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The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-17-2021, 10:25 PM

Bowen had been doing her best to avoid the castle. More than the castle, she was doing her best to avoid Artorias. His girlfriend had overshared some information that had left the copper marked fae reeling. She still hadn't quite wrapped her mind around the fact that her brother found her attractive and desirable enough to ask Briar for permission to sleep with her. Bowen didn't know how she felt. She wouldn't deny that she was attracted to Artorias in turn. There had been several times since she'd returned that she'd fantasized about him. It was difficult to control herself sometimes, but she'd done her best.

Haiku had helped her immensely over the past few days. The pair of new lovers had been learning one another every night. And sometimes during the day. And the evening. Morning too. Whenever Bowen felt that pressure; that urgency. Haiku was very accommodating. Her feelings for the man were growing in leaps and bounds. She had felt love for him from the time that they were children, but that friendly love was slowly shifting to a different kind of love. It hurt to think about living without Haiku in her life. Just like it hurt to think about living with Artorias in her life.

The auburn and cream fae had left her lover upstairs, sleeping on the bed that they shared. She had ventured out into the evening air for a little walk to make herself tired and intended to grab a bite from the larder before heading back up. The hearth fire was lit in the main hall, casting a gentle golden glow over the hall as Bowen padded quietly through. Rounding a corner, a gasp of surprise pulled from the fae, her emerald eyes widening slightly. Standing right before her was none other than Artorias: the very wolf that she had been avoiding. Bowen's heart thudded in her chest as she stared up at her much larger sibling, but she made no move to flee. Instead, Bowen's copper ears shifted backwards and she lowered her gaze, clearly feeling sheepish.

[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
09-17-2021, 11:00 PM

With his recovery as complete as modern medicine could bring, Artorias had since moved out of the infirmary and back into his room in the Carpathius wing of the castle. He almost wished he hadn't. It had been no secret to him that Bowen had gone out and brought some stranger back into the castle and taken to spending all of her time with him. It frustrated him in ways he didn't know how to deal with. Not only had his sister deliberately disobeyed Hallows laws by bringing someone into pack lands without informing him, but now she was avoiding him while seemingly doing everything she could to get under his skin. He had lost track of how many times he heard the two wolves coupling at all hours of the day. Each one felt worse than the last, but he couldn't voice his frustration, had no outlet for the jealousy that wouldn't result in him outing himself further. It made him wish she would just come out and tell everyone the sinful emotions he felt so he'd at least be able to do something instead of being trapped in this limbo state. He couldn't confront his sister, he couldn't kick the stranger out of his home without causing a scene and outing himself again. All he could do was grit his teeth and bear it—and break every training dummy he put together in his dojo.

The late evening found Artorias pacing the halls of his castle, trying to put the tumultuous thoughts in his head and the hurricane of emotions in his heart to rest enough for him to find some sleep. He'd left Briar upstairs in his room under the guise of going to get a drink, staunchly refusing her help so she could sleep. He wanted to be alone right now more than anything else. The last couple of weeks had found him smothered by attention and he was more than ready for life to return to normal—or as normal as it could get with his relationship with Bowen forever changed. Try as he might, he couldn't get Bowen out of his mind. Gods, how he wanted to forget, to reach inside himself and tear out the damned feelings that had gotten him into this wretched mess in the first place!

Dark paws wandered dark corridors, silver moonlight spilling in through large windows. The Carpathian castle was silent as everyone else was asleep, only the night guard on duty patrolling the battlements far outside on the walls. This was the solitude he had sought, drifting through the halls like a silent phantom as he took in every inch of his home. His wandering eventually led him down to the great hall, where a fire burned in the large hearth, warming the hall and casting an ethereal orange glow about the dark shadows. Artorias came to stand before the fire, gazing deeply into the flames that bounced and reflected off the matching hues in his eyes. He watched the wood burn away into cinders, his mind unwinding of its troubles and burdens as he did. Artorias loved fire almost as much as he loved water. Both elements, raw and powerful, were also hypnotic. It brought to him thoughts of his pack, his home, and what he wanted the Hallows to be as he began his full fledged reign in a few short months. What had begun as a distant fantasy was now fast becoming reality.

The sound of paws on the floor caught his attention, fiery eyes peering through the dark in the direction of the sound. Artorias walked slowly towards the sound, approaching just as a wolf rounded the corner. Amber eyes blinked in surprise to spot the auburn and ivory fae that had been avoiding him like a leper. She gasped; he just stared at her. For a long moment, neither of them moved, the two siblings seemingly stunned by the other's presence. Bowen's ears folded and her gaze dipped from his. Artorias could smell the heady scents of sex and the stranger on her, strong and fresh. His jaw tightened, lips pursed into a thin line as those emotions raged stronger inside him. Without a word, Artorias stepped past Bowen, moving on to cross the great hall again, wandering past the burning fire while every part of himself began tow age a war against itself. Heart, mind, body, soul, emotions, all of it battling, to what end he didn't know. But if Bowen wanted to avoid him and try to upset him, then he'd opt to not play that game.

