
-- feels like forever


08-11-2013, 09:57 PM

Long strides carried the black wolf across the ground; each muscle working together perfectly like the wolf was a machine. His steps did have a certain mechanical touch to them; there was something almost jerky about them, like he was trying a little to hard to keep their movements controlled. And indeed the wolf was. He was fighting the urge to run, which lurked in his legs and paws and tried to force them to take off, to carry him far away from every last reminder of his truly monstrous nature.

But Angeal had never been much of a runner. At least until he left his pack behind and ran off towards the lands of Alacritia. And even that had worked out in the end, hadn't it? He had met Liste; he had found a home in Ludicael. It wasn't perfect, but life wasn't perfect, and he was happier than he had ever been in the dark days that he referred to as simple 'Before.' Before what, he wouldn't say, but they were Before. Before Liste, before Ludicael, before he'd found a home.

The crumbling stone ruins reared up from their surroundings like an angry monster, and Angeal came to a sudden stop, his blue eyes scanning the ruins. They were entirely unfamiliar, and the first landmark that Angeal truly remembered stumbling across. His walk had begun in a vain attempt to track Liste's father down, and had ended with him here, staring blankly at the ruins with no memory of how he had gotten there and his thoughts no less tangled for all that thinking.

Ears twitching in sheer irritation, Angeal padded up towards the crumbled stone structure and nosed listlessly at the rocks. A few pebbles fell away, announcing his presence to all that were near, but for the moment, Angeal ignored that, sniffing at the rock. It was useless. He might never find Liste's father. He might never manage to save her from the demons of her past.



08-12-2013, 12:05 AM

The phantom swept across the lands, the winds sweeping across his sleek pelt as his paws pulled him into mysterious lands. He stopped atop a slope overlooking a field of ruins. The crumbling walls and grass covered grounds seemed to be hiding the unknown. He stared down at it, seeing no movement...but, there was something. Moments after remaining still, the wind carried to him a scent that he had not scented in a long was recognizable, and very...familiar. Pearlescent eyes swept the scenery below, detecting nothing. But he knew who was here, and even with the time that had passed, he still remembered.

Obsidian pillars carried him at a swift pace down the slope, towards the scent that was ingrained into the back of his mind. He swept past grasses, past rabbits that scattered at his presence, past the birds that flew up in alarm. He cared about nothing, not now. All he wanted was to see if it really was who he thought it was...moments passed, as he finally reached his destination.

Finally, he stopped. There in front of him with his back to him, was who he sought. The man stood stock still, downwind of the other male. The warm breeze carefully blew across the grounds, ruffling his fur. The males eyes looked over the pelt of the one in front of him, sure as rain that it was him. "It seems the winds of change have shifted in my favor...Angeal."



08-13-2013, 08:58 PM

There was a voice. Angeal stirred, ears twitching as he spun to face the other wolf, a snarl crossing his features as he shifted into a more defensive position, unsure of who this stranger was who addressed him so strangely. But within moments of allowing his gaze to settle on the creature, Angeal was relaxing visibly. There was still some wariness in his gaze, and when he spoke, his voice was carefully controlled, but most of the tension was gone. "Sephiroth," Angeal greeted the other wolf as he examined the younger male warily, "I didn't think I would ever see you again."

There had been a time when Angeal had taken Sephiroth under his wing, back in their old pack, and he remembered the youngster that the pup had once been. But he did not know the wolf who stood before him, greeting him so calmly. What had happened in Sephiroth's life? Was he angry that Angeal had left him without saying goodbye? That would not have surprised Angeal. Sephiroth had always been one of his favorites, however. So charismatic, and with such potential. Even after he had been away for so long, it was hard to drag his thoughts out of the mindset that he had lived in for most of his life when he saw Sephiroth.

He was different now though. He had grown; he had changed. Liste had played an integral part in that.



08-14-2013, 03:19 AM

The voice...the voice of the man he hadn't seen for...well, years. Sephiroth had been training with him during the youngest days of his life. Always intrigued and interested in the ways of fighting among other things since the moment he could walk on his own. For weeks, months, he had always been with Angeal. Constantly training to perfect his skills, to become the best soldier he could be. Then one day, when Sephiroth had barely turned a year old, Angeal had disappeared. The young cub had noticed when he went to Angeals den to wake him for training, that day he had been excited because it was the day he was turning a year old. But when he had arrived, Angeal was not there. Confused, young Sephiroth had tried to track his scent...but lost it when he reached the river. Angeal was his mentor, he was too skilled to track, even for Sephiroth. He at first thought that maybe Angeal had left to find a safer place, since it was during the time that great shifts in rivalries were forming and alliances began to fade. Power hungry fiends wanted their home, and though Sephiroth had thought about staying to fight, he had wanted to find Angeal. He knew the pack wouldn't survive long without him...He never forgot that day.

