keep her curiosity contained any longer. He had met Misty but she didn't know if he had any other siblings or anything about his parents. She wanted to know everything she could about him.


Talon I


4 Years
07-09-2013, 10:55 AM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2013, 10:56 AM by Talon I.)
Talon wondered if he would ever meet anyone, besides his siblings, that was as nice as Kangi, and around the same age as him. Some of the older wolves in Seracia were nice and all, but he didn't feel like he could relate to them at all. But he decided, rather suddenly, that if she was his only friend ever, he'd be quite happy. Wouldn't she have to go home sometime, though? No -- Kangi had uttered something rather vague about not having parents. So she probably didn't have a home, either. Or perhaps she'd made herself one. So many questions! He could have to ask them all in due time, rather than overwhelming her with them. The last thing he wanted to do was annoy her, and make her leave.

He enjoyed the sudden rush of warmth that flowed through his veins as she licked him -- all the way across his cheek! Usually only his mom touched him like that, but he liked it, and found himself grinning rather sheepishly. He turned, less-than-gracefully starting to walk forward. His whole posture was so different from most wolves, and he found himself having to hop a bit more than actually walk -- but once he got into a rhythm, his pace increased dramatically. He turned his head a bit, briefly looking back to make sure she was there. He watched her for a mere moment before turning back, eyes averting to the ground. He had awful balance, and tended to fall easily on obstacles like rocks and tree roots.

"My mom is very nice," he started, wondering how he could possibly explain her. He'd never been asked about her before, since most of Seracia had at least seen her before. "She's very pretty, with white fur and eyes just like mine!" He loved his mother, and had begun to cling to her rather tightly since his father disappeared. "I haven't seen my dad for a long time, since I was really little," he explained, his voice laced with sadness that he could not hide. "I miss him, and don't know why he didn't want to stay with us." Obvious confusion masked his delicate features, but he shrugged a little, not wanting to seem too upset by it. "And you met Misty -- my other sister is named Isicera." He paused then, stopping abruptly in his tracks to look at her. His tongue lolled slightly from his mouth. "And what about you? Where has your family gone?"


07-10-2013, 05:13 PM

She had a bit of a skip and a hop to her step, head constantly turning and gazing about at the many sights to be scene. But every few seconds she brought Talon back into at least her peripheral vision, making sure to stay close enough that if she turned her head she could poke his ribs, close to his shoulder but far enough away to give him enough room to manoeuvre if need be. His home was super pretty, not dark and desolate like the forest they had met in even though she had had a blast frolicking in the fog. It had some strange shapes and trees growing from the ground in the distance. She tried to squint to look at them, they were wood like the trees, she could fell that from the texture but it looked like you could go inside them? She would have to ask Talon to show her around his strange home sometime. They caught her interest but not enough to drag her away from Talon to explore on her own like she did most of the time. Instead she remained beside him and filed that away in her memory so she could come back to it later, along with the billion other questions she had going through her mind that she wanted to ask him. Luckily he seemed content to answer, speaking about his mother easily after she asked him about his family. Her attention focused completely on him once he began speaking, his voice doing a good job of drawing her in and keeping her young mind focused.

Mother... Why couldn't she remember her mother? She understood the concept, remembered the feeling of being held close, the warmth of a body but her mother specifically she couldn't seem to remember. Not a name and not a face. It was like trying to see something at the bottom of a river, it was there and you knew it was, but you just couldn't seem to make it out clearly. Her ears folded back and brow furrowed as he carried on with his description of his mother and she continued trying to remember her mother. She remembered the pain she had felt when her mother had been killed, the fear when she had first been along and then been chased off. But the face... She remembered gold eyes, large ears like Kangi but she had been a different color. She had been so young... She didn't understand that by the time she reached a year old she would probably have no recollection of that time, and eventually that her language and the memories she had of the stories would fade too if she didn't drill them into her own mind. She understood now what Prospero meant when he said to always remember her language because it was a part of her. No one else knew it, maybe she was the last one who knew her language and even she only knew enough words to get her basic point across. She couldn't have a full conversation with someone else who spoke Lakota...

She pulled herself out of those thoughts as Talon began speaking about his dad, a sad smile pulling across her lips as she once more reached out to brush her nose across his ribs. She listened as he told her his sister's names, head tipping at the name of his second sister. Such a strange name... Not that she would ever say it to him but his name was so simple as well as Misty's, now that she knew the meanings, and yet the second sister had a more elaborate name... He stopped so suddenly that she almost walked right into him, having to take a hop back so she wasn't nose to nose with him. Where was her family? "No dad, mom gone when I was young. Just Prospero and I now!" she beamed at him. She still didn't know the word for dead, Prospero had never used it, just taught her the word 'gone' and that could mean a wide variety of things. She hopped around him, pointing at his missing leg and wagging her tail happily. "He has 3 legs too! Just like you! Once day I want 3 too, but I don't walk well..." she trailed off, frowning as she picked herself up, lifted her own hind leg like the one he was missing and tried to walk a ways only to collapse in a heap after a few steps. She simply giggled and smiled at him happily.


Talon I


4 Years
07-18-2013, 11:42 AM (This post was last modified: 07-18-2013, 11:42 AM by Talon I.)
Would his mother be there? What about his two sister? Misty hadn't been particularly thrilled about meeting Kangi, whereas Talon had been enthralled to meet someone new -- someone so pretty and nice and interesting, too! He was glad when she walked beside him, though felt he was slower than usual, far too distracted by stealing occasional glances at her, rather than keeping his eyes on his paws and watching where he was going. Hopefully she didn't think he was too slow. If he was alone, he would've whined in slight frustration -- but he contained himself well, hobbling along beside her without a complaint.

