
there are worse things I could do


08-08-2013, 10:50 PM
Where there though?

To leave the pack he had been born to without a word after finding out his mother had been slaughtered by some random rouge. But he couldn't be there anymore, could no longer be in a pack that couldn't keep its own members safe. He wanted to keep them safe, he had wanted nothing more then to hole his sister and mother in a den and keep them there forever so they could be safe. But constantly they had wandered off, getting themselves into trouble and it had ended with this. It had ended with Vixe slowly wandering further north. He didn't want to be alone, he didn't want to be packless but he wanted to be somewhere where he could help. He wanted to keep people safe... Everywhere else the young male was too young, too inexperienced. He wanted to be recognized, to make a name for himself and to go down in history like some of the other great wolves his mother had told him stories off while growing up. So it was time to find somewhere where he could do that. And so the skeletal marked male had moved further north, more towards the climate that his thick coat was made for.

The near black male stuck out like a sore thumb in this desolate land just like white bone like markings against his pelt. He moved easily through the land quietly, trees looming in the distance. He had heard of a pack that resided here and it seemed like his best bet. He knew of Amenti, and the rest seemed to be against Tortuga but this one he had heard whispers of. Of Cairo's children taking it over and then leaving it to someone else. But who he did not know, nor why. Today he planned to find out. So off he had gone, moving so much like his father with his head down and massive shoulders rolling. Even at his young age he was massive, standing a towering 40 inches and packed with muscle. He had been training, most of his life, wanting nothing more then to be strong enough to protect those he loved. Shoulders would roll to absorb the sound of his paw falls but as he approached the boarder he straightened slightly. Head would tip back and a deep howl would ring out, calling for the alpha of these lands. Then, it was just a waiting game...

((crappy post is crap, need to figure this guy out...))



08-09-2013, 12:08 AM (This post was last modified: 08-09-2013, 12:10 AM by Isardis.)

The King would saunter with rising purpose, ruby gaze so fixated, so obsessively following the lurking form of a charcoal marked babe; the sickening stench of male, so invasive to cherry nostrils, clawing his lungs like sanity-thirsty parasites. Originally the scent would be unwelcomed, the distant amble of the youthful beast encouraging no more than a defensive scowl. Though more recently, the waltzing King would grow thankful; thirsty gaze preying upon the creature with sudden realisation, welcoming the imprudent fiend to his kingdom with eager arms. Was the babe aware of the trap he had fallen victim to, or would he be cluelessly stranded in a world of unwanted duty, forever bound by missile-armed law?

Seemingly unaware of the distance between the pair, the youth would pause short of the borders; pallid marked skull raising to announce his arrival, to beckon an unfamiliar king to his company. Hungrily, Isardis would comply with the lamb?s wishes, moving at a resolute lope towards the unfamiliar; despite his rapid pace, a thoughtful and elegant seamlessness were still evident within ever stride, extended tail dragging lush grassland in his wake. He would pause no more than two meters from the male, precision-instilled halt ending in the thoughtful shifting of his weight. Isardis himself were large at thirty seven inches, but this babe had surprised him; for such youth, he bore significant height. Perhaps he would be more useful than Isardis had initially planned. ?Ah, a lamb of future war, no?? he would sway lightly, brittle smirk creasing cherry lips, ?I could have used a boy of your stature some time ago. I do so hope you had planned on staying??


08-09-2013, 01:21 AM
The male seemed to materialized out of nowhere, peeling himself from the background to come and stand before the young male. Vixe instinctively drew himself up, head tipping down and sharp green gaze zeroed in on the plaid male. Maybe he had been hoping for a monster to appear before him and that was why he was so left down but to be honest he had no idea what he had been expecting. Probably just something... more? Bigger at least... But this male was fairly petite, feminine almost and not in a particularly good way. How was he to protect his pack? Morphine was better equipped it seemed. A breath slipped from his lips involuntarily, a sigh of sorts, and for a moment his gaze flipped to look behind the male to see if someone else would show up and tell this guy to scram. But nothing came and once more his focus was pulled to this runt before him. Even his coloration made him seem weak in Vixe's eyes, something about the coloring of his skin made Vixe want to get in his face and either study him or try and intimidate him. He knew he should probably bow to this so called king but he couldn't bring himself to, instead standing where he was and studying the male with half curiosity and half disgust. Was it even worth it to stick around and peak to this male or should he simply carry on elsewhere and see if another pack would be more suited to his desires. But conversation began and if Vixe had learned nothing else growing up he had learned at least to be fairly polite to those who could potentially kill him in his sleep.

Lamb of future war? Ears would flip forward at these words as he tipped his skull slightly. A strange manor of speaking, too many words almost but his interest was perked. Would he stay though? And what did this male mean that he needed a male of Vixe's stature before? "Perhaps, what would you have me do if I did?" he asked, tone low and gruff as if it had not been put to use in quite some time. He honestly couldn't remember the last time he had had a full conversation with another creature. What would Vixe's roll be in this pack if he did decide to stay? Just another wolf to throw into the ranks and bulk up the numbers. A pawn to call a warrior in a pack that dared now wage war? No he was through with that, he needed a duty, a purpose in life now. He would see what this male had in mind and if it did not align with the young males own dreams and desires then he would state then and maybe they could converse from there. Or maybe this would simply not be the pack for him. He would be fine with continuing his search for the perfect pack, unlike his mother he wasn't overly interested in one stop shopping...



08-12-2013, 09:12 PM (This post was last modified: 08-12-2013, 09:13 PM by Isardis.)

The boy would tower not only in size, but in mind; the sickening doubt that wandered his emerald gaze would be more than evident to the seasoned King, discovering a sense of bitter pleasure within the babes distaste. Isardis was often an initial image of elegance, peace. Women flocked for it, but men scoffed upon it. This lamb, like so many before him would just be another of the idiots that made the fatal mistake of misjudgement. Size was still in Isardis? favour, and the adequate muscle that brewed beneath cherry skin was enough to rapidly put most in their place. He was a king for many reasons, and power was not an exception.

The infantile would boast of adequate intelligence, asking loose questions in an attempt to forsee his future. Though what he wasn?t yet aware of was that if he wanted to leave, he?d need to brawl for his rights. If he were wise, he would comply with his new leaders suggestions inaudibly. A pleasured smirk would continue to tickle rosey features, extended tail batting aimlessly about structured hocks, ?You are aware of your abilities, as you so blatantly express your pride, an assailant no doubt; capable of both defence and sustanence,? he would pause momentarily, allowing the child the freedom of thought, ?Glaciem consists of over ten women, and numbers rapidly rise. Apart from my son I am the only male. They require assistance in their survival, from being fed to being defended. Their children will require training, and if it fancies your interests- there is always the potential of inter-pack challenges. That is of course, if you are capable.?