
Pull the Ripcord



"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
10-01-2021, 07:31 PM
Chimera had kept both women trapped within his bedroom for the duration of that dreaded night, alternating fucking each of them in turn until all three wolves were utterly spent and exhausted, crashing just before dawn broke over the eastern sea. The following day, Chimera had done much of the same, enjoying both of the faes in heat before he was satisfied enough to settle down and let them relax. Aliana was sore, bruised, bitten, bloodied, aching all over her outside and insides, and just overall a mess. She didn't need to be a master healer to know the damage had been done to her, and after over 48 hours of being Chimera's sex prisoner with no access to contraceptives, the chances that even the most potent plants would help her were minuscule at best. She would have Chimera's pups, of this she had no doubt, and it terrified her and made her feel sick.

But despite the pain and her virtual inability to walk anymore, Ali had a job to do. Dalila had sought out Chimera to help quell the urges of her heat as well, though it was out of desperation and helplessness. Ali knew all too well of Chimera and Dalila's disdain for one another, and if she could help the other woman out by giving her the contraceptives to prevent a pregnancy with a wolf she despised, she could consider herself successful. The world didn't need another Chimera litter, not when the brute had shown he cared not for children he sired with anyone besides Siren. He was not good father material, and she had to try and prevent him from destroying other innocent lives.

During their orgy with Chimera, Ali had whispered a warning for Dalila to come find her afterwards so she could get her the birth control she'd stashed away. Time was of the essence, and there could be no moments of delay. The evening sun was setting over the horizon when she and Dalila made their escape, and as she limped down the halls to her wing of the estate, she couldn't help but glimpse out the broken windows to the sea of fireflies that had appeared across the gardens, swirling and dancing in the air. She turned away and continued on; she couldn't afford to be distracted. Ali hurried to her little alchemy workshop, pulling open containers of herbs in a desperate search until she found the last of the dried silphium, breathing a sigh of relief as she snatched it up and hurried outside to the gardens.

Ali's stomach churned and flip-flopped as she walked, realizing she was giving up her last possible chance of avoiding the outcome she feared the most in favor of Dalila. But the more she thought about it, the more she knew her mind had been made up. Aliana had been born to suffer, to serve, and to be broken. That was her entire purpose in life, and if this was what Chimera desired, then she had no choice in the matter. She would serve her King as dutifully as she could. It was her purpose. Aliana slipped out into the evening air, noting that it had become noticeably cooler than recent nights, and the fireflies around her seemed to multiply. A large full moon hung in the sky overhead, covering the world in a silvery-blue veil. She had asked Dalila to find her in the gardens after she'd gotten cleaned up. Ali's tail swished anxiously and beat against the ground while she waited, looking around side to side to spot the mottled fae, praying that it wasn't too late.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
10-02-2021, 12:15 AM

When Dalila finally walked away from Chimera's suite she did so sore and exhausted with a clarity that could only come once the lingering effects of the alcohol and her heat had begun to fade. She had promised that she would meet Aliana in the gardens and she would certainly hold to that promise, but before she could make it there she started to walk toward the wing of the large structure that she shared with Siren only to stop short and stand there alone in the corridor for a long moment. She felt like she had become the thing that she had been so distraught at Siren for and that realization made her sick to her stomach with guilt. She had grown to accept the fact that Siren would never be loyal to her, but part of her had thought that she might at least be loyal to Siren none of the less, but the night before had proven her wrong. She owed Siren the deepest apology she could muster for not being more understanding to the lengths Siren had gone to in the fog of her heat, but she didn't have the strength to do it yet.

At the very least she had the small relief of knowing that Aliana had a remedy on hand to prevent her from carrying Chimera's children. At the very least she wouldn't have to make Siren watch her carry her brother's children and she could begin to put this behind her. She didn't know what would happen to the relationship between her, Siren, Chimera, or Aliana after this, but first things first she had to go meet Aliana. She sighed and turned away from the corridor that would have led her to Siren's room and instead made her way out to the gardens that Ali had instructed her to go to. When she stepped outside she was momentarily distracted by the points of light drifting and bobbing through the air, the night holding a mysterious glow with the moonlight and the fireflies that danced through the air.

She gave her head a brief shake to refocus her attention and she pushed onward, finding Aliana easily enough. Her ears flicked slightly as she noticed how the blue hues of the night around them went so nicely with the slate coloring of Aliana's fur and she very quickly tried to push those thoughts away. She was going to be thrilled when the season finally passed and her heat was no longer effecting her thoughts. Looking at the other former slave now all she could think about was how it had felt to kiss her and that most certainly not what she needed to be thinking about right now. She glanced at the herbs that Ali brought with her and she gave the other woman a relieved, thankful smile. "Thank you for this, Aliana," she said softly.



"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
10-02-2021, 12:46 AM
The clouded gray wolf watched the fireflies dance and twirl around in the air around her with a curious fascination. Fireflies were such peculiar glowing insects to begin with anyway, but these ones were even more magical somehow. Despite all the worry and anxiousness she felt in her heart with the goings-on of the pack and Chimera's rampant and destructive lust, watching the blue glows of the bugs seemed somehow soothing. She'd been so lost in watching the fireflies that Ali hadn't noticed Dalila had arrived until the mottled fae was almost upon her. Ali gave her a relieved smile, exhaling some of the tension in her chest. There was still time, thank the gods!