"Artorias" | "Corbin" | "Argent"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-17-2021, 11:28 PM

The moment that their eyes met, molten heat settled into Bowen's belly. She knew that he wanted her. Or at least he had wanted her. Whether or not that desire was still within the black and blue brute, Bowen didn't know. What she did know was that she had been avoiding him so that she could try to sort out the fucked up mess that was her thoughts. It all came back to a few factors. One: Artorias would be leader of the Hallows. Briar would be his mate. Bowen would be a third wheel. Two: Haiku had definitely stolen a piece of her heart and she was trying to figure out how all four of them could fit into the same equation. Three: Art's girlfriend had been the one to tell Bowen and the girl had been thoroughly embarrassed by that.

Bowen stared at Arts big, strong paws. She remembered the feel of those pads against her cheek as he praised her for bringing back their mother's pelt. She remembered the feel of his shivering body pressed tightly against her own as she tried to keep him alive. Bowen's rate of breathing increased somewhat and viridian eyes widened as she stared downward. Bowen's mouth felt dry, yet she had so much to say. Anxiety slithered within her belly like a snake as she fought for the words that would make things right between them.

What she hadn't expected was for Artorias to step around her and hurry away. Bowen gasped as though she'd been punched in the gut. He could have screamed at her, berated her, told her that he was disappointed. Anything but this. Pretending that she didn't exist hurt more than she could have imagined. Very hypocritical of her, but she couldn't help the feeling. It couldn't end like this. It just couldn't!

"Artorias wait!" Bowen spun, quickly coming up behind the larger wolf as he eventually slowed to a stop. "I'm so sorry," she began, her voice soft and wavering with the unbridled emotion rearing up within her. "I didn't know how to face you." Especially with Briar in the castle. She made it much more difficult to express herself to Artorias just as she imagined that Haiku was making it difficult for Artorias to express himself to her. Or maybe he didn't want to talk to her. Even if he didn't, she needed him to hear her out.

"Briar told me what you asked of her. What you asked about me. It's terrifying, Art." She admitted aloud, taking yet another step towards her brother. "Terrifying because I would like nothing more than to lose myself with you. From the moment that I returned, I knew that things had changed. I've had to stifle my lust and desire for you from the very moment that you found me in the food stores." A shudder shot through the young fae as she remembered the hurricane of emotions that had battered her mind that day. "Hearing that you wanted me too... It changes everything. You and I, we'll never be the same. And that scares me, Artorias. It scares me like nothing else." Another step closer, then another. With each step, her voice became softer. "I don't want us to resent one another. I don't want to damage what you have with Briar." Bowen took a deep breath and ended with, "I don't want to hurt you, Torias." He could walk away from her now if he wished, but she had said what needed to be said. Bowen went silent, waiting, fearing what might come.

[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
09-18-2021, 12:17 AM

Artorias tried to leave as quickly as he could. Getting out of the same space as Bowen felt like the only way he could keep himself in control, especially when she had been so close to him out of nowhere. He'd just made it to the hearth when Bowen's voice right behind him called out for him to stop. Part of Artorias' mind, the rational part that wanted to protect himself, urged him to just keep walking away. Bowen had acted in ways intended to hurt him, he owed her nothing. But the second his ears heard her sweet voice, it felt like a knife had been driven straight into his heart. His body reacted on its own in an instant, large paws slowing their gait until he'd come to a stop. The glow of the fire danced flickering light over the two wolves. He didn't turn around straight away until Bowen had apologized and began to try to explain herself.

Black eyelids slid closed while he drew in a deep breath, releasing it slowly as he tried to compose himself against the surge of emotions welling up inside his fractured heart. Art slowly turned to face her again, his expression impassive though his eyes expressed the turmoil hidden behind the mask. Bowen tried to explain herself and her actions, and Artorias listened. It was the least he could do and she was being brave when she clearly did not want to be having this conversation. She explained how Briar had told her what he'd asked, and somehow he doubted she'd relayed that message accurately. Briar had been very emotional during that conversation after all. Bowen shocked Artorias by confessing her own desire for him as well. She'd lusted for him since the day they'd seen each other again. Thinking back on it, Artorias supposed that was when he'd felt the strange emotions for his sister as well. Those urges to hold her close, wrap her up in his arms, keep her safe from the world that had stolen her from him once before... They began the day she had come back into his life and he saw her for who she was and who she had become.

The young brute listened quietly while Bowen explained why the revelation of their feelings for one another scared her. Their entire relationship had changed, the two wolves would never again be the same. Bowen took a couple bold steps closer, bringing herself so close that he could reach out and touch her now. His heart missed beat after beat in time with each step she took closer to him. She said she didn't want to cause resentment between them, nor damage his relationship with Briar, nor hurt him. That part stung and was the piece Artorias needed to finally force his gaze away from Bowen's hypnotic viridian eyes. "Right... You don't want to hurt me, so you avoid me for days, bring a stranger into the pack and fuck him like crazy every chance you can get. Got it." It was impossible for him to look past that. Bowen had discovered Artorias' feelings and responded in a way that she'd known would hurt him. Was she trying to make him envious of the stranger currently sleeping upstairs in Bowen's bed with her scent all over him? Because she was wildly effective at it.

