
Let's study biology

Ezra ♡


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
08-10-2021, 06:06 PM (This post was last modified: 08-16-2021, 01:44 AM by Syanna. Edited 1 time in total.)

Syanna rifled through the castle's pharmaceutical stores with keen eyes and deft paws, looking for nothing in particular and simply taking inventory of everything the pack had in their arsenal. Just like the weapons in the armory, a well-stocked pharmacy could be the difference between life and death to a critical patient. Knowing what herbs and medicines they had on hand as well as where they were located would make a world of difference. The stores hadn't been terribly disorganized to begin with, but Gwynevere was only one wolf, and given that she had been the sole healer for the Hallows for some time, things had naturally begun to fall into disarray. Syanna moved from shelf to shelf, sorting fresh and dried herbs apart based on their medicinal properties. Painkillers, anti-inflammatories, birthing aids and contraceptives (she made a special mental note of these), sedatives, astringents, diuretics, the list went on. Disappointingly, the castle seemed to have a lack of recreational substances, but that was something she could correct on her own time.

The pharmacy was quiet, silence disturbed only by the occasional shuffle of leaves or clatter of glass vials being moved and rearranged by the vixen-esque fae hard at work. She had just finished moving her scant amount of personal items into Ezra's room, the two now cohabitating at his insistence and her delight, but she just couldn't bear to be in there without him when he was running his patrols and training. Not only did his scent over everything make her heat flare up like a furnace, but the room was just so... empty. It was as if Ezra's bachelor pad had been devoid of anything that wasn't functional: just a bed and his armor dropped beside the door. She scowled as she considered the space once more; she would definitely need to bring a woman's touch to his life. After she finished doing future Syanna and Gwyn a favor by sorting this into a more rigid system.

"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
08-13-2021, 02:13 PM

Ezra walked away from the alpaca paddock once he was certain Canis and the dogs that belonged to his father and Eska had the lay of the land when it came to being guards for the wooly creatures. After his first patrol of the day he went and got that the task of the way so he could tell his dad it was done. He was honestly glad they had the dogs now so he didn't have to spend so much time watching the herd - well, as long as they actually turned out to be effective guardians. So far they seemed to be pretty obedient and Canis at least had proven to be a pretty decent fighter in his little training sessions with his new companion. He chuckled a little at himself as he walked back through the main foyer of the castle. He never would have thought he'd be doing things like training dogs and volunteering for border patrols, but here he was. Maybe responsibility and a sense of duty did run in the family after all.

He was about to head up the stairs to go take is armor off and drop it off in his room when he caught a hint of Syanna's now very familiar scent coming from the east wing of the castle and he smirked a little, turning his path away from the stairs to head down the corridor toward the infirmary and pharmacy. He knew she had been working hard helping Gwynevere where she could, especially now that they both had real roles to fill around the pack, but if he was going to take a break he couldn't see a reason for her not to as well. He followed her scent to the pharmacy, peeking through the open door and seeing her there moving things around on the shelves in front of her. He grinned as he stood there watching her for a moment, his gaze softening with that affection that made his heart skip whenever he saw her. The small room was filled with the scent of her heat and even just standing in the doorway filled his nose with it, sparking to life that seemingly never ending desire that she had introduced him to.

Ezra slipped in quietly, closing the door behind him and walking up behind where she was sitting, humming softy as he sat down just behind her and wrapped a strong foreleg around her chest, pulling her back into his chest with a chuckle, nuzzling affectionately between her ears. "Hard at work, huh?" he questioned, hugging her tight to him and giving her ears little teasing kisses. He glanced up at the shelf in front of her and reached up with his paw that wasn't currently wrapped around her middle to pick up a leaf at random. "What does this one do?"

Ezra Adravendi


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
08-14-2021, 12:38 AM

Syanna had been so lost in her focus on sorting the herbs and medicines in front of her that she hadn't noticed the voyeur in the doorway watching her work, didn't hear him when he slipped into the pharmacy with her or when he quietly closed the door. She did, however, notice when he sat down behind her and wrapped a single strong foreleg around her midsection, making the vixen-like fae gasp in surprise and squeal as she was suddenly pulled back against the solid, warm body of a very familiar young brute. "Ezra! Didn't you learn from our first meeting not to sneak up on me like that?" she snapped at him, but the giggles in her voice and the smile tugging at her lips betrayed any feigned annoyance she had with him. She happily leaned back against his muscular body while he held her tight to him, tilting her head up into his nuzzles between her ears. He was such a goof, but that was part of what made Ezra so endearing to her.

