
Whoa, No




3 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
11-04-2021, 10:53 AM

After Serenity had gone out with Gwyn and the mushrooms somehow spored invisible toxins in the air knocking her out, she had been extremely careful and anxious about leaving the caste walls. But duty still called, and patrols had to be run. Which she also wasn't very eager about because of the effect the moon had on all the animals around Auster. She spent almost all of her time on her perch up on the castle walls, and watching the animals and fireflies below her was certainly frightening. She had seen enough, too much, that she didn't even really look out in the plains anymore and instead kept her focus on the residents of the castle.

She was really jumpy and on edge while out on the patrols she was assigned. She steered clear of anything that glowed which wasn't really much around here but she was always prepared. She didn't want to get caught up with a prey turned viscous under the moon, she didn't want to get tangled in anything. She wished she could just hide in the dungeon and hibernate. Certainly nothing could get her there and she wouldn't be worrying if she was sleeping.

She had grown a few mushrooms out of the small wound she got from slipping on the castle walls, but she tried her best to ignore them. What she couldn't ignore was the thick feeling of mush in the back of her throat. It wasn't always there, but especially while she was active was when she felt the urge to cough up a lung trying to get the feeling out of there.

But none of that was an issue right now as she walked the borders. The sound of silence was not enjoyable though, and instead very eerie. Her paws forward were careful as she thought she remembered the sounds of something... The ocean maybe, or the wind. Her eyes scanned through the trees outside the borders of The Hallows, and like it came out of thin air, a large bear walking up on it's hind legs came swinging at her with it's paws. She jumped out of the way quickly though, being so on edge. And only when she found her footing on the back side of the bear did she see numerous growths of glowing crystals. She winced at the sight of the bear, who looked much more like a mythical porcupine, but she was completely grossed out by the ooze that was spewing like oil all over it's back. She almost didn't want to touch it, but she couldn't let it just wander up to The Hallows and start breaking down walls and hurting her pack members. She called out for help before she leapt froward, jumping high to grab hold of the bear's shoulder away from the crystal growths.

Fighting Seasonal Prompt

Total Word Count: 471 words
Word Count Goal: 1500 words



"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-04-2021, 08:07 PM
**Thread takes place before Fern's Phase 3 Event thread**

Fern has been spending her time wandering around the outside of the castle. She had promised Rudy to stick around and she kept her promise. However, as the days wore on, Fern had started to feel self-conscious. To her, staying inside a place with wolves she barely knew was difficult. Especially since she has seen their judging eyes and scarcely concealed smirks that seem to follow her everywhere she goes. Sure, they pretend to be her friends, offer her kind words but the moment she turns away…

Dark thoughts and despair swirl in her chest, making Fern doubt everyone and everything. The moody wolf stalks the grounds, no longer certain what is real or fantasy. That is why she stays away from the castle as much as possible and why, when she hears the call for the help, Fern almost doesn’t answer. However, the thought of how disappointed Rudy would be if she heard a call for help and did not offer her help is enough to have the gray girl running toward the danger. As she nears the area, the scent of a bear greets her and she spurs herself into action.

Paws close the distance and soon the wolf and bear come into view. The bear roars its displeasure as the large wolf leaps up and sinks its teeth deep into the flesh of the bear’s shoulder. Fern notices the crystals that jut from the creature’s back, causing a thick goo to ooze slowly from under them. Horror and disgust course through Fern as she looks at the bear’s face. It is contorted in pain and Fern thinks that she briefly sees fear in the beast’s face.

Luck is on her side as Fern appears from the opposite side of the larger wolf and slightly behind the bear’s line of sight. As the bear aims its other front paw to swing at the other wolf’s head, Fern dashes into the fray. Teeth glisten in the darkness as her mouth flashes open to close around the back leg that is opposite the of the shoulder the wolf attacked. As Fern’s teeth find purchase and the bear roars its surprise and anger, the smaller wolf uses her momentum to throw her body to ground and allow gravity to rip flesh as she falls.

Blood trails down the injured bears back leg as Fern rolls to avoid a paw aimed towards her. Swiftly, Fern is back on her paws and moving around the bear. Sparing a look to the other wolf, Fern tilts her head slightly to let the other wolf know she is there to help. Eyes turn back to the bear as her lips pull away in a snarl. Fern readies her body for her next attack.