The land here was rather flat, nothing remarkable at all to him. But the barn was pretty cool, maybe she'd like it there? He stopped, turning to face her then as they began to talk. He also noticed her looking at the weird structures, squinting to see them better from where they were. "Wanna go see that?" He inquired eagerly, tail still wagging behind him, no less quickly than a mile a minute.

Kangi explained her mom and dad had left when she was young. But not before leaning over to nudge his side, her cool nose brushing across his pelt. He shivered, but grinned a little in response. He wondered where her parents had gone, but didn't think it was very nice to ask -- he knew he didn't like talking about his dad very much. But she did say she had someone else, Prospero -- a sibling maybe? Or just a friend? She seemed to like him though, the way she said his name with such joy, and he was happy she had something to be happy about, even despite her lack of parents.

He had 3 legs too? Talon frowned a bit, as though considering the thought, head cocked as he eyed her with curiosity. "Like me," he echoed her own thoughts, the vaguest ghost of a smile appearing on his lips. She even lifted her own hind leg up, trying to hobble forward -- falling. He smiled a little, amused, even letting out a soft giggle. It was weird, that she wanted to be like him ... who would ever want to try to walk without one of their legs? "Let's go check out the barn. But you can use all four legs."


08-02-2013, 11:53 AM

It didn?t cross her mind that they might run into his family on their way to his home or that they might in fact be home. She had never been shy about meeting strangers, Prospero had always told her to go for it and to have fun and learn what you could from new people. A completely different ideal then what her mother had lived by. Though she only remembered the isolation that she felt when she was with her mother. Sometimes her mother?s friends would come visit them but normally it was just herself and her mother. She had always said that it was better that way. But now that Kangi was out and about on her own and meeting people she no longer understood her mothers logic. How could anyone ever want to be away from other wolves like Talon, Prospero and Orion?

His pace was fine and she followed without complaint, almost happier to be able to walk slowly and look at her surroundings rather then always trotting after the older wolves she normally associated herself with. And there was so much to look at here! She still preferred the northern lands but this was nothing to scoff at, with all its structures she couldn?t stop looking. She paused as they spoke as well, and he seemed to notice her looking at the strange hollowed out tree in the distance. When he asked if she wanted to go see it her ears instantly pricked forwards and she grinned at him. ?Could we?!?!? she exclaimed excitedly, she didn?t want to make him go too far, she knew that Prospero didn?t like traveling super far either. But hopefully he would tell her if he started getting tired?

He seemed thoughtful about her comment about 3 legs. Was having 3 legs not normal? She suddenly felt a bit self-conscious, frowning even as he giggled before picking herself up. No one had told her one way or another if 3 legs or 4 legs was correct. Maybe she was the freak with the extra appendage; there was really no way for the young girl to know without asking. She had never asked Prospero about his missing leg, although scars had riddled his body to the point where he was also blind in one eye and missing an ear. Maybe it had been an accident? Had Talon been in an accident as well? Was she just mocking him? Would it be rude to ask? He stated that they could go check out the barn and her ears flipped forward again, smiling softly. ?Okay!? she exclaimed, hopping after him.

?Whats a? Barn?? she asked quizzically, the word tasting foreign and odd on her tongue as she struggled to form it to make the same word he had said. It felt almost the same as when Prospero had originally tried to teach her his language. ?Talon? have you always spoken this way?? she asked as they walked. Prospero had told her to remember her language, because it had been a part of her. But she found herself forgetting more and more of it. Some days she would talk to herself in Lakota just to keep it fresh in her mind but she could only do so much. Her speech had been alright, not a huge vocabulary, when she had started but enough to get by and now it was shrinking. Was there anyone else here who didn?t speak this language she had been forced to learn?


Talon I


4 Years
08-06-2013, 04:47 PM (This post was last modified: 08-06-2013, 04:47 PM by Talon I.)

It was honestly a perfect day -- not that any day was particularly bad for the lanky boy. He was an optimistic at heart, finding it difficult to see fault in others and never dwelling on his misfortunes for long; but he wondered what he had done to allow the universe to grace him with Kangi's presence again. His face was a picture of unabashed joy, and behind his frame his tail wagged a mile a minute. It was all he could to do contain himself, not wanting to seem like a fool in front of one of the only friends he had for being so overwhelmed with happiness.

"Of course," he replied, giggling softly at her eagerness. He didn't think these lands were very exciting -- it seemed everything beyond their borders was full of mystery and wonder, though, but he was often too afraid to venture out alone. But he was happy at her interest, especially in the strange wooden structure that placed itself in the center of the territory. With little hesitation, he continued on, his gait confident although surely awkward-looking for someone who had never watched a three-legged boy walk before. Luckily, Kangi had, and seemed unphased by his missing limb. He had begun to realize that it was abnormal, and made walking more difficult -- but it didn't matter that much, did it?

"I don't really know," he said bashfully. "My mama told me it was a place that the two-legs kept stuff in. There's a bunch of things in there, but I don't know what any of them do. You have to be careful though, some are very sharp." He glanced over at her as they walked toward the structure, nodding seriously. He didn't know much about such creatures, only that they no longer existed -- and they were hairless and tall and used their hands like wolves used their mouths, for hunting and grasping things.

Her next question surprised him a bit. Have you always spoken this way? Nose wrinkled as he eyed her, wondering. "I guess I have. You learned different ways to say things when you were younger... right?" He still didn't understand the concept of language, but was beginning to piece it together. It made sense, though, because it seemed she didn't have the best grasp on the way that he said things... and she was not stupid, he knew that much.

Before long, they made their way to the entrance of the barn, and he came to a slow halt. Hesitantly he peered into the darkness, letting his eyes adjust to the lack of light, before slipping in and turning to let her follow.