The day Sephiroth had chosen to leave, was when they struck. Destroying everything in their path, killing all those who opposed, taking prisoner the ones who were too weak to fight. Sephiroth had fought with a handful of other young students like him. Some died defending their home, others got away with terrible wounds. He swore he had seen one hiding away in the forest with wounds so terrible, he knew they wouldn't survive long. Others had escaped with missing limbs, ears, tails, or a combination of all. That days attack was truly Hell. Sephiroth had fought, just barely a yearling and he had killed. But in the end, it wasn't enough. He had been one of just a few who had escaped, leaving behind the turmoil and stench of blood and death. After that day, everything had changed for him. He became...different. All this time he had been searching for Angeal, and he had finally found him. His mentor, the one who left without a trace. Quite frankly, he didn't know what to feel. He was no longer the sweet, innocent, curious cub. The one that would help others without a second thought, the angel that always had a smile on his face, no. He had changed to something more...closed off. He seldom betrayed or showed any emotion at all. He never cared about anything, just closed his heart off to everyone around him. But somewhere within him...perhaps just somewhere, there was still a part of his old self.

Two toned eyes watched his former mentor, he seemed to be...wary of him. As if he didn't recognize who was standing in front of him. He knew within moments that it was his old student, but the look in his eyes told all that Sephiroth needed to know. Silver head dipped ever so slightly, as if nodding in agreement to the dark pelted male. "It has been a long time, I turn three this winter. It has been almost two years since you left our pack lands...surely you didn't think I wouldn't find you? Many things have happened after you left...things of which I am sure you don't know of. Are you prepared to learn about it?"



08-16-2013, 09:22 PM

Angeal kept his blue gaze locked on the other wolf, shifting his weight slightly as he relaxed a tad more. He was still on edge, but most of it was hidden now, obvious only in the way that his eyes never left the wolf before him. Sephiroth had been his puppy once. Would the wolf still recognize how guarded Angeal was around this wolf? Perhaps, and perhaps not. Either way, Angeal wasn't going to take any chances. He had built a new life, far away from the wolves of his old pack, and he wasn't about to let them taint his life with Liste. For the first time in his life, he was well and truly happy, and though he had enjoyed his time with Sephiroth, he was not going to let this wolf endanger his new life and his new happiness.

Ears twitching just slightly, Angeal watched Sephiroth's slight movement, and then listened to the words that spilled from the other wolf's maw. "Well, you've been the first to find me, so congratulations, I suppose." Had it really been almost two years since the last time Angeal had seen his so called Puppy? He could believe it. It felt like it had been far longer, in fact. His time in Ludicael had felt like an eternity. "I care little for the fate of our pack as a whole, but what of my mother?" Not the wolf who had spawned him, Jenova, but Gillian. Jenova was the crazed female that had spawned him, and had, according to the rumors of the pack, also mothered the wolf that stood before him. He did not care in the least about Jenova, but of Gillian's fate, Angeal was curious.



08-17-2013, 05:15 AM

The wariness he saw in his mentors eyes stirred something within Sephiroth. Had he become more powerful then his mentor in the passing time? Was his mentor afraid of him? Why? He didn't seek him out to kill or harm him, he didn't seek him out to bring him back to the pack...he sought him out because he needed to know. He needed to know why Angeal had left...why he had abandoned him. Left him alone when he needed him most. His eyes narrowed slightly, preparing to answer the question when Angeal's words rang out. Congratulations? The boy closed his mouth, staring at the wolf before him. He felt as if his mentor regretted Sephiroth's finding didn't want to be found.

Curious though, Sephiroth remained silent as the stand off with his old mentor continued. It seemed as though he had more questions in his mind, and the one that Sephiroth knew he would ask finally reached the mans tongue. "I care little for the fate of our pack as a whole, but what of my mother?" At the mention of his mother, the dual toned eyes strayed and looked into the blue eyes of his former mentor. He wanted answers about his mother? Then he would tell him as honest as he could...Angeal deserved at least that much, right?