"These feelings, Bowen, these intense and terrifying feelings I have for you... They don't stop, no matter how much I tried. I spent every second with you worrying that I'd end up saying or doing something that would ruin what we had, and it was the most afraid I'd ever been. I never thought in my wildest dreams that you could feel the same for me, so I forced them back. And all this time we were trying to hide ourselves from one another..." He scoffed and shook his head in disbelief. Of course that would be like them, identical in emotions yet unable to reveal them to the other out of fear of the risk. "Briar clearly didn't tell you the full details of everything, because you keep referring to it as lust." Smoldering amber eyes turned back to hold Bowen's emeralds. He wanted her to see the intensity of the fire burning inside him for her. There were no more masks, no more hiding, no more downplaying. She already knew what he felt; he had nothing left to hide from her.

"I love you, Bowen. It might not be the same love I feel for Briar, but it's love all the same. I told her this, same as I'm telling you now. Yes, there's lust in there, and there's desire, but it's more than just wanting to carry you off to my bed and have my way with you." Refusing to take his eyes off of hers, Artorias closed the distance between them with slow, measured steps. "I want to see the world with you, Bowen. I want to hold you in my arms while we watch sunsets over foreign beaches. I want to kiss you in the sea. I want you to always be with me, protected and safe so the world can't steal you from me again. I want you at my side every step of this journey together. I want to make love to you and fuck you and every degree of passion in between in our beds. I want to know what my name sounds like on your moaned voice. I want to know your touch, your taste, how you feel beneath and above me. I want you, Bowen, more than I could ever say."

Artorias came to a stop just a breath away from her, craning his neck down towards her so he could hold her gaze. His stomach was twisting into knots, a molten fire building in his belly just from being this close to her. The stench of the other wolf still clung to her, but the alpha in him wanted nothing more than to replace it with his own all over her. He wanted to show Bowen that his words were not just words—he meant every single one of them. "But this isn't a one way street... You know what I feel, what I want. You've told me what you don't want. But what do you want, Bowen?" That was the question. It was up to Bowen to answer that for him. He waited, breath bated and anxious, as he gazed deeply into her gorgeous eyes and resisted the urge to just close the gap between their muzzles and lock their lips in a heated kiss, tempting as it was.

"Artorias" | "Corbin" | "Argent"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-18-2021, 01:03 AM

When Artorias turned to face her, Bowen's heart slammed against the cage that held it captive. Even now, after their time apart and the plethora of feelings, hypothetical situations and doubt that had plagued Bowen, that thick desire for Artorias still filled her to the brim. Seeing him, having him close... it washed that all away. Having him near her made everything right in the world. That was, until he spoke. The sarcasm and hurt in her brother's vocals made Bowen visibly wince, her pink lips pulling back to flash her teeth for a moment. Did he really think that she was trying to hurt him? That she'd done all of this intentionally? Did he really not know her at all? "I would never intentionally hurt you, Artorias." Her voice was stronger and filled with conviction as she gave her retort. It appeared that they were both hypocrites. He didn't want her fucking Haiku, well she didn't want him fucking Briar. That wasn't how it would work out though, was it? She wasn't going to argue over the fact that she had known Haiku longer than he'd known Briar. She wouldn't tell him that she had always loved the giant, chocolate covered brute. She would mention how Art could just fuck Briar and traipse around in front of Bowen like everything was okay. This whole mess... in the end it wasn't about Haiku or Briar. It was about the two of them.

The intensity in the man's golden eyes was hypnotizing and Bowen felt herself being pulled into them. He'd insulted the fuck out of her repeatedly, but as long as he continued to stare at her, she didn't care. He could have berated her, called her a whore and it would have all sounded like honeyed silk. Bowen was enraptured by the man, a feeling unlike anything that she'd ever felt for another. Yes, she'd had crushes here and there. She'd been enamored with a few wolves, but this was above and beyond any of that. Artorias consumed her. At this moment, he was the sun and she was a simple, auburn moth, begging for a touch of his warm light.

And then Artorias was declaring his love for her. Not the same love that he felt for Briar, which Bowen understood, but love all the same. He continued, sharing his wishes and desires for them and all the while Bowen kept her glittering gaze on his handsome face. Did we mention that Bowen had an audible fixation? Because she did. Hearing Artorias speak about having his way with her, fucking her, loving her, hearing her call out his name in pleasure... An involuntary whimper squeezed tightly in the fae's throat. Her knees shook and her body erupted in flames. Did he even realize what was happening? Did he know what all of this did to her?

The distance between them grew smaller and smaller and soon Artorias was standing directly in front of her. She could feel the heat pouring off of his body and when he spoke softly right beside her, Bowen released a shuddering gasp. He wanted to know what she wanted and the russet and cream woman needed a moment to wet her tongue before she answered him.

