
A bit of exploration




2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-03-2021, 07:56 PM

The kids were growing so fast!  His boy was certainly still a pup but the babyish fuzz was all gone and he had certainly grown.  It didn’t look like the boy was going to be any larger than his parents Naiche expected but, baby days were gone.  Now he had a young child that was far more capable of finding trouble.  The boy would need to be strong enough to survive anything and use to all sorts of terrain.

Naiche had chosen to take his boy to the mangroves for exploring and a different sort of terrain.  Naiche had grown up exploring and could think up no better activity for a child, ending with a pack to go back home to where it would be safe for the boy to sleep.  It was rare for any real threat to be so bold as to step on pack land.

There was a dusting of snow on the ground but nothing bad thankfully.  Last year had been a nightmare, not only had the snow been absurd in-depth and the frigid temperatures but Naiche had lost so much of his coat the prior year.  This year Naiche would not lose his coat and would not be exploring a strange cave.  Remembering the fireflies that talked and the creature at the end Naiche thought of how it might amuse the boy to hear about some time.

Pan had come along for the journey but shortly after entering the mangroves Naiche would pause and let Pan climb from his back up into a tree.  Those long claws easily digging into the tree bark as he made his way up higher.  “Pan prefers it when I take him places like this.  He’d prefer it if we lived somewhere with more tree’s I think.”

“Be mindful of the water.  It’s not frozen but I guarantee you it's an unpleasant amount of cold” Naiche recalled all to well when it had been colder last year and Asla had nearly become an ice cube as the freezing water had soaked her through.  “On the good side, I doubt the alligators will be active in this weather.” Naiche hadn’t seen any here before but it certainly seemed a good spot with both water and plenty of tree roots and other hiding spots for numerous watery predators to hide.

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
09-13-2021, 08:22 PM

Arcturus always loved whenever he got to leave the pack lands, especially whenever he got to go even further beyond to places that he couldn't spy from the borders. He had started sneaking out a bit more, just into the neighboring territories, but he hadn't gone far enough to see the mangrove forest that his father had planned to take him to today. Now that he was a little bigger longer trips didn't feel all that daunting - not that this was nearly as far as the prairie his mother had taken him to a while back. This was a much shorter trip, but as they walked into the water logged area full of trees with visible roots it was obvious that this would be an equally interesting trip none of the less. He had been out this way with his Uncle Indigo a long time ago, or at least what felt like a long time ago to him, when he was really little but they hadn't stayed to explore for very long. He watched as Pan climbed into one of the trees, grinning as he watched the scaled creature ascend up into the mostly bare branches. Everything was cold and kind of snowy, the streams around them slightly slushy in places.

He nodded in agreement to the warning about the cold water and being careful to avoid it. He had learned very, very quickly that getting wet was a real pain now that the thicker fur around his neck and chest was beginning to fill out so even if it wasn't so cold he probably still would have avoided the water all the same. His mane wasn't nearly as full as his uncle's yet and it was still kinda fluffy and scraggly in places, but it was certainly enough to stay wet for hours. "Well if we do see an alligator I can fight it with you!" he promised with a confident grin. He had been working diligently on his fighting and had done well in some spars already so surely an alligator wouldn't be any problem! Of course he said that without really knowing how big or dangerous an alligator could be, but that didn't stop his bravado in the slightest.

"Arcturus Fatalis"



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-13-2021, 08:39 PM

“That right?” Naiche laughed lightheartedly for a moment, “Already an expert fighter are we? You know, I’d never seen one before Mort and I had to fight one on the beach.  I didn’t even know where to find its weak spot.  I’m not certain Mort knew or got lucky when he did.  He did nearly drown.”  THat had been a terrifying yet thrilling experience.  Naiche grinned recalling it.  Any fight you win was surely a good fight.

Naiche was taking his time scenting for any potential threats to his son or anything fun worth their time.  Normally to Naiche danger and fun were in the same path but no hoping to find a bear while his son was with him.  It would be all too easy for one swipe of a paw, one step of a paw even to kill his son.  More experience was needed before such battles.

“So,” Naiche casually stated as he turned his head to glance at his son with a challenging smile, “Do you know how to fight an alligator? Where their weak spot is?”  Had the boy even seen one yet?  Naiche doubted it.  If any had found their way to the pack lands beach Naiche would be hunting for any he could find over there very soon.  “One wrong move with them and  you’re dead before you realize it.” The words were a bit hushed to try and an affect of imagining the danger.  Could he scare his brave boy or would it just excite him more?  Which did Naiche even want?  Proud and fearless was great things to love about a son but it also would mean harder to keep him alive till Arc would be able to care for himself.

