
Wish I'd been a teenage rebel




3 Years

Pride - Demisexual
08-14-2021, 09:13 AM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2021, 05:59 PM by Chrystelle. Edited 2 times in total.)
The forest with its constant mist hanging over the ground and the steady silence save for the occasional rustle of leaves from a small animal or something of the like was odd at first, but as time passed it had begun to feel like home. Even the skulls that decorated the outside of the den that she and Ocean were offered to live in felt like just part of the scenery now and she barely noticed they were there. She had pulled one of the smaller furs out of the den and spread it across the ground just outside so that she could lay in a patch of sunlight while she worked on preparing some of her valerian root tea and some other poultices and remedies that she had only imagined living in the north. There were so many herbs here, even as they got further and further into the fall and nearing winter, that it was hard not to hoard them all and have the den over flowing with herbs at all times. She did her best to only collect the ones she knew she would use or at least the ones that would dry and keep well, but it was like being a pup being let loose to enjoy as many treats as they wanted.

She had a small fire going to warm up a bowl of water and she was stretched out on the fur she had prepared while she waited, looking up toward the sky through the leaves. In the time since Aslatiel brought them here from Incindium, her condition had improved significantly. Occasionally her cough would sneak up on her if she wasn't diligent about treating her symptoms and she was still fairly weak with a lack of muscle from the many, many days she spent just trying to lay still and not do anything that might aggravate her lungs, but she was already feeling so much better. Having the supplies she needed on hand made all the difference and the warmer weather was much more kind on her lungs. Plus, with Ocean a more constant fixture in her life and the added company of Asla's frequent visits she felt far less alone than she ever had living in the pack. She smiled softly to herself as she thought about the galaxy eyed woman. She truly owed all of this to her and she didn't know how to ever repay her.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
08-14-2021, 07:19 PM

When Asla arrived, Ocean was nowhere to be found. Perhaps he was off hunting or just taking a walk. Either way, spending time with Chrystelle wasn't a chore. Asla rather liked the larger woman. The improvement in the fae's health since coming south had been drastic. Why they hadn't left the cold north on their own, the cream colored woman couldn't fathom. It didn't matter now, however. They were here and Asla was glad to have both Chrystelle and her brother close.

Today, Asla had come to see Chrystelle specifically. She'd brought a gift for the grey and black woman. Coming up beside the fae as she rested near the fire, the scar faced fae flashed a grin. "Hey Chrys," she spoke in greeting. "I brought you something." On a rope around Aslatiel's neck rested a fairly large ceramic jar. The lid was a wax covered leaf which was held on with twine. Sliding the rope chain from around her neck, Asla removed the rope and presented the jar to Chrys. "My aunt Iolaire was one of the greatest healers this world has ever seen. She left this behind when she..." Asla drifted off. No one had heard from Io in ages. No one knew if she was alive or dead. "Well, she left this behind." Again, Asla motioned to the ceramic jar. "It's ginger and thyme preserved in honey. Works wonders for coughs." Asla knew this from experience. She'd consumed a similar jar after she'd almost died beneath the ice. "Just mix a little with your tea every day and it truly helps."

Having given the gift, Asla lay down beside the little fire as well. She sprawled a bit, hind legs stretched out behind her while her front paws crossed delicately. "So what are you up to today? Did you send Ocean off for some alone time?" A soft huff of amusement left her liver colored nose as she fixed her galactic gaze on the woman beside her.


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3 Years

Pride - Demisexual
08-14-2021, 11:43 PM
She almost missed Aslatiel approaching her entirely, too lost in her own daydreaming and thoughts to hear the quiet steps of the smaller woman. She blinked with surprise and looked back down from the sky to Asla as she walked up to the fire to greet her. She smiled at the pleasant surprise of Asla's visit, her tail wagging gently behind her. "Hello, Asla." Her amber eyes shifted down to the jar she and brought, her gaze showing her curiosity. "Something for me?" she questioned, shifting onto her stomach so she could examine the jar more closely as it was placed in front of her. She had never seen anything packaged like this before but she was absolutely fascinated by it. She glanced back up at Asla as she explained how her aunt had left this behind, grazing vaguely over Iolaire's whereabouts or fate, and then her expression brightened even more when she was told what the jar contained. This would be a perfect accompaniment for her tea and could only help even more than the valerian root on its own. "Thank you, Asla," she said sincerely, her tail wagging again, beaming up at Asla with her own kind of quiet thankfulness. "You're far too kind."

