
easy come easy go



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-13-2021, 09:08 AM

Summer. The word brought to mind, for example, lush tones of greens, yellows, blues, and more that met the eye as far as the sun’s light could reach. The sacred warmth that spread across this southern continent was a welcome reprieve from Boreas’ frosty chill — but Laeta was accustomed to cold. By that, she was used to frigid temperatures, for sure; she learned how to be efficient in conserving energy between hunting and avoiding possible enemies. She knew some rudimentary basics of defense moves and herbs for first aid. Moreover, however, she learned to avoid speaking to others altogether. In a sense, the bitterness of being a loner in a cold land further reinforced her distant, detached personality. It only took a bad incident in her childhood to forever damage her ability to connect to other wolves. For many, it would seem like the ultimate hell — unable to find comfort or joy in the presence of one’s own kind. Not being able to exchange words, express feelings, or describe the thoughts swimming in their head.

Laeta was living that so called “hell”, but she didn’t perceive it as such. She had no idea how other wolves lived, particularly in packs. She’d seen fragments of packs on her travels as a loner — typically, they didn’t congregate in one whole group as she used to believe. In reality, she would see one or several wolves in a specific area, and they all had the same scent shared amongst each other. A pack scent. You could call it the scent of “belonging” or even “family”, if you so choose, but the woman didn’t have such an enriching experience. Her birth pack forced her out at such a young age — a yearling, an adult, but still with the mind of a child. A child. And why? Because of stupid, bullshit rumors. That her mother had lain with an outsider. If that was the case, then why didn’t they kick her siblings out as well? It didn’t make sense, but much like Lae’s tumultuous, stressful life, nothing really did.

Although the ebony creature spent the majority of her years fighting for some right to exist in the harsh lands of Boreas, specifically the northern region, as she found little else to disturb her or harm her there, it was a painful existence. It was painful to endure. When times were bad and the season was bare, she often had no food for days, or up to a week. If she was lucky, she’d find some half-eaten carcass or some berries. The seasons up in Boreas had clearly left some mark; as the she-wolf trekked amongst the sunny foliage, the outline of her ribs protruded from her sides, and her piercing ruby gaze appeared more sunken and hollow. It was clear to anybody that she was not well-fed, and her spirits were chronically low.

Still, though the harsh life of a loner theoretically would’ve aged the woman nuch faster, Lae still maintained a youthful complexion. It was as if she remained at the same size and build she was when she left her birth pack (and, plot twist: she didn’t grow). As the soft light of day seeped into her black and white coat, the woman’s body, though worn by hunger and cold, remained glossy and smooth. Her shoulders and haunches still contained roped tendrils of muscle, built up from years of sprinting and maneuvering into tight dens and crevices. Her eyes, though having lost their sparkle, were still as luminous and sharp as ever. The aging and subsequent hardening of her cynical exterior remained invisible to the naked eye.

It had likely been some stretch of time before the woman dared glance at the world above her, only then noticing the grand but worn remains of the castle. For most of her life, she cast her beautiful eyes upon the earth below, appreciating the monotony and allowing herself to feel even smaller and more invisible than before. Little did she realize it was one of several survival mechanisms she’d acquired as the result of being forced to survive and grow up from a young age. Too young, arguably. However, for once, she let herself take in the sights that had sprawled out across her path, a welcome reprieve, she had to admit, from the relatively dull landscape on the other continent.

Tentatively, Lae approached the edges of the castle’s domain as soon as she noticed the thick smell of a pack in her midst. Her ruby gaze scanned the immediate area in front of her, and her body instinctively stiffened, ready to kick into fight-or-flight mode. She never relaxed. Other wolves made her nervous, particularly after the mostly negative encounters she’d had with some of them, if she interacted with them at all. Still, she was tired, despondent. Tired of running around. Tired of making her home in cramped burrows left behind by creatures unknown. Tired of eating dead crickets when nothing substantial crossed her path for days, weeks on end.

She just wanted to belong.

Bracing herself against the inevitable, everlasting instinct to flee — her default state, and one that wore her down to her core, she stood her ground at the edge of the pack’s territory, wondering if the inhabitants of this land would ever come her way.


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
10-13-2021, 01:59 PM

From above the black and white woman, an ebony-feathered raven glided down through the warm air, dipping overhead to scan her before turning and flapping back off around the edges of the territory.

The balmy summer day carried with it a scent of rain on the air. To the south, dark clouds had begun to gather over the continent. Artorias noticed them from his patrol route, walking south along the eastern border of Hallowed lands. While he loved summer storms, he hoped this one would stave itself off for a little while; there was still much the pack had to do in preparations for the upcoming feast. So lost had the young alpha been in his thoughts that he didn't notice Corbin floating lazily in the air down towards him until his raven came to perch on his back. "Master Artorias, there appears to be a lady waiting at our borders. She hasn't called yet, but she does seem to be waiting for someone," the raven reported. Artorias gave a pensive hum and nodded his head. "Show me."