He asked if she was hard at work, and Syanna just huffed and rolled her eyes at the silly boy. "Well I was, until this big dire wolf found his way in here like a bull and grabbed me up," she remarked with a smirk and a pointed glance upward at him. It was impossible to stay mad at him—even fake mad—when he hugged her all the tighter and gave these delightful little kisses along her ears. Her breathing hitched a touch, only noticeable if he was paying attention to it, and her body gave a small squirm in his grasp while her ears flicked on reflex to his lips teasing the delicate skin. She could feel the heat inside her core being stoked back to life by Ezra's actions. He knew full well what he was doing and Syanna loved and hated him for it at the same time. Finishing her work suddenly seemed like an impossible task.

Tearing her emerald eyes away from his when he looked up and plucked a leaf from the shelf, Syanna followed his gaze down the length of his foreleg to the herb he'd picked up. "That's poison ivy. Rub it all over yourself, see what happens." Her voice was dripping with snark, hoping he wasn't too dopey to actually take her teasing at face value. "It's motherwort. It helps faes during pregnancy and stimulates contractions to aid in births. It can also help with stresses and aches when a fae is in heat." She brought her brilliant green eyes back to peer up at him, her muzzle tilting up with her head resting on his chest to be able to look at him better given their size difference. "I'm trying to reorganize the pharmacy into categories that make sense. This is going to be the family planning and contraception section." A wry smirk came across her features as a mischievous gleam came to her eyes. "Shopping for anything special today, Templar Ezra?"

"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
08-14-2021, 05:07 PM

Ezra grinned and chuckled as she squealed in surprise, clearly more sneaky than he thought he had been. She must have been really engrossed in her work to not notice a big, clumsy brute like him. He gave her a playful smirk when she questioned him on if he hadn't learned anything from their first time meeting and he squeezed her tighter, replying, "Hey, at least I made sure there wasn't any mushrooms involved this time!" She could pretend to be annoyed at him all she wanted - her giggles and smile gave her away and even if he didn't catch on to those he could certainly feel how she leaned back into him so that he could hold her against his chest. Her response to his question over whether she had been hard at work made a roguish grin pull against his lips and he chuckled as he leaned his head down to nuzzle into the side of her neck. "Yeah, and that dire wolf will continue to interrupt you as much as possible," he replied with a chuckle, kissing her cheek before he turned his attention to the shelf she had been organizing.

He scoffed when she tried to tell him the leaf he had picked up was poison ivy, grinning at her sarcasm. He had learned a lot about her in their time together and how to understand when she was being serious and when she wasn't. Sometimes he still missed some things, but this was a pretty obvious one. He didn't know much about plants, but he at least knew they would just casually have something called poison ivy on their shelves. When she did actually reveal what it was he hummed with interest before he placed it back where he had found it, smiling down at Syanna as her head leaned back into his chest. He really was impressed with her work ethic and how much she had thrown herself into all of this since she arrived here. Organizing a whole pharmacy was no easy feat to do on her own, but she was doing a great job. He smirked and chuckled at her explanation of what this particular section would be and asked him if there was anything in particular he was shopping for today.

He wrapped his other foreleg around her then, holding her back tight to his chest and stomach. "Hmmm... What if I'm more interested in the lady selling the merchandise than the items themselves?" he mused with a grin, boldly letting his paws roam over her stomach and sides as he held her, feeling that soft fur and skin that had quickly begun to feel familiar under his paws. He had been completely inexperienced when they first met, but she had given him a crash course in all things sexual and now he just couldn't get enough of her. It helped that she was just as eager as he was and all of her little reactions and squirms were so much fun to make her do. "You seem way more special than any plants to me."

