
The Start Of A New Beginning


08-01-2013, 01:41 AM

Mist seeped around the crevices of his legs as he walked silently across the bank of the lake. The silvery ghost swept silently across the ground. The only sound was the water lapping the banks as he went on his way. He hadn't been here at this time of day, so early in the morning when all was quiet save for the waking ducks and crying hawks. This was the perfect time, HIS time, that he enjoyed. The stillness of the world, as if nothing existed. Hidden behind the fog and mists of time. Two-toned eyes bore through the mist, as if breaking through the eerie spell and parting the way. Silence was all around him, save for the occasional throaty quack of a duck or the hunting hawks. Every now and then, a fish leaping from the water would make a dull splash somewhere on the lake.

Silver ears twitched, turning ever so slightly to catch the sounds hidden within the mist. Scents and sounds would be muffled, creating a challenge to detect any immediate visitors to the area, but if it came to a fight somewhere...he would come out on top. Even for one so young, he was well versed in the ways of tooth and claw. His paws dropped him off near the water, and gracefully he leaned down to take in water to quench his thirst. Head lifted, muscles flexed underneath his ghostly pelt, and he watched as the mist stir and swirl upon the surface of the lake.



08-01-2013, 11:07 PM

It felt weird, her new home... Seraphine felt like she didn't belong there. The wolves were very nice but she couldn't help but feel uneasy. A shiver caused her body to tremble momentarily. She wanted to do something to distract her mind, but what? As the pup walked she had her head tilted and eyes narrowed in thought, trying to think of something she could do. Left, right, left, right. It was still early in the morning so she couldn't really try hunting, the animals would still be sleeping in their dens.

Suddenly she froze, ears swiveling forward, catching the sound of a splash up ahead. Without realizing it she had walked through a curtain of mist, creating an eerie feeling. She huffed through her nose, raising her head with a mischievous grin. She would not let herself get scared by this new place, there was nothing here to hurt her!

She lowered herself down, crouching carefully so she didn't disturb any of the plants near her. And slowly she moved, using some sneaking skills her father had taught her, sneaking up on whatever was up ahead. Slowly and carefully, inch by inch. In no time she could see the outline of a figure up ahead drinking from the lake. "Your mine!" She thought, lips pulling back to reveal her fangs as she made her way to the side of the figure, being careful and not brushing up against any of the vegetation.


Awesome table by Serendipity <3


08-05-2013, 07:29 PM
ooc// Sorry for short post, I'm kind of on a time constraint today u_u

Silver mist studded audits rotated. The sound of the water stirred before him, his pink tongue swiping the last drops from his maw. Two-toned eyes stared ahead, slitted pupils focusing on nothing ahead, but focusing on something at the same time. He could sense something was around, but wasn't sure exactly what. He scented the air, mouth slightly agape as he tried to taste the new change. But all he could find was the scent of the mist and the lake. The brute stood still, audits moving ever so slightly atop his sleek silver head. Nostrils flared, yet he remained still. He slowly blinked, "You wouldn't even be able to sneak up on a dead mouse that way."

He turned his head in the direction of the newcomer. Expressionless and emotionless gaze staring into the fog. He was sure he just confused whoever it was that was coming. He could feel the pawsteps through the Earth. At this time of day, some things were muffled...while others were amplified.



08-09-2013, 06:10 PM
occ: Sorry for shortness. /:

Seraphine had taken a moment to think about what she could do, continue going till she was at the edge of the vegetation then pop out and try going for the wolf's leg, or just wait for him to move and get him when he comes in her direction. "You wouldn't even be able to sneak up on a dead mouse that way." The girl nearly jumped at the voice but luckily she was able to be calm, taking a silent deep breath then exhaling quietly. She remained crouching though instead of showing herself, what if the wolf was just talking, thinking he heard somebody? Blue and golden orbs narrowed, looking at the man turn his head in her direction but not look right at her. She remained still and quiet, waiting, maybe he would go back to what he was doing, thinking he scared off whatever it was he thought he heard.


Awesome table by Serendipity <3


08-12-2013, 12:23 AM

The male remained still. Turning to face the water again. He knew something was there, he could sense it. He would not go rushing into the grass, whatever it was wasn't worth it. Besides, how much damage could it do? Judging by the vibrations he had felt, it wasn't very big. He sighed, eyelids half closing in slight annoyance. Perhaps it was one of the smaller wolves from one of the packs around here, or a rogue cub that was lost. Either way, it wasn't his problem.