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
09-16-2021, 11:04 AM

Arcturus' bold confidence was unwavering even as his father talked about how he and Uncle Mort had found one and Mortis had nearly drowned fighting it. If anything it just made him grin wider with awe and excitement at the idea of being in an intense fight like that some day. He was in a day dream of fighting a big beast like an alligator when Naiche pulled his attention again, questioning him on if he knew where their weak spot was. His brow furrowed with thought for a moment. He had never seen an alligator, but he had been practicing and hunting and there were some things that were pretty true about most animals and alligators couldn't be much different from all of them, could they? "Well... Probably their throat or belly, right? That's where most animals are softest," he said matter of factly. He had done enough hunting and butchering with his mother to know that much, but he was curious to hear if that was the right answer or not.

His bravado wavered for just a moment as his dad dramatically told him how one wrong move could mean death, his thoughts flashing to hearing Tira tell him how she had almost been killed by a snake, but he very quickly puffed out his chest proudly and looked up at his dad with a determined look. He had promised that he'd protect Tira from anything, hadn't he? He couldn't be afraid of a snake or alligator or anything! "I can fight it!" he insisted with a nod. "You and Mom have been teaching me and you're the best fighters ever so I'm going to be the best fighter ever too!" He gave his dad a huge, saber fanged grin at that. He was proud of his parents that were so important and skilled and he loved learning from them.

"Arcturus Fatalis"



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-16-2021, 06:21 PM

Naiche was constantly finding himself proud of his son.  Sure, the child was young and had a long way to go but he had a fire and confidence that spoke a great future in Naiche’s mind.  The boy would grow up strong, he’d earn himself a high rank in a pack and be well respected.  That was the life Naiche imagined for him.

At his guess on how to kill an alligator, Naiche glanced to him and gave a hesitant nod, “The belly is the most tender spot, but its not easy to reach.  Have you seen one before?” Naiche was guessing not but perhaps he was wrong.  “Their scales on top are thick and solid.” Naiche considered the boy's fangs, “You can’t easily bite through that.” Arcturus did have those long fangs that might give him an edge but Naiche wasn’t about to mention the possibility and have his son test it.  “Their belly doesn’t have the scales but they have short legs and stay low to the ground.  If it bites you, best case scenario you lose a part of your body, like a leg.”  Naiche shrugged instead of saying worst-case scenario, it seemed obvious.

“Mort and I teamed up on it in the water.  I distracted it from above while Mort got to its body underwater.  He has those long claws to get a grip on it as he tore in.  Their muzzle is extremely long filled with powerful jaws and sharp teeth.”  He could describe the monster but it would do no good without seeing it.  “Its tail is also a weapon with how solid it is were he to strike you with it.  So the belly if you can get to it is great.  Otherwise, you’d need strong power to puncture the upper flesh, and never let it bite you.”  Of course what Naiche would find as good conversation would be how to fight a predator.  Fighting was the best topic majority of the time.

Naiche was enjoying the walk through the mangroves.  It had a pleasant view and it was just something different than home.  Truth be told there was a part of him that did enjoy roaming the land and exploring.  If only it wasn’t winter.  After last winter Naiche hated the season though this one was certainly far milder.  

Speech:"Live to fight" Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
09-18-2021, 01:55 PM

Arc was glad that his guess about the alligator's belly being the most tender spot was right but there was clearly more to it than that. He gave a shake of his head when Naiche asked if he had seen one before and listened intently as his father explained how alligators had thick, solid scales on top and how you couldn't bite though those. That certainly explained why the belly was the spot to go for! But the short legs and being close to the ground definitely made that harder. He blinked with surprise when his dad told him that best case scenario if it bit him was that it just took off a leg, his eyes wide with awe at the idea that something could be that big and powerful! He almost hoped he could see an alligator one day just to see these big, teethy jaws in real life!

He throughly enjoyed listening to his father recount the tale of his dad and Uncle Mort taking on this alligator and how Mortis had clawed into into it by swimming under it in the water, a wide grin on his lips as he listed to the story. He nodded in agreement as his dad summarized how to take on an alligator. Go for the belly if you can, otherwise find some way to puncture the scales and make sure not to get bit. "Got it!" he said with a wag of his tail. He had claws and fangs like Uncle Mort so maybe he could do something that impressive one day too! His family had all the best fighters and hunters so he was certainly going to be the best fighter and hunter too, especially when them all teaching him.

As they continued to walk through the mangroves, they came up to a thin river that snaked through the trees, little branching streams spreading out from it and through the trees making this place really wet and full of water. The steams were mostly frozen over with a dusting of snow on everything, but the river was big enough that it was just slushy around the edges and the moving water kept it from getting fully frozen over. He spotted a few fish in the water and was just about to suggest to his dad that they try to catch some of the fish while they were out here when suddenly a large brown and white hawk swooped down - either from one of the trees or from the sky he wasn't sure - and snatched the fish up right in front of his nose. He stumbled back and watched it fly off with a bream clutched in its talons, a huge grin spreading across his face. "Whoa! That was so cool!" he exclaimed, bouncing in place as he watched the osprey go to land in a near by tree to start eating the fish it caught.