The raven took to the air, leading his master along the borders until Artorias spotted the wolf in question. She was a petite little thing, her fur striking monochromatic and looking well maintained. Despite her groomed appearance, it was easy to see the poor dear was undernourished, her face sunken in and skin pulled taut. While she wasn't quite to the levels he'd seen Zee in when they'd rescued her, she was almost there. It was clear this stranger hadn't had a good meal in some time. Artorias whistled for Corbin, who floated back down to the black and blue male. "Fetch a piece of jerky and meet us back here," he said, watching his companion dutifully fly off while he finished his approach.

Artorias greeted the woman with a warm smile and a dip of his head. "Good morning," he began, his voice betraying his youth, but the confidence and calmness he exuded revealing his rank. "Welcome to the Hallows. I'm Artorias, Aegis and alpha of the pack." So far, so good. His first time greeting a guest to the pack; how exciting! "What brings you to our doorstep, Miss...?" He let his words drift off, an opening for the other wolf to introduce herself and state her reasons for seeking them out. Regardless, he would at least provide her with a meal. No wolf would leave the Hallows with an empty stomach.

"Artorias Carpathius" | "Corbin" | "Argent"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-13-2021, 02:30 PM

Laeta didn’t realize she’d become lost in the dead mire of her head until a foreing voice pierced the silence. The woman blinked as a figured had appeared in front of her, seemingly out of thin air. Again, the instinct to flee clawed at her chest and throat, drilling a hole into her stomach that also gnawed from constant hunger. For a few moments, the woman could only stare nervously as the younger male and his raven companion exchanged words. ”Fetch a piece of jerky and meet us back here,” He said to his avian friend, who promptly flew away. Lae traced the creature’s flight path with a brief flicker of her pupils, watching almost intently. It was a skill carved into her very core; watch any movement — it could mean the difference between a piece of prey, or worse, an aggressive loner looking for a fight. Obviously, the interactions between this wolf and his friend was likely the most normal communication she had seen in..well, basically a lifetime. All she knewwas dysfunction, instability, and hatred. Perhaps that sounded a bit pathetic, but it sadly wasn’t far from the truth.

It was then the black-and-blue canine faced his attention towards her. The woman’s brow furrowed in a mixture of confusion and curiosity as he bowed his head to her with a ”Good morning” attached. He bowed his head to her? What little she knew of social interactions suggested that this motion was a sign of respect and greeting, but the only greetings she’d received this far were from the insects and other woodland creatures that nibbled at her feet in the early mornings. She couldn’t say she was offended at all, however, just confused and unsure how to react.

” Welcome to the Hallows. I'm Artorias, Aegis and alpha of the pack,” The male had said in his introduction. She tilted her head softly, as if allowing herself to listen to him more clearly. She knew what an “alpha” was — the pack leader. She picked that up somewhere, wherever that was in her aimless travels. What an Aegis was, specifically, she had no clue, but sue assumed it to be the equivalent to the leader rank in some way. Artorias. The name had a rhythmic lilt to it, bold and strong like the younger man in front of her. It felt odd to be the older one in this instance — weren’t alphas usually closer to elder age? Then again, what did she know? She barely knew what a pack was, aside from her brief observations.

”What brings you to our doorstep, Miss..?” Artorias’ voice trailed off, prompting her to speak. "Laeta," She said, her own name feeling so odd on her tongue. She realized she hadn’t uttered a word to another soul in months — yet, she spoke in her head all the time. It was one of her quirks, she figured; she got so entwined within her inner monologue that she managed to drown the world out until something whisked her back to reality. In this instance, she had to mentally fight herself to remain engaged in even this simple conversation. Her tired and hungry state did little to help, though.

"I, to join a pack. If you’ll have me, I suppose." She attempted to emulate the essence of a polite, nonthreatening tone and posture, which showed, had it not been for the fact that she looked as beaten down as a scrambled egg.


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
10-13-2021, 04:55 PM

While he spoke, Artorias took note of the reactions in the smaller wolf's eyes and posture. A tilt of a head, guarded confusion and bewilderment. Her ruby eyes were expressive, even when she didn't say much. The woman introduced herself as Laeta and Artorias cocked a lopsided smile to the stranger who was no longer nameless to him. She said she was looking to join a pack and the young man raised a curious brow. It had been some time since newcomers had come to the Hallows looking to join their ranks. She didn't smell of another pack or band, which meant she was a loner and indeed not a spy—not that a spy would be able to glean much from a pack that was open to virtually anyone who needed asylum and care. "Is that so?" Artorias gave an intrigued nod while he considered the older woman's words. She had been polite, if not appearing rundown and timid. She needed a safe harbor to rest, if nothing else, and that was what the Hallows was.