She had slightly expected Aslatiel to drop off her gift and go on her way now that she saw Ocean wasn't here, but she was surprised again as the tan and gray woman settled beside her next to the fire, stretching out comfortably as well. She smiled again, settling back into the fur to enjoy the unexpected bit of company she had been given. She enjoyed Aslatiel's presence and the conversations they had on the way down from the north had been good ones, but she still had the impression that her main reason for doing all of this was for Ocean and that was okay. Asla made Ocean happy and if she got a new friend out of it as well that was more than enough for her. She chuckled softly when Asla asked if she had scent Ocean off for some alone time and gave a little shake of her head. "No no, I think he's out hunting. There's really no reason for him to just sit here with me while I watch water boil."

Answering what she was up to was a bit harder. It felt like she mostly did the same thing day after day right now while she continued to recover, but that was not really much different from when she had done the same thing every day while she was too sick to do much else. "Right now I'm just making some valarian root tea... Perfect timing on your part with the honey." She gave Asla another smile before she shifted to reach toward the bowl of water that was now steaming, carefully pulling it closer before placing in a few pieces of valerian root so it could steep. She was quiet for a moment while she realized that this was the first time she had been alone with Asla without Ocean near by. "You and Ocean seem to like each other quite a bit," she mentioned with a curious glance toward the other woman, mimicking the question she had asked Ocean the first day they were here while Asla had been out hunting. It was hard to determine what the relationship between them really was - not that she really had any experience with relationships to judge from.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
08-20-2021, 06:37 AM

Chrystelle was pleased with the gift and this pleased Asla in turn. They hadn't gone terribly in depth, but it seemed as though she and Ocean hadn't been blessed with perfect lives. Not that anyone really was, but there was something about the pair of siblings that made Asla feel as though they had been neglected in some way. Well not anymore.

Ocean was out hunting, apparently. That was fine. She and the black and silver man didn't need to be attached at the hip. They weren't mated or anything. Just friends who sometimes indulged one another in carnal pleasures. She quite liked him, but just like she'd told everyone that she'd ever been with... Asla was not one for monogamy. The cream and grey fae liked variety in her lovers and companions. They were free to sleep with anyone of their choosing as well. Indigo had been the only exception to that. Asla had wanted him all to herself. Selfish? Of course. Did she care? Not a wink.

The black and grey wolf explained what she was doing and Asla nodded in response. The honeyed thyme and ginger would go well with the tea that Chrys was brewing. The conversation then shifted as the woman mentioned the relationship between Asla and Ocean. A soft huff left the smaller lady and she grinned, tail languidly flicking back and forth over her haunches. "We found each other in the middle of nowhere. We were both incredibly sad and needed someone else to share that sadness with." She shrugged lightly. "So yes, we quite like each other."

As Chrys messed with her tea, Asla contemplated, sometimes speaking her thoughts aloud. "I thought that he might be different when we met again, but he's even sweeter and more kind than I remember." Parts of Ocean reminded her of Indigo. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but sometimes it left her heart aching.

Galactic eyes turned to look upon the golden-eyed woman. "How about you, Chrys? Ever have a relationship up there in the cold, white north?" Girl talk. Asla tilted her head curiously. "Ever share some steamy winter kisses?" Insert eyebrow wiggle here.


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3 Years

Pride - Demisexual
08-20-2021, 11:27 AM
Chrystelle smiled softly with understanding as Asla explained how they had found each other when they both had sadness to share in, giving a small nod. She'd never forget how Ocean had been when she first found him out by the wall near Incindium. Cut up and broken, physically and mentally. They had clung together as he suffered through his heartache and she grappled with their illness and thanks to Aslatiel it seemed like they had a solution for both. She smiled a little brighter with a bit of shyness to her expression when Asla confirmed that they liked each other. "Good... I'm glad," she replied as she looked back down at her tea and gently stirred it with a small stick. She already knew how Ocean felt so it was good to hear that it was mutual.

She glanced up at Asla with a bit of surprise when she talked about how she thought Ocean might be different when they met again and Chrys chuckled softly, giving a small nod. "He's always been that way. The kindest and sweetest of all of us I think." None of her siblings were really mean spirited in any way, but Ocean had always been so sweet and gentle despite his size and stature. She knew that it was partially just fate that they ended up getting so close while the rest of their siblings drifted apart, but they did sometimes feel like kindred spirits with the way they saw the world.

