



5 Years
07-31-2013, 11:24 PM
tripping on shrooms, so there's not any confusion about what's happening

ashen feet carried the serpentine man over barren land, stepping lightly over fallen trunks and smoothened rocks. ruby laced saliva dripped feebly from penciled lips, telltale sign of a recent feed vacant. he hadn't a clue why he was here. or where he was going. he glanced to his left, spectacles void of any emotion. what was he doing again? suddenly he froze. eyes prying slowly open, until they resembled decorative saucers. had that tree just.. breathed? as if slowed by father time, the man's neck and left ankle cautiously crept toward each other - meeting at the curlique hairs of his chest with only millimeters between.

no.. no it hadn't. they separated, jaeger arching his muscle toned neck with a skeptical eyebrow cock before his shoulders began to shake. laughter bubbled from his finely sculpted maw, a childish sound distorted only slightly by a maniacal acidity. how absurd, to think that a tree - a dead one at that - had breathed! but then a burning sensation scalded his spine, flaring up his back and to his temples. a deep, gutteral laughter. mocking him. his throat clasped shut, choking him on his tongue. dilated pupils shot down at the tree, who now sported a face. a face that so horrifyingly bore back at him, twisted and gnarled in anguish. he could do nothing but stare. his body would not respond. only shake violently in fear and sorrow for this poor charred soul, trapped forever in the pain of hell.

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself


08-01-2013, 08:21 AM

The seas wine red; This is the death of beauty
this is the time and this is the place to be alive

. . .

"Hey! came a sharp, deep voice, "Hey! Are you okay?"

Champion didn't usually make a point of babysitting others. But this guy looked like he was having some serious issues. The gold and white bear of a she-wolf had been wandering, just as her heart always desired, but in this land of grey ground and black spires, she'd found herself pausing, sniffing, taking in the terrible grimness of the place. On the edges life had begun to creep back in - grasses and ferns and vines climbing the once proud trees. But here? Here there was far more death than life.

And in the middle of it was one strange black and white male who might as well have been an embodiment of the terra. In the time of Champion's observation he had stared at a certain tree, laughed at it, gasped at it and then quaked in fear as though he were going to wet himself. Maybe something was going on that Champion knew nothing of. Maybe the wolf was insane. Or maybe - maybe he'd taken some sort of poison. He smelled pretty off. A sight like this, espically in such a haunting place, would be enough to turn off most normal wolves, or at least put them quickly on their guard. But Champion was what anyone would call a normal wolf. Not in size, not in shape, not in story, not in desires, not in personality. She trotted forward on oversized paws to come and stand about a pace or so from the male. She was ready to step forward and support him if he started to fall - but also ready to hop-scotch a step back if his madness turned nasty. He could have rabies for all that she knew.

Just in case she hadn't caught his hazed attention already, she gave a quick whistle through her teeth. "Hey Joe, you don't look so good. How about lying down for a bit, huh?"

. . .



5 Years
08-01-2013, 11:49 PM
hover over foreign words

the laughter continued, distorted as if having mud clogging its throat. yet the face remained frozen in anguish. he knew it was the source, something that seemed burned into his thoughts. but he couldn't flee. couldn't speak. couldn't scream to make it stop. his body ached to be set free, feeling as if he had been trapped here in this stance for a lifetime. then a terrible ringing, shrill and otherworldly. an insistent, constant, and aggravating sound. slowly he came to life. his steely visage screwed into ire, his shoulders coiling back toward his spine. his split maw curved in toward his throat, lips peeling back to reveal tarnished canines. "genug!"

burning spectacles found their mark on a behemoth of a wench, irritation slowly diverging into disorder. who was this woman? he looked around, only briefly at the tree, a feral chill washing over him before he pushed it back. his eyes caught the woman again, and he forced a lazy grin toward her. "nasty things those fey are. i seemed to be a little lost." his voice was soft, airy; no hint of his previous aggression or fear. he turned his bag of skin and bones to face her and took a haphazard step closer. he paused before going further, brow cocking suspiciously as her head began to wave and disfigure. "your head.. it's fluctuating. did you know that?" his eyes seemed to bulge from their sockets, nothing but pupil as he tilted his buzzed crown to the right. "did you eat some rotten cayenne? i hear those can be pretty unforgiving, even fresh."

note; he didn't ignore her, the ringing was her talking c: he simply did not hear her

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself


08-07-2013, 03:24 PM

The seas wine red; This is the death of beauty
this is the time and this is the place to be alive
. . .