"Come with me, Laeta. Let me show you around. My mother would think me rude if I kept a guest at the threshold." Artorias turned to welcome Laeta past the territory borders and into Hallowed lands, giving her a soft look to hopefully help put her at ease. He could sense her tension and trepidation. Her physical state left little question to the lifestyle she'd been leading. At the very least, he wanted to get some food in her belly and get her comfortable with what his pack was about before having the serious conversation of joining their ranks. He was always happy to welcome new members, but the Hallows had also suffered their fair share of loss recently. He wanted Laeta to be sure this was where she wanted to be.

If she followed, Artorias would lead the way down the rolling grass plains towards the castle gates and the protection of high stone walls. It was a bastion of sanctuary and healing. Perhaps Laeta would find both things here as well. "Are you familiar with the Hallows? Did you find us by chance, or did you come looking for us?" he asked, casting a glance back over his shoulder to her. "We're a fairly new pack, just over a year old. I wouldn't blame you if you hadn't."

"Artorias Carpathius" | "Corbin" | "Argent"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-13-2021, 10:11 PM

Lae had been ready to brace herself for the worst after expressing her desires to join the pack. Was she too direct, perhaps? The woman hadn't really figured out how to communicate more subtly about her intentions, but she supposed that in this situation, being upfront and honest was better than just telling a fib. Not that she really learned how to do that, either; she spoke only what she needed to say, and really didn't get exposure to the finer parts of socialization. Thus, what was left was a woman who, at best, was brutally honest and clumsy in her verbalizations. Though it was a far cry from the hotheaded yearling she used to be, the one who expressed her frustration to the world by snappishly defending herself against anyone who seemed to threaten her. No, the woman had, quite obviously, matured. Instead of baring her fangs at everyone she set her eyes upon, she either offered a neutral expression, or averted her eyes altogether. Avoidance, in truth, was a better defense mechanism.

"Is that so?"

Lae could offer nothing else in that moment except for a small nod of her head. Well, she supposed that's what she came here for -- though, she didn't know the pack that resided her in particular. She was simply weary of the years spent on bare lands, watching the world go by with a sorrow monotony that endlessly cursed her thoughts.

"Come with me, Laeta. Let me show you around. My mother would think me rude if I kept a guest at the threshold," The male wolf had said, as if prompting her to enter the foreign territory. The woman hesitated a second despite the obvious warm invitation. She learned quickly never to step even an inch into pack territory -- though nothing personally happened to her, she heard rumors of loners that unknowingly trespassed into some of the less "forgiving" packs, and what had become of them if they didn't leave straightaway. alas, those were mere rumors. Loners didn't really have much to do in their time without a pack and duties to give them structure. Or so was her opinion, and partially the reason why she chose to consider a pack allegiance; the thought of having a purpose and a job appealed to her even more than endlessly wandering the lands of Boreas. Though having nonexistent experience in what a pack expected of its members, she supposed it was never too late to learn. She had much to learn in that regard, having had her social development stunted quite severely.  Soon enough, she braved the first few steps into the territory, the scent of the pack seemingly surrounding her in a thick veil.  There was no going back now. But why would she? This man showed her..kindness. Bona fide kindness. Something she had nothing of.

Scanning the new land with widening eyes, they soon came across what appeared to be the "entrance" to the pack. She tilted her head and took in the sights for a few seconds, in silent awe. She'd never seen anything quite like it -- the worn walls towered above them like stone guardians, offering what felt to her to be a wave of wamrth and light. She didn't even realize that this place, through some marvelous feat of fate, had what she desperately needed. Her sudden, puppy-like trance was gently interrupted by the Aegis as he asked, "Are you familiar with the Hallows? Did you find us by chance, or did you come looking for us? We're a fairly new pack, just over a year old. I wouldn't blame you if you hadn't."

Laeta glanced over to him, tearing herself away from her old habits, the ones where she got trapped within the overwhelming surge of new scents, sights, and textures so much so that she almost forgot to reply. The Hallows. So that's what they were called. What an interesting name. "I can't say I have," She said, her tone dull, suppressed compared to her expressive gaze. "I wandered towards this place in search of some warmth. Boreas got too frigid for my taste." The winters, especially, were horrendously cruel. There were times in the northern regions that she frequented that she thought she wouldn't survive the nights, not with her uneven and mostly short coat. She glanced back towards the regal gate, almost losing herself within her surroundings. Hesitating for a moment, seeing as she never was told it was acceptable to express herself, she looked back at the leader and added softly, "And..I guess, I was tired of having no purpose. No place to call a home." Regardless of how long she was permitted to stay here, she'd take it. The woman's years, though not that short but not that long, had been anything but kind. The positive conversation she was having was, unbeknownst to the Aegis, the first one she'd had the pleasure of experiencing. Though trivial, it was something she wouldn't be quick to forget. Perhaps it was the start of a new life for her, one that allowed her to rest and regrow.


