
Next Up Forever




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-27-2021, 05:56 PM
Even though she hadn't quite gotten her armor to fit properly yet she still couldn't resist the temptation of going out to a place aptly named the "battlefield". After hearing about it in passing she wanted to come out to test her skills against someone other than her husband even though he was always the most fun to fight with. Temno and Ciemny circled over head, but she hadn't brought her armor or bracers, deciding that she wanted something that might be more of a challenge - using that as an excuse for why she didn't try to wear it while her body continued to recover from her pregnancy.

She walked to an empty portion of the battlefield, eyeing old and dried marks of blood as she passed them. The land itself told the history of all the fights that had been waged here and she wished that she could hear even a fraction of those stories. A little grin pulled at her lips at the thought that she might create her own history here one day in the not so distant future, chuckling softly as she stopped in a fairly flat open area. Boreas might still be fairly new to her, but it seemed like it had a long and storied history all its own and she was ready to be a part of it.

However, for now, she could content to just busy herself with a simple spar as she honed her skills. She lifted her head and howled for an opponent to join her, her tail flicking with eager excitement. With any luck whoever decided to answer her would be an interesting opponent so the time away from her children would be justified.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny



Advanced Fighter (80)

Advanced Hunter (75)

2 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
08-27-2021, 06:18 PM
Ice cold eyes contemplated the new lands she had just entering to, the lone wolf had been wandering for quite sometime, traveling without a set place to go to at all. Imperia was on the quest of finding a soulmate, someone with whom she could fulfill the expectations of her home.

The bindle vagabond barely felt anything for anyone, love or empathy didn't really exist in Imperia's heart, how would she know of something she had never been given? Not even by those who birthed her. She was kept alive out of obligation, out of a social need as her sibling being born dead made her the only pup of the pair. With all of this, she was never loved, never cared for and thus why should she care about others? She had a limited regard of her family but again nothing came from real love, she just did what she did from duty, from a responsibility she had to do.

As her limbs carried her forward, she found herself into a wasteland. Death was seen everywhere. Bones, rotten bodies from those unlucky souls who perished against life's cruel paws. But there among all the dust and lifeless terrain, a purple dot was seen. Eyes of pink and purple narrowed as with a blank expression she walked forward.

"Manea." She said dryly, not feeling anything really. No happiness, nor excitement of seeing a relative. She just greeted out of politeness.

"speak."| "You"

line art by BBW20, Code by Cloudy
Imperia is to be leveled as a M character due to the gore and potential sexual themes that could come on her posts.



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-28-2021, 12:55 AM
She had come across some interesting wolves in the time she spent wandering the continent thus far, finding more and more wolves that she wished to hold close and create a home for, but when the distinctive, brindled form walked into view she was genuinely surprised for the first time in a long time. At first she didn't really believe her eyes, but as her cousin drew closer and she saw the unmistakable magenta in her serious gaze there was really no mistaking her. The fact that she was greeted by name was the final confirmation she needed and the Mendacium matriarch smirked slightly at the less than cheerful reception she was given. "Imperia," she said in return, chuckling softly. "It's been a while." She vaguely remembered Imperia's birth and the ripples it had caused through their family, the divide it had caused between those of them that only viewed their gifts as their only sign of power and those of them that viewed their power as something that ran in their blood.

Manea stood somewhere in the middle, but family was family and these days they were in short supply. "I came looking for a fight," she mentioned after a moment, casting a curious glance toward her cousin. "I gave birth a few weeks ago and I'm working to get back into fighting shape... Would you care to help me in that endeavor?" She started to settle into a battle ready stance in the off chance that Imperia might be interested in such a thing, a little grin pulling across her lips. She understood her cousin's frigid reception given the way the rest of her family had perceived her, but Manea only truly cared about what she could do with the life she was given so if she could put up a good fight then that was proof enough for her.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny



Advanced Fighter (80)

Advanced Hunter (75)

2 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
08-29-2021, 08:52 PM
Frigid eyes contemplated her cousin's purple frame, her unique appearance. Gifted in her parent's words, in her family's beliefs. Imperia was a gift less, a sin as her parents called her all the time, but envy never took part in her heart or not that she could remember. But right now she cared not for that, she was a killer, a death bringer and that was enough for her. Manea was huge compared to the monochromatic wolf. She had a faint curiosity of Manea's potential reaction upon seeing her, but she held no big expectations, she never did with anyone.

Manea spoke her name, and later she asked for her help. So she found her soulmate? If she wasn't well Imperia, she would have felt happy for her cousin, but as there was no empathy or love in the brindle's heart she felt nothing at all. "Sure." She said dryly, coming natural from her lungs.