The male didn't seem to hear so good. It was as though he were hearing and seeing the world through a cloud of smoke. With a delayed reaction he scrunched up his shoulders and bared his teeth. But it was hard to know whether he was shouting at Champion, himself, or whatever ill feelings were going through his system. He seemed to switch from aggravated to interest to chilled to grinning as quick as breathing, however. If he'd had a different color for each emotion, Champion would've been looking at a blinking rainbow. No, this brute definitely needed some sort of help.

"-I seem to be a little bit lost." The male's speech now was so harmless sounding it bordered on comatose.

"Probably are," rumbled Champion, notching her brow. "But I know where a nice, relaxing stream is, just this way." When something was in the system that needed getting out. There were two ways to do it - dillute the poison, or have them wretch it up all together. Having had a years worth of training as a healer, Champion knew how to do both, but she doubted the male would like the second option very much. That pushed aside, his best bet towards consciousness was to hydrate and perhaps ingest a little charcoal from some of the burned trees around here. It would help absorb whatever was in him and keep it out of his blood stream. The male took a step closer; maybe in this state, getting him to follow her would be simple - but then he had another vision of sorts, telling her that her head was... fluctuating?

"It's a talent," Champion drawled dismissively. And then to his next question, she added, "Sir, I'm fine, I think it's you who needs a sit in the shade and some stream-water." And what was he talking about? Cayennes? Was that some sort of rotten prey or maybe some kind of plant she'd never heard of? Creator Above, this wasn't one of those idiots who willingly ingested poisons just to be a kick, was it? T'would be just her luck. Not that it mattered. More was going on that he could control and he still needed attention.

Unless he grew too volatile - in which case Champion had no qualms about dumping his butt and leaving him to stew in his own juices.

. . .



5 Years
08-11-2013, 12:59 AM

slowly she contorted, waved, rippled. it started only with her head, then moved on down her neck to her shoulders and across her ribs. surely she was not some disfigured woman, risen from hel? would he have to slay her? was she in misery, perhaps? she didn't seem to be, but denial was the first step, was it not? with time it stopped, but that didn't stop him from gawking - until her tones kissed the air.

he screwed his features into skeptical disbelief, scoffing irritably. "ma'am," his voice spat with acidity. "i'll have you know, i'm a very," he leaned forward to emphasize further with more animation under his tongue. "and i mean very educated man. aaaand quite frankly," he resumed his former stance, pulling his neck back as if he were a cobra about to spit venom. his voice rose a pitch higher, "i just don't believe you." dually colored spectacles stared at her, his underfed body wavering slightly. the ground around her shifted, contorted. his eyes slowly widened and his jaw began to creep agape. from under her feet came shadows, dark as death. a nervous, anxious hybrid between a whine and a growl slipped from his throat as he slithered forward and around her tail. "but let's just say that you are," his voice was hurried as he bumped his bony hip into her rear, urging her forward. "you know, telling the truth." he stepped around her, avoiding the now bodily shadows smoking from her feet and eying them suspiciously. "we'll have to get you some help. for your disorder, you know." he looked at her now, nodding for her to follow him as he continued on. he needed to get her away from these dark fey before they gained control of her mind. "it's just not healthy."

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself


08-11-2013, 11:56 AM

The seas wine red; This is the death of beauty
this is the time and this is the place to be alive
. . .

For a wolf who was quite obviously tripping over his own paws with some kind of insanity or poison, he would speak quite well. He carried himself like a mentor, a teacher, and seemed almost disappointed in her for 'not telling the truth'. He was going on this speel about her not being well. She was half curious as to what else he might be seeing with those glazed eyes of his. Was she sprouting extra tail or turning green?

It seemed like this was going to be alot more difficult than she'd first thought. As the male spoke, however, an idea sparked up in her mind. Champion bent her ears a little, slowly letting her shoulders droop with a sigh. Her tail was broken into it's proud curved shape, but she let it wilt a little. "You know," she murmured a little less easily. "I have been feeling a bit under the weather lately." The golden she-wolf's form swayed a bit, but she caught herself with a sidestep. "Would you mind walking me to someplace safer?"

(ooc: sorry for shortness)

. . .