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
10-13-2021, 10:59 PM

Artorias never grew tired of seeing that look of astonishment cross the faces of wolves who gazed upon his family's castle for the first time. It truly was a splendor; a feat of engineering achievement and a stroke of good fortune that they had been able to claim the previously unoccupied lands as their own. Prior to the arrival of the new pack to the east, they had been the solitary pack in all of Auster. His mother, gods rest her soul, had picked the stronghold as a means of protecting their family and those they took in. Under his reign, Artorias sought to expand his mother's ideals and have the pack tend to general security across all of Auster. If they could get Fenmyre to cooperate, they would have a unified Auster, and it would put the Hallows in a very advantageous position.

Approaching the old stone gatehouse—the only way in and out of the castle walls—Artorias gave a barking laugh when Laeta explained her reasons for her arrival down in the southern continent, an amused grin splitting his lips. "The winters were the same reason my mother moved us from Boreas as well. That, and our old home was getting a little too... crowded." Auster was experiencing its summer season right now, but even the "winters" here were nothing compared to what Boreas suffered. A little damp and rainy, maybe, but never frigid and snowy. Black-furred ears flicked back to catch Lae's desire to find a purpose for herself. That got the young man to look back at the haggard wolf following him. Though her body seemed in need of care, the light he saw in her eyes told him of the life that still burned like a fire inside of her. Laeta had been through hard times, but she was a fighter, that much was clear, and she hadn't given up.

"I think you came to the right place, Laeta," said Artorias as he stepped through the gates and into the castle gardens and courtyard. The Austerian summer had the gardens vibrant and lush, with flowers in full bloom all around the old cobblestone paths. Wisteria trees sat between rows of hedges, their beautiful violet tendrils of flowers dangling towards the earth. Honeysuckle and ivy climbed the walls of the castle proper, and birds sang somewhere in the trees. No sooner had he led Laeta through the gardens, Corbin returned with a large chunk of dried venison in his talons, which he laid at Laeta's paws before he took to the sky to roost in a magnolia tree and watch the wolves.

Art motioned for Laeta to take the food, then moved to sit beneath one of the wisteria trees, hoping she would join him. He still remembered the lessons his mother had taught him when she established the pack. Receive all guests with food and hospitality. Conduct business when they are cared for. Laeta had a meal to eat, a shady tree to rest beneath. They could talk now. "The Hallows is a pack meant for sanctuary and healing. We provide protection and medical services to all wolves, regardless of their history, their allegiances, their status. Here, everyone is welcome," he explained. "We do not have many laws in the Hallows, but the one paramount is this: no blood is to be shed on Hallowed land, whether by pack member or guest. The only exception is in the cases of challenges or defending our home. It is how we maintain neutrality and can offer the services we do. My mother founded this pack as a safe haven for those who have nowhere else to turn, who need a helping paw, and who want a fresh start or a chance to rediscover themselves."

Fire-kissed amber eyes turned to look at Laeta, curious to see how she was receiving everything. The castle could be a bit overwhelming for some wolves, especially those that had never spent any periods of time surrounded by large structures. Some didn't care for it. Mostly Art was interested to see how she would view the Hallows' mission and goals. Would they align with her own beliefs? Would she still wish to join when she learned what they were about? "Does this still sound like somewhere you would like to be a part of, Laeta?" If it wasn't, Artorias would still insist on feeding his guest and have Gwynevere provide her with care until she was healthy enough to survive on her own. If it was, they could discuss further.

"Artorias Carpathius" | "Corbin" | "Argent"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-14-2021, 12:39 AM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2021, 12:41 AM by Laeta. Edited 1 time in total.)

Lae couldn’t help but be caught off guard as Artorias erupted into laughter at her comment about Boreas’ chilly weather. Laughter..was good. It was a good sign. She was doing something properly, or at least, she was becoming more trustworthy to him. Laughter wasn’t a sound the woman had much of a privilege of hearing — loner lands tended to be a bit dry on the humor — but it was clearly enough to let her normally guarded posture relax, if just a little. It would take some time to unwind the constant stress and survival state she had huddled herself in for so long, out of necessity. In a safe place like this, however, such a mechanism could be switched off. She had yet to learn that fully, though.