Dalila came to join her in the moonlit garden, and for a split second Aliana found herself just staring at the other woman in awe. Dalila was a lovely wolf to begin with, but in this almost mystical moonlight she seemed even more magnificent. Her sky blue eyes seemed to shimmer and stand out with the glow of the moon in them, and Ali felt that same loss of breath she'd felt when she saw Siren singing on the beach at dawn. But certainly that was just because she was in heat and her hormones were acting out of sorts, right? It had nothing to do with finding the other fae attractive or the night they'd shared together, or the kisses Dalila had guided her through, or the way her paws and mouth had felt all over her body...

No! Aliana blinked rapidly to snap herself out of her daze, ears folding sheepishly to her head and a light flush hidden beneath the fur on her cheeks while Dalila closed the space between them. Dalila thanked her and Aliana gave her fellow former slave a small, warm smile and dip of her head. "It's the least I could do. Chimera has no business being a father." And it really was. If it was up to her, she would have always had enough contraceptive herbs for the lot of them year round to protect them from Chimera. He was epidemic with his desire to breed the women on the island, conceiving litter after litter of pups he showed no care for. It disgusted Ali to see him behave so recklessly with his ability to create life. It reminded her of her own bastard father that had left her in a life of slavery by doing exactly what Chimera was.

"I'm afraid it won't taste very good since it isn't fresh, but it should still be effective," she said in soft apology as she handed the entirety of her remaining silphium supply to Dalila. "At least I'll know you were spared what we weren't." Aliana gave Dalila a sad, defeated smile that showed she knew what she was in store for. She'd seen the agony Viper and Siren had gone through and she knew she was next in line for it. It had been far too long since Chimera had planted his seed within her belly; no plant could spare her from pregnancy now. She only prayed that she had the strength to make it through alive. Siren had very nearly died, and the fear of what was coming made her feel sick. Thank the gods Dalila wouldn't have to endure that...


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
10-02-2021, 01:48 AM

Dalila gave a little shake of her head when Aliana mentioned how the herbs might not taste good since they were dried and gave a soft chuckle, replying, "A small price to pay as long as they work." She took the silphium from Aliana as she handed over the dried herbs, but her smile faded and her ears flicked back at the clouded woman's words. Spared what they weren't. She didn't know the full scope of how long Aliana had been with Chimera before she stumbled upon them, but if it was any significant amount of time then she could put two and two together to understand that this wasn't a fate that Ali could escape. She knew she was probably already pushing her luck considering they were nearly a full day since the first time Chimera had her. She looked at the herbs she held with a heavy dose of guilt, but she knew she'd just make Ali feel worse if she refused it and made it so they both ended up in the same condition. Taking the bitter, dry herbs, she chewed them slightly and swallowed them back before she brought her gaze back to Aliana's.

They still didn't know each other all that well despite the positions they had just been in not all that long ago, but she felt an even stronger kinship to Ali than she had even when they had both been slaves. She felt terrible knowing that this wasn't something that Ali wanted and it was most likely inevitable what was to come. She tried to give Ali a small, encouraging smile, resting a paw over hers. "Siren and I will be there for you. We'll help you though it." That much at least she could promised. In the same way she and Ali had saved Siren and her pups, Dalila and Siren would do the same for Aliana if that's what it came to. "I... I wish there was more I could do," she confessed, her ears pinned back. "Whatever you need though this, I'll help you. If you need to move into the wing with Siren and I so we can assist you through the pregnancy please do." She remembered how difficult things had become for Siren toward the end and it had occupied all of her time to make sure Siren was cared for.

One of the mysterious fireflies floated between them and she blinked with surprise, leaning back slightly to focus her blue gaze on the the little insect for the brief moment it was there, watching it dance away for a moment. It was enough to disrupt her thoughts and when she looked back to Aliana she felt that same little skip in her chest from how the glow of the otherworldly garden around them played off of the cool tones of Aliana's fur. "I don't know if this is any consolation or not... I'm sure it's not, but... I did enjoy everything we did together," she said shyly, the boldness she had the night before softened now that she had a clearer mind. She gave Ali an uncertain smile and glanced down toward her paws for a moment, her face hot with a flush. "If you ever wanted to do something like that again... Just the two of us... I'd like that."



"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
10-02-2021, 02:31 AM
Dalila took the silphium from her with a small chuckle and a joke about the price being worth it. Aliana couldn't agree with her more, but it was a choice she'd been robbed of. When Chimera had set her free, he'd said she would always belong to him. At the time, she thought his words meant she'd live her life alongside him, just as her own wolf, with the liberties to do as she wished and pleased. As it turned out, that wasn't the case, and she was no more free than she had been when she was purchased. The only difference was now Chimera sometimes treated her nicer and didn't bark orders at her anymore. He still exerted his dominance and will over her, still did as he pleased with her, and while none of that had bothered her (in fact she'd even quite liked it), he had gone too far with her. She'd begged him, pleaded with him to not force himself on her during her heat. He'd ignored her. By disregarding her wishes, he'd exploited her greatest fear and forcibly bred her, the very existence she'd tried to escape with the slavers and had told him she dreaded, yet he'd done it anyway. This was all the evidence she needed to know that Chimera didn't care for her, not the way she tried desperately to believe he did.