Ezra Adravendi


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
08-15-2021, 02:10 AM

The more time Syanna got to spend with Ezra, the more she felt the aloof and distant persona she'd created following her exile disappear into thin air. Ezra just made it so easy to let down her guard and be herself around him, smiling and giggling and finding joy in the little moments, like him ambushing her in what was essentially a glorified supply closet. She snickered and murred in quiet delight while he nuzzled the side of her neck, bringing a smaller paw up to stroke over his cheek while she could reach him. Although she'd only spent a couple of months in the Hallows, Syanna was beginning to see just how much like his father Ezra was. Both of them were goofy wolves who lived to make their loved ones happy and safe. She'd seen the way Ulric interacted with his mate, and now she was seeing the same sort of smile on Ezra's face. He really was too damn cute for his own good...

"I am never gonna get any work done with you around, am I?" she retorted with an overly dramatic huff. Ezra responded by putting the motherwort back on the shelf and now wrapped both forelegs tight around her, keeping her svelte body held pressed tight to his, feeling the ripple of his muscular form against her back making her feel incredibly feminine and protected. She could hear the grin in his voice when he asked about being more interested in the doctor than the medicines and she gave a short laugh and roll of her eyes, trying to peer up at him again. "Then you're either crushing on me real hard or you're an idiot. Some of these plants are crazy valuable, y'know?"

Her words cut off with a soft gasp and little tremors shaking her when his paws got bold and began to wander over her smooth stomach and the natural curves along her sides. Syanna bit her lip to stifle any other sounds, instinctively leaning back into him until her body was fully relaxing back into his grasp and settling into his contours. Cream-furred eyelids fluttered over her green eyes, shooting a wicked grin up at Ezra as her tail began to wag against his back legs, unintentionally spreading her pheromone-laced perfume more freely around the confined space. Ever since the first night they'd spent together Ezra had been insatiable, unable to keep his paws off of her for more than a minute when they were alone. She didn't mind; she liked the way he made her feel desirable and attractive and feminine. Not to mention that he knew just how to keep that fire in her belly stoked, and Syanna was just as lusty as the adolescent brute was.

"Ezra, you horny boy, what are you doing...?" she fake complained, the expression on her face and half-lidded eyes giving away how easily she was giving in to him. Any more and she'd be putty in his paws.

"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
08-16-2021, 01:43 AM

"Not even a little bit," he replied with an almost proud grin when she asked if she wasn't going to be able to get any work done with him around. He chuckled as his tail wagged behind him, more than happy to keep her away from her work as much as possible in favor of spending more time with her. Of course the physical pleasures they had been enjoying a lot since their first time had taken over a large chunk of the time they had spent together since she had been in heat, he did just genuinely like being around her outside of those things too. She make it hard to think about anything else when all he wanted to do was spend all of his time with her. He caught a bit of her glance as she tipped her head back to roll her eyes at him when he said how he was more interested in her than the plants and he smirked as she tried to say he was an idiot for picking her over some of the more valuable plants in their stores, accusing him of crushing on her hard. "You're more valuable than all of them combined," he insisted, brushing his muzzle against her cheek. He certainly couldn't deny that he was crushing on her hard... but he felt like that was pretty obvious.

He gave a soft hum as she fully leaned back into him, cradling her smaller frame against him while his paws roamed freely over her body. He shifted a bit to be able to lean back into the wall behind him, almost laying back with his shoulders and upper back pressed to the wall while he lifted and shifted her up onto his larger form, laying her on her back over top of him. Another grin pulled at his lips as he watched her bite her lip to keep herself from making any noise, just the look she gave him with that now familiar wicked grin sending a little shiver down his spine. The scent of her heat was already thick in this small space with the door closed, but her wagging tail just fanned it around them more and a little rumble of a murr sounded in his chest as he held her tight to him while his paws continued to trace and savor every single inch of her stomach, sides, and chest. He grinned as she questioned what he was doing, calling him a horny boy, and he just chuckled, turning his head to kiss along the side of her neck as he pulled her further up his body to be able to have a better reach all over her. I'm enjoying being a horny boy, of course," he told her with a smirk, kissing all over her neck and shoulder and cheek, anywhere he could easily reach.

His paws continued to trace slow circles all along her torso, savoring all of her while her sent continued to intoxicate him him and completely till the little supply closet, completely wiping his mind of any sort of conscious thought beyond just wanting her again. One of his paws shifted a little lower past her waist, holding her steady on top of him with his other foreleg like he started giving in to some of those urges, making her squirm in his embrace as he started teasing and pleasuring her. "Isn't this more fun than sorting plants...?" he asked teasingly against her ear while he left little kisses and gentle nibbles along the delicate skin.