”I think you came to the right place, Laeta,” The Aegis said, giving the tired woman all the more reason to feel she didn’t do anything wrong, whether in her mannerisms or her words. Confidence — something else she could do well to work on while recuperating. They passed through the gates, and
Lae followed, her gait soft and smooth despite her hardened exterior. The honeysuckle and ivy plants that merged together upon the walls and foliage made the courtyard that much more colorful, and the woman’s eyes drank in the sight, her senses taking in every bit of information visually, auditory, and otherwise as if she had been deprived of said senses. It was just Refreshing, really. No sooner did they find themselves int he courtyard did Artorias’ avian friend drop something at her feet. Lae glanced up at the bird as he flew up to perch in the nearby magnolia tree. She couldn’t help but stare at everything in her midst, as if she was a pup emerging from its den for the first time. It wasn’t far off from the truth, though, that she was experiencing many new things at one time — including this conversation with a kind wolf. The scent of venison prompted Lae to look down at the raven’s gift; a piece of meat.

Though manners should’ve been considered, Lae could only utter a brief "Thank you," when the leader motioned for her to take it, and snatched the food so quickly it could’ve made a housefly jealous of her reflexes. There was barely any chewing involved, either, but she managed not to choke. Meat was a rarity to her, particularly in Boreas’ winters, and there were constant quarrels and fights with other loners about even the smallest scraps of meat. They’d even try to kill over a few ribs, and she’d watched those scenes unfold time and time again. Hopefully, such harsh winters were behind her, for good. She couldn’t take them anymore, and the memories of her near-death experiences weighed heavily on her mind and soul, which, arguably, were more wounded than her haggard appearance. With the food eaten, and the shade under eath the tree offering the perfect cover and comfort, she perked her ears as the Aegis spoke of the pack’s ideals, rules, and purpose. She did her best to follow along, nodding periodically to let him know she was taking it all in. No bloodshed — she was fine with that. She’d seen enough blood spilt over the smallest of matters for a lifetime, and she need not endure any more than she needed to. Neutrality? Although she never considered her alignment, Lae had to admit she wasn’t one to take sides, and preferred to gather all the facts and observations of a situation before forming any concrete opinion. Even then, she didn’t lean heavily towards good or evil. She supposed that made her “neutral”.

Still, she had little sense of self and who she was; after all, being forced out of her birth pack for something as superficial as her appearance took its psychological toll on her self-image. Not only that, but combined with the survival mode she had been in for the past four years, it didn’t give her much chance to consider something else entirely. Well, now was her chance. As the woman allowed the Aegis to finish his explanation of the pack, she took in the sights of the grand castle and its structures again, feeling she was seeing something new every time she glanced about. She should’ve felt overwhelmed — the sheer amount of new plants, animals, weather, and scents would’ve made her younger self almost spiral in sheer chaos. Somehow, despite her guarded outlook and uncertainty, the years of being a loner allowed her grip on a need for control to soften. She couldn’t control everything, and that was okay. Still, it was all so new, and this decision of hers was a life-changing one.

So, when the leader popped the question, she should’ve gone deep into her head again. Perhaps consulting with her old self, the woman who was mentally still huddled in the tundra, alone and afraid. Or maybe the child who didn’t understand why her mother ignored her orher pack despised her. Or maybe it was this beginning-of-something-new Laeta, the one who decided she’d had enough of living an uncertain, aimless life, chained down by her trauma. She was more than that. She could be more than that.

” Does this still sound like somewhere you would like to be a part of, Laeta?”

The question echoed in her mind. Are you sure? The self-doubt echoed back. The instinct inside her threatened to bubble up again, the part that tried and failed to protect her from more danger, more sorrow, more pain. Still taking in the soft surroundings with a neutral expression, but eyes bright, she felt she had made up her mind since the time the young Aegis had introduced himself. It was at that time, no, before that, that she had enough of wandering. Enough of feeling like a burden on her own shoulders. The self-pity. The lonely nights when the stars were her only companions for miles around.

It was time to change. For the better.

Laeta tore herself away from the luscious view, yet again, to face the leader. Though her face was hallowed, and mind still broken and in shambles, she could at least offer the phrase that would pivot her life on an entirely different, and better path.

"Yes. This place feels right to me."


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
10-14-2021, 01:15 AM

Laeta took time to consider his words. That was good; it meant she was considering the gravity of this decision. To join a pack—any pack—and become part of a larger collective family was not a life choice to be taken lightly, and the monochrome she-wolf seemed to understand that. Artorias did not pressure her, he did not urge her decision one way or another, nor did he rush her mind. This choice had to be hers and hers alone. If she chose to simply use the Hallows' services to get back on her feet and be on her way, he would understand and be happy to accommodate her. But if she was ready for a brand new life, then he was ready to receive her.