Bowen's voice was a husky whisper, her tones filled with the deep desire, love and lust that Artorias filled her with. "I want you, Artorias." And she did. Gods, did she want him! Sadness slanted her copper brows downward. "But I can never have all of you, just like you can never have all of me." Briar would always be first in his heart. If Bowen was a stronger woman, perhaps she would have been fine playing second fiddle for all eternity, but she wasn't. "Briar will always be first in your heart. I need to be first in someone's heart as well." Haiku treated her so well... she couldn't ask for a better man to stand beside.

"If you can accept this then I'll do everything that you ask of me." Green eyes searched his face, trying hard to find out what he was thinking. "If you can accept it, then I can accept it. We can be with one another whenever we wish. We can travel, see the world. We can love, Artorias." Please, please accept it. Bowen wanted him so badly in that moment that even if he denied her, she was ready to push him to the ground and give in to the burning desire within her. Bowen's chin lifted and in the flickering light of the hearth, she pressed her lips against his in a delicate, but heated kiss. Their first, but hopefully not their last. With her lips just a hairs breadth from his, she spoke again, her voice the quietest whisper. "I love you, Artorias."

[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
09-18-2021, 04:14 AM

Bowen looked hurt by Artorias' snark and accusations that she was trying to upset him, and the moment he saw her flinch under his words, Artorias instantly regretted them. His heart slammed against his ribcage, those nervous butterflies filling his belly with anxious heat. She swore that she would never intentionally hurt him, her words spoken with such conviction that he believed her. That was what this had entirely come down to, wasn't it? Both of them trying to avoid hurting and being hurt by the other. Their feelings were confusing, intimidating in their strength and demand. This was uncharted territory, and just as Bowen had been trying to protect herself by avoiding him and finding comfort in the other brute's arms, he had likewise been unwilling to seek her out and sought his comforts from Briar instead.

In the stillness of the night, the two wolves held one another's eyes as if looking away would end their world. Bowen's emerald eyes kept him focused on her, as if nothing else in the world existed. No other lovers upstairs, nor pack sleeping in their respective rooms, nor castle nor guards nor anything beyond them. There was only him and Bowen. In her eyes and in her soul he had found the piece of his heart that she had taken from him over a year ago when she'd disappeared, and when she brought it back she had unlocked this world of passion and love for her. All he wanted to do was bring Bowen all the love and peace and relief she deserved.

Artorias watched Bowen's reactions while he spoke of his deepest, most secretive desires for her. Each one he revealed to her made the girl's eyes widen, a strained whimper choking her, her legs trembling. Art didn't know of Bowen's aural fixation or how lustful bedroom talk turned her on, but he was bound to find out soon. The subtle scent of her arousal was noticeable as an undertone beneath the other smells clinging to her, but it was there. Artorias recognized it only seconds before Bowen spoke to him in a husky whisper that sent chills running down his spine, electric tingles that settled between his legs. She wanted him. But then he saw the sadness and she qualified her claim. She could never have all of him, just as he could never have all of her. It was a realization he'd had when he first realized he was falling in love with her and it tore him up inside. A part of him wondered what their lives would have been like if she'd never been taken, if they'd had all their lives together to grow with one another. Would they have discovered these feelings, or was this a byproduct of her disappearance and their separate growth? Would they have been lovers, them and them alone? They were melancholy what-ifs that haunted his brain in the dead of night, and dwelling on them did no good... but he did wonder.

Bowen stated the truth of the matter: his heart would always have Briar first, and she needed someone who could put her first in theirs. Artorias' instinctive reaction was to try and convince her that he could love her with all that she needed, but the more he dwelled on that thought, the more he realized it was a sweet lie. He could love Bowen, and he could love Briar, but someone would always have to be first. His mate, his second-in-command, his queen. Bowen pleaded for him to accept this as fact, that they would each need someone as their firsts, and if he did then they could be whatever they wanted. They could be with one another whenever they wanted, they could travel the world together, live a life together—they could love together. Artorias' expression softened with each word Bowen said, feeling himself melt for the young and beautiful fae. That was all there was to it. If he could accept the reality of their lives, then he could have Bowen. He would never have all of her, but he could have most of her. And no matter what, after the near week of feeling like he'd lost her again, Artorias knew that most of Bowen would always and forever be better than none of her.

Before he could respond, however, Bowen took the initiative and lifted her mouth to meet his in a soft but heated kiss. Their first kiss. Artorias' heart stopped beating, fire exploding in his belly like a star going supernova. Amber eyes drifted closed for the short duration of their kiss, opening half-lidded to gaze adoringly at Bowen's face as the orange light flickered and danced over her features, making her eyes shimmer like actual emeralds. With their mouths but a breath apart, she whispered the words he had said to her. He felt her love. He knew the truth in her declaration. Artorias was undone in that moment. So loved was Bowen by the dark-furred brute that he would have paid any price to hear her say those words to him and keep her in his life. Artorias' choice was easy, and he'd made his mind up before she'd erased it with her lips on his.