Chrystelle's gaze popped back up to Asla's when the smaller woman questioned her about relationships and steamy kisses and her face immediately flushed with embarrassment, a shy grin pulling across her features while her gaze shifted away with a giggle. "O-oh! No... No, I've never done anything like that," she insisted between giggles, her ears folding back as she cleared her throat a bit and fidgeted with her tea. She felt the need to try and keep her paws busy so she started unwrapping the honey Asla had brought since the tea was just about ready, but she couldn't keep the sheepish grin from her features. "I um... I didn't really talk to much of anyone in our pack before so... Not much chance for kisses I guess."




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
08-21-2021, 11:46 AM

Asla listened as Chrys spoke of how sweet Ocean had always been and smiled as she imagined what the pair might have been like as children. It made her think of what she and her brother's had been like as children, but that was a sore topic, so she was glad when it shifted once more. She didn't want to think of Mort's disappointment, Azure's disappearance or Indigo's... anything.

Chrystelle's blustering response to Asla's kiss question brought soft laughter from the fawn colored fae and she canted her head slightly, fixing the woman with her purple gaze. Chrystelle had never been kissed. No steamy kisses in the snow. What a pity. Despite having been ill all of her life, Chrys was very easy on the eyes. Aslatiel found her quite attractive.

A mischievous gleam entered Aslatiel's cosmic gaze and she smiled at the larger woman, flashing teeth as she gave her head a slight tilt. "There's no snow here, but I would make your first kiss memorable, if you'd like." There was a heat behind the playful gaze. Aslatiel wasn't shy when it came to her sexual preference. She loved men and women alike. Brother's, sisters, friends, it made no difference to the striped woman. Chrystelle would decide how they proceeded. If kissing her brother's lover made her uncomfortable, then Asla wouldn't bring it up again. If the woman had no qualms, then Asla would give the grey and black woman a kiss that she wouldn't forget.


[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



3 Years

Pride - Demisexual
08-21-2021, 09:12 PM
Aslatiel's laughter made her face flush even hotter and she shifted a little under the smaller woman's stunning gaze. She really had no idea how inexperienced with the world she was until she was able to leave Incindium's borders. Seeing the world even just in their trip here had opened her eyes to so many new things and getting to know someone like Asla who was in such a different walk of life had exposed her to even more. The idea of kissing or relationships or anything else in that realm had never even crossed her mind because she had been so utterly fixated on just keeping herself alive. Now that she was recovering and she was able to relax and enjoy things it allowed other possibilities to bloom, things that were more frivolous and pleasurable.

Amber eyes shifted to meet Aslatiel's again as she spoke, seeing the mischievous look in her expression and the grin she offered. Her suggestion made Chrystelle's eyes widen with shock and she opened her mouth to deny the offer. She was Ocean's partner in some shape or form and the thought of kissing her seemed like it should be wrong, but that denial never left her lips. She stared at Asla dumbfounded for a moment, unable to catch her breath, but for once it had nothing to do with the lingering side effects of her illness. This time it was from her nervous, pounding heart that felt like it might beat right out of her chest. "I... I'd like that," she breathed as her ears fell back against her skull, hearing herself say these words and not really believing that she was actually bold enough to say them. It felt like they should be coming from someone else's mouth, but it was most certainly her voice and Asla's galactic gaze was certainly fixed on her.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
08-22-2021, 06:42 PM

Chrystelle was adorable with her shy demeanor. The way that her ears tucked back and her head ducked slightly was terribly endearing. Aslatiel wondered what Ocean would think, knowing that his lover and his sister would be sharing kisses. She wouldn't keep it from him. She'd told the man of her nature and he seemed to understand. If it bothered him or if it bothered Chrystelle, it would be easy to never repeat the action.

The grey and black woman agreed to the kiss and Aslatiel grinned anew. Wasting no time, the small fae rose to her paws, giving her golden coat a shake before her slender form moved towards her companion. She had promised a memorable kiss and she would deliver just that. Stopping before Chrystelle, Asla eyed the jar of honey. Skimming one liver colored pad across the top of the golden honey, Asla raised her paw, lightly sliding the pad over Chrys's bottom lip. The movement was slow and sensual as Asla pulled and pushed her pad back and forth with the lightest bit of pressure. Once sure that Chrys's lip was glimmering with honey, Asla brought her pad to her own maw, licking it clean. She kept her eyes on the other woman the entire time.

