
Unwanted Silence




Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-01-2021, 07:42 PM

Night was coming on the land and as the sun dipped below the horizon the warmth it offered to the wintery landscape went with it.  Kotori had made his way to the rio grande, enjoying the difference of this winter to last years.  He was larger and could roam freely now instead of the small pup that had a careful eye kept over him.  Snow was on the ground but not in the huge piles it was prior, and under the tree’s or bushes the snow was all but missing.

The rio grande wasn’t a river to easily freeze up.  Ice crystals could be seen at either banks but the middle in the middle still flowed freely.  It generally made a pleasant background sound amidst chirping crickets nor was there an owl or other nightbird voicing an opinion.  

Looking skywards the young wolf looked at what stars he could see and a fuzzy yet bright moon.  Shadowy thin clouds drifted along occasionally dimming but never extinguishing the night lights.  He was at a river but not even a frog croaking?  Kotori’s ears flicked back and looked up towards the moon.  Even when the wispy clouds passed by it the large moon still seemed especially bright and the bluish purplish shade seemed odd.  Of course, he had been young last year and the weather hadn’t been normal so this was his first time to experience a ‘normal’ winter.  
Nose to the wind it was almost a relief to scent the life he wasn’t hearing.  He could scent where rabbits had been nearby recently, surely asleep in a warren nearby.  Birds were about even if hidden.  The scent of deer was to the south.  Lifee, food was here, just subdued and hidden from sight. Perhaps  something of the evening was troubling them as well.  Prey animals were always more timid than predators, except the ones too dumb to be scared.

It appeared the hunter was unlikely to find easy prey tonight if everything was on guard.  Not even a hint of wind to stir his fur at the moment.  Perhaps Kotori should be glad for that bit of stillness, it was already cold enough tonight and eerie enough the last thing he wanted was a cold wind added to the backdrop.  Kotori felt his own nerves on edge, the silence bothered him and he felt as if something was bound to spring up, it was just that sort of mood.

Kotori Fatalis

[Image: HMmbDEu.png]



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
10-01-2021, 09:08 PM

Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Ikigai's heart pounded against her chest as she ran through the trees at the edge of the river. The girl had gone off on her own, intent on seeing what long exploration was like. Her siblings went off on their own often enough. Why shouldn't she? Well, this was why.

She'd heard the beast before she'd seen it. A lowing bellow had sounded behind the pallid girl. Looking back towards the sound, Ikigai could see a faint blue glow emanating from the foliage, which then began to rustle as though something was coming towards her. Was it a ghost? Wasting no time, the young princess turned and ran as fast as her delicate paws would carry her. Branches and rocks grabbed at the kimono that she wore, tearing the fine silk as though it was made of leaves. From behind, she could hear the crashing of a heavy body as it pushed through the trees. She needed to go faster!

Pushing from the trees and onto the bank of the river, Ikigai was both shocked and relieved to see another wolf present. He was a young brute, but he was still significantly larger than she was. "Please," she spoke with gasping breaths as she approached him, turning to put her back to the river with her full attention on the treeline. "There's something in there. It's been chasing me. It..." Tears filled the lady's metallic gaze as she began to cry silent tears. "It's glowing." She didn't understand it and she hoped that somehow she'd lost the beast, but being here with another wolf gave the timid fae a bit of courage.


[Image: VsG8QnS.gif]



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-01-2021, 10:12 PM

Kotori’s muscles tensed up in surprise when sound finally happened despite all he’d been listening for it.  Brush was being trampled through and it was heading quickly in his direction.  Kotori turned his head towards the noise and as the pup burst forth from the brush he fully turned around.  Kotori’s eyes flicked between the pup and the direction it had come from as he crouched lower waiting for whatever beast was causing the ruckus.

The kid’s armor was torn.  Clearly the damage had been bad as any part of the armor that could have been used for defending must have already been torn off.  The silky material still on her was most certainly useless.   “It’s fi-“ Kotori had started to respond about her being chased but the glowing caught him off guard.