"I love you, Bowen." His voice was a low, husky rumble of a whisper. Then Artorias closed the gap between their muzzles, claiming Bowen's mouth in a slow kiss that poured forth all of the passion, desire, and love he felt for the beautiful young fae that was his little sister. He lifted a paw to gently caress her cheek, partially keeping her lips locked on his, partially to keep touching as much of her as he could. Dark paw pads stroked over her warm skin and soft fur, drifting lower and around to cradle the back of Bowen's head while he kissed her deeply and passionately. They were alone in their own little world with one another, although Artorias wouldn't have cared if the entire pack had been in the hall at that moment. He loved Bowen, and he wanted her more than anything else in the world right now.

Both wolves had some experience in the worlds of love and lust, though Bowen's far outweighed Art's. The young brute did, however, know the natural progression of a kiss, moving his lips in harmony with hers until he felt bolt enough to brush his tongue against her lips, then slipping his tongue into Bowen's mouth to get his first taste of her while he pulled her deeper into their kiss. His entire body felt as if it were being consumed by the flames in the hearth, he was ablaze with his lust for her. He shuffled his larger body closer to hers, looping his free paw around her waist as he settled on his haunches without breaking their mouths apart, pulling her slender, lithe body tight to his more muscled masculine frame. Artorias had dreamed of this moment since the day Bowen had come back into his life, but he could now safely assert that his dreams came nowhere near as amazing as reality with Bowen, his lover, the wolf who forever held a permanent piece of his heart.

"Artorias" | "Corbin" | "Argent"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-18-2021, 10:42 AM (This post was last modified: 09-18-2021, 12:10 PM by Bowen. Edited 1 time in total.)

She wasn't certain whether Art would pull her in or push her away when she placed that first kiss on his lips, but she confessed her love for him anyway. He deserved to know that he had filled her every waking thought since her return. They were grown now and their relationship had taken a turn, but he had been her favorite before all of this as well. More so than her other siblings or her parents, Art was the one that she had wanted to come home to. Now she was here. They were here. Together, standing beside the fire in the great hall of their home. They were together and she had kissed him. She had only to wait to see what his reaction might be, but her conscience was clear.

The shock that crossed his features made Bowen worry for just a moment until she looked into his eyes once more. Pure, unadulterated love and lust shone within his firelit gaze and he uttered the very words that she had wished to hear in return. He loved her. Yes, they had loved one another anyway as they were family, but this was something different. This was a different level of love. A different type. Had Bowen grown up with Artorias, perhaps they would have developed this love long ago and would have ended up together, just the two of them. Sadly, that was not the case and they would have to make due with what their current relationships allowed them. If Briar and Haiku were okay with the love between the two siblings, then there was nothing that Bowen wouldn't do for Artorias.

Again their lips met and this time it was met equally on both sides. Artorias cupped one ivory and copper cheek while Bowen raised one mahogany paw  to rest on his chest, just over his heart. She could feel the steady, strong beat against her pallid pads and smiled into the kiss before drawing her claws lightly through his fur. The progression of their kiss soon had the two feeding at one another's mouths like they were both starving. He tasted exquisite. Just how she had wanted him to taste. Sweet and robust and so very, very male. Bowen would never tire of the taste of him.

Every brush of paw across her body filled Bowen with lustful electricity. It was a miracle that she didn't burn up right where she stood. Everything was so perfect. So very, very right. When he slid his paw behind her and pulled their bodies together, Bowen unabashedly moaned into their kiss. Heavily lashed lids slid closed and she relished in the feel of their heated bodies touching. But it wasn't enough. She wanted so much more. So very much more.

Breaking the kiss, Bowen panted lightly, still keeping her lips so very close to his. That constant thrum of need was banging around inside her like a bird in a cage. The pressure within her needed to be released and she was worried that it would become too much by the time that she attained pleasure. Artorias had been wounded, after all. If he was unable to safely perform... then Haiku was upstairs and she would go to him, but tonight her hero wouldn't be enough.

"I need you, Torias," she whispered against his lips, her gaze lifting to meet his again. "I need you now." There were furs in front of the fire. Fuck decorum. Bowen pressed herself against her brother, sliding her muzzle alongside his own so that she could whisper into his ear. "Tonight I'm yours if you'll have me." Finally. Finally. The woman peeled herself from her brother's grasp and moved towards the pile of furs. "Unless the Aegis would rather not be seen fucking his sister in the great hall." She cast a come hither look in his direction, inviting him to with a glance to accept or deny her offer.

[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
09-18-2021, 04:50 PM

This was what Artorias had wanted for them when he revealed his love for Bowen. A quiet, intimate moment, shared only by them in the privacy of their own world where he could confess his love for her, bear forth his heart and soul. It wasn't what he had gotten, but it had become what they made together. It was beautiful: warm and cast in gentle orange firelight, a perfect representation of the feelings the two siblings shared now given form through their kiss.

Through his lips and tongue he told her stories of the long days of search and nights of longing for her to come home, of the minutes he cherished walking with her through fields and over beaches and swimming in the sea, of the passion and love that had consumed his every waking thought and nightly dream. He was hers, for as much as their relationships would allow, and she would be his in the same manner. He had been hers since the moment he saw her in the cellar, but then again maybe he had been hers long before then too and not realized it. Maybe this love, this passion, this desire and lust was kismet. How many wolves would spend weeks trudging through snow and ice to find even the faintest trail to lead them to someone they loved? How many would give up where he had refused to?