Sephiroth took a couple steps closer to the man, his attitude taking on a more serious one now. So, Angeal didn't care about what had become of their pack...Neither did he really. Angeal had been the only one he was close to, the only one he ever really cared about...except for Angeals so called "mother," Gillian. He knew that wasn't his real mother, but who would want the one that actually bore Angeal? She was a crazy one, and Sephiroth was unknown to his heritage. Well, his Real heritage...rumors had flown around, but he never listened or trusted the words of anyone but Angeal. Angeal knew though...he had promised to tell him one day, but now it was Sephiroths turn to tell Angeal the truth. But the truth to say, even he was unsure exactly. Finally, he spoke "Well...after you left, I waited a few days to see if you'd return. I had gone to track you the same day, but...I lost your scent at the river. The day I decided to leave to find you, was when they struck. Enemies swarmed from all sides, killing off our pack. We fought, I fought...but it wasn't enough. Without your skill, we were finished...Last I saw Gillian, she was bloodied trying to protect a litter she had along with the litters of the other den mothers. I had rushed to her aid, but lost sight of her soon after... He shook his head briefly before continuing, "I know not if she is still alive...I followed a blood trail, but...the stench was everywhere. I lost it after reaching the rivers as well. I am sure that she is alive and well somewhere...and if she is, then you may have younger siblings. I scented them with her along with other pack pups. But...our old home, is gone. And many of our friends are dead. I watched each one get killed in the most brutal ways. A slight hint of grief entered his voice, as Sephiroth recalled his training comrades, fall before him. He witnessed them die, torn apart limb from limb. The wolves he grew up with, killed. Gone in the blink of an eye. "I left when the war was over. Bloodied remains of family and friends...but I did not see your mothers remains among them... He added, hoping that he could somehow make him believe that there was some hope of Gillian being alive...if only he himself could believe it...that was the most horrific. Few if any had survived, but he only hoped that she was among one of the few.



08-19-2013, 08:04 AM

Angeal listened, ears pricked in Sephiroth's direction, as the younger male spoke. A flicker of guilt raised its head in his mind at the confusion in Sephiroth's words, but Angeal shoved it down forcefully. He would not allow anyone, not even one of the few wolves that he had trained, to ruin the perfect life that he had created here. He was not the wolf that Sephiroth remembered, and Angeal was sure that Sephiroth was not the wolf that he remembered. They had both changed. And perhaps Sephiroth had changed for the worse. There was no telling. But he wasn't going to let him mess up his future; his family.

It was only after silence had reigned for a few moments that Angeal stirred, ears pinning back against his skull. "She may be dead," Angeal muttered, half to himself. He had left his mother and siblings to die. He truly was a monster. He deserved everything that life had thrown at him and more. "I . . . thank you. For telling me. And I'm sorry that I left." Was he really? Angeal wasn't sure, to tell the truth. If he had left, he would have never met Liste. He would still be a monstrous warrior, twisted and tainted by the wolf that had brought him into this world.

Guilt. It was uncurling in his mind like a vicious monster, poking at the dustiest corners, at thoughts that had left him alone for a long, long while. He had abandoned his family to die. He was a monster. "And Zack?" He named the puppy with a thoughtful note to his words, all but certain he would hear another story of death and destruction. This one, at least, Angeal was prepared for, right?



08-24-2013, 07:40 PM

Silent words spilled from his mentors tongue. Then the look in his eyes told Sephiroth that he felt something. Probably about what he had told him about Gillian. It was true though, Sephiroth had no idea whether or not she was alive. He nodded slightly when his mentor thanked him. He knew it wasn't something he wanted to hear, but at the least he had to know what had become of his old home and the pack that raised him. As he watched the man before him, as if he were battling his thoughts within. He knew he was unsure about Sephiroth, after all he had changed a lot since Angeal left him behind so long ago. But he would still remain loyal to the man. In a way, Sephiroth didn't blame him for leaving...he didn't know the reasons, but it was a good time for him to go. He had barely missed the battle, and if Angeal had remained then they would have either been able to win, or lose his life. But Sephiroth had always thought of the older wolf as undefeatable. Not even Sephiroth and the others who trained with him, Zack and Cloud among others could take him down. And then, another question would rise from the mans heart.

