
Basic lesson: Life will hurt you if it can



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOoze ImmuneThe Ooze Participant
10-24-2021, 07:59 PM
Kichi was so damned tired of listening to two mom’s arguing over who he belonged too.  Both of them had left him.  Sure, potentially by death but that hardly mattered to the pup he’d been.  Everyone died or disappeared and once dead they should just stay in their graves and rot.  So how come these two wanted to fight over him like two pups over the latest chew toy.  “I don’t belong to either of you,” he growled in a soft tired anger.

Kichi had come this way for no better reason than it had been the direction he was heading the prior day and the one before that.  At some point he would go back north.  He’d spent a lot of his youth in the colder north, while he had no realm home that was as close as it got.  Soon it would be spring and at that point, he would be two, by age an adult even though he’d long since lost any childlike logic.

Kid’s die on their own, only strong adults survive.  The boy’s face held numerous scars, along with a patch of fur on his chest where the fur was less dense, suggesting scars hid there as well.  He had crossed the Bifrost and now roamed the wildberry grove, taking more time there than was really necessary.  Torch, his water deer, was enjoying the southern warmer temperatures and all the berries and grass for him to easily eat.  

Kichi was irritable and he liked to move when irritable still, he agreed to spend a few days.  Hunting would certainly be easy enough here.  Now Kichi had left the little fanged deer to graze as he stepped to the edges of the grove and looked out at the plains.  He could easily scent the boundary lines of pack territory.  Kichi amused himself with the notion of going into pack lands, he had toyed with the idea at many territory edges.  It was foolish, and no matter the whims the boy had, life had taught him self-control.  Stepping back to where the line of bushes was the silver wolf with his white streaks lay down, watching the area.  A few predators might attack a lone wolf but, many predators could come after a deer.  Kichi had been in countless fights from all manner of predators to keep his friend alive.