Bowen's paw resting on his chest left fire radiating beneath his skin, his heart hammering just beneath her soft pads with an urgent need for her. Excitement sent his pulse racing in his veins. Her claws in his fur pulled a soft groan from the young brute while his tongue danced with hers in lustful choreography. She tasted divine; sweet and clean, and distinctly female. It fit her perfectly, and Artorias already knew he would be addicted to her feminine taste. In this perfect moment, he focused entirely on his lover in his arms, every touch tailored to her pleasure and arousal. He had been afraid to tell Bowen his feelings when he'd discovered them, but right here and now, everything just felt right. It didn't matter the blood bond they shared, their connection and their emotions were real and powerful and undeniable.

The sound of Bowen's moan drew a groan from Artorias in response, their sounds muffled by one another's mouths. Having her smaller, slender body pressed to his larger frame felt oh so right, like she belonged there. But Artorias knew it wouldn't be enough, not for him or for Bowen. He knew of her desires, of her condition, and it did nothing to mar her in his eyes. Their kiss broke, leaving both Carpathians breathing heavier. Neither pulled away more than enough to breathe. Lidded bedroom eyes found Bowen's own sultry gaze while she whispered her need for him. Gods, every time she said his name like that... Shivers of lust raced up his spine. She pressed her body to his and whispered in his ear that she was his tonight. The fireball in his belly exploded through his nerves. Of course he would have her. He would have her every opportunity he could get. Artorias' breathing hitched, watching with bewitched eyes while his beautiful nymph of a sister slipped away to move over to the furs in front of the fire, teasing him with her words and her come hither stare.

There was no hesitance in Artorias' movements when he rose to follow after her, eyes never leaving Bowen's while he came up behind her. A gentle nuzzle and nip to her hips just to tease her some more, drinking in her scent as he surrounded her smaller body with his own. Fuck decorum was right. Artorias cared little if anyone saw. The gods and demons of the universe could watch their mating for all he cared. Only Bowen mattered. "Let the world watch if it wishes," he replied, baritone voice a husky whisper drenched in desire. "I have nothing to be ashamed of." He felt no shame for the attraction he felt for Bowen, only unbridled love and lust. Concerns over his physical ability to perform weren't even in his mind. He would have Bowen tonight, and she would have him as often as she desired. Nothing was stopping them now. Nothing.

Artorias wrapped his strong forelegs around Bowen's midsection, but instead of mounting her, he instead lowered the young fae to the furs and turned her over onto her back. He could have had her any way imaginable and he would have been pleased, but he wanted to gaze into Bowen's eyes and see the ecstasy on her face for their first time. Holding her shimmering green gaze, Artorias positioned his body above hers, covering the girl in his larger form. One foreleg looped around her waist, holding her close to him while the other pressed his paw to the furs for stability, claws raking anxiously at the fur. He stared down in awe of her beauty as shadows and firelight flickered across her face, Artorias' heart missing beat after beat. "I need you, Bo," he whispered and brought his muzzle down to brush his lips against hers. Guiding his hips into position, Artorias found the familiar position over her, pausing for just long enough to brush his muzzle against the side of hers and move his snout up to her ear to whisper once more, "I love you."

Silhouetted and illuminated by the crackling fire, Artorias slowly sank himself into her. Quiet gasps and breathless groans escaped the young brute between heavy breaths as the fire consumed him alive. He lost himself in Bowen, giving everything he was to her in that moment. He followed the rhythms he'd learned from experience, his body moving in harmony to her own motions. Bowen was experienced, but so was he, and together they would conduct symphonies together. He clung to Bowen's body throughout their entire coupling, and as the pleasures and pressures built within him, Artorias let more and more of the fire within him out.

When they eventually reached their crescendo, Artorias moaned her name with all the burning passion in his heart. Not the name she'd heard on the ship as the pirates had her. The name of the girl who forever had a piece of his heart.


- naughty fade -

"Artorias" | "Corbin" | "Argent"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-01-2021, 09:09 AM

Artorias didn't care if someone might see them and Bowen didn't either. Let them watch. Already she knew that it was going to be glorious. The copper and cream woman was a stellar lover and Artorias was loving, devoted, powerful. Together they would shake the very foundation of the castle. Of this, Bowen had no doubt. Her brother wasted no time in following her to the furs before the crackling fire. Artorias handled her, positioning her as he wished, which Bowen allowed. He wanted her on her back and the choice of position was pleasing. She would be able to watch him the entire time so that she didn't have to wonder if it was all real. More than once she'd been lost in the fantasy of Artorias taking her, but this time... it would be real.

The warmth of the fire was frigid compared to the heat that bounced between the bodies of the two wolves. As the black and blue brute touched her hip with his paw, Bowen prepared herself, her body practically vibrating with anticipation. Already she could feel her body preparing itself for the man above her. She was ready and that hot need burned like green fire in Bowen's eyes. At this moment, never had she wanted or needed anything more than Artorias.