The answer he had been waiting for came when Laeta turned ruby eyes back to meet his gold-flecked amber ones. In those eyes, Artorias saw the lifetime of hardship, of strife, of self-doubt and survival pitched on the edge of a knife. But he also saw potential, spirit, a drive to do more. Ambition. Laeta responded, and her words were exactly what the young Aegis had hoped to hear. His warm smile widened, and he shuffled closer beside Laeta. "Then welcome to the Hallows, Laeta—and welcome home." He went to raise a paw to gently touch her shoulder. "Don't be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you. This is merely a formality." Should she show trust and not resist him, Artorias would move to wrap a foreleg around Laeta in a welcoming embrace, using the motion to nuzzle the side of her neck and pass some of his scent—the pack's scent—onto her, marking her as a Hallowed wolf. If she flinched or resisted, he would give her the space she needed. They could always do this at a later time.

With her snack eaten, Artorias rose to his paws and shook out his fur, glancing up at the castle that dwarfed the two wolves. "Would you like a tour of your new home?" he offered, motioning for her to follow him with a flick of his head. He would lead the way through the gardens and up the terrace into the grand foyer. Through the large double doors, a grand staircase could be seen spiraling up to the higher floors. Two corridors branched out to the left and right. "This is the Carpathian Castle, the hallmark of the Hallows. Named after my family, Carpathius. My mother, Resin, she founded our pack and our family. It only felt fitting to name the castle that way. This is the foyer, sort of the central hub of the castle. To the left, you have our feast hall, where we hold meetings and celebrations. You're actually joining us at a very exciting time. We're just preparing for our annual Feast of Unity. You'll get to see all of the pack there if you don't meet them before. That way is also our kitchen, food larders and wine cellar. Food is always available, so help yourself to anything when you're hungry."

Artorias led the way down the right corridor and around the east wing of the castle. "Over here is our infirmary and bathhouse. My sister, Gwynevere, is our chief medic. She'll see to your every need, from sniffles to broken bones. The baths are open 24/7 and have a supply of soaps and oils, if you're into keeping your fur maintained to that degree. There's also a lounge for when you need a quiet moment, and the bedrooms for any guests we have staying with us." Artorias gave Laeta all the time she needed to explore each room they passed. When they were done, he began to lead her to the foyer once more to take her up to the next levels of the castle. "Do you have any questions so far, about the pack, or the castle, or anything at all? I know it's a lot to take in all at once." He chuckled under his breath.

"Artorias Carpathius" | "Corbin" | "Argent"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-14-2021, 10:21 AM

"Then welcome to the Hallows, Laeta—and welcome home."

Welcome home. The phrase felt so strange to her ears. She'd never had a home, that much seemed clear to anybody. The Aegis had offered her another warm smile, and although it should've been secondhand to any body to smile back, Laeta maintained a flat, monotonous expression. She'd never really smiled before, as silly as that sounded. The loner lands didn't offer much opportunity for happiness and joy, both being about as foreign of emotions to her as the layout of this continent. Still, even with her beginning to warm up to this wolf's presence and conversation, she saw the paw outstretched to her shoulder and instinctively stiffened, frozen in fear. It wasn't voluntary, of course -- the years of being surrounded by danger and plight conditioned her in the cruelest ways possible. It was only with the male's reassurance -- "Don't be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you. This is merely a formality" -- that she forced herself to relax, posture sloping down as his paw made contact with her shoulder. She hadn't really been touched by another wolf in what felt to be a lifetime, so of course this was something she'd learn to accept in time, if not embrace. Surprisingly, Lae let herself be embraced briefly so as to be immersed within the pack scent, which was a step in the right direction. Still, it would take more than a few embraces for her to begin receiving them with the comfort and warmth of the more established members here. The ones who had family to love and to turn to.

Having accepted her first few touches and contact with a brave face, the woman watched as the Aegis rose to his feet, shaking out his pelt. She rose in tandem, and despite not being that old, her joints audibly cracked and popped from seasons of contorting her body into tight spaces and walking for miles on end. Well, that was no more. Her sore bones could have a reprieve here. "Would you like a tour of your new home?" Artorias had inquired, to which the femme nodded. This was a beautiful place, no doubt -- but she had not the faintest idea of where to go and how to navigate its seemingly endless stone exterior. The interior, undoubtedly, would be even more of a directional challenge.

The two padded into the grand foyer, and the woman stared in another wave of awe at the looming doors, the spiraling staircase, and the calm and quiet corridors. She had to admit, the humans had a talent for the creative arts and aesthetics. She listened intently to the history of the castle and the pack -- Artorias' mother, Resin, had formed the pack in the first place, and the castle itself was named in her honor. Carpathius, he surname, even had a regal lilt to it, matching the immortal strength and stability of the structure in which they stood. She glanced at the young wolf, as if attempting to visualize the woman she had never met. She could tell he was raised well; he was kind, had a strong sense of morality, and thought nothing of feeding and welcoming a complete stranger upon the land, and spoke to her with nothing but politeness and a gentle formality. He was a welcome sight to the loners that roamed pack-less, at least, the ones who claimed no morals and had not an ounce of compassion within them.