"And Zack?" Ah, the question that he was waiting for. One of them at least. Zack, one of the few who had escaped. His eyes met those of Angeals, a new attitude sweeping over them for a quick second. Zack...he hadn't seen him since. But something told him he was still alive. "Zack...we fought together. Along with Cloud and a few others that were in training. Some of them fell, but they fought valiantly and worthy of a warriors name. Zack and Cloud as well as I, had to abandon the fight once we realized we would not win without dying. Zack is alive, though where he is I do not know. I am searching for him as well. But...I have a certain feeling that he is here. As is Cloud. I will find them." He vowed, though more to himself then for Angeal.

He neared the black male, his eyes certain and full of questions. Would Angeal tell him why he left? Why he chose to abandon him? Angeal was the closest thing to a father he had, the closest thing to a parent. Zack and the others like his brothers if not his closest friends. "I know what you must be thinking. I did not come here to seek you out and bring you back. I've been on my own, and I just wanted to find you to ask for myself why you left. Whatever your reason, it will be respected. I just...want to know so that my mind will be at ease...Angeal, why did you leave? And why did you not say a word to me? Did you think that I would hate you for going? Hate you for the decisions you'd make? I'm not here to judge you or force you away from whatever life you created here. I just simply want an answer...and if you wish, I will never bother you again..."

Indeed, the silvery male meant what he said. If Angeal no longer wanted him in his life, then Sephiroth would leave. His voice had been twinged with a type of emotion, but he wasn't sure what to call it. Regret? Hurt? Was he really prepared to walk away from Angeal if his mentor demanded it? He had searched for so long and found the only thing closest to family he had. He was alone in this world, was he prepared to let go? What kind of life has Angeal started since his time away? And is he...truly happy for the first time in his life?



08-26-2013, 12:45 PM

hello my friend, we meet again; it's been awhile, where should we begin?

Ears pricked attentively in Sephiroth's direction, Angeal waited for the wolf's answer to roll from his maw. The words that he heard were comforting; Zack was still alive. And so was Cloud. The wolves that he had raised and taught to become just like him were alive. Perhaps he could start to atone for his mistakes by showing them the life that he had found here. The happiness that could be found when a wolf abandoned the life of a warrior and tried to build peace. And yet, Angeal was unsure if he wanted to bring the warrior that he had trained and taught to become a monster like himself into his life. He certainly would not take such a creature near Liste until he was absolutely certain that they would not cause any issues. Would he ever be sure of that?

Sighing, Angeal twitched his ears and exhaled sharply. "I wish you luck in finding them." Angeal spoke softly, "I am confident in your abilities. You learned from the best, after all." Was that a teasing note to his voice? Indeed it was. He was teasing, something that he never would have done before he left their pack behind. For the first time in a long time, Angeal had found happiness here.

The male took a moment to gather his thoughts once more, and answering Sephiroth took another several. "I left because I hated what I'd become. I hated myself and I hated our pack and I hated what it stood for. I know it wasn't fair of me to leave the way that I did, but I had lost myself. I didn't tell anyone because I hadn't planned to leave. One day, it just hit me that I didn't have to stay there anymore. I could leave and find a place where I could be happy. And so I did." Shrugging, the male turned his sharp blue gaze upon Sephiroth, "Now, let me ask you a question, Sephiroth. Do you think that you could be happy without being a warrior?" Angeal asked solemnly, examining the wolf who stood before him.



08-28-2013, 09:22 PM

Ocean swirled orbs watched, ears twitched slightly as he sat immobile. He watched Angeal with great caution. His eyes searching his hungrily for the answer he sought. Would he finally learn why his mentor had left? Was it his fault? Did Sephiroth do something for him to leave? All he did was try to become the best soldier that Angeal had taught him to be...was it not enough? The slender bodied male moved forward slightly, stopping a few feet away to sit as he caught his mentor ready to speak. Now was the time for truth, for the reason behind his disappearance. And Sephiroths abandonment.