Ezra Adravendi


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
08-20-2021, 12:53 AM

It was abundantly clear that Ezra wasn't going to give up his playful teasing any time soon, and so instead of resisting him and their bodies' urges any longer, Syanna instead opted to enjoy it fully. She gave a light giggle when she felt Ezra shift his body backwards, reclining until he was laying back with his head and shoulders propped up on the wall and he had hoisted her smaller body up on top of his, her back to his chest and stomach while he clung tight to her. His roaming paws left warm trails of tingling static dancing across her skin and through her fur, making her heart flutter and race in her chest, and that twisting ache in her core grow stronger still. She loved the sound of his rumbling murr, so deep and masculine, reverberating in his chest right against her back. It made her shiver in all the best ways, a shaky exhale passing her lips while she enjoyed being pinned and held to his body so unyielding.

Ezra slid her further up his body, the sensation of her fur rubbing against his making her muscles flex in her abdomen, and then the kisses started. The moment his lips touched the side of her neck, one of her biggest erogenous areas, Syanna gasped and melted against him. Quiet hums and low murrs of delight slipped from the vixen-like fae as her body squirmed against his beyond her control, yet still she tipped her head away from his kissing lips, giving his mouth access to even more of her neck and throat while he teased her. A dainty paw came up to rest on his cheek, silent encouragement for her big brute to not stop. As if reading her mind, one of Ezra's large paws began to wander further down past her waist, dipping between her thighs until she felt soft paw pads on warm intimate flesh.

Syanna gasped aloud and arched her back, toes curled and eyes simultaneously fluttering and rolling back in her head as warm pleasure radiated throughout her body. "Ezra...!" she gasped his name out between fast, shallow breaths bordering on the edge of breathless moans. Her hips squirmed and bucked up against his paw, her body unable to lie still in his steady hold while his strong foreleg pinned her to his body. "Somebody's gonna hear us...!" Despite her weak protests, Syanna's body was screaming for him, craving the attention and passion he was feeding her. She'd never been more turned on in her life, and all she wanted was more of Ezra—all of him. Gods, please don't stop, you wonderful brute!

"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
08-22-2021, 09:03 PM

That grin never left his lips as he felt her melt into him under his touches and teasing, the way she squirmed and gasped as his paws wandered even further and started pleasuring her in earnest made him want to do even more. She was so addictive in everything they did together and he just wanted more and more all the time - so much so that he was willing to do things like this in the pharmacy closet just because he just couldn't wait to enjoy her. Even if she hadn't put her paw on his cheek to keep him there against her neck he certainly wouldn't have pulled away. He kept kissing and nibbling all along her neck and throat while his paw made her squirm and wiggle on top of him even more, but his foreleg wrapped firmly around her kept her from falling off of him and held her steady. The way her slender form felt moving against him and her tail brushing against other certain sensitive parts of him made gaps and quiet, muffled groans of his own join in with hers.

Her gasping protests that barely even sounded like protests just made him grin wider, his own breathing quickly picking up into a light pant as well as that heated pleasure and desire ran through him. "They won't as long as you're quiet..." he insisted softly against her neck, not letting up on what he was doing to her for a second. The door was closed and would block most of most of their sounds anyway and it wasn't like many wolves tried to come in the pharmacy anyway. But, all the same, he briefly lifted his eyes from her for just a moment to glance around the room to see if there was anything he could use to bar the door. In the corner there was a piece of wood that looked like maybe it was left over from building the shelving in the room and he reached over, letting go of her for just a moment to knock the piece of wood across the door, nudging and sliding it through the door handle so if anyone tried to open the door it at least wouldn't open right away.

He groaned softly as he wrapped his forelegs around her again, the rush of it all combined with her amazing scent and the feel of her stunning body on top of his made him want her so much he thought it might burn him alive from the inside out. Ezra continued to kiss and tease the side of her neck, but instead of going back to pleasuring her the way he had been he wrapped her up in a tight embrace to hold her steady as he started to shift his hips, shifting and moving her until he was able to begin joining them together again with a gasp, gritting his teeth to hold back the rumbling groan that threatened to escape him. Her own moans reached his ears and he lifted a paw up to her muzzle, wrapping a paw around her muzzle to hold it closed and help keep her quiet, his hips meeting hers as he pushed up into her. He panted hard with his head pressed into the crook of her neck, keeping one paw around her muzzle and another around her waist, having his way with her as he got lost in the scent of her heat and sex and the mind blowing pleasure she gave him each time he had the chance to have her.