Sweet words poured into Bowen's ears but she could do little more than release a shuddering moan as Artorias sank home moments later. Consumed by fire, Bowen wrapped her forelegs around her lovers neck, holding him close until he was hilted within her. The small fae panted and groaned, her cheek pressed against her brother's. "Please," was all that she managed to whisper before she released her hold of his neck. Dropping back to the furs, Bowen rolled her hips upwards, showing exactly what she wanted.

-----Fade and stuff------

"Bowen & Artorias"

[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
10-01-2021, 04:11 PM

By the light of the fire, they had made love to one another. Passionate, desperate love. It was like a total purging and welcoming of their emotions for one another, and by the time they were spent and could separate, Artorias lay on his side across the fur rugs, holding his dear sweet Bowen tight in his arms with her body pressed snugly to his. Amber eyes still smoldered with love while he lost himself deep in the emerald depth's of Bowen's gaze, staring into her eyes while he panted to catch the breath she'd taken from him. He drank her in like a dying wolf in the desert would water, taking in her presence, her warmth, her touch, her smell, her taste still lingering on his tongue, her sounds and breaths still echoing in his ears. He didn't say anything yet, lest he dare ruin this perfect moment with imperfect words. The fire crackled behind him, casting her in waving firelight that made her eyes shine and her body seem to glow. She was flawless. She was his, and he was hers, as much as they possibly could be.

While he basked in the afterglow of their sex, Artorias ran a paw idly up and down Bowen's back and side, his mind reeling with how their relationship had forever changed from this point forward. Bowen would forever have a piece of his heart, and nothing would ever change that. His love for her was realized in its fullest. All the months he'd spent searching in vain for her, all the heartbreak he'd felt at her loss and the unbridled joy he'd felt at her return, it was all the feelings that he'd been blind to. Now, in this quiet moment shared between two lovers in the middle of the night, both of their wildest fantasies and desperate yearnings had been realized. Artorias felt complete; he felt satisfied.

His paw slid slowly up over the edge of Bowen's slender neck, coming up to stroke her cheek and the edge of her jaw. Delicate paw pads followed every subtle line and curve of her, from her lips and chin, the side of her skull, up over those soft ears and down her neck to her shoulder, then every dip and curve of her feminine body between collar and hip. He was loving every part of her, showing his profound affection and intimate connection with her. He could never change what had happened to her, but he could replace the pain with the love he could provide. He wanted to scoop Bowen up and carry her off to bed so badly, to spend the night with her wrapped up in his arms and surrounded by nothing but warmth and protection, but both of them had their respective lovers in their rooms. No doubt Briar and her stranger would know what they'd done, whether they found them in the morning or smelled the two siblings on one another after their coupling tonight. He didn't care about any of that right now though. All of his thoughts were of the beautiful russet and ivory fae held in his forelegs.

Once his breathing had come under control, Artorias guided his mouth back down to Bowen's kissing her with a slow, intimate passion of two star-crossed lovers only just reunited. "You're incredible..." he whispered in husky tones in the quiet of the empty great hall. "No matter what happens from this point on, Bo, I will always love you." He needed her to know that whatever happened in their lives, no matter who they were mated to, he would belong to her in as much as he could give and she would allow. He was too far gone with her to turn back now, and he wouldn't change or give away anything they had for the world. "The guest rooms are empty. Can I keep you for the night?" Briar and whatshisname would know what happened between them anyway. If that was unavoidable, he wanted to savor Bowen and show her the depths of his love and desire as much as he could tonight.

"Bowen & Artorias"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-02-2021, 09:11 AM

The aftermath of their love was all breathy sighs and warm affections. Separated, the pair continued to stay close, Bowen nestled in the loving arms of Artorias. The young woman's eyes closed as his paws continued to roam over her body. She didn't feel self conscious of his touches in the slightest. She was his and he could touch every square inch of her if he wished it. Tonight, they had given themselves to one another and they would be forever tied to one another in whatever limited capacity they were able to eke out.

When her brother's pads, rough from all of the training and hard work, slid over her lower lip, Bowen's maw parted for him. Her tongue lashed out, swiping over one of those pads and the claw attached. A sensuous gesture from a sensuous woman. They were spent, but she was by no means done with him. Caramel lids lifted, the sultry green glow of Bowen's eyes finding Art's face. The hard lust and love within her gaze spoke volumes of promises for many more sessions of carnal pleasures. He could have her in whatever way he wished, whenever he wished as long as their primary relationships would allow.

Unlike Artorias, Bowen had no doubts or concerns about revealing their relationship to both Briar and Haiku. This felt so right, being here in his arms. She craved Artorias. Needed him. How could that be wrong? Briar had accepted the feeling that Artorias had for his sister and had given her blessing, in a sense. Now that their relationship had turned into this heated, beautiful thing, Bowen would tell Haiku the truth. She loved her brother beyond the bounds of sibling affection. She would sleep with him for as long as they both wished for it. If the chocolate man had an issue with it, they would part ways, though Bowen would always want to remain friends. This lustful, loving whirlwind between herself and Artorias... she wouldn't give it up. Even if it meant playing second fiddle to Briar all of her days.