He listened, dual gaze never leaving Angeal. A smirk twitched at his lips as an unknown part of Angeal emerged. A tease in his words that was new to hear from his mentors lips. Never in his life had he ever heard him speak like that, and it made Sephiroth feel a twinge of envy. What had he been up to that made him change so? And for the better it seemed. But that was good, his Mentor deserved as much. He listened then after a moment or two of silence, then Angeal spoke. He told him that he hated himself. Hated what he had become. Was Sephiroth that blind to see how his mentor was? Among others of course...himself included. He supposed they did change...since leaving their pack. Sephiroth had only known the life within that wretched pack. The psychotic she-wolf who called herself a "mother." He silently let out a curse at that dame. But she was long gone and far away now. When he thought about it, their pack really did revolve around creating machines of war. Breeding constantly to always have a fresh supply of new warriors to brainwash. But...then, he was too blind to see it. And now? He still wasn't so sure. It was all he knew...

Silvery ears perked up as Angeal turned on him, a question? "Do you think that you could be happy without being a warrior?" The question caught the male off guard...he had never thought about it before. Could he really be happy without being a warrior? The question struck him as almost impossible to answer...but then, a flicker of thought crossed his mind. He thought about the young one named Seraphine. The way she carried herself so bravely, offering him her help to find those that were lost to him. All he had known was a life of fighting...but for what purpose? He thought it was to protect and fight for his pack...but then, he killed without unjust cause. Blue-green eyes flickered as he stared at the bands on his legs. The reminders...he remembered to what Seraphine had said. That he didn't fail, he had attempted to lead the enemies away to save those he could. The more he thought, the more he would think of an answer for the black man before him.

Finally, his head raised. And with great determination, the same that Seraphine had shown him when they met, he answered. "I...would remain a warrior. protect those from harm. Not to hurt and kill with an unjust cause. The life of a warrior is all I know, and with recent events...I would use my skills for good." He hoped then, that his answer was a good one. To persuade his former mentor that he meant the truth in what he said. If he hadn't met the young girl before finding Angeal, then his answer would not have been just. Or...maybe no answer at all. Eyes stared back at his mentor, his answer final.



09-02-2013, 08:19 PM

you only know what i want you to ,

Angeal waited for the answer, his ears pricked in his student's direction, and it seemed that an eternity was contained in the few short seconds that it took Sephiroth to raise his head and let the words spill from his maw. The black male smiled at that, his body relaxing as the younger wolf spoke with such determination. There was such confidence contained in that body, and oh, Angeal could remember when he too had had such faith in the world around him. Now, Angeal was much more realistic. Or pessimistic, according to some, but he had done a lot of things in his life. Things that would make the average wolf run away from him and never come back. "That's the right answer, Sephiroth." Angeal admitted at last, inclining his head as he surveyed his student in a new light.

Sephiroth was no longer a possible danger but a wolf to be respected by his own right. "It seems that I didn't ruin you when you were young." Angeal observed simply, "I think you will be happy here, Sephiroth. Any pack would be lucky to have you." That much was the entire truth. Sephiroth would be a good member of any pack, though he had to admit that he hoped for Ludicael. Perhaps Sephiroth would find the same peace that Angeal had found in Ludicael. And perhaps not. Perhaps he would find it elsewhere.

Angeal twitched his ears, examining the younger wolf before him. "Welcome home, Sephiroth." Angeal spoke simply, twitching his tail as he inclined his head towards the other, a new respect glinting in his blue gaze.



09-07-2013, 02:53 PM

A smile would touch his lips when Angeal spoke. The whole air and look in his former mentors eyes seemed to have changed after Sephiroth's answer, and it seemed to him as if though he satisfied the man with his words. He gave a short nod to Angeal. "A pack is what I aim to seek, and I think I may have one in mind already." A brief look flashed in his eyes for no more then a few seconds. One of an emotion he had never felt, and could not name. He felt admiration for the girl Seraphine, and...something else growing inside him for her. It was strange, he had no idea what it was. Had never felt it before, but it made his heart beat a good deal when he saw or thought about her. Maybe something is wrong with me...the next healer I come across, I should probably get a check up or something...

Taking a deep breath, he would speak again to his mentor. "By the way Angeal, I hope that the life you have found for yourself here is a good one. And I hope you find peace and happiness, if you haven't already that is." The slim brute stood then, closing the distance between the pair as he then gave a gentle lick to his mentors ear. "It was nice seeing you again...but I must go on my way. If I find Zack and the others, I'll know where to find you. Farewell, Angeal. And may our ancestors watch over you and your fortune remain well." With his last parting words, he would bound off into the bush and across the lands. Knowing that wouldn't be the last time he would see him. He knew where to find him now.

