


07-28-2013, 02:00 PM


and i ran, i ran so far away

It hadn't been long since Liste had seen the Sol, but the call that reached her ears was more than welcome. She longed to see the female in a much better mood than she had last, hopefully with a litter of whelps at her side to bring a smile to her maw. Her long legs carried her swiftly to the spot, where she found exactly what she had hoped for. A few wolves arrived before her, and being knew she only barely recognized the majority. Aria, however, she knew. She greeted her with a small smile before turning to the alphess and giving a low, brief bow before taking her seat off to the side and waiting for Angeal to also arrive. She hoped that with him at her side, she would be able to meet a few more of her packmates in a more comfortable environment.

Tagged: Ludicael


07-31-2013, 04:25 PM

An alabaster form leapt from root to root in the mangrove, chasing a particularly tasty looking fish down the waterways. She stopped when the summoning call rang in her ears, and lost her footing on a particularly small root. Into the aqua she tumbled, feeling a muscled body of her choice meal trapped beneath her. The strange marine life within the water lit up around her, making the large fish visible. She thrust her cranium into the water, latching her powerful jaws into it and lifting it into the air. The gleaming silver creature thrashed about as it gasped for air, until it finally went still. Ivory fur soaked through, tiny glowing creatures trapped within the silky fibres, she sighed around the kill, and made her way towards the source of the call.

Her trip into the water dampened her mood, so she decided not to hurry. Her naturally fast pace meant that she wouldn't be really late, however. Eventually, her long legs carried her to within scent range. She could detect the Sol; Jupiter, as well as Aria; the Borealis, and her friends; Siarvon and Song. There were far more scents she did not recognize, however. Two smelled of Ludicael, but there were two others who smelled strange, which meant she needed to hurry up a bit. Soon she was within sight of the group. Not many wolves here yet, which Aurora saw as a good thing, since she wasn't exactly the most comfortably social wolf out there. With a respectful nod towards her superiors, she dropped the fish with what other kills were already there. The fish was still cool, and there were also beads of water remaining. The soggy she wolf lifted her head again, eying the wolves whom she did not recognize.

The porcelain dame decided an assessment wasn't really nesessary, since the wolves wouldn't be here if Jupiter didn't allow it. Parting her jaws, she lent voice to her thoughts. "Congradulations, my Sol." She greeted the woman, voice soft and filled with joy for the new mother. Her faint Russian accent marred the silkiness of her otherworldly voice, which often earned her strange looks from others. So she shut her maw, and moved to sit beside her friend Siarvon. Her tall, lean frame folded neatly as she rested on her haunches, long tail wrapping around her paws. Twin raven feathers danced as they settled onto the long fur, and then she was still. Her moonstone orbs glimmered as she waited for what was to happen next.


08-08-2013, 11:27 AM

Deteste had lingered near Jupiter's den for a while now. He was not close enough to realize the short conflict that had occurred there but he could sense the gathering of Ludicael members and heard Jupiter's call clearly when it was sung. He trotted dutifully in the direction of the call. He smiled as he caught sight of the Sol and dipped his head in greeting to any surrounding members. Deteste was surprised when he realized Jupiter had birthed only moments ago and he wondered why she had called the meeting so suddenly. He continued to smile at her but he could see the wearinesss the act had left her with. He sat beside the sol, knowing that she would likely be announcing his promotion during the meeting.


Jupiter I


7 Years
08-09-2013, 05:08 PM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2013, 01:37 PM by Jupiter I.)

Chest swelled with pride as she watched her members gather. Some were missing, yes, but Jupiter understood most of all that not everyone could be on the lands of Ludicael in the range of hearing at once. She made a mental note to try and seek those that weren't present out later, to both passively hark of their alibi and to inform them of the bomb she was about to drop on her pack members. She smiled and nodded to all of those that arrived and those that greeted her, flicking an ear for those that acknowledged her verbally. She chuckled with her appreciation at Haku as he placed a freshly-killed shrew at her paws, and then Aurora as she did the same with a fish, and nudged it slightly to the side so she would remember to eat it later. About a minute after Deteste arrived, though, picking a spot next to her, she spoke up.

"First of all, when they're a little older, all of you will eventually get to meet the three new children of Ludicael. Aegira, Oberon, and Ananke." She beamed, glancing knowingly at Marvel as she began to name them off, allowing for her celestial optics to linger on him briefly before swinging back to those gathered.

"And this man here," she began, flicking her tail and gesturing with her muzzle to the dark brute beside her, "is Deteste. He has been named your male Sol of Ludicael. You will treat him with the same respect that you would treat me." With a slight ounce of concern on her features, she chanced a peek at Aria. The woman hoped that putting the male at a rank above the gal's wouldn't bother her. Wishing to get to the more important portions of the meeting, she allowed proper times for congratulations that may arise before sweeping onto the next topic.

"As for our Orbitas, we think it's time that you lovely lads and gals choose your specialties. With that duty and rank in mind, speak to me briefly after the meeting and we will arrange proper training and promotions." She beamed around at them, and then chuckled, shaking her head and averting her gaze to her paws, inky lips curling downwards as a dark look crossed her features.

"The main reason why I've called you here, though, is to announce the matter of my upcoming fight with another. It will be a fight to the death." She lifted her head, taking a deep breath, audits twitching backwards. "Kaios, the king of Amenti and mate to its queen, Newt, has been a notable scourge to the other packs. He has eaten the stillborn of another before her very eyes, and has force-claimed a couple of females against their will. He attempted to rape me and I wholly believe that he will, at some point, come for myself, my pups, or the members of Ludicael." For the absolute turmoil that had ravaged her thoughts on the decision, she was now calm and her voice was even, if not a little pained.

She looked up the handsome Seracia king, an apology in her eyes. "We are allies with Seracia, and here sits its king. We also share an alliance with Valhalla." Jupiter shifted with slight apprehension. "Even should they choose to abstain from helping us should a war emerge, we will not fall." By now she had faced outwards and was standing, addressing those gathered with a renewed sense of confidence. "I hold every last one of you dear to my heart. And I always will. But you will be left under good rule should I fall."


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.