With her pad clean, Asla lowered her paw again. Stepping forward, Asla's opposite paw gently cupped Chrystelle's cheek. The fae's purple gaze closed to half mast as she lowered her muzzle. Asla's tongue protruded, running over Chrystelle's lower lip before she slid her lips against that of the larger fae. Keeping the gentle hold on her companions cheek, Asla pulled the woman into a deep, sensual kiss. The sweet, thick taste of honey entered both of their mouths, but Asla could taste the delicate flavor of the grey woman underneath. She gave a soft groan of pleasure before gently extracting her tongue from Chrystelle's maw. Once more her tongue ran over the fae's bottom lip, then she pulled back just enough so that purple eyes could meet gold. "How was that for a first kiss?" Asla's paw lightly stroked Chrys's cheek before dropping away. Memorable enough, she hoped.

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3 Years

Pride - Demisexual
08-22-2021, 07:23 PM
She struggled to take a steady breath as Aslatiel gave her a grin with so much promise and immediately rose to her paws to cross the small space between them. Her amber gaze followed Asla's movements with rapt attention, completely unsure of what to expect or how to even react. She had assumed at Asla would just come and place a kiss on her lips and that would be that, but no. The smaller woman paused at the pot of honey that was sitting beside her and Chrystelle watched with curiously as she dipped a dainty paw into the sweet, sticky substance and coated her paw pads with it. Her lips were parted slightly as her breathing hitched with anticipation, her heart pounding against her ribs as if she had just run a marathon, holding still as if in a trance as Asla lifted a paw to her lips and painted her lower lip with the honey with a touch that made her toes curl around the fur she was laying across.

She was completely enraptured with every movement Asla made, dazzled by this woman and her confidence and sureness. She watched Asla lick the honey from her paw before she felt a paw cup her cheek, getting lost in the galaxy of Aslatiel's eyes, the hues of them even more stunning up close. A tremble shivered through her as Asla's tongue swiped across her lower lip with a sensualness that made Chrystelle think her heart might stop completely, a quiet gasp and breathless moan escaping her before she even realized the sound was being made. Only then did she actually feel Asla's lips press into hers and Chrys' eyes widened for a moment before fluttering closed, drinking in the affection like someone that had been stranded in the desert getting their first drink of water. It made all of the nerves across her skin feel as if they were on fire as she tasted the delightful mix of the sweet, herb infused honey and the taste of Asla's mouth.

She tried her best to follow Asla's lead, letting her tongue be guided by her movements as she experimented with kissing her for the first time, immediately blown away by the sensation that she had missed out on until now. A soft, trembling whine left her as Asla's lips began to part from her own and she left her tongue against her lip again, panting lightly from the heat that radiated through her as she blinked open her eyes. Meeting Asla's gaze again made her face flush once more, but not as much from embarrassment as just a shyness from a desire she didn't entirely understand. Her thoughts were completely scattered and jumbled and it was hard to think of a single word to say to Asla's question when she asked how that was for a first kiss. The only thing that actually came to mind made her face flush even more deeply and her ears flicked back as he bit her bottom lip anxiously, the skin there still buzzing from the feeling of Asla's tongue brushing across it. "C-Can I have another...?" she asked shyly, a little grin pulling across her lips.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
08-28-2021, 12:06 PM

Chrystelle's moans, groans and whimpers ignited pure lust within Aslatiel. She loved knowing that she could bring such sounds from another being and wanted more than anything for the grey and black woman to continue making those sounds. As she pulled back, the heated look on Chrys's face proved that the kiss had been a memorable one. Asla thought so as well. This was a kiss that she wouldn't soon forget.

When asked if it was memorable enough, Chrystelle surprised her by asking for another. A throaty chuckle pulled from the cream and grey fae. "You can have as many as you wish and more," she promised, her paw once again stroking the larger woman's cheek. Aslatiel placed another kiss on the fae's lips, but it wasn't nearly as deep as the previous kiss had been. Asla had other ideas.

"Trust me," she spoke softly, moving her body forward and prompting Chrystelle to lay upon her back. Knowing that the woman hadn't been kissed solidified the fact that the grey woman was a virgin. Untouched, unsullied... until now. Asla stood over the woman, straddling her slender frame. Now that she was above Chrys, Asla lowered her mouth for another kiss, her tongue hungrily feeding at the other woman's maw. Asla continued kissing Chrystelle as though she would consume her. The kisses were needy, but gentle. Asla wanted more and more, but she was taking things slowly for Chrystelle's sake.

