
Did you miss me?

for Theory



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
08-19-2021, 12:40 PM
Somehow Kai had ended up further east than he'd been for a long while. This season had been a soggy, wet one and Kai was honestly sick of the rain. He longed for clear skies and sunshine these days, which was really saying something for a man whose ancestors originated from the desolate, cold north. However even Kai had a limit and he swore if he suffered through another day of rain he might lose his mind. Fortunately as he day neared its end, the sun just beginning to dip below the horizon, the rain lifted. In its wake was a temperate but stiflingly muggy evening. He felt like he was swimming as he neared the edge of the falls, the spray of the water coming from the falls only worsening the humidity. He lingered there for awhile before heading closer to Abaven's borders, wondering if the pack's pretty alpha would be receptive to his company or not. He had told he he'd visit again, and - despite all his faults - Kai was a man of his word.

Lately he'd been thinking of his family more often than not. His daughter in particular seemed eager to uproot herself and follow in his pawsteps, but he wasn't the type to try to convince anyone of anything. He loved his kids and wanted to spend more time with them, but above all else he wanted them to be happy - whatever that looked like. He could only encourage them to follow their heart and all that cheesy shit. That was what he'd always done, and why he'd ended up so far from where he thought he'd be right now, pacing at the edge of Abaven's borders.

He was deeply bored - bored sick, really - and he thought back to his last chat with Abaven's leader, growing more and more interested in catching up with her with each step he took. Theory had left an impression on him for sure. She'd been surprisingly feisty for a woman her age, willing to forgive his blatant trespassing once he'd explained he was no Winterfell spy. The thought gave him a little chuckle as he lifted his head to the sky and let loose a call for her, noting a cascade of orange color splayed across the sky thanks to the setting sun.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
10-20-2021, 06:20 PM

A strange call reached her ears, but she was glad to hear it. Everything else was already weird enough - what was a call from an old "friend" to add to the mix? Theory ducked out of Abaven territory and headed to meet him. The place he'd chosen to wait was made all the more eerie by the glittering curtain of waterfall backlit by the same glowing bacteria that had infested most of the water. Fresh and salt water. It was driving her mad. Maybe Kai would have some insight from his travels.

"Hello there, stranger," she called, bounding out from the tree line. "Did you hear the news? Whole world's falling apart - but maybe that's not really news, considering the volcano, the eternal winter..." Theory slowed as she approached, sharing a warm smile with him. Kai was an interesting figure. He'd made her realize that having feelings for both sexes wasn't completely unheard of. She'd long been attached to Thalia now and had never even had eyes for a man like that. Did she even still have those feelings for men at all? Stuffing intrusive thoughts about her orientation down, she seated herself primly and waited for him to chime in about the world's current state of gloom and doom.




8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
10-23-2021, 01:34 PM
Whatever was going on these days was weird, Kai could admit that, but he'd definitely seen weirder. And knowing the world they lived in, surely things would get even stranger yet. His face lit up with amusement as Theory finally greeted him and immediately brought up the weird happenings of the world. "I've noticed as much," he admitted with a chuckle. Though strange, things didn't seem nearly as bad as when the volcano had exploded - though he'd been lucky enough to be up north at the time, and he hadn't experienced the effects half as bad as Theory and Abaven had. At least these sights were interesting, if nothing else; out of the corner of his eye he could see how the falls were glimmering bright with bioluminescent bacteria, an unusual backdrop for their reunion at best.

"Not a clue what it all means, but I can only hope it doesn't mean the volcano's about to blow again." Abaven was pretty close to Mount Volkan, weren't they? He wondered for a moment if that was such a wise idea, but then again he was still wandering the east, completely nonplussed, so he wasn't one to judge. All this weirdness seemed to be happening everywhere though, rather than being focused in one place. Maybe they were all doomed. Regardless, it wasn't going to force Kai to slow down any. "How have you been, though? No more trouble from the north, I take it?" Only a hint of amusement touched his features as he quirked a brow her way. Hey, he hadn't meant to cause trouble, but he certainly wasn't going to take the credit for it when it had all been out of his control.