Watching Dalila take the contraceptives was both a breath of relief and also the final nail in her coffin. There was no going back, no desperate hopes on a long shot. Unless Chimera had spontaneously become infertile, she would be having his children. It was almost enough to break Ali's spirit entirely, and the clouded fae only just held back the tears in her aquamarine eyes. The damage had been done and now all she could do was live in the aftermath. Dalila, sweet darling Dalila offered her a sympathetic smile and took her paw in hers again. Ali looked at their touching paws, her breathing hitching and caught between a gasp and a sob. She looked back up and met Dalila's gaze just as the mottled fae reassured her that she and Siren would help care for her, offering whatever she needed to make it through. "Thank you, Dalila..." she said, her voice soft and quivering. Even knowing there was nothing anyone could do to reverse what was no doubt happening inside her womb, Dalila's comforts were appreciated. It made her feel less like a receptacle and more like a wolf.

One of the strange fireflies buzzed between the two faes, making Aliana blink with surprise as she followed the blue-hued bug with her eyes. When her gaze returned back to Dalila, she gasped beneath her breath to see the larger lady framed by dozens of the glowing bugs, her silhouette glowing blue and silver from the light of the moon and the fireflies. Her throat suddenly felt tight and she couldn't speak, her heart beating as fast as her breathing was. Dalila began to speak again, breaking Ali out of her trance and causing a much more noticeable blush of red to appear to her face when the pretty fae admitted bashfully to enjoying the night they'd shared with Chimera. Ali glanced down shyly as well, but the way her fluffy tail was wagging a mile a minute behind her betrayed how she really felt. Dalila wanted to sleep with her again? With just her? The blush on her face turned into a radiating overall warmth throughout her body. She'd always been curious to a more sapphic lifestyle, but thanks to Dalila she now knew it was something she wanted more of.

"I-I'd also like that... a lot," she replied, shuffling one paw timidly on the grass between them while refusing to move the paw Dalila's was still touching. "I enjoyed what we did as well. You made everything... better." Before Dalila had shown up drunk and horny, she'd been Chimera's personal outlet for 24 hours with him using her body to relieve himself whenever her heat scent began to affect him too much. Despite having Chimera beside her or on top of her and inside her at all times, Ali had never felt more trapped and alone. Dalila had been her unexpected savior, giving her a paw to hold on to through the storm, literally and figuratively. Even though she wished neither of them had wound up in this situation, she was happy Dalila had been there with her through it.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
10-02-2021, 11:05 AM

Hearing that little hitch in Aliana's breathing and seeing the defeat in her aquamarine eyes broke Dalila's heart and she wished there was more she could do than reassurances and support. She very nearly wished she could trade places with Aliana and suffer this fate for her instead. She wasn't much bigger than Ali, maybe a few inches at best, but even that could make a difference when it came to bearing children as large as what Chimera could father. She had already lived with the guilt of knowing they had purchased Aliana as a trade for her own freedom and now seeing her go through this... It would be one thing if Ali wanted this to happen and wanted to have children with Chimera - she couldn't have faulted her there - but this was clearly something she didn't want and that made her heart hurt for the smaller woman.

After the interruption from the strange fireflies that were glowing and dancing around them, making the garden feel mystical and magical, she glanced up to see Ali's reaction to her hesitant confession and was surprised to see Ali's tail wagging and a flush peeking through her pale fur. She didn't know how much of this was just the wild hormones from their heat and how much of it was a genuine connection and attraction, but with everything else seemingly crashing down around them it was nice to have even a moment of something pure and enjoyable. Aliana had in a strange way been her source of familiarity while she experienced everything that Chimera was. From being with Siren she had quickly learned that given pleasure was far more her taste than receiving and giving Aliana comfort and pleasure amongst all the turmoil she was experiencing made her incredibly happy.

She shifted a bit closer and wrapped her forelegs around Ali's shoulders, pulling her into an embrace and gently nuzzling into Ali's neck, the contact making her heart skip and flutter like crazy. "You made everything better for me as well," she told her softly, giving her a gentle squeeze. "We'll get you through this, I promise." She never would have imagined that this would be the way she would end up being so close with Ali and if anyone would have told her that she would be so intimate with Ali as well she would have called them a liar, but now she couldn't imagine not being like that with this woman again. Siren would always be her priority and her first love, but she was quickly realizing how it was possible to care for more than just one wolf.




10-02-2021, 08:06 PM

You feel uneasy. You also find 1 mushroom. Maybe these are worth keeping…



10-02-2021, 08:27 PM

A firefly lazily buzzes past. You also find 2 crystals. Maybe these are worth keeping…