She had to be making it up.  Normally he’d be sure she was making it up as things don’t glow.  The strange feel of the night made Kotori perhaps a bit more spooked by tall-tale ghost stories though.  It wasn’t a long wait before the moon played tricks on his eyes and indeed it seemed like the creature was glowing as it came forth.

A – something!! It looked like a boar but it really seemed to be glowing!  What the hell had he ate last?  Oh well, glowing or not glowing it was certainly angry. The boar wasn’t charging Kotori right away though.  It had been chasing a smaller leaner pup before and now it was facing a completely different opponent.  Kotori firmly decided he wasn’t eating it even if he did kill it.  Maybe it was sick?  Maybe it was his own eyes?  

“Hey, kid?” Kotori questioned the pup as he kept his gaze locked on what would probably make a tasty meal if not for the glowiness.  Kotori knew it had to just be how crazy bright the moon was and light bouncing from snow but it was still kinda freakish.  “If you can’t handle a boar what are you doing out here alone?”  Kotori didn’t consider himself a kid, he was a prince and a warrior.  The girl certainly had good breeding to her by her refined appearance. “You want some fighting tips?” Surely ever kid wants to learn how to fight?  Now that Kotori was here wouldn’t it want to get some free tips?

Kotori Fatalis

[Image: HMmbDEu.png]



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
10-02-2021, 02:45 PM

Panic still gripped the girl's heart as the boy remained calm. Why weren't they running? He seemed to look at her in disbelief. Did he not believe her? In all of her days, Ikigai had never had anyone think that she was a liar. The young lady's metallic eyes went wide for a moment and she had been about to give the boy a piece of her mind when the glowing beast pushed from the treeline.

Ikigai placed herself behind the larger wolf, her nervous gaze on the boar. It wasn't large, nor did it look terribly menacing. There was no anger on its face nor aggression in its stance. If anything it looked... interested? That interest made the pallid princess all the more confused. As she watched the porcine anomaly, small dots of blue began to form around it. Fireflies? The simmering specks of light flashed slowly on and off as they gathered around the boar. The beast itself made no move to come closer. It merely stood and watched them. It was actually rather beautiful. Iki felt her tension easing and she found herself taking a step towards the boar.

The words of the boy cut through her daze and Iki's silvered eyes sliced to the side, looking at him. Hey... kid? "I am Okiku Ikigai Ōritsu Abraxas, Princess of the Ashen Empire," Iki's voice was smooth but stern as she informed the boy of her name and title. He insulted her again, asking why she was out here if she couldn't fight off a boar. The fae's long pelt bristled in indignation and she stared incredulously at the heathen beside her. She should have taken her chances with the boar. He asked if she wanted fighting tips and Iki's brow furrowed. "I do not fight." Couldn't he see how delicate she was? How princessly? Didn't she look like a lady? Iki glanced down at her appearance and noted how disheveled she looked. Her kimono was torn and muddied. Her long tail and graceful legs were muddied as well. She looked as much a heathen as he was.

The gears in Iki's mind began to turn. The boar was still just standing there, staring at them with interest. The number of blue fireflies had grown and they danced around the creature. It meant them no harm, that much was evident. But then... what did it want? Pulling away from the earthen boy, Ikigai moved ahead a few steps. The princess bowed low to the beast and addressed it in her usual soft tones. "Forgive me, spirit, for fleeing. What would you have of me?"


[Image: VsG8QnS.gif]



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-02-2021, 03:46 PM
When the specks of fireflies became more obvious it was a bit of a relief.  Really, there were a lot of things offering light lately.  Kotori didn’t remember seeing many fireflies last winter but would he have remembered them with all the other details of it?  Last winter was all he had to go by.

The kids indignation only amused Kotori but when she threw up her title he kind of understood her better.  Kotori was quick enough to throw out his name and status when insulted.  Still, that was reason in her mind to not fight?  All of his family could fight, even the fattest of sisters knew the basics. “Sorry,” Kotori had enough courtesy to offer that much.  Kotori dipped his head a bit more politely.  Princess of their allies, guess he should be nice though he was still perplexed on the part of her not wanting to fight.  