That low, burning ache began in Asla's loins and she groaned into the kiss. The smaller woman had a mighty need and she ground her hips against Chrystelle's just to relieve some built up pressure. Little fireworks popped behind Asla's closed lids as she draped her smaller frame upon Chrys's larger form. Belly to belly, Asla pulled back, her purple half hidden behind heavy lids. "Any time you want me to stop, just say so." She wanted Chrys to be comfortable and didn't want to push the woman beyond her boundaries.

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



3 Years

Pride - Demisexual
08-28-2021, 06:29 PM
Chrystelle's heart skipped several beats as Aslatiel agreed that she could indeed have another kiss, along with promising as many as she wished and more. She didn't immediately understand what the smaller woman meant by "more", not until after she had gotten another, quicker kiss and was told to trust her before being directed onto her back. Even though Chrystelle was inexperienced and naive in the realm of passion and sex, she did at least know enough to put two and two together pretty quickly. Nervous flutters went crazy in her stomach as she followed Asla's lead, doing as she asked and putting her trust in the bold tan and gray fae. She fully believed that Asla wouldn't do anything that she wouldn't enjoy, especially not after kissing her like that, but this was also the first time she had done anything like this so she couldn't help the anxious nerves that wound up in her core and made her face burn with shy embarrassment as Asla climbed over her and straddled her body.

Some of that began to melt away as Aslatiel's lips found hers once more, her amber eyes fluttering closed with a soft whine as she returned her heated kiss eagerly with their tongues dancing together. Uncertain paws lifted to slip around Asla's waist, her pounding hart skipping and flipping in her chest form the feeling of Asla's beautiful body on top of hers and under her paws as she dared to let her paw pads trace through tan hued fur on her sides. Her instincts and desires burned away her inhibitions the longer their kiss continued, but her paws were still unsure and trembled slightly as she tried to give in to this need that kept wanting her to drink in more and more of this amazing woman that was showing her all these things she never would have imagined that she'd get to enjoy.

Her ears perked at the sound of Asla's groan, the soft sound sending a shiver through her and her forelegs wrapped tighter around Asla's waist in desperate reflex as the smaller fae started pressing herself into her. When their lips parted Chrystelle gasped softly, blinking open her eyes to look up into the violet galaxies of Asla's eyes. "N-No! No, d-don't step..." she breathed at Asla's offer to stop if she got uncomfortable, her paws moving to trace along Asla's spine. Even though she was nervous and uncertain and had no idea what she was doing, she had never felt so exhilarated and free in her entire life and it felt like she was chasing a high as she held Asla's body tight to hers. A little, amazed grin pulled at her lips as she admired her new lover's face and her lovely features, absolutely entranced with her while she gave herself over to Asla's lead.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
09-03-2021, 02:46 PM

Chrys begged Asla not to stop and the smaller woman grinned. "And here I thought you just wanted a kiss." Again she grinned before placing a soft kiss upon the grey fae's lips. "There are other places to kiss." With paws on either side of Chrystelle's body, Asla slid her own smaller frame downwards. As she went south, small, sweet kisses were dispensed here and there. By now, the woman should have some idea of where Asla was going. The fawn colored fae kissed, nipped and licked at the soft skin of Chrystelle's belly. All the while her grey ears were perked, listening for the sweet sounds that her new lover let loose.

Looking up the length of Chrystelle's body, Aslatiel made contact before she took her first taste of the woman. Asla was determined to make this first 'kiss' a memorable one in more ways than one. Kissing one inner thigh and then the other, she reminded the grey fae, "Tell me if you want me to stop." And then, without further ado, she dove in, taking that first taste and working her hardest to make the woman attain the highest of pleasures.

--Fade and time skip and things--

Later, once Aslatiel was finished and Chrystelle's cries had died down, the smaller lady licked her lips and lay beside her lover, the length of her body pressed against grey and black fur. She didn't say anything because really, there was no need to. This experience had brought Asla closer to the woman. There were no strings attached, however. If Chrystelle didn't wish for another sexual encounter with a woman, that would be okay with Asla. They could continue as friends. If Chrys wished for more... Asla would be more than happy to deliver.

A soft sigh of contentment left Asla as she stretched out on her belly. She wondered what Ocean might think about this. He knew what she was like and she'd told him so. Perhaps bringing Chrys out of her shell wouldn't be a bad thing in his eyes. If he had a problem with it though, Asla wouldn't do it again. Ocean had been her lover first, after all. His wishes took precedence.

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