He bounded over to it, craning his head back to look at the big bird. "Hey! Hey bird!" The hawk peered down at him with a tilt of its head, pausing his meal for a moment to look at the smaller golden wolf. His dad had an owl so why couldn't he have a hawk, right? "Hey, do you want to be my friend? I'll feed you and stuff!" Arc glanced at the fish the bird was holding and added, "I know! I'll call you Bream!" That seemed to amuse the osprey and it gave a little ruffle of its feathers before it finally shrugged and nodded in agreement.

"Arcturus Fatalis"



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-18-2021, 07:38 PM

Naiche just loved how excited his boy got over talking and listening to fights.  It wasn’t even just the fight itself the boy loved but even imagining the fun in a fight.  It still seemed absurd that some wolves wouldn’t love a good fight.  Thank goodness his child wasn’t one of these cowards.

Naiche glanced to his son as the boy seemed interested in the fish, enjoying the childhood enjoyment of new sights.  When the hawk came by Naiche felt his muscles shift just in case it had some idea of a small wolf pup for a meal.  Some raptors proved to be a lot bolder on what they would attack than he imagined.  This one was only intent on the fish so Naiche relaxed even as his son excitedly follow the bird's flight.

Naiche walked behind Arc at a more casual stride than his son’s bounding.  Was he planning to try and get the bird where it was up in the tree?  Naiche was right, but not in the way he imagined. The boy spoke to the bird asking it to be his pet.  Naiche was still behind Arc as he smirked to himself.  So much for asking his parents how they felt about getting a pet.  Naiche didn’t mind at all though and didn’t see Asla minding.  Honestly, it was a great choice for a pet in Naiche’s mind.  He hated annoying companions that liked to chat a lot or pull pranks.  Those types of companions were more useful as a meal.  The bird would offer some protection and be able to quickly get to Naiche or Asla if his boy was ever in danger.

It didn’t take too much effort to get the bird to agree.  Was it just a social bird or was there just something appealing of a bright-eyed child wanting a friend?  “Welcome to the family Bream,” Naiche’s tone was tolerantly polite, his normal voice for anyone aside from Asla and the kids.  

Naiche quirked an eyebrow at his boy, “Had you been planning to find some companion or Bream just impressed you that much with catching that fish?  Either way, he looks perfect for you.” The more Naiche thought on it had Arc just asked for a pet some form of raptor would be what he would have likely suggested.  Would they need to get Satira a pt of some sort now?  If she needed a pet then surely a similar bird would work well for her also.

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]



Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
09-20-2021, 11:29 AM

The second that Bream gave a bob of his head in agreement to the "agreement" Arc laid out for him, the golden pup gave a huge grin and bounced in place, his tail wagging like crazy. It really didn't even cross his mind to ask his dad if he could keep the hawk around - he just wanted to be like his parents and have cool, helpful companions too! At least this bird wouldn't be all grumpy in the day time like Owl was. And Bream could help him catch fish! The osprey went back to eating its meal, but kept an eye turned toward Arc like he was learning the boy he would be following while Arc turned back toward his dad.

Arc looked up at Naiche with that excited grin still on his face, gray ears perking to catch the question he was asked. "Well I definitely wanted a companion like you and mom, but I wasn't looking for one I guess. But the way he caught that fish was so cool! He can help me hunt things!" Arc loved fighting, but hunting was probably his favorite thing of all, but really Bream would probably be a big help for fighting and hunting so he was excited to get to know Bream and see what he could do! A thought crossed his mind and his face lit up again, his tail wagging. "Come on! We gotta get back! I gotta show Bream to Tira!" He bounced in place with excitement at that, grinning at the thought of showing off his new buddy to his sister. "Come on, Bream! Lets go!" he called back over his shoulder as he started running off toward the pack's border. The osprey looked up from it's mostly finished fish, dropping it so he could take flight and follow after his small master.

"Arcturus Fatalis"



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-22-2021, 07:40 PM

Even if Arc had chosen a pet Naiche didn’t like dad wouldn’t have been able to say no.  All that joy and tail wagging was too extreme to let down.  Naiche remembered hesitancy on getting Pan.  He still hadn’t really wanted a companion at the time but wasn’t going to deny the warlords wish to give him a present.  Now Naiche couldn’t imagine not having Pan with him.  Hopefully Arc got along with Bream just as well.

Naiche grinned as the boy spoke of getting back to show his sister.  If Satira didn’t have a pet yet Naiche saw either himself or Asla helping her to find one after Arc showed off Bream in all his excitement.  Naiche paused on following after Arc for a moment as he got near a tree and waited as Pan climbed back down to get back on the golden wolf’s back.  “Well Pan, hopefully Bream turns into as good of a friend for him as you are for me.” Naiche didn’t throw out mentions of closeness all that often, preferring actions to show how he feels.  Pan lay his head on Naiche’s forehead as Naiche caught up to his son.  Then teased the boy with, “Pan’s still the best companion.  Bream has a lot of work to live up to him.”  

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]