She glanced as he did to the left corridor where the feast hall was, and when he mentioned the Feast of Unity, she let her eyes scan the massive room curiously. She had yet to meet the rest of the pack, too -- something she realized slipped her mind amidst the effort she was exerting into just speaking and listening. It felt as if the two wolves were the only ones around. She knew for a fact, though, that she'd meet more members soon enough. It'd be no easy feat for her, to be sure -- however, if this man was kind enough, it seemed to reflect the general vibe of the rest of the pack too. That she had to look forward to.

He then turned towards the opposite corridor, and the women followed after him, peering with great interest at each room he mentioned. They had an infirmiry -- she knew that was where the sick and injured went, and even a bath area. Baths. Lae couldn't even recall the last time she had one, then again, she wasn't a foul-smelling creature to begin with. The winds blew so strongly in Boreas that whatever bad smells were around couldn't linger for long. Thus, she smelled only of the cold earth that stained her white toes. And, of course, the new pack smell that settled into her coat. Bedrooms and lounges galore only reminded her of her eternal exhaustion, and she only then realized the throbbing in her shoulders and hips, the ache of her spine, and the nagging pain of her joints. They had real beds here, real amenities -- not just holes in the ground, the only bed she had been accustomed to. As a result, though, it created an almost irreversible type of chronic pain that would likely take many months to cure, just like her wounded mind.

Despite this, she stood perfectly still, maintaining an air of grace and agility about her. She was not strong, of course, but certainly not meek. And she certainly masked her pain well. Almost. Her eyes likely gave away he fact that her constant walking, sprinting, and ridiculous maneuvering had taken its toll on her skeletal structure. When asked if she had any questions, she glanced towards the directions of the guest rooms in particular. It seemed each person had their own room in this place, correct?

"I don't have much to say, really," She murmured softly. "I can't thank you enough for taking the time to welcome me here."Yes, it was a lot to take in. Tremendous. A mammoth-sized plethora of new information and a life-altering experience, if you will. She turned to him and asked softly, "I guess I have one thing to ask. Where would my room be?" Perhaps he could show her to where she was permitted to rest, and it was a silent indication that, although ever grateful for all the Aegis had done -- and he had done more than he perhaps realized -- these moments were beginning to unveil her exhaustion from everything she'd done, both here and prior to traveling to Auster.


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
10-14-2021, 04:43 PM

To Laeta's credit, she appeared to be taking everything in stride. Art was impressed by the keenness in her eyes, an eagerness to absorb information and explore. Perhaps she was an adventurer too, like he was? Had she also traipsed through foreign lands just for the hell of it? She didn't say much, but what she did say was impactful and earnest. Artorias smiled again and replied, "You're welcome, Laeta. What sort of leader would I be if I let you go wandering these halls alone?" Artorias led the way up the stairs in the foyer to the second level, glancing back over his shoulder to Laeta when she asked where her room would be. Artorias flashed her another smile and gestured with his muzzle up the stairs. "Let me show you. You're probably ready for a nap after traveling all the way from Boreas!"

Heading up the stairs, Artorias gestured around the second floor landing to the two corridors that ran west and east. "These corridors are for the bedrooms and quarters of the Carpathius and Adravendi families," he explained. "The Carpathius Wing to the west is where my family resides. The alpha's quarters are also in that wing at the end of the hall. The Adravendi Wing houses the—you guessed it—Adravendi family. Up above on the third floor is where we have all the other bedrooms." Artorias took another flight of stairs up to the third floor, then proceeded to lead Laeta down the corridor for the west wing. "The Hallows still has plenty of space, so many of these rooms are vacant. All the rooms have fireplaces for the winters and balconies. The west wing rooms look out over the western sea and the east wing rooms get a view of the plains and the forests."

Artorias led the way down the long corridor with doors lining the right side of the hall. After passing a few doors, Artorias opened one to a vacant bedroom. A plush king-sized bed occupied most of the space, but the room still felt warm and airy thanks to the tall windows on the far wall that let out to the balcony and revealed the beautiful seascape beyond. "This room is unoccupied, if it'll suit you. Otherwise, I can show you some on the east wing, if you prefer looking at the forests rather than the sea." He stepped back from the door to permit Laeta entry to get a feel for the space and decide if she liked it enough to call it her own.