Whatever it was, gave no response to him. So obviously it didn't want to be discovered. Oh how naive some can be... He thought with a slight flick of his tail. He would allow this creature its moment. And if it was just the fog playing tricks on his mind, then it was his fault. He hadn't trained in a while, and was wondering if he was forgetting some of his training. After all, he had trained on his own after Angeal had left. His old mentor...would he ever find him again? After all, that was one reason he had left his own pack.



08-12-2013, 10:06 PM

Seraphine was sure the man just a few feet from her knew the pup was there, he was an adult, he had trained to know when something was nearby or even talking them. She sighed heavily in her head, she had not been sneaky enough and so she would have to find Demo to see if he could teach her how to get better. Crouching there though she thought the man wasn't too dangerous, if he was then he would have went to check what he had noticed which he didn't.

"Okay." She sighed, pushing herself up, paws carrying her forward, out of the vegetation and through the fog till she could see the man better. Blue and golden orbs looked up at the man, head slightly hanging. "You found me. But how did you find me, I was really quiet?" She asked him curiously, making sure she would take a mental note of what it was so that she knew better next time she tried sneaking upon something.


Awesome table by Serendipity <3


08-14-2013, 02:52 AM

Blue-green eyes searched beside him as he witnessed a young cub stepping out from her hiding place. His head slowly moved to face her direction, her voice reverberating in his ear fur. When his eyes settled on her, he noticed that she looked...Burned? He eyed her as she slowly approached, her question full of curiosity but the slight hang of her head told him that she was disappointed at being discovered. "You found me. But how did you find me, I was really quiet?"

Her curious question prodded him. However, he did not change any emotions. Didn't show any emotions. He simply stared at her, curious though himself as to what may have happened to her, he refrained from betraying such thoughts. Instead, he opened his maw to speak to the young girl. "You put too much weight on your feet. It's unevenly balance. If you spread it evenly and stalked lightly on your toes, and put some of that weight into your haunches then you might have a chance at catching a dead mouse. Think about how a cat might do it, and learn."

He flicked an ear, tossing away some accumulating droplets of water. He remained still, though he didn't have to be wary or defensive around such a young thing. He waited to see what she would say next. He never really talked to others, he was always the solitary one. And with all he had seen from his travels, he had never come across such a young life that looked like her...the remnants of her unburned fur showed that she would have been a pretty girl. Her eyes certainly showed it. And it seemed despite her looks, she was not ashamed or anything. She seemed bold, brave, unafraid. Or so it seemed to him...but there were always the underlying emotions. Perhaps for once...he would stick around and hear her story sometime. Besides, he had found signs of his former mentor in these why not?



08-16-2013, 01:19 AM

An ear twitched when the man spoke, head lowering so her mismatched eyes looked down at her paws. He told her that she put too much weight into her paws, unevenly balanced. If she spread them evenly and stalked lightly on her toes with some weight in her haunches then she might have a chance at catching a dead mouse. She lifted her head, eyes narrowing for a moment but then going back to a relaxed look, though giving him something like a 'you jerk' kind of look when he brought up the dead mouse. The man was just being mean, Seraphine knew she was doing it almost right, she had done it many times.

"Thanks." She finally said, her gaze running down from his face to fall upon the scar on his chest, they only lingered there a few moments before continuing down, focusing on the strange silver things above his paws. "Mister, what are those things?" She asked curiously, taking a step towards him and lowering her head, cocking it to the side trying to get a better look of it and think of what it could possibly be.


Awesome table by Serendipity <3


08-17-2013, 04:00 AM

Silver ears peaked to the smaller form nearby, dual toned eyes resting on the girl as she seemed to give him a face meant to insult him as opposed to saying it. He narrowed his eyes for a moment, thinking about saying something to her until the words "Thanks" reached him. Immediately, he raised his head and wondered why she had thanked him, for a moment it seemed as if she hated him for telling her about her ability to sneak up on him. After all, he did kind of mean it as an insult. It wasn't everyday he talked or socialized with one much younger than he.

He watched her as she looked him over, noticing as her gaze rested on the large scar he had that spanned the width of his chest before continuing down. He nearly blurted out the question of what she was looking at, if she had a problem with an icy edge but before he could, her curious voice entered his head once more, "Mister, what are those things?"