Arts voice met her ears, pulling Bowen from her mental musings. The woman's viridian gaze focused on his face and she smiled even as he kissed her. Their tongues danced and the dainty fae released a soft moan into her lovers mouth. She would never tire of the taste of him. The tri-colored brute asked if he could keep her for the night and Bowen purred, moving to slide her tongue along his lower lip. "You can keep me for always." She meant it. He could have her always. She belonged to him as much as their relationships would allow. Once again the thought entered her mind as to what might have happened had they grown up with these feelings. Would they have been mated? Would they have been each other's one and only? It wasn't worth dwelling on.

Gently, Bowen extracted herself from her brother's embrace. He asked if he could have her for the night and he had suggested the guest rooms, but that wasn't what Bowen wanted. Standing, one porcelain paw extended towards the prone man. "All night," she promised, "But not here." Once Artorias was on his paws, she led him to the door of the castle. She wanted to have him under the stars, a soft blanket of grass or sand beneath her back or under her belly. "Out here," she purred. "Out here where the entire world can witness my love for you."

"Bowen & Artorias"

[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
10-02-2021, 02:48 PM

Seeing the woman that Bowen had grown into still didn't fail to amaze Artorias. His little sister had become a beautiful, sensual, confident young fae and he was in awe of her for her strength of body, spirit, and mind. In what felt like no time at all, Artorias had fallen for Bowen and he'd fallen hard. But maybe it hadn't been as quick as he thought. Maybe this had always been something working between them long before either sibling could realize it. Those innocent autumn days of running through leaves and exploring the willow forest just beyond their pack borders had culminated and evolved into this moment of breathless sighs of satisfaction and desire. Art didn't know how it had developed this way, nor did he care. All that mattered to him was that he got to hold Bowen like this, he got to kiss her in front of the fire, he got to make love to her and hear her moaning breaths in his ear. He got to love her.

Seeing the relentless love and lust in Bowen's glimmering viridian eyes sent his heart into a frenzy once more, and when her tongue slid out to roll over his digit when it passed by her lips, Artorias knew their night was far from over. A sly, knowing grin crept across his lips. Like a fire in a forge, Bowen stoked the fire in his belly, and just as she would give herself to him whenever he desired, she could have him whenever she wanted. Bowen was now one of only two wolves that would have the Aegis at her beck and call, totally under her power while also fully under his, and every position in between as she wished. Their relationship had grown into something far beyond that of siblings. Artorias didn't like to use the term soulmates, but if there was ever a feeling as strong or as beautiful as that, it was what he felt for Bowen. It was just getting started and he wouldn't give it up for anything, heaven and hell be damned.

Bowen pulled soft murrs of delight from the larger brute when their tongues met, a gentle quiver passing through his body as her sweet taste played on his tongue. No matter their first, second, or millionth kiss, Artorias would never lose that tremor of rapture when they kissed. Their kiss broke with a languid lick from the copper and ivory fae across his lower lip, stalling Art's breathing for a second. Gods, she knew exactly what she was doing to him! It was as if they had spent their entire lives loving and exploring one another's bodies instead of just one night. Bowen vowed that he could keep her always, and Artorias' heart nearly burst from his chest it was beating so fast and hard. "And you can have me for always," he replied. It might not have needed to be said, but he wanted to speak the words to her, to let them into the universe. He was hers, from now and forever as long as she wanted him, as much as they were allowed to be by circumstance. In that moment, Artorias had already vowed that though fate had prevented them from being mates and being each other's only wolf, Bowen would be second to no one. Briar would be his queen and his mate, just as whatshisname upstairs would be Bowen's foremost lover, but Bowen would be lesser to none in his heart.

When Bowen began to slip out of his arms, Artorias worried that perhaps he'd asked too much of her too soon. He was stealing her away from the arms of her wolf back upstairs, after all. But when she offered him her paw and promised him all night with her, Artorias couldn't keep the excited smile off his face. He gingerly took her paw, bringing it to his lips for a quick kiss, then rolled and rose to his feet. After fluffing out his fur with a tousle, he followed alongside his lighter-furred sister out of the castle and into the warm night. He gazed up at the sea of dazzling stars above them, shining their brightest, though they paled to the emeralds he brought his gaze down to find when Bowen voiced her desires. She wanted him out in the world, amongst the trees and flowers of the gardens, the grasses of the plains, the sands of the coast. She wanted the world to witness their love, and Artorias had never felt more turned on in his entire life.

Bringing his muzzle down to claim Bowen's mouth in another heated kiss, the Aegis poured forth his love through his lips and tongue, breaking away only to allow the lovers to descend the terrace to the castle courtyard. "Where shall we show the world our love?" he asked with smoldering eyes and a crooked grin. "Amongst the magnolia and wisteria trees in the garden? Across the slopes and grasses on the plains? On the shining sands by the waving sea?" Wherever Bowen desired to have him, Artorias would be there, now and forevermore.

"Bowen & Artorias"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.