As she was a wolf of actions more than of words, as she liked to go to business right away she was starting without speaking anymore. Since her cousin was bigger, she would user her smaller stature to be more agile but she knew better not to underestimate her opponent's skills, and even less if she didn't know them. Quickly she darted forward, ears pinning as she lowered her head to have a sort of aerodynamic shape. As she approached she aimed to get to Manea's rear, and then bite on her left back leg. She wanted to be out of reach from the larger wolf's jaws.

Imperia vs Manea for spar
Round 1/2
Age: +1
Size: Large
Build: Medium
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Intellectual
Specialty: N/A

"speak."| "You"

line art by BBW20, Code by Cloudy
Imperia is to be leveled as a M character due to the gore and potential sexual themes that could come on her posts.



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-30-2021, 02:11 PM
Manea was settled into a defensive stance with her paws evenly spaced and paws gripping the ground under them, her tail flagged for balance and her ears pinned back beside the bone ridges that adorned her head. Aqua eyes watched her cousin closely as she darted forward without a bit of hesitation, making Manea appreciate her confidence. Manea braced for some kind of impact, but Imperia wisely darted past her instead of directly engaging with her and risking getting caught by her teeth. There was no way to know if she could sway Imperia onto her side just yet, but on the off chance that she was able to she still wanted to take this opportunity to get a feel for her cousin's skills and fighting abilities just in case. She would love to gather as much family as she could into the fold, but that was currently pushed to the back of her mind as she focused on the fight at hand.

As Imperia reached for her back left leg, Manea dipped down and caused her cousin's bite to graze her hip instead of latching on to her leg. With her slender legs coiled under her, Manea was able to spring and leap forward so that she was positioned more behind Imperia with their bodies almost perpendicular to each other. From there she tried to use some of that momentum to throw her shoulder into Imperia's hip to try and throw off her balance. She also reached to catch Imperia's tail between her teeth to have another possible point of contact to pull her to the ground with.

Manea vs Imperia for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Light
Companion 1: Raven, Male - Flying
Companion 2: Raven, Female - Flying
Mutation 1: Serrated bone ridges - Offensive
Mutation 2: Tiger claws - Offensive
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Advanced Hunter
Specialty: N/A

Manea | Temno | Ciemny



Advanced Fighter (80)

Advanced Hunter (75)

2 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
09-07-2021, 07:26 PM
Fighting giants wasn't new to the female, she was born between them and had to defend herself from those who didn't like to see her alive, to see her there with them. And growing up in such a toxic place, she learned to fight on her own, to stand over those who looked down on her. And Manea was several inches taller and all that was on Imperia's mind was to use her smaller size in her advantage. Eyes narrowed, she saw how Manea moved, making her jaws bite on her hip instead of the leg she had tried to snatch.

But she had little to no time to react when the purple wolf darted forward, making their bodies being perpendicular. Then, her cousin aimed to slam her shoulder against her hip to which she aimed to move to the left, hoping to miss the blow. But she still got a hit, not as strong but still to make her feel sore in her rear. Quickly she aimed to arch her body to try biting on Manea's neck, on the side. But as Manea grabbed her tail she aimed to bite harder to help with the balance.

Imperia vs Manea for spar
Round 2/2
Age: +1
Size: Large
Build: Medium
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Intellectual
Specialty: N/A

"speak."| "You"

line art by BBW20, Code by Cloudy
Imperia is to be leveled as a M character due to the gore and potential sexual themes that could come on her posts.



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
09-15-2021, 11:11 AM
Her shoulder collided with Imperia's hip, though not as powerfully as she had originally intended since her cousin was twisting and turning to avoid her. Even with the added avoidance, she still managed to catch Imperia's tail between her teeth and she held onto the appendage as Imperia curled her body to try and bite at her neck. Manea didn't shy away from the bite, feeling the sting of the monochromatic woman's teeth digging into her skin. She certainly didn't mind a little shallow wound like that and she appreciated that her cousin didn't pull punches to avoid spilling blood. Her main reason though was because this made Imperia curl in on herself to reach her and would significantly throw off her balance. As soon as she felt the bite dig into her skin she went to try to hook a paw around the lower portion of her opponent's back leg, attempting to pull it out form under her while she went to give Imperia's tail a hard yank as well, her goal to use those points of contact along with another hard bump of her shoulder to finally nock her cousin onto her side so she could pin her down and end this fight.