His head tilted at a slight angle as he lifted a paw to glance at his bangle, then back at her. "These? They are...silver bands...that I found just days after I turned a year old. I put them on, then. And now, they will not come off, but it's fine. They are a symbol and reminder of what I once was...what I am now. I wear them as a reminder. Have you never seen others wear these?" He asked, curiosity in his own voice this time. In his mind, he wore these as reminders of his failures...failure to protect his pack when the onslaught came. Failure of the knowledge of why Angeal had decided to leave him behind...failure...failure at becoming what he was now. Something completely different then what Angeal initially taught him to be. But since his disappearance, Sephiroth had changed. He had closed himself off from the world, close his heart, his emotions, not allowing anyone in for years. But this pup, her curiosity and the determination he saw etched in her eyes intrigued him. He wondered what she had gone through to obtain such scars, wondered if she hated herself for the way she looked. Ah, but those were not his thoughts to have...though he was curious, he wouldn't ask the child now. He would simply answer any queries she had...but the determination and will in her eyes, as well as the vibrant curiosity held within them, pulled him in. He was drawn, to him it was strange for one so young as her to bear such wounds and not feel ill about it. Any other pups, would have not wanted to go on in such a state. Fearing that they would end up alone for life. But her...this one, was very different.



08-18-2013, 11:29 PM

Seraphine watched the man curiously as he lifted his paw off the ground to look at the silver things she had asked about. Ears twitched when he spoke, explaining to her that he called them silver bands, that he found them a few days after he turned a year old. HE said that when he put them on he found that he couldn't take them off, that they were a symbol and a reminded of what he once was, and what he was now, then asked if she never seen others wear them. The girl shook her head quickly, peeling her gaze from the interesting bands to look up at the man. ?Nope, never seen such things before.? She told him, her little stump tail wiggling behind her. The girl kind of liked the bands, and wanted to ask the man if he ever got them off if she could have one, she wouldn't ask though, just sigh softly. There was no way he would let her have one.

"What about that?" She motioned towards the scar on his chest, her voice innocent and curious. "Did something bad happen that makes them reminders?" Her voice was soft, something in it that showed she was a little concerned for the stranger. The way he had talked made it feel like the bands were bad reminders, and she was wondering if they really were. Maybe she could help him with it, help take them off or hide them so they wouldn't make him think of the bad things.


Awesome table by Serendipity <3


08-24-2013, 06:28 PM

Dual hued orbs flickered with benign amusement now at the girls wriggling energy. She seemed well off, unperturbed by the horrific scars that swarmed her body. He would not say anything though, not even when she asked her next question, "What about that?" He stared back without expression, without moving. He knew she would ask, her curiosity only natural for her as far as he could tell. She would want to know...and indeed, her other question confirmed it. She wanted to know where the scar came from, and figured it had something to do with the bands as well. A connection that the two things shared...nay, that the three shared. The bands, the scar, and the way he was now. all connected within his past, intertwining like pesky vines upon a wall.

He shifted slightly, ears flicking away the moisture that gathered and calmly he stood. He had nothing to hide, even if his past wasn't the best, it was the least he could offer to feed the curious girls mind. Would she know of Angeal? He wanted to ask, but perhaps another time. He was sure they weren't even in the same pack, but who knew? He didn't even know if Angeal was in these parts...though certain scents did say as much. He wondered whether or not he should blame Angeal for the way Sephiroth was now, but decided against it. It wasn't his fault...he would not bring his old mentor into thoughts that made him seem like a traitor or like someone who just abandoned him. He had too much respect still for that black male.

Looking back at the girl, he lowered himself to his haunches. Blue green eyes sought out the blue and yellow ones of her, an interesting combination he thought. "Well, I should start from just before it happened. Though in my short life it wouldn't be much to tell anyway. I come from a pack far from here, one that had a kind of...military way about it. I was a soldier in training at the time, a man by the name of Angeal was my mentor. He trained me since the day I could walk, not because he had to but because I wanted to. I was very much intrigued by the art of fighting and tactics...anyway, one day, the day I turned a year old he had disappeared. I had gone to his den to seek out some advice and maybe get in some more training, but when I arrived he was nowhere to be seen. I followed his trail, but lost it...not long after, about a day or so, trouble struck. Our enemy packs fell upon us, attacking my pack and slaughtering them. We fought as much as we could, but in the end it wasn't enough. I could only do so much, and their skill exceeded many of ours. I fought alongside my comrades Zack, Gillian, Tseng, Cissnei, and Cloud..." He paused here, thinking of that time in the fight. That was the last time he had seen any of them...Angeal would have been in with the list of names, if he had been there that is. "We fought as hard as we could, rent our enemies asunder. Tseng and Cissnei fought off a band that were trying to get at our pups along with Gillian. Zack, Cloud and I fought off others. But even with our skills, it wasn't enough. We watched helplessly as our numbers dwindled, many of our family and friends torn apart before our eyes. And finally, we were forced to retreat. We all went our separate ways to try and lead away our enemies, so I know not whether my comrades are alive."