"Artorias Carpathius" | "Corbin" | "Argent"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-14-2021, 05:49 PM

Laeta hadn’t really considered the story behind why she came to Auster. After all, the entirety of Boreas wasn’t just a massive snow globe, really — it had its milder regions away from the bitter cold she had made her “home”. However, maybe it was just that; she wanted adventure. The life of a loner wasn’t very exhilarating, in her experience. Maybe for some, the prospect of freely exploring the lands without the lifetime commitment and duties of a pack suited them. At one point, Lae believed herself to be the same, but it didn’t take long to realize how much the loner life seemed, well..overhyped? If that was the right word. Plus, it didn’t do her much good to be alone. Bad experiences in her past threatened to drown her where she stood, alone and with nobody to turn to. She’d had enough, and as such, perhaps that was her true motive for traipsing into Auster’s tropical abode. Though, her coming across a kind pack certainly wasn’t what she expected. It was a welcome surprise, nonetheless.

”You're welcome, Laeta. What sort of leader would I be if I let you go wandering these halls alone?" Artorias replied, in response to her thanks. She didn’t think he’d just leave her be, anyways — he seemed far too polite to do that. Besides, it gave her a bit less anxiety to know where certain places were, like the kitchen, infirmary, and of course, her bedroom.

When the Aegis mentioned how she’d likely need a nap after traveling across the whole of Boreas, Lae couldn’t help but nod softly in agreement. Her legs felt sore and tight, an aching sensation slowly spreading to her shoulders and hips. He followed him up the steps, trotting at a brisk pace alongside the younger man. Though she appeared weak and tired, she hid it well, and had a ridiculous amount of stamina and endurance. It was the reason why traveling across Boreas didn’t take all that long — with nothing else to do, she easily crossed the continent in less than a few weeks. As they approached each corridor with bedrooms belonging to the alpha, the Carpathius wing, and the Adravendi families, she took mental notes to ensure she wouldn’t accidently run into these halls in search of her own room. Speaking of which, they ascended yet another flight of stairs, the woman having to mentally encourage herself to push to the last step as her legs threatened to buckle beneath her.

At last, they reached the hall where the rest of the pack members lived. As Artorias spoke about the amenities in each room – they even had fireplaces for the winter? No more achy bones then! — and the way each wing faced out the tall windows, they reached the room the leader had guided her to.

As the door widened to reveal the contents of the room, the monochromatic femme had to take in her new abode with a resurging glint in her eyes. It was..perfect. The king-sized bed looked eons more comfortable than those sad holes in the ground where she’d laid for all her life. The tall window in her room allowed a fresh, peaceful breeze to flow in, keeping the air inside it filtered nicely. Perfect. Absolutely perfect. She knew she could recover here. Move on from her past. Recuperate.As the Aegis spoke about how this room faced the sea, and that he could accomodate her in a forest-facing room, she padded into it anyways as he spoke, expression still flat, but mentally gawking in sheer relief at the beauty and comfort this room provided.

This was it. Her home.


The word repeated in her head like a comforting mantra, as she looked back at the male she’d left in the doorway.

"This is perfect. " Her eyes said it all, bright and filled with relief. She could rest. She could belong. Everything would be alright, she hoped.


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
10-14-2021, 09:53 PM

Artorias watched Laeta step into her room wearing the same expressionless mask she wore since the moment he'd met her. The woman had adapted to a certain way of life and this was her survival mechanism. The black and blue wolf couldn't wait to see the day when she finally felt she could let it down. The smaller wolf explored her surroundings, taking them in piece by piece. Laeta was quiet all the while she inspected her bedroom. Art wondered what she made of the room, of the castle, of the Hallows in general. His unasked questions were answered when Laeta turned around and he saw the hopefulness and relief reflected in her glinting eyes.

"This is perfect." A wide grin crept from ear-to-ear across Artorias' face. "Then it's yours." And with that Laeta was officially a Hallowed wolf. The first wolf he had welcomed into his pack since he'd taken over as alpha. What an exciting moment for both of them! Here, Laeta would have a home, a place to heal and grow and become what she wanted to be. It was exactly what the Hallows had been made for. "Go ahead and get settled in. Get some rest, come down and have a proper meal when you're ready. When you're feeling up to it, get familiar with our lands and the castle. Meet some of your pack mates. The only thing the Hallows requires of all its members is that they provide to the pack. Whether it's hunting, fishing, herb gathering, tending to the alpacas, caring for the castle and the grounds, whatever you can do to help out. If you ever need me, I'm only a call away."

Artorias dipped his head once more to Laeta before dismissing himself to give her some space and privacy to get comfortable. Artorias headed back down the corridor, returning to his daily tasks of overseeing the feast preparations. Laeta hadn't come with any belongings, so he imagined she'd just want to get some rest. Perhaps over time here in the Hallows she would accumulate some personal belongings now that she had somewhere to decorate and keep them. Laeta's journey would be hers to define as she saw fit. The one thing that was certain was that she wouldn't need to walk her path alone anymore. She was one of his wolves, a Hallowed wolf for as long as she desired.

- exit Artorias -

"Artorias Carpathius" | "Corbin" | "Argent"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.