- fade -

When they were done he laid there with her cradled on his chest, holding her tight with a floaty grin across his lips as he kissed all along the top of her head and around her ears, giving her cheeks and neck affectionate nuzzles. "That was fun..." he whispered with a chuckle once he caught his breath, grinning down at her and letting one of his paws trace along her side. He didn't really know what came over him whenever he wanted her that badly, but he loved every single moment of it and just wanted to keep finding different ways of enjoying her and making her have all those reactions he loved from her.

Ezra Adravendi


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
08-23-2021, 11:23 PM

There was nothing Syanna could do to stop the single-minded horny dire wolf that kept kissing and nibbling along her neck while his paw worked her most intimate parts to make her body squirm and writhe on top of his, making every nerve in her body fire with ecstasy from head to tail. She could feel her body naturally working against his with her uncontrollable movements, his gasps confirming what she was grinding against with her involuntary bucks and rolls of her hips. Her toes curled, eyelids fluttering to hover half-closed over pleasure drunk emerald eyes. Her mouth hung open with breathy gasps and moans, all sense of resistance melted away from her body as she gave herself up willingly to Ezra. Her words of protest were met with his own husky retort, hearing the heated panting in his voice. Ezra continued to tease and please her, and Syanna's squirming became more energetic as her pleasure mounted.

The last conscious thought Syanna had was the dread of someone walking in to find them. Ezra quickly snuffed that worry when he released her just enough to kick a wooden plank in front of the door, jamming it shut and granting them all the privacy they needed. A wide grin of lust and admiration for his ingenuity spread across her face, and the next thing Syanna knew she was being scooped back up in her lover's arms, giggling and sighing with delight as he immediately resumed his kissing and teasing to her neck and throat, making her quiver and her back arch for him as he targeted one of her greatest erogenous zones. She felt Ezra begin to shift their bodies, knowing what he was doing even before she felt him align their hips to slide himself into her.

Syanna gave a loud gasp and shuddering moan as he filled her and took her, all care for being quiet long gone with her dire wolf inside of her. She then felt one of Ezra's massive paws come up to wrap around her muzzle, holding her mouth shut to keep her quiet, and a tremble of primal lust shook her to her core. She moaned deeply as his hips pushed up into hers, half-lidded eyes rolling back in her head and every digit on her paws alternating between splaying and curling under the complete and total pleasure he was drowning her with. Syanna had never been more turned on in all her life than she was right now, fully wrapped up in her dire brute's strong forelegs, one paw covering her muzzle to silence her and the other around her waist to hold her steady while he had his way with her and fully satisfied them both. She reclined her head to lean gently against his while he buried his face in the crook of her neck, feeling his hot breath washing over her sensitive throat, and then Syanna was gone. Until Ezra was spent and satisfied, she would be completely and entirely his, and she would love every second of it.

- fade -

Once Ezra was finished (she had reached her own peaks multiple times with him), the vixen-esque fae lay limp and curled up against his broad chest, her eyes barely able to open and heavy breathing trying to bring air back into her lungs. Throughout their sex, Syanna had not held back, moving her body in time with his and moaning and screaming as much as she wanted, each sound dampened and muffled by his paw. Never in all her life would she have dreamed she would have that much pleasure and fun with anyone else, and yet here she was, fucked silly with a satisfied grin on her face, clinging to the body of the boy that had changed her life.

Quiet hums and murrs rumbled in her throat while he kissed and nuzzled every part of her head he could reach, Syanna responding by nuzzling and running slow paws all over his chest. "Mmmm sooooo much fun..." she whispered back, her voice a velvety purr in the quiet storeroom. "That was amazing... You're amazing... Please be like this with me more often, mmkay...?" She peered up at him with half-lidded eyes and a grin. She loved seeing him be bold and in charge, using this big strong dire wolf frame to his advantage. Where once she would have recoiled from his touch, now Syanna had never felt safer and more loved in her life. She enjoyed being desired and wanted by him so badly that he had to come find her and pounce her in closets. That was the kind of relationship she wanted, and she hoped it never ended.

"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.