He blinked away the emotions that had begun to surface, trying to forget those that he had left behind...those that at one point in time, had been important to him. "I acquired this scar in that battle. I fought with the Alpha's most powerful warriors, but their skills surpassed my own. I escaped with my life barely attached. And these bands...a reminder of my failures of that day." At last he finished his story. Though he had left alot out, he figured he would just answer her questions. What had spilled from his tongue was tied into the scar, and why the bands were reminders. Why he chose to wear them as such. He had failed his pack, his duties. Lost his trusted friends, not knowing whether they were alive or dead, and lost himself in the process. Something like that would do the same to any made him, cold. Distant. Detached from the world...he sat there, watching her for a reaction, a thought, more questions.


08-28-2013, 01:08 PM

Seraphine stood there in silence, waiting, wondering what kind of story the man would tell her. Mismatched eyes would watch as he took a seat, doing the same, head tilting to the side. Ears perked up as he began, paying close attention. The man began telling her he came from a pack that was far from here, training to be a soldier under someone named Angeal. When he turned a year old Angeal disappeared and not long after his pack was attacked. Her ears dropped when he said his pack was slaughtered, but would pick back up when he went on to say they fought as hard as they could, even if the enemy kept coming.

When he finished the girl would push herself back up, a small smile on her lips. She would take a step towards him, hesitant, but she would gently press her nose to his scar before looking up at him. "I'm sorry that happened to you, to your friends, your family.... but..." She would take a step back, her gaze dropping to his silver things for a moment then going back up to meet his gaze. "You are silly for thinking those are reminders of your failures. You fought hard beside your comrades, kept trying even if there were a lot of enemies, tried leading the bad guys away." She took a few steps back before sitting back down. "I can help look for your friends, I live in a big pack, I could ask them to see if they find them when they go out hunting."

She wanted to help him, see if she could bring his friends together. Maybe it would make this man happy.


Awesome table by Serendipity <3


08-28-2013, 07:11 PM

dual toned eyes blinked open when he felt a touch on his chest, gazing down at the smaller figure before him. Ears perked as she spoke, watching as she stepped back. His gaze never left her as she spoke, then finally sitting down. Would she really help him find those that he lost? He glanced down at his silver bands...was he really in the wrong for thinking he had failed? But he did fail. He had failed to protect his pack and home, failed to understand why Angeal left. Failed to understand what his mentor was going through, the way the pack was. He had failed his home, and because of his insufficiency he lost it all. He had no home to return to, no family, and his friends he wasn't even sure were alive. was possible...their attackers had been relentless. They had chased him until he had fallen down a crack in the earth, and they only gave up in finishing him off because he was too deep down. He wasn't even sure how he had survived...lying there for three days, lost in the darkness until he had finally crawled his way out. A shudder ran through him, visible enough for her to notice.

He never wanted to go through that hell again...and it was because of his past that he was the way he is now. So...of course the bands would serve that purpose. To remind him...his eyes narrowed slightly as he stared at them, could he ever take them off? It wasn't that he couldn't, because he probably could with the right tools and elements. But...until he felt that redemption was upon him, then they would remain.

Raising himself to look at her again, an emotion that was unknown to him crossed his eyes and soul. But...he couldn't tell what it was. He had never felt it before. It was...unknown to him. " really help me? To find those whom I have lost...? You're willing to help a stranger whom you've just met?" A slight stir of hope had dripped into his words...was that the feeling he had? Perhaps along with it was...gratefulness. He dipped his head to her, accepting her proposal to help. "I have not properly introduced myself...I, am Sephiroth Crescent. And who do I have the pleasure of calling my ally?" He asked in a less guarded tone. Indeed, her offer to help him surprised him. Nobody had ever offered their help to him. Slender legs shifted as he waited a response.