He was about to give his own name when she walked towards the boar and then bowed to it?!?  Kotori’s eyes bulged a bit at the sight.  She was bowing to potential food.  “Um, princess, what are you doing?” He would of used her name but it was rather long and he wasn’t sure what part she preferred. “That thing could be a meal, ya know?  You don’t bow to potential food.” Kotori gave the creature a skeptical gaze, “Though, I admit things are weird.  I can walk you back to the empire if you want.”  She probably needed the protection if any real threat showed up.  

Getting out of here was a good idea.  Things felt too off though it was likely an over active imagination.  He was acting like some kid scared of his own shadow.  Snow, bright moon with white snow to reflect some light, it had been quiet, and bright fireflies adding specks of moving light.  It was all a trick of the night giving off glows.  “Spirits aren’t a real thing.  Just stories to spook pups and friends for some fun.” Surely by now with all his worldly wisdom Kotori would know if spirits existed.  

Kotori was now curious about the lady more and would enjoy a walk back with her to quiz about this notion of her not fighting and what the heck she did do then.  She didn’t sound like a hunter either.  Learning more on their allies was far better than this place tonight.

Kotori Fatalis

[Image: HMmbDEu.png]



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
10-02-2021, 08:28 PM

As the girl bowed before the luminescent boar, the boy spoke. He still didn't believe his own eyes. The beast before them was clearly glowing and it's entourage of fireflies glowed even brighter. Ikigai remained in a bowed position before the boar, though her eyes were raised enough so that she could watch the spirit. As she watched, the boar seemed to... smile. And then, just like that, both the boar and the fireflies faded into nothingness. Ikigai's throat clenched tightly and she waited until the residual glow dissipated before she rose.

Turning to the boy, the young princess's eyes were wide. "You still don't believe in spirits?" Surely he had seen the same thing that she had. The boar had been there and then it hadn't. If that wasn't a spirit, she didn't know what was. Tonight had surely shifted things in the girls mind. Perhaps her aunt Toxicity wasn't all mad after all. That... changed a lot.

With a sigh, Ikigai nodded, accepting the offer that the boy had made moments ago. "I would appreciate an escort back." She clearly shouldn't have been out on her own, but the girl had craved a taste of what her siblings had. They all went off on their own and the pale lady never had. After this, she wasn't sure that she ever would again.


[Image: VsG8QnS.gif]



10-02-2021, 11:17 PM

You hear a voice that feels familiar to you, calling from far in the distance. You also find 4 crystals. Maybe these are worth keeping…



10-02-2021, 11:29 PM

You hear a strange whisper on the wind. You also find 2 crystals. Maybe these are worth keeping…



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-11-2021, 11:58 PM
Kotori rolled his eyes as the girl was bowed at the boar, resigned tolerance waiting for her to finish the idiocy when suddenly the boar and fireflies disappeared.  Kotori’s jaw hung open a bit as he stared at the spot where the boar had been.  The girls words about spirits suddenly having more weight to them.  It was impossible!  It had to be impossible! Wasn’t it?  

The notion she was right and he’d been wrong wasn’t sitting well with the proud boy but his mind was having a hard time finding any other answer.  Shoot he’d deal with it later.  She wasn’t pressing the matter at least.  Kotori had enough of fireflies and spirits he had no place to stay here longer than necessary or return anytime soon.  Kotori nodded at her agreeance to leave as he started a leisurely walk back towards their pack land.  They could go faster of course but he’d make sure it was at a pace she wanted to go.

“You gave me your name, I got a bit distracted to respond properly.  I’m Prince Kotori Fatalis.” Her name was longer than his but he’d make sure she knew they were on equal footing in regards to the quality of their blood.  His words were more polite now than at the start, “So, what did make you choose this place to travel to?” He changed his phrasing from asking why someone couldn’t defend herself to just an individual decision of where to go for a bit more politeness at least.  “I’ve been roaming a lot so for me it's just kind of seeing what the world has to offer in interesting sights.”  The fact she felt status meant not needing to fight interested him and her believing the boar to be a spirit was now intriguing also.  Kotori actually wanted to know a bit more about the girl.  Did Ashen really not have princesses fight?

Kotori Fatalis

[Image: HMmbDEu.png]