Fighting Seasonal Prompt

Post Word Count: 458
Total Word Count: 929
Word Count Goal: 1500
(count does not include ooc words)




3 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
11-08-2021, 10:57 AM

Serenity hadn't even noticed help had arrived until the bear wallowed again, spinning in the direction of the new bite with Serenity flopping around like a fish against it's side. She let go of her grip, spitting quickly to get the bear's, what she thought was infected, blood out of her mouth. She looked to who answered her call, but she couldn't say for sure that she recognized them. Maybe once had she seen them in the courtyard passing through while Serenity herself was up on the castle walls. But that didn't make her feel any differently about the near stranger. Pack member or not, she was here to help. The look in her eyes as they stood side by side was enough clarification that they were working together. Serenity was kind to those who were kind to her.

Serenity moved forward to snap at the bear but without actually attempting to grab it, her eyes flashed towards her new partner just to see if she was going to move forward with her. She too mimicked a snarl the girl had hissed at the bear only a moment before. She saw the fear in the bear's eyes as well, and now that there were two of them, maybe it felt out numbered. It swung again though, maybe just attempting to push them away so it could flee. It's swinging paw landed on the ground holding it up before it coughed aggressively, spewing the neon goo forward and all over Serenity, maybe even on the other girl as well. Serenity was stunned herself for a few seconds, but luckily the bear was turning around to run off to where it came from. Maybe they scared it off, or maybe it was just too sick to continue on. Serenity hoped her new company wasn't crazy enough to chase after it to finish the job, the bear seemed to get the hint at least.

Serenity tried to act cool, or at least relaxed, but inside she was freaking out. Her eyes moved down to her legs where the goo had sprayed all over her chest, legs, paws, into her wound where the mushrooms sprouted. She felt it on her face. She shivered a little to the thought, physical anxiety seeping through as much as she tried to act like everything was fine. "Uh, yeah thanks, uh..." She was going to ask for her name, but her mind was clearly else where. "Sorry, excuse me while I wash this stuff off." She gave an awkward smile like she didn't mean to just run off rudely. Hopefully her more physical actions made it clear that she wasn't in any good condition for a conversation.

Fighting Seasonal Prompt

Total Word Count: 1378 words
Word Count Goal: 1500 words



"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-13-2021, 03:56 PM

As Fern stands next to the stranger’s, aqua eyes flashing with excitement at the thrill of danger, she readies herself to follow this new wolf’s lead. The taller female lurches forward snapping at the bear an effort to try and drive it off. Fern is right behind her, moving slightly closer and snapping aggressively at the empty air, releasing a deep, throaty growl as Fern retreats to stand next to the taller wolf. Her companion snarls along with Fern and the gray girl watches the bear’s wide, terror-filled eyes dart between the two wolves. Fern continues growling deeply, lips twisted away from her teeth, revealing her instruments of death.

The despite bear swings a massive paw at the pair and Fern dodges it easily, lunging forward once more to try and snap her jaws closed closer to its face. However, Fern is stopped dead in her tracks, mouth open, as the bear coughs aggressively vomiting the ooze all over the other wolf and Fern. The gray girl misses the bear’s retreat as she tries to spit out the ooze that has entered her mouth, sputtering and gagging as the other wolf inspected herself.

Fern coughs and hacks, spitting ooze and saliva all over the ground in front of her for a moment before straightening up to glare at the space where the bear had been. Hawking on last large glob of mostly clear saliva, Fern growls at the empty air, “That was fucking nasty.” Shaking her skull, Fern turns toward where the nervous wolf and eyes the ooze that coats her. A smile tries to tick up the corners of her mouth as the gray girl fights the urge to laugh. What a pair they must make, Fern with her face and chest splattered with the glowing stuff and the taller one just… covered.

The laugh is wrestled down and worry spreads as the gray girl spies mushrooms sprouting from the other wolf’s leg. As the distracted wolf speaks, Fern nods her head saying, “I’ll go with you. Need to wash the taste off my tongue.” Pulling her face into a grimace, Fern sticks her tongue out, trying to emphasis just how disgusting it tastes. Gesturing a paw toward the mushrooms growing out of the other’s leg, she asks, “You okay? Did the bear do that to you?”

Even as she asks, Fern moves to follow the taller wolf. After they settle into a pace, the gray girl adds, “My name’s Fern, by the way. I am new here and haven’t seen you around before.” She tries to keep her voice light and a smile on her lips as they walk but worry has started to worm its way into her mind. Would she become sick like that bear?

Post Word Count: 460
Total Word Count: 1838
Word Count Goal: 1500


Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.