Manea vs Imperia for Spar
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Light
Companion 1: Raven, Male - Flying
Companion 2: Raven, Female - Flying
Mutation 1: Serrated bone ridges - Offensive
Mutation 2: Tiger claws - Offensive
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Advanced Hunter
Specialty: N/A

Manea | Temno | Ciemny

The Judge


09-16-2021, 02:56 PM

And the winner is...


Manea must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.


Imperia :
Attack Roll: 77
Defense Roll: 22
Agility Roll: 32
Perception Roll: 91
Total: 222
Attack[77] + 5% Bonus[3.85]: 80.85
Defense[22] + 5% Bonus[1.10]: 23.10
Agility[32] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 32.00
Perception[91] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 91.00
Total[226.95] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 226.95

Attack Roll: 33
Defense Roll: 40
Agility Roll: 9
Perception Roll: 69
Total: 151
Attack[33] + 40% Bonus[13.20]: 46.20
Defense[40] + 0% Bonus[0.00]: 40.00
Agility[9] + 5% Bonus[0.45]: 9.45
Perception[69] + 20% Bonus[13.80]: 82.80
Total[178.45] + 15% Bonus[26.77]: 205.22



Advanced Fighter (80)

Advanced Hunter (75)

2 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
09-19-2021, 10:21 AM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2021, 10:24 AM by Imperia. Edited 2 times in total.)
Victory was hers today, as she released her cousin's neck from her jaws. She did her best to not cause any serious damage to her relative, that wasn't today's goal in her end. She was a killer by contract, supposed to deliver fatal blows with each attack. But this time, she wasn't on that mood, at least not with her own kin. She moved to sit down before the purple Mendacium, with her cold eyes landing over them. "Did I do well enough for what you desired?" She asked, again not to see if Manea was happy but to know if what was asked from her to do was done accordingly. She was all to business and do it right. If she needed anything else she was up to it.

Bringing a corpse to someone's feet was more of her normal activities but it didn't hurt to change from time to time. "I see you had settled here well." And she wondered if she could get that as well.

Imperia's Speech

Icons by  

Code by Admin
Imperia is to be leveled as a M character due to the gore and potential sexual themes that could come on her posts.



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
09-19-2021, 11:06 PM
Manea finally gave up the fight and handed the victory to her cousin. She had no doubt of Imperia's skills before the fight began, but she was glad she got to see them in action. As they broke apart she gave herself a quick shake to settle out her violet coat before sitting back on her haunches across from the smaller woman, her aqua gaze lingering on her curiously. A smirk tugged at her lips when Imperia asked if she and done well enough for what she desired and she nodded in agreement. "Indeed you did. That was a good fight." If she was going to make her dream of a pack for their family she was going to need good fighters in her ranks and the fact that they shared blood only helped her case.

She gave a nod to the observation of how well she had settled, her tail curling around her feet. "Life has been going well for me here. I think it could do the same for you." She smiled softly, giving Imperia an appraising look. "Boreas has a whole plethora of viable lands and I've crossed paths with a whole number of impressive wolves. I think this is where our family should reestablish themselves. In a couple of seasons, once my twins are a bit older, I plan on laying claim to one of the packs here and creating my own pack in its place." She let that sink in, trying to read Imperia's expression all the while. "I understand our family hasn't always given you the respect you deserve, but if you wish to join me in my endeavors I'll personally vouch for you as your Matriarch. What do you say?"

Manea | Temno | Ciemny



Advanced Fighter (80)

Advanced Hunter (75)

2 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
10-02-2021, 08:11 PM (This post was last modified: 10-02-2021, 08:11 PM by Imperia. Edited 1 time in total.)

"Indeed you did. That was a good fight." She simply nodded to her cousin, eyes emotionless as they always were, feeling nothing in that dead heart of hers if she even had one at all. She did what Manea requested, doing it as a obligation but not from heart. Again did she have a heart? A heart in that lifeless chest of hers? Morals were gone, compassion or kindness didn't have a place in Imperia's chest nor in anyway in her life.

Manea then spoke, mentioning this land as Boreas, a place of opportunities, of chances to rise. That didnt sound bad for the younger Mendacium, she could give it a go. But where to go? What to do? But her cousin was quick to offer her a possibility, an offer that perhaps could help her. "Ill join you...matriarch." She said, but joining out for her own benefit, for her own wish to find a mate, and perhaps Manea and being in a pack along her could bring chances to meet more wolves, and indeed a potential soulmate.


Imperia is to be leveled as a M character due to the gore and potential sexual themes that could come on her posts.