08-28-2013, 07:46 PM

Brows would come together when she noticed the man shiver, maybe something he remembered? Seraphine would not ask him, she already caused him pain by asking about the scar, bringing up those terrible memories. Ears would perk up, erasing the look that was on her face, listening to his voice. He was asking if she would really help him look for the ones he had lost, asking if she was willing to help a stranger she just met. The pup would nod her head, flashing cute child-ish look that told him she would help him definitely. He looked better now because she told him she wanted to help, that tone in his voice confirming it. Her head tilted to the side as he dipped his head to her, a smile on her lips. ?I definitely want to help.? She told him, taking a shy step back from him. ?It's nice to meet you, I'm Seraphine. I don't wanna be an ally, I want to be a friend.? She grinned up at him, stump tail wiggling behind her.


Awesome table by Serendipity <3


08-29-2013, 12:13 AM

A smile tugged at his lips. Watching the girl as she wagged the remnants of her tail, and what she had said touched him more. Seraphine...a friend...? Could I possibly entrust one so young as herself with such a task? She has willpower...and determination among other things. She's strong...she has to be if she endured whatever nightmare she had been through. Those burn marks must not weaken her soul...she is...admirable. the admiration for the girl began to escalate. She had offered him help, wanted to be his friend. Why was she offering all this to him? She seemed to strongly believe he was good...but was he really? Angeal had trained them as mercenaries...was he ready to leave that behind?

no...I'm not ready...but...I can use it for good...right? But how...? My skills are of the elite do I put it to good use to not do bad things? he sat and thought, wondering how he could use his skills to benefit himself, and others. Then a voice in his head spoke. Protect...her... Silvery audits slowly rose, his gaze resting on the girl, and this time all apprehension melted away to be replaced by a certain fondness. His insides feeling a sort of...protectiveness towards her. His heart told him to protect, and it was her that he wanted to protect.

"Seraphine...I am honored to call you my friend. And...our names are quite similar, don't you think? So perhaps it is fate that we meet today." he inclined his head to her, then decided to close the little distance they had apart, and reached out his head to touch her nose with his. This would be an everlasting bond, that he was sure would last...he could sense it.



08-29-2013, 01:04 AM
ooc: End it soon?

Seraphine watched the man with the smile still there, giggling lightly when he smiled, as he sat down, thinking. After what seemed like a few long minutes he finally spoke up, causing her head to tilt to the side, ears perking up to catch his voice. He would be honored to all her his friend, that their names were similar, and perhaps it was fate that they met today. It as interesting, it was almost the same words Seraphim had spoken to her... and then he touched her nose. The pup looked up at him shyly, flashing an embarrassed smile, pressing her nose back against his gently. "Maybe..." The girl would pull away from him with a light laugh, turning around and bounding off a bit into the mist, coming to a stop with her stump tail wiggling behind her. "Maybe you could help me train, I want to be a warrior too, make my father proud." She ginned, looking over her shoulder, grinning at the man.


Awesome table by Serendipity <3


08-29-2013, 04:58 PM
Ooc// I suppose we can end it. Lemme know if this is alright, if you had an idea in mind then let me know so I can edit.

A light chuckle fastened itself into the man's throat. Her enthusiasm was certainly to be applauded. He watched her turn and bound away from him, her rump wagging madly with excitement. His ears pricked as she spoke, asking that he could help her train to become a warrior. He nodded, "I would love to help you in your training, Seraphine.

He rolled his shoulders, figuring that now would be the time they parted ways...he still had a lot of searching to do...but at the same time, he thought about escorting her back home. If he joined a pack now, would it hinder him? Would it make him unable to continue his search? There was only one way to find out right? He inclined his head to her, "So...I take it this is where we part ways eh? You seem able enough to take care of yourself. I hope to meet you again young one." he dipped his head once more before turning and disappearing into the mist. This was not the last time he would see her, his heart told him so.

-Exit Sephiroth-



08-30-2013, 09:16 PM
ooc: It's fine and I don't really have anything. /:

The girl couldn't help but feel happy, she made this man go from sounding sad to looking happy in seconds! Not only that but he even agreed to help her with her training, maybe she could become a warrior even faster now! She could make Demo proud of what she wanted to do. She would spin in a circle, excited about her new friend, helping him find his friend and that he would be helping her train. She would calm down though when he spoke again, tongue hanging out the side of her mouth, head tilted slightly to the side. He asked if there was where they parted ways, and said he hoped to see her again before turning and disappearing into the mist. Her ears dropped at this, taking a hesitant step in the direction he went. "I live in Valhalla, visit me!" She barked, before turning and bounding off in the direction of home.
-exit seraphine-


Awesome table by Serendipity <3